Litter Policy Consultation with children of Year 1 and the Eco- Committee To create and sustain a litter free environment. To be aware of local and national litter policies and events To make pupils, teachers and visitors aware of the dangers of litter to humans, plants and animals. To establish excellent routines with regards to litter disposal. To make pupils and teachers aware that some litter can pollute the soil, water and the air. To improve standards of cleanliness in the school and the school grounds. To keep litter under control in the children’s environment whether at school or at home. To encourage children to influence and educate their parents about a litter free environment. To encourage good practice with regards to litter management in school. To make pupils and teachers realise that some materials are non-bio degradable and must be disposed of properly and permanently. Ensure that the litter policy follows the ethos of the school’s eco- code. To review the policy every year. Involve the children in policy making. Place bins in convenient places around the school. Place litter logos around the school. Year 1’s ideas Disposing of litter means being environmentally friendly. Throwing away litter is stupid. To make children aware that litter makes the grounds look untidy Tell children to not throw chewing gum on the ground because it is disgusting. Think before you throw litter.