Sistterhood Meeting January 10, 2012 Called to order 7:14 PM

Sistterhood Meeting January 10, 2012 Called to order 7:14 PM.
Tuvishbat Seder will be the February meeting, 7 th. Nominating Meeting is in
January to selecti a board to be elected for Board Members. 2 Sisterhhood
members are needed as well as Janine Enright our Board Member. They will
meet with the Board in February, probably not on February 14 th. Jill Katell and
Laurie Tepfer volunteered. Penny Neugroschl encouraged members to be part
of the new Board.
Ruth Ann Rossman presented a list of duties which need volunteers for the Sock
Hop Purim Ball February 25th. It will be $25 up until 6 days before and then it will
be $30. Ruth Ann would like to have everyone help. Cheryl Hirsch says it will
be a fun night for all. Help is needed and sign- up sheets were passed around.
January 21 is the Reform meeting that Geri Brandler says she can advertise the
event. Ruth Ann would like to set up ahead of time. Hula hoop contest, and
bubble gum blowing contest will be included besides dancing. Each person will
get a photo and frame. We can wear a poodle skirt or blue jeans and a scarf.
Sharing helpful hints was the topic for Sisterhood Meeting.
Helpful Hints:
Penny Neugroschl: One of the things my mother taught me was while cooking
always, clean up so that it won’t be such a “mess” when you are done.
Alice Walsh Fiducia: When you are measuring something sticky, put oil in first so
it won’t stick. Wash your sponges in the dishwasher. Your gas cap indicator is
on your dashboard so you can be reminded. Use a lint roller for your room
Sandy Melnick: Put your plastic wrap in the refrigerator, so it will come off easier.
To clean your baseball caps put them in the dishwasher.
Ruth Ann Rossman: To get off stains such as mustard and catsup, squirt dish
soap on the shirt, and it will take it out. Use tooth paste to take out stains on
Suzanne Epstein: Wash dryer lint traps 3 or 4 times a year scrub with a scrub
Lynn Salberg: Cut romaine lettuce with a plastic lettuce knife so you don’t cut
your fingers. Use a salad spinner. Keep the lettuce in a plastic storage container
to keep fresh.
Jill Katell A grocery hint. Keep a list on the refrigerator and everyone adds to the
list during the week so shopping will be easier and you won’t forget.
Cathy Holst: Use a few drops of white distilled vinegar on the knife and cutting
board when cutting raw onions.
Ronnye Sacks: To keep strawberries from molding, layer a container with dry
paper towels, strawberries, paper towels, and seal. Put them into the refrigerator.
To battle ants sprinkle Bon ‘Ami or Ajax on the window sill or patio to keep them
Carole Picker: When cooking broccoli or cauliflower put a stalk of celery in the
pot too. It keeps the smell away. Take a dozen eggs and break them and put the
whites in a plastic egg container. Put them in the freezer. Use them to make
scrambled eggs.
Geri Brandler: Use hair spray to get out ink or marker stains.
Janine Enright: Use a dryer sheet on your hair to take out static electricity. To
ripen fruits faster put them with bananas. Put peeled bananas in a plastic freezer
bag and freeze them. Use them to make smoothies. To keep brown sugar soft
put brown bread in the jar so it will keep fresh. Put pomegranate seeds into a
bowl of water and they will pop up. Use a plastic carrier to hold cleaning supplies
and a paper towel roll so all your supplies are with you from room to room.
Laurie Tepfer: Grease can be absorbed while still fresh by throwing a bit of corn
starch or baking soda right on the grease then wiping away when cleaning the
rest of the kitchen. The stove top can be treated every few months with car wax
to keep the surface slick and easy to clean.
Fredyce Holland: Use 1 tablespoon of dishwashing powder to 1 cup of water to
clean glasses or dishes that still have food stains on them
Cheryl Hirsch: Squeeze a half lemon or orange peel to help freshen the garbage
disposal. Throw out your peelings so you won’t clog the disposal. Pouring a little
baking soda down the drain will help, too. Add a potato to get rid of salty soup.
Lift grease from chicken soup with a lettuce leaf. A cracker in sugar prevents
sugar from lumping together. To get rid of toilet rings use Alka Seltzer. Try it and
let Cheryl know.
Kathy Smith: To dry your wet floors, take a large beach towel and skate across
the floor. To clean the carpet from the dog, use a little brush and corn starch.
Tammy Plotkin: Grated or sliced potatoes won’t turn pink, brown, or black if you
put them in a water bath with a half lemon squeezed for one minute. Baking soda
paste is a cheap scouring powder especially for glass baking dishes. Make your
own vanilla extract for Pesach by placing 2 split vanilla pops in 8 oz. of Kosher
for Passover Plum Brandy (Slivovitz). Let soak at least 3 months.
Julie Bienenfeld Mutal: Stainless steel cleaning and WD40 will take prints off the
stainless steel refrigerator.
Valerie Singh: Use vinegar on carpet stains right away. Then wash with soap
and water. To use over ripe bananas, put them in zip lock bags and then you
have them for banana bread. Use hair spray to remove ink stains.
Meridith Patera: I keep all my earrings in egg cartons. I lined a bureau drawer
with egg cartons with the lids torn off. This makes it easy to see all my earrings at
once just by opening the drawer. They never get mixed up and I can see what
colors and lengths they are easily. I can also keep "orphaned" earrings in their
own spaces until their partners turn up (usually under the bed or in a pocket).