ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE THE ANALYSIS OF WEEKLY MILK BULK TANK COMPONENTS A INDICATOR OF HERD HEALTH STATUS Vol. 56 (2) 2001 T. Zadnik, M. Klinkon, M. Nemec and M. Mesaric Clinic for Ruminants, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Cesta v Mestn Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract By measuring milk parameters such as Na, K, Cl, urea, enzymes LDH, betahydroxybutyrate (BHB), acetone, Somatic cell co antibodies for enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in samples taken from the bulk tank provides a simple low cost method of asse status of dairy herds. In 1998, we analyzed weekly bulk milk samples from 8 farms with 177 dairy cows. The levels of Na, K LDH and SCC were sensitive indicators for subclinical mastitis. SCC of over 400.000 cell/ml in bulk milk tank was associate (>24 mmol/L), Cl (>35 mmol/L) and high activity of LDH (>80 U/L), K concentration was decreased (<38 mmol/L). Positiv and acetone in bulk milk samples were excellent parameters for identification of alimentary and production type ketosis. Hig (>5,0 mmol/L) indicated an imbalance of energy, proteins and roughage in herd nutrition. Using bulk milk ELISA tests for E individual Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) and ELISA tests gave negative results. Our results support the findings that bu becoming the basic diagnostic material for herd health monitoring. 1 = negative* (-) 2 = positive ** (± to +++) * = negative (-); ** = positive (±= 0,16 mmol/L; + 0,17 - 0,42 mmol/L; ++ = 0,43 - 1,72 mmol/L; +++ > 1,72 mmol/L) The statistical model used was: Yijklmn= µ + Li + Kj+ Sk + SCCl + Acm + eijklmn where: Yijklmn= observation resp. measured property ijklmn µ = mean value of observations Li = influence of farm (i= 1..8) Kj = influence of husbandry (j= 1,2) Sk = influence of ration with regard to season (k= 1,2) k=1 from 1. to 17. and from 40. to 52 weeks of experiment k=2 from to 18. to 39. week of experiment SCCll = effect of SCC class (l= 1... 5) Acm = effect of milk acetone concentration (m=1,2) eijklmn = residual random error 3. Twice a year the bulk milk antibody tests used for enzootic bovine leukosis are based on ELISA (43). In this point we exam single blood sample of all cows (n=177) from observed farms by ELISA and agar gel immunodiffusion test (43). Results and Discussion The main advantages of a bulk milk diagnostic test are that the sample is easy to obtain and the test is reasonably cheap, a therefore be used as a routine indicator of subclinical diseases. This also yields data for use in epidemiological studies a studying the genetic background of diseases. Pertinent parts of the milk profile outlined above have been used to stu heritability of ketosis and mastitis (3). Bulk milk tests provide a good starting point for differential diagnosis, in additition t value for blood serological monitoring. It is envisaged that veterinary practices could record the information from bulk mil and incorporate it into preventive medicine programmes, particularly in relation to purchased animals (41). Regular testing o milk samples every few months provides a simple low cost method of confirming continuing freedom from infection in k disease-free herds; including those at potential risk of introducing new infection, and thereby allows opportunity for prompt if indicated. For example, a positive result in a previously negative herd could herald an upsurge in infertility, abortions o drop (1). During a one year observation study we established a 35.2 % incidence of hypocalcemia with 4.5 % incidence of milk fever, % incidence of hypophosphatemia, 23.5 % incidence of hyperketolaktia, 21.38 % incidence of clinical mastitis and 56 incidence of increased SCC (>400.000/ml) in individual milk samples. By bacteriological analysis of milk samples from clin (n=57) and subclinically (n=81) infected cows (>400.000/ml) 57% S. aureus, 32% other streptococci, 6% E. coli, 4% S. agal 1% fungi and yeasts were detected. The average interval from calving to first insemination was 103.5±20.2 days. Table 3 presents mean values of parameters analyzed in weekly bulk milk samples in regard to housing system, season, so cell count, acetone content and the highest and respectively lowest average in 8 herds. The one-year monitoring of somatic cell counts in weekly bulk milk revealed that the obtained average cell 493,000±122,124 sc/ml was too high. Namely, 44% of samples contained over 400,000 sc/ml. The results also demonstrate from 8 monitored herds, two exhibited weekly elevated cell counts almost through the entire observation time. On the basis of these findings we recommend that dairymen keep the somatic cell count in bulk milk below 250,000/ml. concluded that a count exceeding 250,000 sc/ml indicated a majority of animals with udder inflammation (44). Table 3 also demonstrates that an elevated cell count is closely related to higher LDH, Na, Cl and urea levels and that p content decreases if somatic cell count increases. All these parameters were statistically significant with the exception of p content which was insignificant (Table 4). Within the framework of this work the acetone content in bulk milk was also determined on a weekly basis and 56 (13 positive responses were established. A detailed analysis has revealed that acetone was mainly due to feeding grass silage w elevated butyric acid content, the so-called alimentary or false ketosis (5). Using the analysis of variance with 5 entr calculated F-values and established statistical significance of individual factors affecting milk parameters. In Table 4 F-valu individual influences and determination coefficients (R2) for milk content are presented. The investigated milk properties in weekly samples were most significantly affected by the farm. This result is, we believe objective because there are great differences among herds with regard to the management regime and health condition of cows. Similar reports have been obtained by others (3,20,45). Season (temperature, humidity, husbandry) had also a sign effect on the majority of parameters, especially on fat, proteins and urea levels as well as somatic cell count. Through July, A and September the cell count was highest and the mastitis was most frequently observed (44). The authors reported that th count was also affected, in addition to mastitis, by a whole range of factors, including the time of the year, and ensuing chan feeding and husbandry (44,46). The results confirm that the concentration of Na, Cl and LDH activity are closely related to somatic cell cou increased cell count results in Na, Cl and LDH increases. This finding indicates that the results of the MLP-test sho interpreted from various viewpoints. The most frequently established clinical state in cows is depressed milk secretion mastitis. In such cases elevated cell counts (>350,000 sc/ml), elevated Na content (>23.00 mmol/L), Cl (>34.00 mmol/l and activity (>80.00 U/L) were observed. Metabolic disorders in bulk milk samples associated with acetone content (ketolactia less frequently detected. The concentration of protein and Na was markedly lower in bulk milk. Acetone appears in various of ketosis with impaired metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids which is reflected at least at the initial stage in the compe rumen with metabolic acidosis. The established acetone bulk milk Na content below 22.5 mmol/L as well as suppressed secretion are sensitive indicators of metabolic disorders. Milk protein content is also decreased, whereas the somatic cell co below 250,000 sc/ml. Similar findings have been reported by others who suggested the same milk parameters monitor evaluation of the energy and fat metabolism in dairy cows (3,20,31,47,48). In our statistical model we have identified a major part of the variance. Determination coefficient (R2) was highest protein percentage and as much as 53.7% of variance was explained. Determination coefficients were rather high also b concentrations (above 22.5%) with the exception of K (5.5%). Thus, the model encompasses the majority of factors signifi affecting milk composition. Up to 1987 there were no positive EBL reactors to our knowledge in Slovenia (49). All bulk milk and individual samples were negative for EBL. Table 3: Association of mean weekly ( n = 416) values of bulk milk parameters with housing and feeding, season, health status, ketolactia and lowest and highest mean concentrations in 8 herds Effects n Tied 312 Loose 104 Winter 232 Summer 184 SCC 1* 11 SCC 2* 14 SCC 3* 96 SCC 4* 267 SCC 5* 28 Acetone 360 (-) Acetone 56 (+) Min. ** Max Total 416 Fat % 4.15 4.32 4.21 4.31 4.09 4.18 4.20 4.19 4.21 4.18 Prot. % 3.34 3.43 3.41 3.32 3.42 3.39 3.36 3.29 3.25 3.41 SCC x 10003 Na mmol/L K mmol/L Cl mmol/L LDH U/L Urea mmol/L_ 421 702 441 512 77 178 319 532 1021 432 21.18 22.78 21.46 21.79 20.94 21.06 21.69 23.52 24.19 23.46 38.14 38.07 38.11 38.15 38.09 38.11 38.14 38.12 38.10 38.12 35.36 37.42 35.89 37.98 33.78 34.09 34.18 36.87 39.16 35.91 73.62 92.71 77.96 80.10 50.23 57.81 58.34 82.13 110.31 77.99 4.21 4.76 3.98_ 5.52 3.93_ 4.28 4.39 5.39 5.56 4.57 4.21 3.29 529 21.58 38.14 36.14 81.23 4.06 3.59 4.46 4.19 3.84 4.49 3.37 351 963 493 20.00 24.60 21.59 37.25 39.45 38.12 34.34 38.44 35.86 65.02 2.16 114.26 6.32 78.55 4.36 * 1 = up to 100,000 SC/ml 2 = 100,000 to 250,000 SC/m 3 = 250,000 to 400,000 SC/ml 4 = 400,000 to 750,000 SC/ml 5 = above 750,000 SC/ml ** = mean minimum and maximum value in herds Table 4: Results of the analysis of variance with 5 entries, determination coefficients (R 2) and coefficient of variatio Variability sources Fat % Prot. % Cl mmol/L Urea mmol/L Na mmol/L K mmol/L LDH U/L Farm *** *** *** *** *** NS *** Housing system ** * * NS NS NS *** Season * *** *** *** NS NS NS SCC - class *** NS *** * ** NS *** Ketolactia NS *** NS NS * NS NS R2 (%) 36.0 53.7 32.2 27.4 22.5 5.5 23.2 CV (%) 6.8 3.7 2.1 25.5 10.8 2.7 29.6 *** = P < 0.001 ** = P < 0.01 * = P < 0.05 NS = insignificant Conclusion Losses from metabolic, mastitis and some endemic infectious diseases (IBR, BVD, Leptospirosis.) are often subclinical and veterinary surgeons and farmers are unaware of the health status of their herds. Bulk milk tests offer an ideal opportun improve this situation and stimulate an interest in monitoring herd health status, adopting appropriate control measures inc vaccination and screening new stock. In future bulk milk antibody tests for Salmonella typhimurium and Neospora caninum w introduced. Knowledge of herd health status is particularly relevant at present because many previously closed herds ar purchasing replacements following of the cull for bovine spongiform encephalopathy. In some countries, bulk milk antibod have provided a simple and convenient means of surveying the infectious disease status of their herds. On the basis of th recent research we recommend for evaluation of the herd health status (metabolic, udder diseases) with bulk milk analysis w following parameters: fat >3.85%, protein >3.17%, urea from 3.0 - 5.0 mmol/L, SCC <250,000/ml, Na >24.00 mmol/L, K > mmol/L, Cl <35.00 mmol/L and LDH <55 U/L. 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