Theme 4th Grade Houghton Mifflin Reading At A Glance W Comprehensi k on Strategy Comprehension Skill Content Skill How to… Structural Analysis Spelling Vocabulary Writing Grammar 2: American Stories 1: Journeys Back To School - Review 1 Summarize Story structure read a magazine article read a haiku Base words and endings -er and -est Suffixes –ly and -y /ă/, /ā/, /ĕ/, /ē/ 2 Predict/ Infer Author’s Viewpoint 3 Monitor/ Clarify 4 Text organization read a map syllabication /ŭ/, /yōō/, /ōō/ Question Noting details how to outline Word roots tele, rupt Homophones 5 Predict/ Infer Connecting and comparing lit Week 1-4 review Week 1-4 review 6 gen re Monitor/ Clarify Understanding mysteries 1 Predict/ Infer Sequence of events 2 Evaluate Making inferences 3 Summarize making generalizations 4 Question Categorize and classify read a newspape r article 5 Evaluate Connecting and comparing lit Week 1-4 review 6 Summarize Understanding plays gen read a soc stud. Article read instructio ns read song lyrics news article Kinds of sentences Response journal entry Subjects and predicates Answering questions compound sentences Dictionary guide words Friendly letter Common nouns Week 1-4 review Week 1-4 review Workshop: Personal Nar. Week 1-4 review: Adverbs Base words and endings Short and long vowels Idioms Mystery Sentences and phrases Contractions /ou/ and /ô/ Antonyms Essay Proper nouns word roots sign and spect Suffixes –er, -or, and -ist /oo/ and /ŏŏ/ Dictionary entry words Character sketch Singular and plural nouns /îr/, /är/, and /âr/ Using context Business letter More plural nouns Possessives /ôr/, /ûr/, and /yŏŏr/ Multiplemeaning words Journal writing Singular and plural possessive nouns Week 1-4 review Week 1-4 review Week 1-4 review Workshop: Description Week 1-4 review: compound sentences Suffixes –er, -or, -ist Homophones Clipped words Play Adding details about nouns /ĭ/, /ī/, /ŏ/, /ō/ Multiplemeaning words Alphabetical order in a dictionary Using a thesaurus Theme 3: That’s Amazing 4: Problem Solvers W k Comprehen sion Strategy Comprehension Skill Content Skill How to… Structural Analysis Spelling Vocabulary Writing Grammar 1 Noting details read a poem read a timeline Compound words Suffix -able Compound words Synonyms Explanation Action verbs 2 Monitor/ clarify Question Final /ər/, /l/, /əl/ Announcement Main verbs/ helping verbs 3 Evaluate Fantasy and Realism read a diagram Words with -ed or -ing Words with -ed or -ing Pronunciation key in dictionary Syllables in a dictionary Summary Present/Past/ Future Tenses Question Connecting and comparing lit Week 1-3 review Week 1-3 review Week 1-3 review Week 1-3 review Workshop: Story Week 1-3 review: possessive nouns Words with the suffix -ible Prefixes re-, mis-, and ex- /k/, /ng/, and /kw/ base words & inflected forms Word families Opinion paragraph The irregular verb be Taking notes Other irregular verbs Prefixes pre-, con-, and comVCCV pattern Final /j/ and /s/ Suffixes in a dictionary Adjectives VCCV pattern Week 1-4 review Week 1-4 review word connotations Week 1-4 review Comparisoncomparison composition message Prefixes re-, mis-, and expre-, con-, and com- VCCV pattern 4 Compare and contrast 1 Predict/ Infer Predicting outcomes skim and scan 2 Evaluate Problem solving take notes 3 Summarize Drawing conclusions follow directions 4 Question Story structure 5 Summarize Connecting and comparing lit view fine art Week 1-4 review 6 Monitor/ Clarify Understanding poetry gen re Final /ē/ Analogies Workshop: Persuasive story Poem Comparing with adjectives Week 1-4 review: Present/Past/ Future Tenses Using exact adjectives Theme W k Comprehen sion Strategy Comprehension Skill Content Skill How to… Structural Analysis Spelling Vocabulary Writing Grammar 1 Predict/ infer Monitor/ clarify Cause and effect Making judgments take notes Prefixes and suffixes Changing final y to i Prefixes and suffixes Changing final y to i Prefixes in a dictionary Homophones Subject pronouns 3 Evaluate Fact and opinion read a chart VCV pattern VCV pattern Word histories in a dictionary Information paragraph Problem/ solution paragraph Singular and plural possessive pronouns 4 Evaluate Connecting and comparing lit Week 1-3 review Week 1-3 review Week 1-3 review Week 1-3 review WORKSHOP: Personal Essay Week 1-3 review; Adjectives 5 Question VCV and VCCV patterns VCV pattern Animal descriptors Pourquoi tale Combining sentences 1 Summarize Following directions use SQRRR Three-syllable words Three-syllable words How-to paragraph Adverbs 2 Monitor/ clarify adjust your rate of reading Suffixes –ness, -less, and -ion Unusual spellings Leaning log entry Comparing with adverbs 3 Predict/ Infer Topic, main idea, and supporting details Making inferences More multiplemeaning words Analogies skim and scan Word roots graph, tract Silent Consonants Writing a speech 4 Monitor/ Clarify Connecting and comparing lit Week 1-3 Review Week 1-3 Review Week 1-3 Review Prepositions and prepositional phrases Week 1-3 review; Object pronouns 6: Nature: Friend and Foe 5: Heroes 2 follow a recipe The parts of speech in a dictionary Week 1-3 Review WORKSHOP: Persuasive essay Object pronouns Singular and plural possessive pronouns