January 2015 Curriculum Vita Paul Hansmann 4170 Hawthorne Rd. #E204 Chubbuck, ID 83202 Office: 208-282-4396 Email: hanspau4@isu.edu EDUCATION 2008-2013 Ph.D. Oklahoma State University (APA/NASP-accredited program) Major: School Psychology 2010 M.S. Oklahoma State University Major: Educational Psychology PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Fall 2014-Present Assistant Professor Idaho State University School Psychology Program faculty Teaching, Problem Solving and Intervention, Response to Intervention, Advanced Practicum, and Consultation courses. Current research in the area of academic interventions Fall 2013-Spring 2014 Post-Doctoral position (1500 hours) School Psychologist in Delta Public School District Supervisor: Dr. Gwen Russel Gain Experience within an RTI system, for Special Education placement, intervention development, assessment, and classroom management. Deliver services amongst Pre-K-8th grade students. Run weekly RTI, and SPED team meetings. Continue to build consultation skills for student with academic and behavioral concerns. Continue gaining experience developing interventions for academics and behavioral issues. Fall 2012-Summer 2013 Pre-Doctoral Internship (1500 hours) School Psychology Intern in Newark Public Schools Supervisor: Dr. Doreen Sperber Weiss January 2015 Curriculum Vita Build professional skills in all major areas of school psychology including assessment for Special Education placement, intervention development, and classroom management. Develop counseling skills with school aged children for behavioral and emotional concerns. Experience a variety of settings Behavior school, Autism school, SPED transitional school, and Elementary schools Fall-2011-Spring 2012 Doctoral Practicum (400 hours) School Psychology Clinic, Oklahoma State University Supervisors: Terry Stinnett, Ph.D., Ben Solomon, Ph.D. Build professional skills in all major areas of school psychology including assessment for intervention, home and school consultation, direction intervention with children, systems level consultation. Develop academic and behavioral interventions for parents and teachers. Conduct psycho-educational assessments of clients. Fall 2010-Spring 2011 School Psychology Practicum Sangre Elementary School, Stillwater, Oklahoma Supervisors: Brenda Mitchell, M.Ed. (on-site) Gary Duhon, PhD (university) Cumulative Hours: 616 direct service hours and 228 support hours • Organized and performed school wide Aimsweb screening • Led and collaborated with multi-disciplinary pre-referral Student Assistance Teams (SAT) for students struggling with academic and behavioral concerns • Manages a case load of 28 students who were referred to SAT for academic or behavioral concerns • Developed academic and behavioral interventions utilizing a problem-solving model • Consulted with teachers about the implementation of academic and behavioral interventions • Conducted 7 initial special education evaluations for students who did not make adequate progress on pre-referral interventions • Supervised 2 shadow practicum student in consultation, assessment, and intervention services January 2015 Curriculum Vita Spring 2011 Therapy Practicum Lincoln Alternative High School, Stillwater, Oklahoma Supervisor: Georgette Yetter, PhD, HSP • Assessing clients and formulating DSM-IV diagnoses • Providing empirically-supported treatments to adolescents • Conceptualizing cases, planning treatment, and evaluating treatment effectiveness • Managing clinic files and writing case notes Fall 09’-Spring 2010 Shadow Practicum (240 hours) Supervisor: Michael Hoffman, M.S. (on-site), Brian Poncy, PhD (university)Cumulative Hours: 244 direct service hours and 70 support hours Learned principles of effective consultation, academic and behavioral assessment, intervention development and implementation, report writing, and classroom/ student observations. Observe and note how run Student Assistant Teams and individual Evaluation Plan meetings. Learn how to and complete comprehensive parent, teacher, and student interviews and use that data to create an effective intervention plan for students. Conducted 11 initial special education evaluations for students who did not make adequate progress on prereferral interventions Fall, 2008 Observation Practicum (120 hours) Learned principles of effective teaching, effective behavior management, and effective schools Observe the implementation of special education services and multidisciplinary team of school professionals Observe children’s behavior , social, emotional, and academic functioning at different ages and across a variety of school contexts Supervisor: G. Yetter, Ph.D., NCSP Teaching Experience Fall, 2014-Present Assistant Professor, Idaho State University, College of Education, School Psychology SCPY 6672 Problem-Solving Interventions SCPY 6673 Response to Intervention Methods SCPY 6669 Advanced Practicum SCPY 6662 Consultation in School Psychology January 2015 Curriculum Vita Fall, 2008-Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2008 Graduate Assistant, Oklahoma State U., School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology Taught Introduction to Child Psychology in class and online Supervisor: Yoonjung Cho, Ph.D. Taught Crisis and Intervention in schools in class Supervisor: Gary Duhon, Ph.D. Research Studies Paul Hansmann M.S., Brian Poncy Ph.D., Greg Schutte, M.S. February, 2012. Early Numeracy Intervention: Does quantity discrimination really work? I was the lead researcher on this project for my dissertation in charge of organizing the research team, data collection and interpretation, and preparing materials. Sara Auer M.S., Paul Hansmann M.S., Megan Purdum M.S., Dr. Gary Duhon Ph. D. October, 2008. Attitudes and Prognostic Outlook Toward Young Adults with Disabilities. Publications Spring 2015 Joel O. Bocanegra, Aaron, Gubi, Chung-Hau, Fan, Paul R. Hansmann, January, 7, 2015 Undergraduate Psychology Students' Knowledge and Exposure to School Psychology: Suggestions for Diversifying the Field, Contemporary School Psychology. (published) Fall-2014 Paul Hansmann Ph. D., Scuddy Fontenelle IV M. A. October, 2014. Early Numeracy Intervention: Does quantity discrimination really work? (In Revision). Spring-2012 Brian Poncy Ph.D., Paul Hansmann Ph.D., & Levita Bui Ph.D. January, 2012. Taped Problems: An Assessment of Time Delay Length on Performance. (In Review) State Conference Invited Podium Presentations January 2015 Fall 2014 Curriculum Vita Paul Hansmann Ph.D. October 3, 2014. RTI Beyond Reading: Interventions and progress Monitoring for Early Numeracy. This lecture was presented at the Idaho State School Psychology Conference on October 3, 2014. Discussed intervention and progress monitoring tools for early numeracy schools to be used in elementary settings. Fall 2014 Paul Hansmann Ph.D. October 3, 2014, RTI Beyond Reading: Interventions and progress Monitoring for Math Reasoning. This lecture was presented at the Idaho State School Psychology Conference on October 3, 2014. Discussed intervention and progress monitoring tools for math reasoning and problem solving skills in schools to be used in secondary school settings settings. National Conference Referred Poster Presentations Spring 2012 Brian Poncy Ph.D., Paul Hansmann M.S., & Levita Bui M.S, March, 2012. Taped Problems: An Assessment of Time Delay Length on Performance. This poster was presented at the Applied Behavior Analysis Conference in Seattle, WA March of 2012. This study examined the difference amongst time delays related to a math intervention using tape recorded math problems. Fall 2010 Paul Hansmann M.S., Thomas Gross M.A., Scuddy Fontenelle IV M.A. August, 13, 2010. Impact of SES and parental Involvement on Math Achievement Across Race This poster was presented at the American Psychological Association conference in San Diego, CA August 13, 2010. This study examined the impact of SES and Parental Involvement on math Achievement in students using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study data set. Spring 2009 Sara Auer B.S., Paul Hansmann B.A., Megan Purdum B.S. February 9, 2009. Attitudes and Prognostic Outlook Toward Young Adults with Disabilities This poster was presented at the National Association of School Psychology Boston, MA, February 9, 2009. This study examined the prognostic outlook that University undergraduate students have towards individuals with a given label of either Learning Disabled or Autistic. January 2015 Fall 2009 Curriculum Vita Sara Auer B.S., Paul Hansmann B.A., Megan Purdum B.S. August 8, 2010. Attitudes and Prognostic Outlook Toward Young Adults with Disabilities This poster was presented at the American Psychological Association conference's in Toronto, Canada August 8, 2009. This study examined the prognostic outlook that University undergraduate students have towards individuals with a given label of either Learning Disabled or Autistic. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Idaho State School Psychology Association American Psychological Association, div. 16 National Association of School Psychology Certifications National Certified School Psychologist New Jersey State Certified School Psychologist Colorado State Certified School Psychologist