CUSTOMS, RULES AND LAW Customs • Established patterns of behaviour amoung people in society or group. • Customs vary depending on culture, religion and history. • Customary Law – Customs may become apart of law of that society, but not all. • Three areas of Customary Law that has influenced the Australian Legal system are: • Aborigional and Torres Strait Islander customary law • English customary law • International customary law • Most customary law is never written down. Customs • TASK: • Make a list of unique customs from your own country. • State whether these customs are reflected in you home countries laws Rules • Prescribed directions for conduct in certain situations. • Made to only affect certain groups of society. • Rules are easily altered to adapt to changing situations. Rules • TASK • Complete a set of rules for the following three examples: • Household Rules • School Rules • Social Etiquette Laws • Look after all members of society, therefore are fair, just and • • • • • • equitable Expected to reflect traditional and current ethics and values These ‘Legal rules’ decided upon by a group and governs their behaviour and activities Prohibit and allow a variety of activities Failure to comply with these regulations incurs consequence (penalties), ranging from a fine to imprisonment In Australia, laws are usually decided upon by elected government officials at local, state or federal government levels Judges also have power to set laws in certain cases when set a precedent Laws • TASK • Create a table to compare the differences between rules and laws Laws Rules To be obeyed by all citizens of a society To be obeyed by specific individuals or groups Made by a law-making body Made by individuals or groups Enforced through the courts Enforced by leaders of a group Consequences of a breach results in a prescribed sanction imposed by the courts Consequences of a breach at the discretion of the leader of a group Relationship between customs, rules and laws • TASK • Write a paragraph summarising the previous slides. Describe the relationship between customs, rules and laws. VALUES & ETHICS Individuals values – what we believe to be morally right Voice values and ethics in a public manner to attempt to influence the legal system E.g. The Mardi Gras (Sydney) – Started as a protest march against treatment of same-sex couples by the legal system Mardi Grass (Nimbin, NSW) – attempts to influence government to relax laws relating to the use and cultivation of marijuana Law – Attempting to incorporate individuals core values and ethics into law making