Personal Dictionary/Thesaurus


Mrs. Buenger’s 8 th Language Arts Class







All 8 th grade Language Arts classrooms have a set of 30 Dictionary/Thesaurus. Although I cannot make a personal dictionary/thesaurus mandatory for my classroom, I highly recommend that each student invest in their own personal dictionary/thesaurus they can bring to class every day. Let me explain.

Your child will learn approximately 120 new SAT vocabulary words during language arts his/her 8 th grade year. Each week, your child will be expected to define & provide etymology, part of speech, pronunciation, 2 synonyms and, 2 antonyms for five new vocabulary words. Students will use a dictionary/thesaurus in order to complete the vocabulary requirements.

*please note that students who do not have a personal dictionary/thesaurus will have access to a classroom dictionary /thesaurus in order to be successful with his/her vocabulary assignment.

I teach my students, who have a personal dictionary/thesaurus, how to highlight and annotate in their dictionary/thesaurus. For example:

Original definition:

Tone - /toʊn/ [tohn] Show IPA noun, verb, toned, ton·ing. noun 1. any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc.: shrill tones. 2. quality or character of sound. 3. vocal sound; the sound made by vibrating muscular bands in the larynx. 4. a particular quality, way of sounding, modulation, or intonation of the voice as expressive of some meaning, feeling, spirit, etc.: a tone of command. 5. an accent peculiar to a person, people, locality, etc., or a characteristic mode of sounding words in speech.

This can be overwhelming to a student that doesn't understand tone in literature. So, I have my students highlight the relevant definition, reword, and put an example.

After I teach tone, this is what their entry looks like:

Tone - /toʊn/ [tohn] Show IPA noun, verb, toned, ton·ing. Noun 1. any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc.: shrill tones. 2. quality or character of sound. 3. vocal sound; the sound made by vibrating muscular bands in the larynx. 4. a particular quality, way of sounding, modulation, or intonation of the voice as expressive of some meaning, feeling, spirit, etc.: a tone of command. 5. an accent peculiar to a person, people, locality, etc., or a characteristic mode of sounding words in speech . * the words an author chooses to use when writing a story. For example: it was a dark dreary night = negative tone & the stars were shining bright = positive tone.

As you can see, it is much easier to understand the definition.

*This is a skill that can only be taught using a personal dictionary/thesaurus because students are not allowed to highlight and annotate a classroom dictionary/thesaurus.

With exception of the vocabulary tests, your child will be encouraged to use a dictionary/thesaurus during assessments and writing projects.

*please note that students who do not have a personal dictionary/thesaurus will have access to a classroom dictionary /thesaurus in order to be successful with his/her assessments.

A dictionary/thesaurus is something that your child can use on the STAAR test. AND YES, he/she can take his/her dictionary in to the testing room! A personal dictionary/thesaurus would allow your child the opportunity to use a dictionary/thesaurus they he/she has practiced with and is comfortable using.

*please note that students who do not have a personal dictionary/thesaurus will have access to a classroom dictionary /thesaurus in order to be successful with his/her STAAR.
