Rule Medication and Treatment

1. Students requiring medication at school shall be identified to the proper school
administrator by their parents or guardians. The District Administrator shall
designate in writing the individual(s) who shall dispense medication. A teacher
or designated personnel if trained by a health care professional and with
proper authorization may dispense medication. Students may carry and
self-administer an inhaler, with authorization of parent/guardian and the
District Administrator.
2. The District Administrator or designated representative may contact the family
and/or physician to identify the need for taking medication during school hours
and for other necessary information exchange and follow-up as required.
3. No medication shall be administered to a student until the Medication Request
form is properly completed and returned to the school. The district may require
the parent/guardian to obtain the physician’s/nurse practitioner’s signature on the
Medication Request form. Medications that are to be given at school require a
physician’s signature. The parent or guardian must also sign the Medication
Request form, authorizing designated school personnel to administer medication
to a student. The form is to be kept by the school, and a copy is to be given to the
parent/guardian. A copy of the school medication policy shall be given to the
parent or guardian.
4. Medication must be supplied in a container properly labeled with the information
here requested in the bottle from the pharmacy. School personnel will not
administer medication arriving in improperly labeled or unlabeled containers. The
medication shall be kept in a safe storage area, preferably in a locked drawer,
cabinet or file and in a location determined by the school administrator. The
information to be provided on the label is as follows:
a. student’s name
b. name of physician
c. name of medication
d. dosage (size, frequency, number of doses)
e. name and telephone number of the pharmacy and date if it is a prescription
5. Medication should be supplied in a ready-to-administer form without need for
manipulation. Pills and bottle dosage must match. Pill or capsule forms of
medication will not be added to any food product.
453.4 (2)
6. No school employees, other than registered nurses, can accept telephone or other
verbal prescription or non-prescription medication orders from physicians or other
health personnel or parents. Verbal request to give medication to students must
be refereed to the Administrator/designee assigned to the school. All verbal
requests from parents/physicians/nurse practitioners must be followed up by
written authorization within three (3) working days. It is the obligation of
parents/guardians to provide written notice from physician/nurse practitioner of
any changes in dosage or discontinuance of medication.
7. An accurate and confidential system of record keeping must be maintained each
time a medication is dispensed.
a. An individual Medication Record is to be established for each student
which will include date, time, dosage, initials of individual dispensing
medication, extension or disruption of medication, any changes,
description of reactions experienced by the student or errors made in the
administration of the medication.
b. The parent or guardian and District Administrator must be notified of a
problem or error in dispensing medication. The physician/nurse
practitioner may also be notified if the situation warrants. A notation is to
be made on the Medication Record if medication is not given, if an error is
made in its administration, or if parents are notified of a problem.
c. A separate Medication Record is to be kept for each medication given to a
d. The principal’s office must maintain a list of students receiving
medication during school hours including the name of the medication, the
dosage, and time to be given. This list is to be reviewed and
i. updated periodically by the District Administrator.
The Medication Request form and Medication Record form are to be filed
in the student’s cumulative record.
8. School personnel of all students receiving medication by school personnel shall
inform the school nurse. The nurse may periodically review the Medication
Record and confer with the teacher and appropriate others and bring concerns to
the attention of the school authorities.
9. If the medication to be given is other than oral, the person giving the medication
shall be instructed by the physician or registered nurse and demonstrate or provide
evidence of appropriate learning. The professional nurse will perform an initial
453.4 (3)
evaluation of the extent to which the medication may be delegated, with such
delegation appropriately accepted by unlicensed or licensed school employees.
10. Requests must be renewed each school year or more often if needed by the parent
or guardian and/or physician/nurse practitioner. It is the responsibility of the
parent or guardian to see that the request for a physician’s signature and
instructions is completed. School authorities may also request this information
directly from the physician/nurse practitioner. The District Administrator shall
provide for periodic review of medications dispensed to maintain current status
and appropriateness of administering medication during school hours.
11. The school may terminate the medication service if the parent or guardian fails to
meet the criteria required by the school, or if there is a lack of cooperation on the
part of the student or at the professional judgment of the nurse or caretaker. The
parent or guardian shall be given notice and reason for the termination within two
(2) school days.
12. Under no circumstances shall school personnel provide aspirin, cough medication
or any other medication to students without meeting all the criteria in the school
medication policy and procedures. Diagnosis and treatment of illness and the
prescribing of drugs are never the responsibilities of a school and should not be
practiced by any school personnel.
13. The parent or guardian shall pick up unused portions of medications within three
(3) days after the completion of the school year or when medications have been
discontinued. After a 10-day period following written notification, medications
will be destroyed.
14. Temporary orders from physicians or nurse practitioners written on prescription
pads or faxed will be accepted for a period of seven days from the date of the
15. For the safety and protection of students, all natural products such as herbal
medications will require a physician’s order. As with all medications, this does
not prohibit parents/guardians from coming to school to administer herbal
Administration of Drugs to Pupils and Emergency Care
School District Standards
Approved: November 25, 2002
Hubertus, Wisconsin