VERTICAL GARDENING FOR VEGETABLES Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Darmanto and Rachmad Jayadi Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Cp: Key words: vertical gardening, vegetables, caisim ((Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L.) Abstract Vertical gardening is a method of growing plants in an upright form by making use of stakes, cages, trellis and other vertical supports. There are many advantages of vertical gardens; high crop yield, plants are less susceptible to pests. Vertical gardening is an ideal option for those staying in city areas, where agricultural land is limited. An experiment about vertical garden has been doing at Centre for Land Resources, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The raised bed or growing bed is the basic unit of an intensive garden. A system of beds allows to concentrate soil preparation in small areas, resulting in the efficient use of soil amendments and an ideal environment for vegetable growth. Several beds have been made : 2 x 6 side, 2 side. Soil has been prepared by available water and nutrients to give favourable condition for plant growth. Nutrients was supplied by organic matter (manure and compost), while water was supplied by treated wastewater. Then several vegetables (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L./caisim, Lactuca sativa/lettuce/selada, Ipomea aquatica/water spinach/kangkung, chili red/lombok) and fruits (Citrus L./ lemon/jeruk, Psidium guajava/guava/jambu biji, Mangifera indicamango/mangga, Passiflora edulis/passion fruit/markisa) were planted. The results showed that vertical gardening is best suited for plants that require maximum sunlight such as fruit and also several vegetables. Plants grown in a vertical garden are less accessible to diseases and pests, crop harvesting or cultivation is easier. Vertical gardening provides adequate aeration to the plants, and also increases the beauty of the garden. Overall, the yield of vertical gardening is higher than traditional plantation methods. For example we found caisim ((Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L.) 45 ton.ha-1, while the average production in the field is 10-25 ton.ha-1. INTRODUCTION The space needs for the human activities in urban areas and the issue of global climate change has become a problem in the sustainability of environment, particularly water conservation and green open space. These issues is mainly important and need immediate action particularly in countries where population growth rapidly. As one of developing countries with an expected population in 2008 close to 230 million people, Indonesia has facing the similar problems due to the increase of population density which is not balance with the availability of land, green open space and clean water necessity. 1 The annual population growth rate in 2007 was 1.45% and the 2007 GDP per capita was USD 1,947. The emerging Indonesian middle class and a high level of urbanization have triggered a rapidly growing property sector in major cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Bali, Medan and Makassar putting pressure on the space needed, as well as water supply and sanitation services. Urban areas in Indonesia need comprehensive solution to control those issues without neglecting the sustainability of ecosystem and environment in where they live. Vertical gardening is a method of growing plants in an upright form by making use of stakes, cages, trellis and other vertical supports. There are many advantages of vertical gardens; high crop yield, plants are less susceptible to pests. Vertical gardening is an ideal option for those staying in city areas, where agricultural land is limited (Nitisapto, 1993; Damastuti, 1996). The objectives of this works were to reduce the wastewater that being disposed to the environment; create and reduce as vice versa the space needed for wastewater treatment plant in urban areas and to produce several vegetables in a small space. MATERIAL AND METHODS Several beds have been made : 2 x 6 side, 2 side. Soil (Entisols) has been prepared by available water and nutrients to give favourable condition for plant growth. Nutrients was supplied by organic matter (manure and compost), while water was supplied by treated sewage sludge. Then several vegetables (cabbage/caisim, lettuce/selada, ipomea/kangkung, chilli red/lombok) and fruit (lemon/jeruk, guava/jambu biji, mango/mangga and markisa) were planted.Domestic wastewater is pumped to the top of building using solar cell energy. Two units of slow-sand filter which is installed on the top of building are operated to filtering the wastewater. The treated water thus is used to irrigate the roof garden plants. The water quality parameters has been analyzed including pH, TDS, DHL, COD, BOD, Fe, and Mn. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The purpose of gardening intensively is to harvest the most produce possible from a given space. An intensive garden minimizes wasted space. The practice of intensive gardening is not just for those with limited garden space; rather, an intensive garden concentrates efforts to create an ideal plant environment, giving better yields. A vertical vegetable garden is easy to plan and build. Several vegetables were planted (lettuce, cabbage, leek, cauliflower, chilli red, but we focus only for cabbage. Wastewater treatment quality Table 1 showed the mean quality of wastewater after treatment. The water pH was good enough, about 7,5 – 7,7. The wastewater recycling installation increasing wastewater quality through slow sand filter. Slow sand filter significantly decreased total density (tds), Carbon Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Fe, and also Mnn. Figure 1 and 2 showed BOD and Fe of wastewater before and after treatments. To determine the effectiveness of domestic waste water treatment performance, we calculated the efficiency of total water quality recovery. The data showed that domestic wastewater treatment of downflow was 97,6; 89,5; 76,5; and 75,5% respectively for total solut, COD, BOD and Fe, while in upflow was 98,9%; 82,9%; 64,5% and 73,5% 2 respectively for total soluble), COD, BOD and Fe. Result of the analysis of water effluent showed that the quality water effluent is increase about 40% to 90% after filtered. Effluent discharged from the filters is suitable to be used as irrigation water for the vertical garden plants. .Vegetables production Total biomass was of caisim was harvested at 28 days and separated into shoots and roots. There was no significantly differences in fresh and dry biomass weight among the level of bed. The fresh and dry biomass of caisim of the top ed (1rst) till the lowest seedbed (6th) are almost the same, but the data showed that the top and the lowest tends to have lower weight. Biomass production is primarily driven by photosynthesis, while photosynthesis to a great extent depends on light interception, which furtheremore varies with leaf area of the canopy (Dorais, 2003), but caisim was adapted to cool temperature (16 – 20 oC) and moist climates (Wichmann, 2002). The second till fifth seedbed gave cool and moist climate, but the top seedbed was hotter than the other seedbeds, while in the lowest seedbed was poor sunlight. While some plant species are capable of flourishing with modest quantities of sunlight, it is a fact that most vegetables require plenty of sunlight to reach their potential. This means that an ideal location for growing vegetables receives sunlight for most of the day, without the encumbrance of overhanging tree branches, hedges or shrubbery. Soil quality after vertical gardening Many interrelated factors influence soil productivity (Havlin et al. (2005), but soil organic matter content is the most critical, because its influence on many biological, chemical, and physical characteristics inherent in a productive soil. The steady-state organic matter level depends on soil and crop management practice influencing C accumulation and loss. Tables 5. showed that the soil quality after farming is good enough. The greatest source of soil organic matter is the residue contributed by crops, but also from the manure addition. Table 4. showed the quality of poultry manure which was added to the soil. The poultry manure contain relatively low concentrations of N, P, and K. They typically decompose slowly and behave as a slow-release source of N over many months or years since the rapidly decomposable compounds have been previously degraded during the composting process. The organic N-containing compounds in manure become available for plant uptake following mineralization by soil microorganisms, while the inorganic N fraction is immediately available. The soil quality after poultry manure application was better, especially for the pH, cation eexchange capacity, organic matter content and total N. The soil reaction (pH) has a direct and indirect nutritional effect on plant growth. In the range of 6.0 to 7.0, nearly all plant are available in optimal amounts. The C:N ratio of the organic material added to the soil influences the rate of decomposition of organic matter and this results in the release (mineralisation) or immobilization of soil nitrogen. If the added organic material contains more nitrogen in proportion to the carbon, then nitrogen is released into the soil from the decomposing organic material. On the other and, if the organic material has a less amount of nitrogen in relation to the carbon then the microorganisms will utilize the soil nitrogen for further decomposition and the soil nitrogen will be immobilized and will not be available. The key to building healthy soil is organic matter management. Building 3 up and maintaining soil organic matter contributes to nutrient management through better soil tilth and thus root exploration, enhanced biological activity which increases mineralization and nutrient availability, and greater cation exchange capacity which enhances nutrient retention. Soil organic matter also promotes an abundance of microorganisms that can stimulate root growth and help solubilize nutrients. The other vegetables which have been harvesting were cabbage, water spinach, leek, lettuce and chilli red (Table 6.). The biomass productivity of vegetables (g/plant) by verticulture were still below the average yield in the field, especially for water spinach, leek, cabbage, but because by vertical gardening we have a lot of plants so the productivity of vegetables (ton/ha) were always higher than the productivity in the field. The problem were the quantity of the soil as crops medium and also the sunlight. Cabbage as Cruciferous vegetables grow well without much sunlight. If there is a lot of sunlight, then they will not grow well. Lettuce and water spinach are green leaves vegetables which means vegetables that grow in shade. The only difference between the leaves grown with and without sunlight is in the thickness of leaf. Leafy vegetable that grow in the shade is slightly thinner but has the same taste. Based on the research, only the small trunked vegetables were able to grow equally as vegetables growed in the field, such as caisim and lettuce. The result showed that one of the major advantages of vertical gardening is harvesting maximum products in a minimum space. Following are some of the benefits of vertical gardening: 1) Some of the highly spreading plants can be grown effectively in a vertical garden, 2) Vertical gardening is best suited for plants that require maximum sunlight, 3). Plants grown in a vertical garden are less accessible to diseases and pests, 4) Easy access to ripe vegetables; hence crop harvesting or cultivation is easier, 5) Vertical gardening provides adequate aeration to the plants, AND 6) Vertical gardening increases the beauty of the garden. Nitisapto (1993) reported water saving by vertical gardening with 1 column was three times because water only used for transpiration and little for evaporation. CONSLUSION The purpose of vertical gardening intensively is to harvest the most produce possible from a given space. An intensive garden minimizes wasted space. The practice of intensive gardening is not just for those with limited garden space; rather, an intensive garden concentrates efforts to create an ideal plant environment, giving better yields. A vertical vegetable garden is easy to plan and build. Vertical gardening for vegetables provides many benefits including: Save space, easier to harvest, better air circulation, keeps vegetables off the ground and better yields. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Thanks to Ministry of National Education, Republic Indonesia (Directorate of Research and Service for the Community) for financial support. 4 LITERATURE CITED Damastuti, A. 1996. Vertical agriculture system. (In Indonesian). Wacana No. 3/JuliAgustus 1996. Dorais, M. 2003. The use of supplemental lighting for vegetable crp production: light intensity, crop response, nutrition, crop management, cultural practices. Canadian Greenhouse Conferences, October 9, 2003.Inetpub/wwwroot/greenhouse/2007 Havlin, J.L, S.L. Tisdale, J.D. Beaton, and W.L. Nelson. 2005. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. An Introduction to Nutrient Management. Seventh edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Nitisapto, M. 1993. Vegetables cropping with Vertical Agriculture. Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadja Mada Yogyakarta. (In Indonesian.) Wichmann, W.1992. World Fertilizer use manual. IFA. Paris, France. TABLES: Table 1. Quality of wastewater before and after treatments Parameter pH DHL (μS/cm) TDS (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) COD (mg/l) BOD (mg/l) Mn (mg/l) Fe (mg/l) Wastewater/ selokan 7,50 300 Well/ Sumur 3 7,69 359 Location Inlet slow-sand filtered 7,65 304 143 7,68 140 2,87 145 2,51 145 0,18 145 0,08 12,58 7,84 9,23 1,32 2,15 3,32 3,29 2,81 1,18 0,78 0,06 0,98 0,12 0,61 0,07 0,46 0,04 0,24 0,02 0,26 Outlet Downflow 7,64 302 Outlet Upflow 7,56 302 5 Table 2. Total efficency recovery of wastewater treatment Parameter Total soluble COD BOD Fe Eficiency (%) Downflow Upflow 97,6 98,9 89,5 76,5 75,5 82,9 64,5 73,5 Table 3. Fresh and dry biomass weight Number of seedbed Fresh biomass weight (g) Dry biomass weight (g) I 185.66a 18.15a II 240.12a 21.09a III 302.64a 20.55a IV 194.5a 24.31a V 184.4a 14.52a VI 178a 24.89a Numbers in each column by common letters are not significantly at 5% Duncan’s multiple range test Table 4. The quality of poultry manure Parameter Water content (%) pH H2O EC mS/ cm Organic C (%) Total N (%) Total P (%) Total K (%) CEC cmol(+)kg-1 Value 8.2 7.92 41.3 45.15 1.22 0.37 3.12 51.07 6 Tabel. 5. Soil quality after vertical gardening Number of seedbed pH Organic Total N C % % Control *) 6.50 2.09 0.06 I 7.30 4.43 0.33 II 7.32 3.77 0.33 III 7.65 3.61 0.28 IV 7.22 3.78 0.27 V 7.43 3.78 0.31 VI 7.23 3.77 0.32 *) the soil (Entisols) before treated with manure C/N 13.2 11.42 12.89 14.0 12.78 11.78 Cation Exchange capacity cmol(+)kg-1 7.87 13.48 13.71 14.37 13.54 15.18 15.80 Table 6. The yield of vegetables by vertical gardening vegetables Mean weight g/ plant Mean weight kg/4 m2 weight kg/ha yield tones ha-1 Ipomea (Ipomoea aquatica) leek (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum (L.) Caisim/Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L) Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Chilli red (Capsicum Annum) 40.62 3.65 9139.5 9.13 Average yield tones ha-1 in the field 6.65 143.25 8.595 21487.5 21.48 10.51 309.6 18.57 46440 46.44 19.97 131.26 3.15 7876 7.87 9.62 916.5 3.66 9165 9.16 11.3 7 FIGURES. Figure 1. BOD of wastewater before and after treatments Figure 2. Fe concentration in wastewater before and after treatment. 8