william egypt

William A. Claypole
Ph.D., Economic History of 18th Century Mercantile Empires,
University of the West Indies (Commonwealth Scholarship),1972
M.A., Tariffs and Trade in the 17th Century British Empire, University
of the West Indies (Commonwealth Scholarship),1970
B.A., History University of Ottawa, 1968
English, French
Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Canada, Egypt, Iraq, Sudan, United
Dr. William Claypole is a customs expert with who has worked extensively with international clients
during his 33 year career, and possesses a thorough knowledge and experience in developing
partnership initiatives with international clients, partners and agencies. Highly regarded in the field of
trade policy, he’s worked with organizations which aim at the joint development and delivery of
customs and trade-related activities, such as the International Association of Customs brokers,
International Chamber of Commerce, the World Customs Organization (WCO), the World Trade
Organization (WTO), the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the United Nation’s
Committee on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the Inter American Development Bank
(IADB). Within these institutions, he is a recognized expert in international negotiations relating to
the development and implementation of customs and border (frontier) management systems and
procedures and legal instruments. Additionally, he is skilled in program management and procedural
development related specifically to customs and border legal, policy, procedures and systems,
international trade policy instruments and trade facilitation measures. Utilizing his extensive
international experience working with emerging economies, he is able to develop and deliver
technical assistance training in the application of customs and trade policy laws, systems and
Dr. Claypole has also participated extensively on the development, negotiation, legal drafting,
and administration of the customs provisions of major trade policy instruments including
WCO/WTO preferential and non-preferential Rules of Origin; WTO Valuation code; the APEC
Customs trade facilitation agendas; the WCO Harmonized commodity description and Coding
System; WCO Kyoto Convention on Standardized Customs Procedures; WCO diagnostic and
modernization programs; the G-7 common data elements project and many other customs and border
procedures including the work program under the Canada/US Shared Border Accord.
Dr. Claypole has considerable experience and knowledge relating to his work on the
development of legal frameworks, drafting, implementation, evaluation and administration of the
Customs and financial components of major trade agreements, Memorandums of Understanding and
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Mutual Assistance Agreements including the North American Free Trade Agreement; Canada’s Free
Trade Agreements with Israel, Chile, and Costa Rica; UNCTADs Generalized System of
Preferences; G7 Trade Facilitation Agenda; Canada/EC Joint Customs Co-operation Committee; and
the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) negotiations.
Customs Advisor, Deloitte, South Sudan, 2010
Prepared a customs diagnostic and recommendations for creation of an independent South Sudan
Customs Authority.
Customs Team Leader, USAID/BearingPoint, Alexandria, Egypt, 2005-2009
Team leader of a USAID-funded international and national customs reform team in Alexandria,
Egypt. Coordinated application of custom reform program with other trade facilitation and
development foreign donor initiatives to ensure effective and efficient over-all reform deliveries.
Coordinated customs reform initiatives with other trade facilitation measures such as stream-lined
port functions, IPR, free zones, other inspection organizations including agriculture and safety
standards. Managed the HR conversion of the Egyptian Customs authority into a streamlined,
functionally managed public service organization. Prepared job descriptions and role and
responsibilities profiles, including performance indicators within the new organization. Provided
technical advice on various customs systems including: risk management, post clearance audit
strategies; program restructuring, development of an integrity action plan and strategies, review of IT
requirements and developing fraudulent case and valuation databases for risk assessment and trade
facilitation purposes. Responsible for supporting and guiding the establishment of national automated
single-window delivery centers for customs programs. Responsible for reviewing and drafting a new
customs law to international WCO Kyoto Convention Standards and WTO standards. Responsible
for assessing training strategies and developing tariff, valuation and post-audit procedures manuals.
Reviewed transit procedures. Supported the development of Customs / business trade enhancement
focus groups and making proposals for trade facilitation measures. Prepared assessments and
comparisons of current situation of Customs with WTO, Kyoto and EU Customs Aquis framework of
Standards. Oversaw accession of Egypt to the WCO Kyoto Convention.
Senior Customs Expert, USAID/BearingPoint, Iraq, 2005
In cooperation with Iraqi customs authorities drafted an IMF approved customs modernization plan
comparable with WCO Kyoto and WTO Standards. In cooperation with Iraqi Customs Authorities
and US Government, prepared a customs diagnostic for Iraq Customs Headquarters and Baghdad
International Airport and selected border posts, recommending new structures and working practices
for basic customs assessment accounting, and release functions. Reviewed, commented on and
recommended proposals for a new Customs Law. Prepared Iraqi delegation for renewed participation
on WCO technical committees. Worked with Iraqi authorities to suggest ways to collect customs
duties more effectively.
Senior Customs Advisor, USAID/BearingPoint, Afghanistan, 2002-2005
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Completed a diagnostic study of Afghanistan Customs and developed recommendations for a reform
program In cooperation with Afghan and USAID customs and Ministry of Finance authorities
drafted an IMF/World Bank approved Afghan customs modernization plan compatible with WCO
Kyoto and GATT/WTO Standards. Coordinated application of USAID-custom reform program with
other trade facilitation and development foreign donor initiatives to ensure effective and efficient
over-all reform deliveries. Coordinated customs reform initiatives with other trade facilitation
measures such as stream-lined border functions, IPR, free zones, other inspection organizations such
as agriculture and safety standards. Advised Ministry of Trade on rules of origin and application of
GSP preferential tariff programs. Drafted a modern Customs Act, Executive Regulations and
operating procedures compatible with international standards. Advised on the implementation of
regional in transit programs. Shepherded Afghanistan’s membership into the World Customs
Organization and commitment to join the Kyoto Convention. Developed and established new
automated systems and basic customs of assessment, accounting and release functions at new
regional offices in Jalalabad, Khandahar, Herat, and Mazar Shariff. Advised on the coordination of
enforcement and anti-smuggling initiatives with the Ministries of Interior and Defense. Developed
basic training plans and delivery strategies for WCO classification and WTO customs valuation
programs. Advised on the acquisition and installation of a national Customs automated system
Organized over-seas study tours for senior and technical Afghan customs offices.
Senior Customs Advisor, USAID/BearingPoint, Albania, 2002
Compared the Customs law and customs procedures with the European Customs Aquis and
recommended changes and timetables for Albanian customs to meet conditions of the EU Customs
Aquis. Coordinated USAID customs reform program with other Albanian customs reform donor
initiatives including the EU International Police Assistance Mission. Analyzed and advised on Total
Quality Management (TMQ) processes Applicable to border crossing points. Advised on the
implementation and management of in transit traffic through Albania. Advised on the application of
streamlined and secure risk management and application of assessment, accounting and release
customs procedures at border crossings and ports.
Senior Customs Expert, USAID/Metametrics, Armenia, 2002
Completed customs procedural diagnostic as pre-step to customs reform program.
Director, Strategic International and Domestic Partnerships Division, Canada Customs and Revenue
Agency, 1997-2002
Managed the Canadian customs team responsible for the development, articulation and coordination
of customs’ international strategic frameworks and development agendas. Developed international
negotiating strategies promoting national trade agendas and the facilitation of customs practices in
light of the WTO Doha proposals. Developed cooperative technical assistance partnerships with
private and public sector clients. Negotiated and implemented customs and trade policy aspects of
preferential free trade agreements, including the North American Free trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Managed, identified, articulated and implemented a wide range of national and international trade
policy issues affecting the delivery of Canada’s national and international customs mandates,
including: technical assistance, trade facilitation, international trade policies, compliance schemes,
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tariff classification and the Valuation Code. Chaired and participated in several Committees at the
World Customs, Organization, The World Trade Organization, APEC and others concerning customs
and trade facilitation procedures, integrity programs, risk management, automated systems, statistical
collection, origin procedures, border integration and others.
Director, Customs Origin Determination Directorate, Canada Customs and Revenue Authority,
Managed and was responsible for negotiation, management and enforcement of the application of
various rules of origin applicable to Canadian international trade agreements including the
Generalized systems of Preferences, Canada-US Free trade Agreement, various anti-dumping cases.
Administered various components of customs and classification programs, including the extension of
the generalized system of preferences (G.S.P.) to least developed countries. Participated in numerous
foreign trade missions to Asia, Africa and South American to encourage the use of preferential trade
systems and increase trade ties with Canada. Provided training and seminars in various developing
countries on UNCTAD’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).
Manager, Customs International Nomenclature Development, Customs Branch, Canada Department
of National Revenue, 1997-1992
Managed administration and technical development of the Canadian Customs Tariff. Chaired
various WCO Committees including the HS Technical Working Committee. Prepared appeal cases
on application of tariffs for the Canadian Customs Tariff Board. Developed programs to ensure
national consistency of tariff application
Manager, Customs Procedures Review and Legal Development, Customs Branch, Canada
Department of National Revenue, 1984-1987
Audited, monitored and assessed the application of customs programs. Recommended/developed
new programs aimed at servicing clients effectively and efficiently. Drafted Ministerial
correspondence to clients and stakeholders. Responded to client and stakeholders complaints and
Dominion Customs Appraiser, 1978-1984
Developed tariff classification policies and procedures. Made Ministerial rulings on classification of
goods and applicable duty rates. Developed and administered national tariff classification policies
and procedures. Developed post-clearance audits on imported goods
Co-author of a senior level textbook on the economic, political and social development of the
Caribbean and Middle American economies (William Claypole, John Robottom, Caribbean Story,
books 1 and 2, Longman UK, 3rd edition, 2001)