Problem-Solving Model (PSM) Tier I

Problem-Solving Model (PSM) Tier I/PEP
Purpose of PSM Tier I
Informs parents and teachers of concern
Establishes communication between school and home
Attempts initial resolution of the concern
Description of PSM Tier I
A teacher with a concern regarding a student’s performance contacts the student’s parents and
engages in a consultative process to resolve the presenting problem. General education
interventions are implemented at this level and communication between the parents and teacher is
opened as parents are informed of initial concerns. Concerns are frequently resolved at this level,
but if problem-solving is not successful, other resources within the school (including various
support personnel) are utilized and could be included in the problem-solving process.
PSM Tier I Activities
1. Define the Student’s Performance Profile
The teacher and parent meet and discuss the student’s performance profile: what the student
knows, what he/she should know, and the area(s) to target for instruction/intervention.
 Part I Diagnostic of the Tier I Problem-Solving form (PEP)
i. Complete the following student information using record review:
1. Identifying information
2. Attach requested information: NCWISE reports, vision and hearing
checklists and/or reports, and Easy Grade Pro or documentation that
indicates current levels.
3. Describe parental concerns
4. Using description sheet, check all services received and provide
explanation, as well as any additional comments.
 Part IIA Intervention Planning
i. Using the Guiding Questions for Defining Skill Area and Writing Goals,
complete the needs assessment section. Use a separate page for each area of
ii. Under Area(s) Concern, check those areas that are affected by the identified
need. Be sure to check all areas that are affected. For example, if the
student’s skill deficit is reading and the difficulty in reading is also affecting
math, areas under math should be checked.
2. Develop a Plan
The teacher and parent develop the plan.
 Complete Part IIB Intervention Design of the Tier I Problem-Solving form (PEP).
i. Based on baseline data develop an intervention plan. The plan needs to
1. S.M.A.R.T. Goal: A SMART goal must meet the following criteria:
Specific (well defined. clear to anyone that has a basis knowledge.),
Measurable (concrete criteria for measuring progress), Attainable
(challenging, but not out of reach), Realistic (within the availability
of resources, knowledge and time), and Timely (grounded within a
time frame)
May 2009
2. Interventions that meet the Intervention Design for Tier I, which can
help the student obtain the goal.
3. Needed resources and the timeframe for starting interventions and
reviewing the interventions.
ii. Special circumstances
1. If the student has an IEP and the IEP services are providing
interventions in the identified area of need, check the box indicating
interventions will be provided through the student’s Individualized
Education Plan (IEP).
2. If the student is participating in a school-wide intervention program
and the program is providing interventions in the identified area of
need, check box indicating interventions will be provided through
the School-Wide Intervention Program and obtain a copy of the
program (Part V) from your school administrator.
Obtain signatures of parent, teacher, and anyone listed as resources.
i. If parent was not present for the meeting, note how parent participated and
was informed of the plan,
3. Implement the Plan
The selected intervention(s) are implemented. Information is gathered to indicate the success
of the intervention.
 Complete Part III Progress Monitoring of the Tier I Problem-Solving form (PEP) and
attached the supporting documentation.
4. Evaluate Progress
Using the Reflective Questions for Decision Making, the teacher, parent, and principal
designee make a decision about the effectiveness of the intervention. They may discontinue
the intervention when the area(s) targeted for instruction/intervention is resolved, revise the
intervention, or go to Tier II if the targeted area continues to be of concern.
 Complete Part IV Periodic Evaluation. Note: This must be completed at least once
during each grading period.
PSM Tier I Checklist
May 2009
Send parent invitation for Tier I
Hold Parent/Teacher Conference
Discuss performance and develop a plan to address areas of concern
Provide any materials to parents for home intervention plan
Implement Tier I intervention plan
Document progress during intervention
Review effectiveness of PSM Tier I intervention plan