APA Style Checklist
(Revised 5/20/10 by Dr. Cathy Wilson, Memphis College of Art using) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. This edition has significant
changes from the last edition. Formatting is shown for Word on the Mac. There may be some changes on a PC.
The 2 pages of the checklist MUST be attached to the back of your paper and all items checked off that apply. Make copies as needed.
SYMBOLS USED GRADING PAPERS DS-Use Double Space, TS-Triple Spaced, 0-Spacing Error, ¶-New paragraph, >-Move to the right, <-Move to the left
I have reviewed the checklist to make sure my paper meets the Memphis College of Art Guidelines for writing an APA paper. The paper I have presented is my own work with
citations made to give credit to the sources I have used. I understand that all APA rules are not used on this page and that plagiarism will result in a failing grade.
Signature of Student
 Use 1” margin around the paper unless directed otherwise. (APA, p. 229) Be sure to check--Word defaults to 1.25. In Word, go to FormatDocument-and make sure all margins-top, left, right and bottom are set at 1.00. To the right-you should see a pull down menu that asks
Apply to: Click on Whole document. Make sure that Alignment is set to Left. Margins should be Unjustified (set at Left.)
Header is set at .5.
 Insert page number in the header in the upper right hand corner starting with Title Page. To insert page numbers in Word, go to Insert;
click page numbers (APA, p. 41, Figure 2.1). Be sure to check the font and that it is the same font used in your paper.
 Paper is Double-Spaced (DS) including references. (APA, p. 229). Go to Format-Paragraph-Look at Spacing and click Double Spaced.
 Font: Use 12 pt. Times New Roman or Helvetica. Check throughout paper that font does not change. Font may be reduced in tables or
Appendices. (APA, p. 228) Go to Format-Font-Under Font-type in Times New Roman or Helvetica. Font Style should be set at Regular. Size
should be set at 12
 All paragraphs should be indented .5 in. using the tab key (APA, p. 229)
 All pages including title page include pages numbers. (APA, p. 229)
 Paper is stapled (no clips, folders, not loose). APA checklist is attached. MCA Preference
TITLE PAGE (See Example) (APA, p. 41, Figure 2.3)
 In upper left-hand corner of the page header insert the Running head in the header. This is new to the 6th ed. (The words Running head:
are in upper and lower case letters followed by the abbreviated title (no more than 50 characters counting spaces) in all capital letters). Ex.
Running head: ART EDUCATION. (APA, p. 229; p. 41, Figure 2.3)
 Page number should be inserted on the far right of the header.
 Title page has the entire title of paper centered (upper and lower case letters) halfway down the page. The recommended length of the
title is no more than 12 words. Below paper title insert: 1) name, 2) college, 3) date written out (Ex: November 15, 2009) (Double-spaced
[DS]) only. MCA Preference (APA, p. 23, 2.01, p. 229, 8.03) See Examples on P. 41 of APA Manual. Also see Paper Template given to students.
ABSTRACT (If required. Only for papers 10+ pages.) MCA Preference
 Begin Abstract on new page. (APA, p. 27)
 The abstract is a double spaced synopsis consisting of no more than 150-250 words. No paragraph indent. (APA, pp. 27, 41, 229)
BODY OF PAPER (Basic Rules). See APA paper example (APA, p. 41-59, Also see Paper Template given to students)
 Title is centered at top of 1st page of the report of text in upper/lower case. (APA, p .23 and p. 41, Figure 2.1)
 Press the return key once and begin paper.
 Each paragraph should be longer than a single sentence, but no longer than one page. (APA, p. 87-88)
 There is a strong introductory paragraph with a topic sentence leading into paper. A closing paragraph sums up paper. (Standard English)
Mechanics of Style:
 Use only one space after punctuation. (APA, p. 87-88)
 When using quotes use quotation marks and cite page of text. (APA, p. 92, 4.08)
Ex. “NCLB has good points and bad points” (Jones, 2002, p. 101).
Ex. Jones (2002) stated, “NCLB has good points and bad points” (p. 101).
 Use 3 spaced ellipse points to indicate you have omitted information in quotes. Use 4 points to indicate an omission between 2 sentences.
Do not begin or end a statement with an ellipse. (APA, p. 172-173, 6.08)
Ex “Jones (2003) stated NCLB was promising . . . but had reservations about implementation.”
To create an ellipse hit space bar, period, space bar, period, space bar, period, space bar.
 Use double quotation marks to enclose quotations in text. Use single quotation marks within double quotation marks to set off materials
that in the original source were enclosed in double quotation marks (APA, p. 92, 4.08)
Ex. Smith (2002) stated, “the state of education was due to government intervention” (p. 202).
Ex. Smith (2002) stated, “the ‘abysmal’ state of education was due to government intervention” (p. 202).
 Quotes of 40+ words-set in block quotes. Indent entire block quote the same width as a new paragraph (about .5 in.). (APA, p. 171, 6.03)
 Hyphens have no spaces before or after. (APA, p. 97, 4.13). Guide to words used for hyphenation (APA, p.96, 4.11)
 Use the symbol for % when preceded by a numeral. Use the word percentage when a number in not given. (APA, p. 118, 4.45)
Ex. Jones (2003) stated 30% of the study showed low levels of understanding.
Ex. The high percentage of answers to this question indicated it was relevant to the study.
 Use Past Voice. Ex: Jones stated he disagreed vehemently with the author. (APA, p. 78, 3.18)
 Avoid Language Bias (APA, p. 70-77). Describe at the appropriate level of specificity being sensitive to labels, participants, gender, sexual orientation, racial and
ethnic identity, disabilities, age, and historical and interpretive inaccuracies.
APA Style Checklist
 The words its (possessive pronoun) and "it’s" (contraction for it is or it has) are used correctly. To decide use “it is” or "it has" in your
sentence. If your sentence makes sense, then use the contraction form, "it's". If it does not make sense then you “its”. (Common Grammar)
 Acronyms, on first appearance, must be written completely and followed by parentheses. Use acronym after that. Ex. Memphis College of
Art (MCA) (APA, p. 107, 4.23). Do not use periods. (APA, p. 88, 4.02)
 Personal pronouns are used correctly (a person followed by "that" instead of "who" or “which”). Usually Grammar check on your
computer will catch this, but not always. (APA, p. 79, 3.20)
 Numbers less than ten are written as words. Numbers at/ above 10 are written as a numbers unless starting a sentence (APA, p. 111, 4.31)
Ex: There were three schools that participated in the study. (Numbers under ten)
Ex: There were 11 schools that participated in the study. (Numbers over ten)
 To form plurals of numbers, whether expressed as figures or as words, add s or es without an apostrophe. Decades-simply add an s.
Ex: 1600s, 1850s, fours and sixes, 10s and 20s, etc. (APA, p. 114, 4.38)
Citations: Use reliable sources. Wikipedia is not a reliable source!
 Citations are correct in text and cited with an author-date citation system. If listed in paper, it must be in References. (APA, p.174, 6.11)
Ex. Jones (2002) stated that according to the provisions of the act students must make appropriate growth.
Ex. According to the provisions of the act, “students shall make appropriate growth by 2010” (Jones, 2002, p. 21).
 The first time an article with two to five authors is cited all the authors’ last names are included. After that, use et al. The term et al. is not
italicized and with a period after al. If there are six or more, list only the first author’s last name followed by et al. (APA, p. 175, 6.12)
Ex. for first usage (two-five authors): (Abiden, Jones, Smith & Elliott, 1993)
Ex. for second or more usage (two-five authors): (Abiden et al., 1993)
Ex. for six authors: Wasserstein et al. 2005 (APA, p. 177, 6.1; See table 6.1 for examples)
 When referencing a work with two or more authors, "and" is used in the text. (APA, p. 176, 6.14)
Ex. Abiden, Jones, Smith and Elliott (1993) completed a literature review on the topic.)
Ex. "&" is used in parentheses (e.g., "A literature review on the topic (Abiden, Jones, Smith & Elliott, 1993) revealed no change).
 When a work’s author is designated as “Anonymous” cite it in the text as (Anonymous, 1998). (APA, p. 177, 6.15)
 When no author listed, cite the first few words of the title (surrounded by quotation marks) followed by the date in. (APA, p. 176, 6.15)
Ex. (“Study Finds,” 2007)
 Corporate Author: List organization, date, Title of page italicized in upper and lower case and Retrieved from.
Ex. National Art Education Association (2007). FAQ. Retrieved from http://www.naea-reston.org/about-us/faq
 Personal communications are not cited in References (they are non-retrievable); cite these only in body of paper. (APA, p.179, 6.20)
Ex. A long discussion followed (T. Cho, personal communication, April 18, 2008).
 Italicize titles of works artwork, movies, tv shows and reports. Capitalize words four letters long or greater. (APA, pp. 104-106)
Ex: A Nation at Risk has changed the face of education.
 In text cite the name of legal decision in italics. (APA, p. 217)
REFERENCE PAGE (See Example). This is where student typically have the most difficulty. (APA, p. 49)
 References are on a new page, with the word References centered at the top of the page in upper and lower case letters. (APA, p. 37, 2.11)
References follow APA format (Double-spaced, alphabetical order with hanging indent on second line. (APA, p. 174-179) Start with the
Author’s last name, first initial, middle initial if available, date in parenthesis, and title of article or chapter, title of journal or book,
volume (Italicized), issue number (in parenthesis-not italicized) and page numbers. Titles start with upper case and should usually, after that be in
lower case, except after a colon. Rules may vary slightly. Double check APA site for questions.
Ex. Berndt, T. J. (2002). Friendship and quality: Themes in personal relationships. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(6), 7-10.
References in text match references at end of paper and all references are included in the reference list. (APA, p. 37, 2.11; p. 174)
Citing a secondary source. Use these sparingly. (APA, p. 178, 6.17)
NO publication date for a source, use (n.d.). No spaces between n and d. (APA, p. 185, 6.28)
Remove hyperlinks-Type Command z when link appears. This can be tricky and does not always work. Another option is to highlight the
hyperlink and hit Command K and remove link.
 When citing an online source, italicize title followed by the retrieval date and link. (APA, p. 205, 29 and 30) Do not add date. (New APA).
Ex: Chou, L, (2009). Technology and education. Retrieved from http://www.cc.fg.edu
APPENDICES (Action Research/Thesis) This is not applicable for general class papers.
 Appendices (plural-APA, p. 96, 4.12) are on separate pages. If there is only one Appendix, label it Appendix. (APA, p. 96, 4.12) If there are
more than one, label them Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. in the order mentioned in your text. (APA, p. 39, 2.13)
 Use Spell (S) and Grammar Check (GC). Proof read, as S and GC do not catch all errors. (APA, p. 230) Have someone else read paper.
 The writing is clearly my own but other’s ideas are cited. Plagiarism (APA, p. 15-16, 1.10; p. 270, 6.01)
When you need to see examples or have another APA question you cannot find use one of these resources. Google your question if unsure.
 Owl at Purdue: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
 APA Citation Style: http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citapa.htm *NOTE: ERIC document Star trek should be star trek.
 APA Style.org: http://www.apastyle.org/pubmanual.html
 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed.
 Son of Citation Machine: http://citationmachine.net/ You will love this one! Plug in info and it makes the citation for you. Check it!