North Central London Care Pathway Review Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model Final Report 25th November 2010 Commissioning Support for London Introduction Stephenson House, 75 Hampstead Rd, London NW1 2PL Introduction As part of the NCL Care Pathway Project review, CSL have undertaken a finance and activity analysis to support the decision making by the NCL team. The output from CSL consists of two elements: A generic operational pathway for the Intermediate Diabetes service (attached as Appendix 2). This pathway supplements the Diabetes Pathway designed in June 2010 by the NCL Diabetes Pathway Group and has enabled CSL Project Finance to cost a generic service offering for the NCL. It is solely based on the Diabetes Pathway produced by the NCL Diabetes Pathway Group (attached as Appendix 1) to this report; A full report to NCL on the work undertaken. NCL have initiated a service redesign in order to introduce a community based Intermediate Diabetes Service for patients with ‘challenging’ management problems, where it is deemed that they can be seen by an expert multidisciplinary team. The aim of this Service is to provide integrated support within the community, between primary care management and secondary care services. The service is intended to provide a local, more accessible and cost effective service in line with the model of care proposed by Healthcare for London in its ‘Diabetes Guide for London’ paper. The Intermediate Diabetes Service is also intended to offer advice and education regarding Diabetes to Primary Care clinicians and patients. As part of the NCL Care Pathway Project review, we have documented the Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model. This has been based upon the NCL clinically-led commissioning model, written in June 2010, by the NCL Diabetes Pathway Group and described above. The Contracting Model is intended to supplement the commissioning model with a costed generic service offering for NCL. Attached to appendices to this report are: Appendix 1 - The Diabetes Commissioning Pathway produced by the NCL Diabetes Pathway Group; Appendix 2 - The proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model produced by CSL Project Finance; Appendix 3 - The CSL Project Finance COPD Contracting Model Proposal. 3 Scope of the Review The CSL project brief specified that the scope of our review was to determine and document each stage of the "patient journey", against the newly designed care pathway, to enable costings to be developed. In order to do this the project team worked with NCL to agree the Diabetes Model (Appendix 2). Diabetes (medicine) Acute Outpatient attendances for 09/10 were 49k with expenditure of £4.4m. NHS Camden has costed their intermediate diabetic services (pilot) at £181k. Were we to apply the NHS Camden cost base to the diabetic registers within NCL, this would indicate an estimated out of hospital cost for diabetic services in NCL at £1.39m, split as follows: Barnet £0.4m; Camden £0.2m; Enfield £0.3m; Haringey £0.3m; Islington £0.2m. The above estimation excludes Primary Care costs, including general district nurse costs related to diabetic care. We also appreciate that other PCT’s do not use the NHS Camden model. Therefore, the above costs are theoretical. The NCL aims for the redesigned service to provide: An Intermediate Service for patients with challenging management problems, that do not warrant a secondary care referral, where they can be seen by a multidisciplinary team; Work in partnership with patients with Diabetes, supporting patients with diabetes to self manage; Structured education; Short term interventions to support improvements in Diabetes related health outcomes; Better Diabetic control within the community; Support to GP Practices with mentorship, education and skills training; Advice and support to Social Services, and Residential & Nursing Homes; Reduced referrals and emergency admissions into secondary care; Evaluate, audit and monitor the service to achieve quality improvement. In collaboration with NCL it was agreed that this review would not include any capital expenditure. It is recognised that buildings may require adaption for new use, and also that certain equipment may be required. These costs are very localised and, therefore, difficult to include within a generic cost model. We appreciate that there may be a way of including indicative costings for hard and soft facilities services, which would need subsequent agreement. The review has not included planned activity increases due to population growth and demographics. We have also not considered the acute unit potential pricing reductions (2011/2012, 4%). Summary Findings & Conclusions The proposed Contracting Model has been based upon the NCL clinically-led commissioning model written in June 2010, by the NCL Diabetes Pathway Group. The parameters for service inclusion in the Contracting Model have been endorsed by the stakeholders consulted. The proposed innovative new service is not directly comparable with the existing model and, therefore, direct cost comparisons may be validly challenged. However, the above indicates that for a service of 801 patients and having a total of 3,406 attendances would cost £0.2m per annum. This cost excludes local overheads, including property and IM&T costs, but does include pharmaceuticals and consumables. We consider there are savings to be made against an existing Diabetic service under PbR. It is recommended that any new contracting model introduced is shadow implemented for a minimum twelve months, for further testing, refinement and review. The Intermediate Care Service is transformational, and would be expected to experience significant variance in use, form and function during the initial years. The proposed Intermediate Care Service should be capable of delivery in the most appropriate setting for a given health economy (e.g. Acute, Polysystem, etc), given the local skills and resources available. Primary Care Education costs have been included within the costing and are driven by an assumed percentage of relevant service staff’s time. For the purposes of this summary, these have been based upon the availability of 1 WTE from each professional group. Key Aims and Objectives of Review It is intended that the final Diabetes model will be consistent with the direction of travel for commissioning in the NHS and aim to provide a sustainable format capable of adaptation to future increases in activity and changes in practice. The final Diabetes intermediate health services contracting model will: Articulate fair and transparent currencies and tariffs, that appropriately reflect the resources dedicated to Diabetes community health services; Recognise the full costs involved in providing the service; Provide a means for fair and equitable commissioning of services; Build in sustainability through recognition of the financial implications of future growth and improvements in outcomes. 5 Secondary criteria will look to the model: Promoting good practice; Promoting greater consistency and efficiency; Avoiding perverse incentives in the overall payment structure. Detailed Findings and Conclusions General Registered Patient and new patient referral numbers used are those provided by commissioning officers at NHS Camden. These have been benchmarked against SUS data, 0809 QOF PCT data and epidemiological studies. There are approximately 52k registered patients within diabetes in NCL. Diabetic Medicine Outpatient appointments for the NCL are shown below; Total tariff activity Barnet PCT 9,281 Camden PCT 7,719 Haringey Teaching PCT 9,868 Islington PCT 11,312 Enfield PCT 10,376 NCL sector 48,556 Tariff First / FU Total cost ratio 4.2 £540,568 5.2 £529,995 5.2 £815,341 3.2 £1,240,374 2.2 £1,266,413 3.6 £4,392,691 Diabetes (medicine) Acute Outpatient attendances for 09/10 were 49k with expenditure of £4.4m. NHS Camden has costed their intermediate diabetic services (pilot) at £0.18m. Were we to apply the NHS Camden cost base to the diabetic registers within NCL, this would indicate an estimated out of hospital cost for diabetic services in NCL at £1.39m, split as follows: Barnet £0.4m; Camden £0.18m; Enfield £0.34m; Haringey £0.27mk; Islington £0.2m. The above estimation excludes Primary Care costs, including general district nurse costs related to diabetic care. We also appreciate that other PCT’s do not use the NHS Camden model and that activity varies between PCT’s. Therefore, the above costs are theoretical. We understand that diabetes prevalence ranges from 3.9% (Camden) to 5% (Islington). However, diagnosed prevalence in all PCTs is lower, ranging from 3.4% (Camden) to 4% (Islington): – 7k registered in Camden (17+ registered population) – 7k registered in Islington (15+ registered population) – 10k registered in Haringey – 13k registered in Enfield (17+ registered population) – 15k registered in Barnet The admission rates for patients on diabetic registers vary from 1.6% (Barnet) to 3.9% (Enfield) Patient Flow Assumptions Patient flow assumptions into the Intermediate Care Services are derived from working with NHS Camden and using their activity, and also feedback from Haringey PCT as a response to the circulation of draft documents. Patient numbers referred to the Intermediate Diabetes (Intermediate Care) Service and have been assumed at 13% of Primary Care supported patients. This indicates a total of 801 patients. It has been assumed that each referral will result in one Helpline call. Professional inputs to patient ratios, via the Intermediate Service, are based upon six months actual data drawn from the Crowndale Intermediate Diabetes pilot in Camden. Average numbers of patient visits, shown within the “Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model” by professional input, have been calculated initially from first to follow-up ratios provided by NHS Camden and then later revised at the NCL workshop, through wider clinical input. Primary Care Education resource is driven by an assumed percentage of relevant service staff’s dedicated time (provided by NHS Camden), and for the purposes of this model has been based upon the availability of 1 wte from each professional group. Costing Assumptions It has been assumed that: The proposed new community diabetes service is not directly comparable with the existing model; An indicative service that is for 801 patients would have a total of 3,406 attendances and would cost £0.2m per annum; 7 This cost excludes local overheads, including property and IM&T costs, but does include pharmaceuticals and consumables. The existing Diabetic service under PbR (excluding MFF) and being treated by a multi disciplinary team would cost notably higher than £0.2m. However, differences in service specification, as stated above, means services are not directly comparable. We also assume that a provider would be able to provide a full service on these activity levels. Staffing costs have been calculated at scale mid-points (including employer oncosts) based upon estimated productive time. We recognise that staff salaries, bandings and also staff utilisation may vary dependant upon location and also local provider decision. Our cost model is indicative, with the flexibility that will assist local planning. An administration overhead has been added at 20% of pay to include IM&T and Managerial Overhead, but excludes any assumption to account for the costs of Land and Buildings. Pharmaceutical professional support is provided via the PCT, and the Intermediate Care Services would work to protocols and guidance issued. We understand that best practise may also require the use of DESMOND. This has been excluded from our cost model, as costs may vary depend on activity and deployment. Local consideration for this cost would be required and included within the commissioners cost model. Average hours of professional time, ratios of professional input, and the regularity of visits are derived from working with NHS Camden, and feedback from Haringey PCT as a response to the circulation of draft documents. Primary Care Education costs are driven by an assumed percentage of relevant service staff’s dedicated time (provided by NHS Camden), and for the purposes of this summary have been based upon the availability of 1 WTE from each staff group. The table below provides a summarised Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model, based upon Registered Patient numbers within NHS Camden. This uses tested assumptions around patient flows, detailed in Appendix 3; Proposed NCL Sector Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model (based upon the produced NCL clinically-led commissioning model) Assumed Annual Total Annual Per Consultation Patient Cost per Service Cost patient Numbers Numbers Patient (£) (£) Cost (£) Community Diabetes Helpline 801.39 £7.72 Community Diabetes Service First & Follow-Up Consultant consultations First & Follow-Up Specialist Diabetes consultations First & Follow-Up Dietician consultations First & Follow-Up Podiatrist consultations Total Patient Numbers / Appointments Total Service Costs 240.42 304.53 152.26 104.18 801.39 £73.96 £24.62 £19.91 £19.91 Primary Care Education £6,189 4.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 £7.72 £71,124 £37,492 £12,126 £8,297 £129,038 £161.02 £45,591 Total Community Diabetes Service (Intermediate Care) Costs £180,818 Market Forces Factor (MFF) The purpose of the MFF is to estimate the unavoidable cost differences of providing healthcare in different geographic areas. As such, it is difficult to argue that it should not be used in relation to any Community Care based Contracting Model. It is accepted that certain costs falling on Providers in relation to the service (e.g. drugs, consumables etc) are not subject to geographic variation. However, the way in which the MFF is constructed is intended to take such issues into account. The indices that are used to compile the MFF include: Staff index; Medical and Dental London Weighting; Buildings index’; Land index. The proportion of national HCHS expenditure attributable to each element of operational costs determines the weighting that each index receives within the overall MFF. For 2009-10, the weightings used are as follows: % Staff M&D London Weighting Buildings Land 56.10% 13.80% 3.00% 0.60% eg. Equipment, Not considered to vary Total 26.50% consumables, drugs 100.00% 9 Appendix 1 NCL Diabetes Pathway 11 Appendix 2 Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model (based upon the produced NCL clinically-led commissioning model) Elements not forming part of/leaving the proposed contracting model Controlled Patient Management within Primary Care Intermediate Care Diabetes Service Identification and formal diagnosis Initial Contact Formal Diagnosis Entry on Diabetes Register Patient meets referral criteria Retinal Screening Service Secondary Care Management Support Services Psychological Support (IAPT) Smoking Cessation (Level 2 or 3) Group Structured Education Weight Management Service Community Pharmacy Podiatry Primary Care Patient Management Community Matrons/Nurses Home visit(s) Care Planning & Annual Review Continuing Education Examination Tests H Primary Care Patient Management Patient meets referral criteria Referral Community Diabetes Helpline Primary Care Education Community Diabetes Service (Intermediate Care) Consultant consultation Specialist Diabetes Nurse Consultation Dietician consultation Podiatrist consultation (Short Term Intervention) Increased Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) (Level 3) Appendix 3 - Proposed NCL Community Diabetes Contracting Model (based upon the produced NCL clinically-led commissioning model) Community Diabetes Service (Intermediate Care) Assumed Patient Numbers Annual Cost per Patient £ Community Diabetes Helpline 801 £7.72 Community Diabetes Service First & Follow-Up Consultant consultations First & Follow-Up Specialist Diabetes consultations First & Follow-Up Dietician consultations First & Follow-Up Podiatrist consultations Total Service Costs 240 305 152 104 801 £73.96 £24.62 £19.91 £19.91 Primary Care Education Total Community Diabetes Service (Intermediate Care) Costs Consultation Numbers 4.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 Total Annual Service Cost £ Per Patient Cost £ £6,189 £7.72 £71,124 £37,492 £12,126 £8,297 £129,038 £161.02 £45,591 £180,818 13 Appendix 3 - Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model - Activity Assumptions Total New Patient Referrals Continuing Registered Patients 485 7,258 0809 QOF PCT Registered Patient Data Barnet 14,785 Enfield 12,589 Haringey 10,263 Islington 7,502 Camden 6,765 Community Matrons/Nurses 2.00% Require Home Visit 154.86 Initial Contact Newly Diagnosed 485 Primary Care Patient Management Retinal Screening Service 100.00% Retinal Screening (Newly Diagnosed) 100.00% Retinal Screening (Period Review) 485 7,258 Community Diabetes Service (Intermediate Care) Care Planning & Annual Review 80.00% Newly Diagnosed 80.00% Continuing Patients 388 5,806 Examination 80.00% Newly Diagnosed 80.00% Continuing Patients 388 5,806 Continuing Education 80.00% Newly Diagnosed 80.00% Continuing Patients 388 5,806 Tests 80.00% Newly Diagnosed 80.00% Continuing Patients 388 5,806 Assumed 80% of Diabetes care provided in Primary Care Community Diabetes Service Newly Diagnosed 12.00% Primary Care managed referred to Service 30.00% Consultant Consultation 38.00% Specialist Diabetes Nurse Consultation 19.00% Dietician Consultation 13.00% Podiatrist Consultation Continuing Patients 13.00% Primary Care managed referred to Service 30.00% Consultant Consultation 38.00% Specialist Diabetes Nurse Consultation 19.00% Dietician Consultation 13.00% Podiatrist Consultation 47 14 18 9 6 755 226 287 143 98 Assumed 13% of Primary Care supported patients referred to service Professional input % based on 6 month data from Crowndale Intermediate Diabetes pilot Community Diabetes Helpline 100.00% of referrals to service Average Number of visits = Consultant Specialist Diabetes Nurse Dietician Podiatrist Time devoted to Primary Care Education 801 4 5 4 4 0.15 Appendix 3 - Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model – Costings Assumptions Staffing resource costings at identified grade and per table at worksheet 3 ('tables'). Administrative Overheads (incl IM&T, Travel & Managerial overheads, but excl Building costs, set at 20% of pay Pharmaceutical Professional Support is provided via the PCT and Primary Care and the Community Diabetes Service work to protocols and guidance issued Incomplete/unverified data Grade Hours Annual Regularity Total £ Pay £ Admin Support +20% £ Pharmaceuticals £ Consumables £ SubHardware Contract £ £ Tariff £ Admin Overhead @ 20% of Pay £ Primary care Initial Contact Diabetic Induction Diabetic Testing Formal Diagnosis Total Currency Care Planning & Annual Review Newly Diagnosed Patients GP Consultation Practice Nurse Consultation Total Currency Continuing Patients GP Consultation Practice Nurse Consultation Total Currency Examination Newly Diagnosed Patients Practice Nurse Consultation Total Currency Continuing Patients Practice Nurse Consultation Total Currency Practice Nurse AfC6 Practice Nurse AfC6 GP 0.50 0.50 0.50 £16.04 £17.54 £46.64 £80.22 £13.36 £13.36 £38.87 GP Prescribing £2.67 £2.67 £7.77 GP Practice Nurse AfC6 0.50 0.50 £46.64 £16.04 £62.68 £38.87 £13.36 GP Prescribing £7.77 £2.67 GP Practice Nurse AfC6 0.50 0.50 £46.64 £16.04 £62.68 £38.87 £13.36 GP Prescribing £7.77 £2.67 Practice Nurse AfC6 0.50 £17.54 £17.54 £13.36 £1.50 £2.67 Practice Nurse AfC6 0.50 £17.54 £17.54 £13.36 £1.50 £2.67 £1.50 15 Appendix 3 - Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model – Costings Assumptions Incomplete/unverified data Grade Hours Annual Regularity Total £ Pay £ Admin Support +20% £ Pharmaceuticals £ Consumables £ SubHardware Contract £ £ Tariff £ Admin Overhead @ 20% of Pay £ Continuing Education Forms part of consultation under 'Care Planning & Annual Review', 'Examination', and 'Tests' Tests Newly Diagnosed Patients Practice Nurse Testing Total Currency Continuing Patients Practice Nurse Testing Total Currency Practice Nurse AfC6 0.50 £17.54 £17.54 £13.36 GP Prescribing £1.50 £2.67 Practice Nurse AfC6 0.50 £17.54 £17.54 £13.36 GP Prescribing £1.50 £2.67 1.00 £39.82 £39.82 £33.18 Community Matrons/Nurses Home Visit AfC7 Total Currency £6.64 Appendix 3 - Proposed NCL Intermediate Diabetes Contracting Model – Costings Assumptions Incomplete/unverified data Grade Hours Annual Regularity Total £ Pay £ Admin Support +20% £ Pharmaceutical Consumable £ £ SubHardware Contract £ £ Tariff £ Admin Overhead @ 20% of Pay £ Community Diabetes Service (Intermediate Care) Staff grading levels may reduce from application of greater skill mix should service expansion occur Community Diabetes Service All Patients Consultant Consultation Consultant 0.50 £73.96 £44.97 Specialist Diabetes Nurse Consultation Dietician Consultation Podiatrist Consultation Total Currency AfC8a AfC7 AfC7 0.50 0.50 0.50 £24.62 £19.91 £19.91 £138.40 £19.27 £16.59 £16.59 AfC8a 0.17 £7.72 £7.72 £5.78 Consultant Specialist Diabetes Nurse AfC8a Dietician AfC7 Podiatrist AfC7 0.15 Community Diabetes Helpline All Patients Helpline Calls Total Currency Primary Care Education Developmental Education Developmental Education Developmental Education Developmental Education Total Currency 0.15 0.15 0.15 per annum £21,043.80 £9,017.85 £7,764.75 £7,764.75 £45,591.15 £20.00 £16 to £23 28day pack (injectables) 8.99 £1.50 3.85 3.32 3.32 1.16 £21,043.80 £9,017.85 £7,764.75 £7,764.75 17 18