2015-2016 Date______________ SUPERIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Student Name____________________________________________ Grade __________ Home Phone #________________________________ (Please notify the office if numbers change) Mother/Legal Guardian ___________________cell#____________ Work Phone #___________ Father/Legal Guardian ____________________cell#____________ Work Phone #___________ Mailing Address _______________________ Physical Address_____________________________ Boy ____Girl ____ Date of Birth___________ Born (City)____________________(State)_____ School last attended (Name) _______________________________Phone #___________________ School last attended (City & State) ____________________________________________________ Number of schools attended (including this one)_______________ Parent’s email address:________________________________________________ Place of employment -Father____________________________________________ Place of employment Mother____________________________________________ Number of years completed in school: Father___ Mother___ Number of children in family____ Student’s rank in family _____ Student lives with: Both Parents _____ Father ____ Mother ____ Other_____ Grandparents _____ Aunt ____ Sister ____ Boarding____ Special Health Conditions, Allergies and Medications Please indicate if your child has: 1. Special Health Conditions: ______Yes _____No (If yes, please explain)______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Allergies (including food, medication and environmental) ____Yes ____ No (If yes, please explain cause, reaction and treatment) _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please list all medications your child is taking. If needed during the school day Permission Form for Medication must be completed and returned to the school nurse prior to medication being administered at school. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ As per the Student Hand book, no medication is to be kept in your child’s desk, locker, or school bag. All medication is to be kept locked in the nurse’s office at all times. *Alternate Responsible Persons: (Please notify the office if numbers change) Can the alternate person(s) pick student up? ___yes ___no Name_______________________________ Phone # __________________ cell# _______________ Name_______________________________ Phone # __________________ cell#________________ *Please inform these people that they are your choice. Choose someone who is local and would be available in your absence. Authorization for Treatment I hereby voluntarily consent to emergency treatment, first-aid screening, examinations and minor treatment (such as antibiotic ointment) as may be deemed necessary. I also voluntarily consent to preventive health screening including vision, hearing, scoliosis, and other screenings as may be deemed necessary by the school nurse. I give my permission for the school nurse and/or other designees to administer (according to protocol) the following over the counter medications as needed: Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Tums, cough drops and throat lozenges. When unable to contact parent or alternative person, I hereby give my permission to the school to authorize treatment needed, until the parent can be notified. YES___________ NO___________ I understand and authorize immunization information on my child will be shared with the local public health departments and entered into an electronic data system, the Montana Public Health Data System (PHDS). The intent of an electronic immunization registry is to provide a complete and permanent immunization record for your child. Parent/Guardian’s Signature__________________________________________ Physician to Notify__________________________________ Phone number_________________________________________