qpcr molecular

Molecular Biology Laboratory
Hematology Department – “Fundeni” Clinical Institute
Phone: +4021 275 0523
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”
+4021 318 0423
258, Fundeni str, sector 2,
Mobile: +40723 195 214
022328 Bucharest, ROMANIA
e-mail: Rodica.Talmaci@gmail.com
BIRTH DATE and PLACE: 1973 September 9th, Chisinau, Moldova
 Management of development and research activity in Molecular Biology
 Molecular investigation of haematological malignancies
 Molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases
 Methodology in identification of gene mutations
 2003
Ph.D. in Biology Science, major in Molecular Genetics,
University of Bucharest. Ph.D. thesis title “Identification and
characterization of molecular genetic basis of thalassemia in Romania”.
This is the first study on mutation spectrum of thalassemia and the first
implementation of molecular diagnosis and prenatal diagnosos of
thalasemia in Romania.
 1996
Master of Science in Compared Biology of Normal and
Tumoral Cell, major in Oncobiology, University of Bucharest. Thesis title
“Cytogenetic aspects in Acute Myeloid Leukemia”.
 1995
Bachelor of Science in Biology, major in Cell Biology and
Genetics, University of Bucharest (1990-1995). Degree thesis “The
effect of influenza virus on human chromosomes in in vitro and in vivo
Other professional qualifications:
 Presentation Skills Training - Educational workshop on delivering
disease area and product non-promotional messages. Delivering impact
presentations training, Bucharest, Romania, 2011
 LightCycler 480 Application Training at Roche Diagnostics Center,
Mannheim, Germany, 2007
 The 20th Course in Medical Genetics at European Scool of Medical
Genetict, Bertinoro, Italy, 2007
 Postgraduate course in Molecular Medicine, at Cellular and Molecular
Medicine Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol
Davila”, Bucharest, 2007
 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Diagnosis and MRD Monitoring of
CML patients, at IIIrd Medical Clinic Mannheim, University of Heidelberg,
Germany, 2007
 Summer school “BIOGENERO-Functional Genomics in Cancer Biology
and Therapy” at Department of Experimental Pathology and Molecular
Biology, Cancer Institute “Ion Chiricuta” Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2006;
 Research Training in Molecular Diagnosis of Thalassemias at Medical
Genetics Department, First Department of Pediatrics, Athens University,
St. Sophia’s Children Hospital, Athens, Greece, 2002;
 Postgraduate course "Actualities in Medical Genetics", at the Genetics
Department, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Bucharest, 1999;
 Training in Human Molecular Genetics at Genetics Institute of Academy
of Science from Republic of Moldova, Kishinew, 1998.
 From 2006
Lecturer and Molecular Biology Lab Coordinator at
University of Medicine and Pharmacy «Carol Davila», Hematology
Department - Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest. In 2007 I set up and
organised Molecular Biology Laboratory at “Fundeni” Hematology
 1996 -2006 Scientific Researcher at Genetics Institute of Bucharest
University. In 1997 I organised Thalassemia Research Laboratory at
Human Genetics Department.
 ENEST 1st - Evaluating Nilotinib Efficacy and Safety in Clinical Trials
(2010-2012). My lab participates as National Reference EUTOS
Laboratory for CML Molecular Monitoring in Romania.
 Research Project EUTOS for CML (European Treatment and Outcome
Study for CML, lanced in July 2007 by European LeukemiaNet and
NOVARTIS alliance). In this project I obtained the validation for my lab
as National Reference Laboratory for CML Monitoring. The lab was
involved also in 1st control round for harmonized testing of BCR-ABL
mutations in CML patients
 Framework Package 6: European LeukemiaNet – WP4 (CML) (20042009) – Romanian partner
 Molecular characterization of mutations in the Coagulation Factor V
gene in population with thrombiphilic risk: genotype-phenotype
correlations. (National Research Programme II, 42-099 project, 20082011) – project supervisor.
 The complex study regarding characterization of genetic determinants
for genotype-phenotaype correlation in thalassemia intermedia patients
(National Reseasrch Programme II, 41-045 project, 2007-2010) –
project director.
 Quantitative Real-Time PCR for molecular monitoring of Bcr-Abl
transcripts in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: founding a National Registry
for CML patients (National Programme II, 41-087 2007-2010) – project
 Study of gene expression by detection and quantification Bcr-Abl
transcripts in CML using RT-PCR and Real Time PCR (CNCSIS 1308,
2007-2009) – project writer and supervisor
 Implementation and standardization of new methods for gene mutation
and polymorphism study in thalassemic genes (CNCSIS 201, 20072009) – project director
 ITHANET – eInfrastructure for Thalassemia Research Network (FP 6,
2006-2008, P20 partner) – Romanian partner supervisor
 Screening and prenatal diagnosis of the beta-thalassemia - real filds in
preventive medicine: founding a National Registry for surveillance of
inherited disorders (VIASAN CEEX 49, 2005-2008) – project supervisor
 Identification and molecular characterization of mutations from the gene
coding beta-globin chain at patients with beta-thalassemia in Romania
(VIASAN 217, 2003-2005) – project supervisor
 Screening of heterozygotes and molecular diagnosis of patient with
beta-thalassemia in Romania (2000-2002) – project director
 Investigations about the Romania's population genetic polymorphism
with emphasis on the frequency of the genes involved in heredopathyes
(1999-2000) – project parthner
The main award of Romanian Society of Hematology – “for the best
collaboration with European LeukemiaNet in 2011”, October 2011,
Sinaia, Romania
Berend Houwen Travel Award, presented by the International
Society for Laboratory Hematology for participation at XXII
International Symposium on Technical Innovations in Laboratory
Hematology, May 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
IIIrd Award – poster session for “Molecular Diagnosis and MRD
Monitoring in CML: single center results”, Scientific Session of
Fundeni Clinical Institute, November 2008, Bucharest, Romania
 “Involvement of Molecular Biology Lab in the medical education and
research process at University of medicine and Pharmacy “Carol
Davila”, Medical Education Days 2013, April 2013, Bucharest, Romania
 “The process of Molecular Monitoring and Standardization of Chronic
Myeloid Leikemia in Romania”, Virtuosity in Diagnostics - Roche Days
2013, April 2013, Poiana Brasov, Romania
 "Definition and validation for molecular response in molecular
monitoring process of CML patients treated with TKI”. Scientific Session
of Romanian Society of Hematology, May 2012, Mamaia, Romania
 “The new status for definition and validation of Molecular Response in
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia”. 11th Congress of Clinical and Blood
Transfusion Hematology, September 2011, Sinaia, Romania
 “Molecular Diagnosis of thalassemia genes”. IIIrd Thalassemia National
Workshop, October 2011 Sinaia, Romania
 Molecular Diagnosis of Hereditary Thrombophilia. National Workshop of
Romanian Society of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 14,15 May 2010,
Iasi, Romania
 “Molecular monitoring of patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia”,
December 2009, Timisoara, Romania
 „Phenotype-Genotype correlation studies on thalassemia: identification
of new molecular patterns in some difficult cases from Romania.
Seminar: Romania & Cyprus – Information Society, a mini-guide to
advance i2010. October 30-31 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus
 “Molecular Monitoring of patients with CML: molecular diagnosis of drug
resistance” BMS Advisory Board Meeting, July 2007, Sibiu, Romania
Organize and host annual workshop “Clinician’s Day in the Lab” on
Molecular Diagnosis and Monitoring of CML patients treated with TK
inhibitors, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hematology Department,
Fundeni Clinical Institute, 2009-2013.
Organize and host Thalassemia Workshop: “Thalassemia Research:
finding for better diagnosis and management”, Molecular Biology
Laboratory, Hematology Department, Fundeni Clinical Institute,
September, 2010, Bucharest, Romania
Organize and host LightCycler Workshop: “Universal ProbeLibrary,
Guide to Successful qPCR Assays”, Molecular Biology Laboratory,
Hematology Department, Fundeni Clinical Institute, November 2009,
Bucharest, Romania
Lectures and Practical Courses on Molecular Diagnosis of
Haematological Diseases, for students, postgraduated students,
haematologists and laboratory specialists.
Supervised Master Student Activity: 6 research works on thalassemia,
thrombophilia, amyloidosis, myeloproliferative disorders and leukemia.
Supervised Graduate Student Activity: 10 research works on
thalassemia and leukemia.
April, 2013
Publication List
Books (in Romanian):
1. Coriu D., Colita D., Colita A., Dobrea C., Moicean A., Niculescu-Mizil E., Talmaci R., Tatic A.,
Ursuleac I, Nicoara S. Myeloproliferative neoplasms in the molecular era. Editura Universitara
“Carol Davila”, Bucharest, 2013. ISBN: 978-973-708-647-1
2. R. Talmaci. Molecular genetic basis of alpha-thalassemia. ARS Docendi, Bucharest, 2010.
ISBN: 978-973-558-522-8
3. R. Talmaci. Molecular genetic basis of beta-thalassemia. ARS Docendi, Bucharest, 2009. ISBN:
4. D. Coriu and R. Talmaci. Thalassemia syndromes. Ed. Universitara “Carol Davila”, Bucharest,
2007, ISBN: 978-973-708-279-4
Chapters in books (in Romanian):
1. Moise B., Beladan C., Uscatescu V., Talmaci R., Coriu D., Nichita E., Ginghina C. “Massive
Pulmonary Embolism-how many risc factors are needed?” (in:) Imagistics in cardiac patients, vol.
VI. Edited by Carmen Ginghina, Ed. Editura Medicala, 2012. ISBN: 978-973-39-0735-0
2. Coriu D., Colita D., Talmaci R., Cherry L., Dan L. Gavrila L. “Genetics of erythropoiesis and
immune mechanisms in human blood system”. (in:) Immunogenetics and oncogenetics. Part I.
Edited by Gavrila L. & Ardelean A., Ed. Romanian Academy, Bucuresti, 2009. ISBN: 978-973-271848-3
3. Rodica Talmaci “Gene mapping strategies”, “Genome organization in mammalians”, “Human
genome analysis”, “Human genome in pathology” chapters in Genomics I and Genomics II, Ed.
Enciclopedica Bucharest, 2003. ISBN: 973-45-0463-0 and ISBN: 973-45-0465-7
4. Rodica Talmaci “Gene mapping”, “Mutations in human mitochondrial genome. Human
mitochondrial diseases”, “Gene therapy in mitochondrial diseases” “Human mitochondrial
genome” chapters in Extranuclear heredity, Ed. of Bucharest University, 2000. ISBN: 973-575414-2.
Original articles published in scientific journals:
1. Dumitru Jardan, Rodica Talmaci, Cerasela Jardan, Daniel Coriu, Anca Colita,
Andrei Colita, Constantin Arion. Real-time qPCR for assessment of minimal
residual disease in acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemia. Revista Romana de
Medicina de Laborator, nr. 4 / 2011.
2. Kinga Tatar, Rodica Talmaci, Dumitru Jardan, Maria Damian, Adriana Coliță,
Hortensia Ioniță, Coriu Daniel. Identification of second generation tyrosine kinase
inhibitors relevant mutations in a cohort of chronic myeloid leukemia patients
treated in a single center in Romania. Revista Romana de Medicina de
Laborator, nr. 4 / 2011.
3. Dogaru M., Talmaci R., Coriu D., Badelita S. Sensitivity, specificity and
efficiency of different discriminative indexes in differentiation of thalassemia trait
from iron deciciency anemia. Biointerface research in applied chemistry, 2011,
Vol.1, no 1, pp 2-8
4. Vladareanu AM., Voican I., Bumbea H., Vasile D., Radesi S., Coriu D., Colita A.,
Talmaci R., Ilea A. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia – From the National to the
European Registry – Limited Experience of a Single Center. Romanian J. Intern
Med, 2010, 48 (1): 73-79
5. Talmaci R, Coriu D, Dan L, Cherry L, Gavrila L, Barbarii L, Dogaru M,
Vladareanu F, Vladareanu R, Peltecu G, Colita D. Prenatal molecular diagnosis
of -thalassemia: report on the first two cases in Romania. Journal of Medicine
and Life, 2008, 1 (2): 138-147
6. Dan L, Talmaci R, Cherry L, Coriu D, Cimponeriu D, Usurelu D, Apostol P,
Gavrila L. DGGE - hunting for point mutations în β-globin gene of β-thalassemia
patients. Romanian Journal of Genetics, 2005, 1 (2): 75-80
7. Rodica Talmaci, Traeger-Synodinos J., Kanavakis E., Coriu D., Colita D,
Gavrila L. Scanning of -globin gene for -thalassemia mutation identification in
Romanian population. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2004, 8
(2): 232-240
8. Talmaci R., Gavrila L. Detection of β-thalassemia alleles by the ARMS-PCR
method in Romania. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 2003, 8 (3): 1241-1246
9. Talmaci R., L. Gavrila. Application of Molecular Diagnosis Technologies in BetaThalassemia: Enzymatically Amplified DNA and Restriction Site Analysis,
Roumanian Biotechnological Letters – an international journal, 2001, 6 (1) : 6370
10. Gavrila L., M. Marinescu, L. Ghetea, M. Stefan, A. Petrescu, R. Talmaci, L. B.
Gavrila, V. R. Gavrila. Cytogenetical studies of miners from uranium mines in
the Western Carpathians, Cytology, Tokyo, 1997, 62:369-376
11. Dumitrescu M, Gavrila V.R., Gavrila L.B., Ghetea L., Grecu C., Alexandru G.,
Talmaci R., Stefan M., Petrescu A., Mihaescu G., Scorpan V., Bujorean V.,
Jacota A., Bucur E., Pascale F., Vior C., Gavrila L. Biochemical and
cytogenetical study of the mycoplasmal antigen and of the cyclophosphamide
action in mammals, in vivo. The action of some immunomodulatory antioxidants,
Roum. Arch. Microbiol. Imunibiol., 1996, 55 (3): 225–239
1. Coriu D., Talmaci R. Thalassemia Syndromes. Documenta Haematologica
2006, vol. XVI, nr. 1-2, pp 13-20
2. Rodica Talmaci. Molecular diagnosis of beta-thalassemias. Progress in
Biotechnology, vol. II. Ed. Ars Docendi 2002, 179-188
3. Rodica Talmaci and Lucian Gavrila. Gene amplification aspects in human
pathology. Progress in Biotechnology, 2001, 304-313
Over 60 work titles presented as Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Talks at
national and international professional events.
April, 2013