anne reid memorial trust scholarship

Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholarship
Applications close at 5.00 pm on 30th April
Full name:
Street address:
UC Student ID:
NZ Citizen
(0 )
NZ Permanent Resident
Cell phone: (0
NB: Potential candidates are strongly urged to discuss their proposals in detail with their Supervisor/HOS/HOD
before submitting an application.
Please provide all the following, and tick the boxes to indicate that you have included them:
A brief outline of your proposed programme of study for the next two years, including:
 Information about the value of the programme
 Evidence of arrangements with the overseas organisation/institution
 A statement from an appropriate academic outlining the value of the institution at which you intend to study
 A statement on how this programme would fit into your proposed career and would be of benefit to your
particular artistic field in New Zealand
 A statement on how you would seek to obtain maximum benefit from a period spent undertaking research
The name, department, telephone number and email address of your main supervisor
References from two people, preferably in a position of managerial seniority, who can attest to your
achievements and skills in the proposed field of study
Financial details, comprising: (a) other expected income during your course of study overseas; (b) expected
expenditure during your course of study overseas; (c) which of the above costs you would intend to cover with
the scholarship, should you be successful; (d) the steps you have taken to raise the funding to study/work
A statement about your extracurricular activities, including areas of interest
A statement of any other awards or scholarships currently held or applied for
Five identical copies of a sample of your work (e.g. CDs, videos, photos, publications)
It is strongly recommended that performance-based candidates submit the best example of their
performance, recorded on high-quality equipment, and that those with visual samples ensure they are
capable of sharp and clear reproduction. Please indicate whether or not you would like these returned to you:
Yes / No
Original or certified true copies of your academic records (only if you have been previously enrolled at
another tertiary institution: your Canterbury academic record does not need to be attached).
1. The Regulations for this award are attached to the application form; please read them carefully and make sure you
are eligible to apply.
2. ALL PAPERWORK must be received by 5pm 30 April, or, if this is not a business day, by 5pm on the next
business day. Please understand that material supplied cannot be returned, other than as indicated above.
Applications must arrive by the closing date shown on the form. No undertaking is given to accept late applications.
References: PLEASE CHECK THE INDIVIDUAL APPLICATION FORMS: (If the application form does not ask you
to provide references then disregard the rest of this paragraph.) It is your responsibility to contact your referees.
Normally references should be sent direct to the Scholarships Office; they should be clearly marked with your name
and the name of the scholarship(s) for which you are applying. Referees should not be asked to send their
references to you as they must have the opportunity to be completely frank. Please note that all references are
treated as confidential and cannot be returned to you without written authorisation from the referee. However, if the
form states that references are to be attached, referees may provide them to you either open or in a sealed envelope.
Uncertified photocopies of references are not acceptable; originals need to be sighted and certified copies taken
by the Scholarships Office.
Birth Certificates/Academic Transcripts: If birth certificates are required please bring your original to the Scholarships
Office where a certified copy will be made. For students currently or last enrolled at UC the Scholarships Office will
supply the Canterbury academic record. Students previously enrolled at other universities/tertiary institutions must
supply an official transcript from that university/institution.
Additional Material: Please note that only materials requested on the application form and/or in the Regulations are to
be submitted - e.g. do not attach a CV unless you are requested to do so. In the interests of equity, any additional
material will be removed from your application. Material submitted cannot be returned.
Please do not put your application into any sort of folder. Simply attach all pages of each application with ONE paper
clip in the top left hand corner. All pages should be A4 size, printed on one side only.
The information requested in this application form will be used solely for the purposes of assessing your
application for the Scholarship for which you are applying. Personal information contained in this application will
be made available only to members of the appropriate selection committee.
Should you have reason to believe that information about you, supplied in connection with this application, or in your
academic record, is incorrect, you have right of access to, and where appropriate, correction of, that information.
Where references are required and are sent direct to the Scholarships Office by the referee or given to the student in
a sealed envelope to be attached to the application, the references will be considered confidential and will not be
released to the student without the written authorisation of the referee.
I have read and understand the regulations for the above award and the privacy provisions, and I agree to abide by
them, and should I be successful with this application, I agree to take part in any publicity that may arise from the
Full name (Printed):
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION for Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholarship: All
applications will be acknowledged by email.
Send completed application form and documentation to:
Scholarships Office, Level 1, Student Services Centre
University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, CHRISTCHURCH 8140
For further enquiries contact: 4 3 366 7001 Ext 6966
The scholarship is to assist a graduate student from either the University of Canterbury or The University of Auckland to
study English Literature, Music or Fine Arts overseas in an environment that encourages the completion of a course or
work in progress, or the undertaking of further training in a recognised institution.
The scholarship commemorates Anne Reid of Blenheim/Christchurch/Singapore/Auckland who studied and taught at the
University of Canterbury and The National University of Singapore. The Scholarship was established in 2002.
The Scholarship shall be known as the Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholarship and shall be awarded for postgraduate
study in the fields of English Literature, or Music, or Fine Arts.
The Scholarship shall normally be tenable for one year only, but in exceptional circumstances the Selection
Committee may determine that the Scholarship shall be tenable for up to two years, or permit a Scholarship holder to
reapply for a further award in the following year.
The Selection Committee may determine to award more than one scholarship in any year.
To be eligible a candidate shall be a graduate of the University of Canterbury or The University of Auckland, or
enrolled in a postgraduate degree course at either of those Universities and studying English Literature, Music or Fine
The Scholarship is tenable by a student who is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand.
The basis of selection will be academic achievement based on GPA as well as demonstrated artistic ability, proposed
course of study and potential to contribute to society in their chosen field.
The value of the Scholarship will be determined by the Selection Committee, taking into account the case presented
by the applicant. The maximum value is $20,000 per annum and this may be used to cover the cost of fees in further
approved courses, travel and living expenses while studying away from New Zealand.
The Scholarship shall be awarded to PhD, or Masters students who wish to undertake a period of postgraduate study
or research or creative work in English Literature, Music or Fine Arts at a recognised institution overseas.
The Trustees of the Anne Reid Memorial Trust shall appoint the Selection Committee which shall comprise two
trustees and one nominee of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Auckland and one nominee of the Vice
Chancellor of the University of Canterbury. It shall be chaired by one of the trustees who may exercise a casting vote
to determine a matter. Except as specified in these Regulations the Selection Committee may regulate its own
10. The Scholarship shall be awarded by the relevant University upon the recommendation of the Selection Committee.
11. Payment will be made to the successful candidate upon receipt of evidence that all conditions relating to the award
have been satisfied.
12. The Trustees of the Fund may from time to time vary the conditions of the Scholarship awarded to a particular
applicant upon the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor (or nominee) of The University of Auckland or the
University of Canterbury provided there is no departure from the main purpose of the Scholarship.
13. The closing date for applications shall be 30 April in the year of tenure.
Ref: 5075/2/98
April 2010
For further enquiries contact: 4 3 366 7001 Ext 6966