The NLS has produced several documents, which provide a range of practical approaches to developing pupils’ understanding of word and sentence level objectives. The ideas in this booklet are in addition to the games and activities outlined in the following NLS resources: Progression in Phonics Early Literacy Support Additional Literacy Support Developing Early Writing Grammar for Writing The ideas have been pooled from the everyday practice of teachers, Leading Literacy Teachers and consultants in Medway. These activities would work well during shared sessions (don’t forget the plenary too) or could be used or adapted as independent activities. When selecting an activity think carefully about: Which activity will best suit the objective Resources you will need to prepare Which words/letters will be the most appropriate to use (particularly when playing a game like countdown, where you might find you are unable to create words if you trust to the luck of the draw!) Whether using a game is the best method of meeting the objective V:wk22/kn375cs Phonics Link Use letter flashcards, give out to children they then find their partner and show cards, say the sound. Could be played with: lower and upper case letters, different ways of writing the long vowel sound, first and last phonemes of words when teacher/another pupil shows a picture card. Key Word Fan Game Make up fans of key words and a ‘lucky dip’ bag of key words. Pupils show the word on their fan when it is read out. Variation could be to say a sentence using the key words and pupils line up in turn (or work in their groups) showing the next word in the sentence. Odd One Out Game Selection of words or phonemes, pupils pick the odd one out and justify why. Beat the Clock (a kitchen timer in a fabric bag/alarm clock set to ring after specified number of minutes) Pass the clock around. Pupils have to think of a word with a particular phonic feature/vocabulary alternative before passing the clock on. This could be played as a team game with two teams playing against each other. The winning team is the first to complete a full circle. V:wk22/kn375cs Four In A Row Make a 5 x 5 grid with phonemes written in. Say a word, pupils working in teams come up and cross off phoneme/spelling pattern (e.g. middle phoneme in bird). First team to get four in a row wins. Alternatives could be to fill the grid with high frequency words, which pupils have to read in order to secure the square. Bingo Can be played using words or phonemes. See grid one in appendix for bingo games. If laminated can be used for different phonemes. Snap Matching words or phonemes. Pelmanism Turn 2 cards, one point for direct match, two points for finding same phoneme but different grapheme. See playing cards in appendix. V:wk22/kn375cs Dominoes Make dominoes with word endings/suffixes followed by word beginnings. Play according to usual domino rules. Could be adapted to add prefixes instead. Good for reinforcing doubling consonant before adding -ed or –ing, or different spellings of plurals. Blank grid in the appendix. Whole Class Sorting Game Find your family; give out pictures or words, pupils group with others for same phoneme or same spelling, depending on the game being played. Sticky Game Use velcro sticky tabs for the back of each part of the word. Take out digraphs. Child fills in the missing part. Give an envelope of words to self-check. Word Maker Write root words on individual cards. Add suffix and prefix cards to make a new word. Extend a Word Start with a 2-letter word. Pupils add 1 phoneme at a time or a prefix or suffix to make a longer word. Who can make the most words? Who can make the longest word? V:wk22/kn375cs Change the Tense Pupils write three verbs on their whiteboards. Teacher/pupil turns over game cards. Cards may say, double a consonant, add –ed, add –ing, lose an e. Pupil changes one word for each card. First one to change tense of all their verbs wins. See cards in appendix. Structured Scrabble/ Crosswords Using the grid provided, complete words focusing on inserting the vowel phonemes. You might allocate different points according to the vowel used – i.e. one point for a short vowel, two for a long vowel phoneme. The first child/group to reach ten is the winner. A rocket could be used to record the progress of each team/player. See rocket card in appendix, also scrabble grids. Countdown Play using prefixes, suffixes and root words on cards, plus examples of words which would not work. This could also be played using individual letters. Group Quiz Initially modelled in whole class session. Use phoneme being taught e.g. ‘ir’ ‘er’ ‘ur’. Provide written sentences. One child reads the sentence. Others in group chose from their own three cards to show which grapheme was used. V:wk22/kn375cs Differentiate: work in pairs; easier sentences or phonemes; support with pictures. Will also work with homophones etc. Wordwheels/ Sliding game Create wordwheels for cvc, cvcc words/using prefixes, suffixes and root words and use these to build new words. See example. Slide the phoneme up and down and decide whether you are creating words by inserting it. See example in appendix. Word flaps Build words with a similar pattern i.e. ick, using a flip flap approach, where pupils identify 3 or 4 words with that spelling pattern, and create a flap book which can be manipulated to show the correct spelling and the picture which demonstrates the word. See example below. br Left flap has initial Blend/phoneme ick ending on card Picture flaps to match to word. V:wk22/kn375cs Mazes Create a maze of phonemes – pupils move through the maze, identifying words which contain that phoneme. Phoneme jigsaws. Four game cards with a picture and word in the middle e.g. duck, surrounded by four sections to add four cards. Sixteen cards turned face down (each card has a picture and the noun with a blank for one letter), players turn over the cards if they fit onto their board they keep the card. Winner is the first one to complete their board. E.g. duck board could be completed by sun, bun, cup, mug, so matching the middle phoneme. Other game cards might be: cat, peg, top. Columns Game cards of vowels and consonants, blends etc. Deal out around players. First player makes a word using 2 cards e.g. cl ock. Next player changes the word e.g. add an ‘i’ to make click, next player can either change word again or make a completely new word. Winner is first one to get rid of all their cards. Lose a word Compound sentence strips with a paper ring slider attached. Pupil reads sentence and decides if they can make it shorter by covering up a word. V:wk22/kn375cs E.g. the cat loves cream and the cat likes fish. Becomes The cat loves cream and likes fish. Remember to put in exceptions e.g. The cat loves cream and the dog likes biscuits. Parts of sentences Identify parts of sentences, then match to technical term, i.e. main clause, cards can be colour coded if necessary. Can also be used for synonyms/ identifying word classes within a sentence. Sentence Jigsaws Make up sentence jigsaws; pupils reorder words to make a sentence. Extension for more able: Turn the sentence into a question by re-ordering verb and subject e.g. The dog can bark. Can the dog bark? Could use different colours of card for different word classes. Could have phrases and clauses to ‘drop in’ to simple sentences to make them complex. V:wk22/kn375cs Just a Reminder - Do you use these to engage all pupils? Response cards – true and false/smileyfaces/yes,no letters/words Postboxes/envelopes to sort phonemes/spellings Whiteboards (at different times in the lesson?) Sorting activities Phoneme/alphabet fans` Washing lines Phoneme frames If you have any other games which you play – let us know and we’ll add them to the list! V:wk22/kn375cs Appendix Bingo V:wk22/kn375cs Appendix Phoneme snap and pelmanism, make four copies and cut up. Use cards as appropriate. a f k p u z oy B c d e G h i j L m n o Q r s t V w x y Ai ay ea oa Ue ow ee ie V:wk22/kn375cs igh Ou ir ur er ar ch sh th ss ff ck nd lp mp V:wk22/kn375cs Appendix Domino cards. Es Ies S S Es Es S S bab house cup box church write slip walk V:wk22/kn375cs S S es ies es S ies es egg hiss cherr whizz drink berr dish fox V:wk22/kn375cs V:wk22/kn375cs V:wk22/kn375cs Appendix Change the tense. Make 5 copies on card Double a consonant Add -ed Lose an -e Add -ing V:wk22/kn375cs Appendix Scrabble grid V:wk22/kn375cs Rocket game board V:wk22/kn375cs Appendix – Word slider, cut along dotted line, make a strip with a medial vowel on to slide up and down middle of card. Blend and read, say if it is a word. IN THIS EXAMPLE STRIP WOULD BE ‘o’ cl dr sh ch bl tr D str ck p p mp ck t ll ll V:wk22/kn375cs