CLINICAL, ACADEMIC AND SCHOLARLY CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM (B5) 1 2012 PRE-SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE STANDARD B5: CLINICAL, ACADEMIC AND SCHOLARLY CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM The clinical, academic and scholarly content of the program must be appropriate for university postgraduate education and adequately prepare residents to fulfill all of the CanMEDS/CanMEDS-FM Roles. The quality of scholarship in the program will, in part, be demonstrated by a spirit of enquiry during clinical discussions, at the bedside, in clinics or in the community, and in seminars, rounds and conferences. Scholarship implies an in-depth understanding of basic mechanisms of normal and abnormal states and the application of current knowledge to practice. Program Palliative Medicine University Date of Review (month/year) The following attachments must be included with this questionnaire. Electronic or weblink access is acceptable. Appendix ‘G’ Appendix ‘H’ Appendix ‘I’ Formal academic curriculum (for past 2 years or longer) Other educational activities (for past 2 years or longer) Resident publications Attach, as Appendix ‘G’ (electronic or weblink access), the curriculum for either the past two years OR one entire cycle length of the curriculum, whichever is longer. (For purposes of this document, a curriculum must include at minimum the schedule of activities and topics.) Attach, as Appendix ‘H’ (electronic or weblink access), the other educational activities, including topics, that the residents are required to attend, for either the past two years OR one entire cycle length of the activity, whichever is longer. Indicate which are mandatory – e.g. residents have protected time to attend. 1. Medical Expert / Family Medicine Expert (V.1. and VI.2.a) a) Describe the curriculum (i.e., organized teaching in basic and clinical sciences) that assures residents cover all relevant areas. CLINICAL, ACADEMIC AND SCHOLARLY CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM (B5) 2 2012 b) List the formal academic activities residents are required to attend, including their location and frequency. c) List other organized scholarly activities (e.g., specialized teaching sessions, courses, seminars, and journal clubs relevant to the specialty) that are recommended to the residents. Indicate to what extent residents take advantage of these opportunities. d) Describe the arrangements made to ensure that residents are freed from other duties to attend academic sessions. 2. Communicator How is teaching in communication skills (especially with patients and their families) incorporated into the program? 3. Collaborator How does the program provide opportunities for residents to learn collaborative skills? 4. Manager a) What opportunities are available for residents to develop skills in management and administration such as efficient practice and records management, and the ethical use of health care resources as applied to Palliative Medicine? b) Outline the usual methods in use on the teaching services for the control of quality of patient care and laboratory procedures (e.g., peer review, medical audit, post mortem studies, and technical quality controls.) This question applies to all patient care and procedures, not just those provided by residents. What is the involvement of residents in these activities? 5. Health Advocate How is the program preparing residents for their role as a health care advocate? 6. Scholar CLINICAL, ACADEMIC AND SCHOLARLY CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM (B5) 3 2012 a) What methods are used to improve the skills of residents as teachers? b) What is the involvement of the resident in the teaching of other residents, medical students, nurses, and patients and their families? c) How does the program ensure that residents learn biostatistics and critical appraisal relevant to the interpretation of the literature in Palliative Medicine? d) What programs are available to assure the development of skills in self-assessment and self-directed life-long learning? e) Indicate the research support in the form of operating grants for your department or division during the past twelve months. Include the annual dollar amounts and the source of research funds. f) Is research or other scholarly activity mandatory? If yes, i) YES NO What time is provided to allow residents to participate in research? ii) What support is available to residents to support their research? g) Attach, as Appendix ‘I’ (electronic or weblink access), a list of peer-reviewed publications, including abstracts done by residents in the program over the last six years. This list should only include work done while the resident was in the program. Underline the name of the resident. h) Describe the scholarly project requirement in this program. 7. Professional a) How is teaching in biomedical ethics, particularly related to end of life care into the program? b) How is teaching in medical legal issues incorporated with the program? CLINICAL, ACADEMIC AND SCHOLARLY CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM (B5) 4 c) What opportunities are given to residents to travel to outside conferences? d) List the national and international professional societies in which residents participate. 2012