1 6 Supporting material: It’s the economy, stupid! Projecting the fate of fish populations 2 using ecological-economic modeling 3 In the first part of this section we describe the general set-up of the bio-economic model. We 4 put special emphasize on the specification of (i) the demand functions, as these determine the 5 (economic) species interaction, as well as (ii) management effectiveness. The second part 6 deals with the parameterization of the model. It describes biological and economic data used, 7 and statistical methods to derive parameter values and the projected trends for the economic 8 driving factors (demand, costs, and aquaculture production). The final part describes our 9 numerical simulation strategy, and contains the programming code. 10 6.1 Bioeconomic model 11 The objective function builds on Quaas and Requate (2013), assuming that the different 12 species of fish are considered to be imperfect substitutes in consumption. Substitution means 13 that if the price for one species goes up, the demand for this species shifts to other species. 14 The extent of this substitution effect is captured by the elasticity of substitution between these 15 species. We assume the following inverse demand functions salmon pS Y 1 S H S v 1 1 16 I 1 1 Y 1 tuna species i pTi T Ti H Ti Ti H Ti v i 1 1 Y seabass pB B H B v cod stock j pCj Y C Cj H Cj v 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 J Cj H Cj j 1 17 with scaling parameters with k 0 , S T B C 1 , iTi 1 and jCj 1 . Here, 18 HS is used to denote the consumed quantity of farmed salmon, analogously HB is the 1 19 consumed quantity of farmed sea bass; HTi is consumption of tuna species i, and HCj 20 consumption of cod from stock j. Total expenditures for fish are given by Y, which are 21 assumed to be independent of fish supply, and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 I T Ti HTi B H B C Cj H Cj i 1 j 1 22 v S H S 23 is a measure of utility derived from aggregate fish consumption. Parameters of particular 24 interest are the (constant) elasticities of substitution: σ for the substitution between different 25 types of fish (salmon, tuna, sea bass, cod), ψ for different species of tuna, and ξ for cod from 26 different stocks. 27 Fishing effort targeted at tuna species i is ETi, effort targeted at cod stock j is ECj, with 28 constant marginal costs cTi and cCj, respectively, as typically assumed in the literature. We 29 assume that the harvesting functions are given by the Baranov (1913) catch equations ST H Ti (t ) (1 exp( ETi (t )) qTi ( s) wTi ( s) xTi ( s, t ) (1 exp( ETi (t )) BTi (t ) s 1 30 (2) SC H Cj (t ) (1 exp( ECj (t )) qCj ( s) wCj ( s) xCj ( s, t ) (1 exp( ECj (t )) BCj (t ) s 1 31 Here, xTi(s) denote stock numbers of tuna stock i, and xCj(s) stock numbers of cod stock j, of 32 age s; qTi(s) and qCj(s) denote the catchability coefficients, and wTi(s) and wCj(s) denote the 33 weights of an individual fish of age s of tuna stock i and cod stock j, respectively. The 34 variable BTi qTi ( s ) wTi ( s ) xTi ( s, t ) measures the “efficient” biomass of tuna stock i (an STi s 1 35 analogous definition applies to cod stock j), i.e. the biomass that is susceptible to fishing 36 given the age-specific catchability coefficients. 37 The age-structured fish population dynamics model is an extension of the single-species 2 38 model developed by Tahvonen (2009). For tuna (analogously for cod) ST ssbTi (t ) Ti ( s) wTi ( s) xTi ( s, t ) s 1 xTi (1, t 1) Ti (ssbTi (t )) 39 xTi ( s, t 1) Ti ( s 1) 1 qTi ( s 1) (1 exp( ETi (t ))) xTi ( s 1, t ) for s 2, (3) , ST 1 xTi ( ST , t 1) Ti ( ST 1) 1 qTi ( ST 1) (1 exp( ETi (t ))) xTi ( ST 1, t ) Ti ( ST 1) 1 qTi ( ST ) (1 exp( ETi (t ))) xTi ( ST , t ) 40 Here, Ti ( s) are age-specific maturities. Recruitment is described by the stock-recruitment 41 function Ti (ssbTi (t )) . For all stocks we use Ricker (1954) stock-recruitment functions, i.e. 42 we specify 43 (ssb) 1 ssb exp(2 ssb) (4) 44 The parameters Ti ( s ) are age-specific natural survival rates. They are calculated from 45 age-specific natural mortality rates M Ti ( s) as Ti ( s) exp( M Ti ( s)) . 46 An important part of our analysis relies on a parameter that quantifies the effectiveness of 47 fisheries management. For this sake, we conceptualize management effectiveness as the 48 fraction of the external costs of fishing that are internalized in the fishermen’s decisions on 49 fishing effort. These external costs of fishing can be determined by the shadow price, or 50 co-state variable, k , of stock k, which is derived from the dynamic optimization problem to 51 maximize the present value of the sum of consumer surplus and fishing profits subject to the 52 population dynamics. Once the shadow price of the stock is known, optimal harvesting effort 53 is determined by the condition that the price of fish from stock k is equal to the marginal costs 54 of fishing, which are composed of the direct (private) harvesting costs and the shadow price 55 of the stock, which captures the external costs of fishing: 3 56 pk ck k exp( Ekå ) Bk (5) 57 To obtain a dimensionless measure of the external costs of harvesting, we consider the 58 value-added shadow price 59 k k / pk (6) 60 Using the harvesting function (2) we can express optimal supply of fish as a function of its 61 market price and the value-added external costs as follows 62 H kå Bk ck pk (1 k ) (7) 63 We conceptualize the degree of management effectiveness as the fraction k of value-added 64 external costs that is taken into account when setting the total allowable catch (TAC) for stock 65 k. Thus, the TAC can be written as 66 H kTAC Bk ck pk (1 k k ) (8) 67 It is important to note that in equation (8) the value-added external costs of harvesting are 68 determined from the dynamic optimization problem, but the price pk is formed on the fish 69 market for given total allowable catches. This means that pk, as given by the inverse market 70 demand (1), depends on the TACs for all stocks, and equation (8) only implicitly defines the 71 TAC for stock k. Obviously, the TAC depends on the degree of management effectiveness µk. 72 Perfect management effectiveness k 1 corresponds to the optimal TAC, as given by 73 equation (8). If no external costs of fishing are taken into account, i.e. if k 0 , the 74 management would not restrict harvesting at all and thus catches would be equal to open 75 access catch quantities, generating zero profits. 4 76 For our simulations we use values in between these extremes. Specifically, we use estimates 77 of management effectiveness in the different fishing areas from Mora et al. (2009). In order to 78 not underestimate the stock sizes in 2048, we take a slightly more optimistic view and assume 79 that management effectiveness is 40% for tuna and 60% for the cod stocks. 80 6.2 Parameterization 81 Data from stock assessment 82 Data on age-specific maturity and natural mortality rates, as well as stock numbers for 2008 83 are taken directly from the stock assessments (Tab. 1, 2). For weight-at-age (in stock) we use 84 mean values for the period 2005-2008. 85 Age-specific catchabilities are obtained by dividing harvest-at-age by the stock biomass in the 86 different age groups, which yields the annual fishing mortalities of the different age groups. 87 We take the mean of these values for the period 1993-2008 and divide the resulting average 88 annual fishing mortalities by the maximum of these numbers. Thus, by normalization, the 89 maximum of the catchabilities is equal to one. 90 Northeast Arctic cod fishery age class weight s wneac(s) 1 0 2 0 3 0.259 4 0.66 5 1.2746 6 2.1578 7 3.276 8 9 4.590 6.287 6 6 8.606 0.962 0.996 0.675 10 11 12 10.696 12.73 4 1 maturity γneac(s) 0 0 0 0.0026 0.0676 0.3526 8 0.877 6 4 1 1 catchability qneac(s) 0 0 0.026 0.196 0.496 0.725 0.884 0.982 0.993 0.993 0.948 1 0 0 0.32 0.23 0.21 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 357.90 583.9 851.32 650.70 325.25 162.28 60.61 18.39 4 5 8 9 6 3 4 7 6.994 0.827 0.293 Mneac(s mortality rate ) stock numbers 5 64.92 91 92 North Sea cod fishery age class s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 weight wnsc(s) 0.3122 0.8924 2.082 3.835 5.597 7.5272 10 maturity γnsc(s) 0.01 0.05 0.23 0.62 0.86 1 1 catchability qnsc(s) 0.42 0.957 0.954 1 0.956 0.929 0.981 mortality rate Mnsc(s) 0.468 0.264 0.386 0.26 0.26 0.332 0.2 87.728 33.323 31.948 3.88 2.017 0.499 0.331 stock numbers 93 94 Eastern Baltic cod fishery age class s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Weight webc(s) 0 0.173 0.493 0.818 1.183 1.742 2.613 4.306 Maturity γebc (s) 0 0.13 0.36 0.83 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.98 Catchability qebc (s) 0 0.166 0.548 0.842 1 0.904 0.891 0.907 mortality rate Mebc (s) 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 198.143 204.938 124.999 58.493 23.986 8.579 2.325 1.018 stock numbers 95 96 Table 1: Parameter values for cod fisheries from ICES stock assessment reports. 6 97 Bigeye tuna age group S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 weight wbet(s) 0 4 13 26 41 58 76 101 maturity γbet (s) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 catchability qbet (s) 0 1 mortality rate Mbet(s) 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 59.834 9.053 4.877 3.19 stock numbers 0.507 0.675 0.846 0.863 0.755 0.358 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.256 1.809 0.459 0.759 98 99 Yellowfin tuna age group s 1 2 3 4 5 6 weight wyft (s) 1 2 11 35 62 87 maturity γyft (s) 0 0 0 1 1 1 catchability qyft (s) 0.202 0.46 0.296 0.48 0.895 1 Myft(s) 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 48.054 12.478 1 2 3 4 5 6 mortality rate stock numbers 4.827 2.696 0.96 0.191 100 101 Eastern Bluefin tuna age group s weight wbft (s) 5.6 11 20.2 33.6 52 73.6 maturity γbft (s) 0 0 0 0 1 1 catchability qbft (s) 0.422 1 mortality rate Mbft(s) 0.14 0.14 0.142 0.242 stock numbers 0.78 0.567 0.14 0.14 0.273 0.267 7 9 10 95.4 119.8 146.6 215.4 1 1 1 0.401 0.395 0.359 0.403 0.65 0.711 0.14 0.14 0.336 0.281 0.176 0.172 0.139 0.317 0.14 0.14 1 8 0.14 0.14 102 103 Table 2: Parameter values for tuna fisheries from ICCAT stock assessment reports. 104 7 105 Stock-recruitment functions 106 Following Cook et al. (1997), we assume log-normal auto-correlated errors to estimate the 107 parameters of the stock-recruitment function. We use ICES and ICCAT stock assessment 108 estimates for the number of recruits and spawning stock biomasses to estimate the parameters 109 of the stock-recruitment functions. Using sk to denote the age of recruitment for stock k, we 110 thus estimate the following AR(1) model by means of OLS ln( xk ( sk , t ) / ssbk (t sk )) ln(1 ) 2 ssbk (t sk ) t with t t 1 t 1, 111 112 where t IIDN(0, 2 ) is an independently and identically normally distributed series of 113 random errors. We first estimate the correlation coefficient v̂ by means of nonlinear least 114 squares and then estimate 115 116 xk sk , t xk sk , t 1 ln vˆ (1 vˆ) 1 2 ln ssbk t sk vˆ ssbk t 1 sk t ssbk t sk ssb t 1 s k k 117 118 by means of OLS with Newey-West (1987) robust estimation of the covariance matrix to account for heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. Results are given in Table 3. ln(1 ) 2 2 Northeast Arctic cod 0.683 (0.217) 0.0011 (0.00029) 0.370 0.191 North Sea cod 1.699 (0.083) 0.00391 (0.00110) 0.189 0.322 Eastern Baltic cod 0.530 (0.325) 0.00182 (0.00091) 0.759 0.108 Bigeye tuna -1.735 (0.231) 0.0011 (0.00024) 0.672 0.029 Yellowfin tuna -0.467 (0.154) 0.0039 (0.00050) 0.629 0.026 1 For the density dependence of the North Sea cod recruitment, current stock assessment data does not allow a reliable estimate, presumably because the stock has been at very low levels for the last two decades. To overcome this difficulty, we use the estimate for φ2 from Cook et al. (1997) and estimate ln(φ1), and ν contingent on this value of φ2. 8 Bluefin tuna -4.494 (1.180) 0.0041 (0.00293) 0.931 0.147 119 120 Table 3: Estimates and Newey-West (1987) standard errors for Ricker stock-recruitment 121 functions 122 9 123 Demand functions 124 For the elasticities of substitution we assume 125 1.7 2.5 4.3 (9) 126 The parameter value 1.7 is taken from Asche et al. (1996) and Quaas and Requate 127 (2013), and reflects the elasticity of substitution between types of fish as different as salmon 128 and crustaceans. Also the assumed values for the substitution elasticities for different cod 129 stocks and different tuna species are based on empirical evidence. The demand elasticity for 130 Baltic cod has been estimated to be 1/ 0.23 (Nielsen 2006). For our calculations, we thus 131 use 4.3 . An estimate for the demand elasticity for different types of tuna – i.e. fresh and 132 frozen tuna supplied by long-line fleets – is 2.53 , as reported in Bertignac et al. 133 (2000:163) and Miyake et al. (2010:107). The values for the elasticities of substitution satisfy 134 the following properties of the demand functions: substitution among fish species is more 135 elastic than substitution of fish by other commodities (σ > 1); tuna species among themselves 136 are better substitutes than different types of fish species (ψ > σ), and finally cod from 137 different stocks is better substitutable than different tuna species (ξ > ψ). 138 To calibrate the demand parameters ηk, we use data on (export) prices and data on supply of 139 farmed salmon and sea bass from FAO fishstat (http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/en 140 accessed April 1, 2014), and data from the ICES and ICCAT stock assessments for the 141 harvest of cod and tuna for the period 1993-2011. 142 Equations how to compute the values for ηk from the price and harvest quantity data are 143 derived from the inverse demand functions (1), as follows. 10 S v T Y 1 1 pTi H Ti i 1 I 1 v pS H S Y I 1 Ti H Ti i 1 1 v v Ti pTi H Ti T Y T Y 1 1 1 p H Ti Ti i 1 I 1 1 1 I v I T pTi H Ti pTi H Ti Y i 1 i 1 1 v B pB H B Y v C Y 1 1 pCj H Cj j 1 J J 1 Cj H Cj j 1 1 v v Cj pCj H Cj C Y C Y 145 1 1 J v J C pCj H Cj pCj H Cj Y j 1 j 1 1 1 1 (10) Using ηS + ηT + ηB + ηC = 1, we have 1 146 1 1 1 pCj H Cj j 1 J 1 144 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 I I v pS H S pTi H Ti pTi H Ti Y i 1 i 1 1 pB H B pCj H Cj j 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 pCj H Cj j 1 J (11) 147 Thus, for each year’s observation of prices and quantities, we obtain values for ηk. To 148 calibrate the demand functions we use the mean values (standard errors in brackets) 149 S T B C 0.2525(0.0237) 0.3756 (0.0471) (12) 0.0751(0.0141) 0.2969 (0.0257) 150 11 bet 0.2991(0.1048) yft 0.2724 (0.0830) 151 (13) bft 0.4285(0.0834) 152 neac 0.4519(0.0222) nsc 0.2692(0.0274) ebc 0.2789(0.0141) 153 (14) 154 155 For total expenditures, we use the value of 2008, Y = 10.15 billion USD. Estimating the 156 equation 157 expenditures on fish exports (cod, the three tuna species, salmon and sea bass) in the FAO 158 data from 1993-2011, we obtain ln(1+gY) = 0.0569 (0.000052), 2 0.0295 ; using aggregate 159 expenditures on the wild fish only (cod and tuna), we obtain ln(1+gY) = 0.0256 (0.000050), 160 2 0.0285 . The reason is that the supply of farmed fish substantially increased, while the 161 increase in expenditures for wild fish was purely driven by increasing prices. 162 Cost functions 163 For the cod stocks, cost data is available from the literature. For Northeast Arctic cod we use 164 the estimate cneac = 1.564 billion USD (Arnason et al. 2004);2 for North Sea cod we use cnsc = 165 0.155 billion USD from Froese and Quaas (2012); and for Eastern Baltic cod we use cebc = 166 0.135 billion USD from Froese and Quaas (2011).3 ln(Yt ) ln(Y0 ) ln(1 gY )t t with t IIDN(0, 2 ) 2 , using aggregate This figure is obtained by converting the estimate of 8.824 million NOK into US dollars. These figures are obtained by converting the estimates of 106 million euros (for North Sea cod) and 92 million euros into US dollars, based on the 2008 conversion rate. 3 12 167 For the tuna stocks, no similar data was available. We rather adopt an indirect approach to 168 estimate the cost parameters, using the method described in Quaas et al. (2012). We assume 169 that the stocks have been fished under a regime of de-facto open access in the past, such that 170 τk = 0 in Error! Reference source not found.. We thus can use observations on the 171 harvestable biomass and fish prices to estimate the cost parameter. Using data from FAO 172 fishstat for prices and stock assessment data for harvestable biomasses, we obtain the 173 following mean values (over the period 1993-2008) for the three stocks: cbet = 3.024, cyft = 174 0.775, and cbft = 1.669. 175 Aquaculture production 176 For the first optimization we keep fixed the supply of farmed fish at 900,000 tons for salmon 177 and 50,000 tons for sea bass, which are roughly the quantities in 2008 according to FAO data. 178 Estimating the equation ln( H jt ) ln( H j 0 ) ln(1 g Fj )t t with t IIDN(0, 2 ) , with data 179 on export quantities Hjt for the period 1993-2011 we obtain ln(1+gFS) = 0.0795 (0.000019), 180 2 0.0125 for salmon and ln(1+gFB) = 0.0933 (0.000081), 2 0.0540 for sea bass. 181 The discount rate is set to 5% per year in all simulations 182 For the numerical calculation we employ the interior-point algorithm of the Knitro (version 183 9.1) optimization software (Byrd et al. 1999; 2006). All programming codes were 184 implemented in AMPL, and are available as supporting material. 185 Minimum acceptable biomass levels are defined on basis of the historic stock trends. We use 186 the threshold of 80% of the mean of the last 10 years of available data (see Table), i.e. 187 1999-2008, to set SSB limits for each species. Bluefin tuna 171.006 13 Bigeye tuna 384.043 Yellowfin tuna 159.734 Northeast Arctic cod 523.434 North Sea cod 40.929 Baltic cod 89.993 188 189 6.3 Numerical simulation approach 190 The numerical challenge for the simulation is the computation of total allowable catches 191 under imperfect management effectiveness. Computing the shadow price requires to solve the 192 dynamic optimization problem for the age-structured population dynamics which are coupled 193 by demand-side interactions. We solve the dynamic optimization problem for the expected 194 development of recruitment, expenditures and farmed fish supply, as it is numerically 195 infeasible to solve a stochastic dynamic optimization problem of this size, and as the error of 196 using the shadow price derived from the deterministic optimization problem is negligible 197 (Kapaun and Quaas 2013). We employ the interior-point algorithm of the Knitro (version 9.1) 198 optimization software (Byrd et al. 1999; 2006) to solve this large-scale optimization problem. 199 All programming codes were implemented in AMPL, the programming codes are provided 200 below. Since management is imperfect, shadow prices have to be computed newly every time 201 step. As population dynamics, expenditure growth, and farmed fish supply are stochastic, we 202 use a Monte Carlo simulation with 1000 samples of the stochastic dynamics to obtain reliable 203 estimates for the mean future development as well as for the standard deviation of the time 204 development of spawning stock biomasses, assuming that they are log-normally distributed. 205 In each run, and for each time step, once the shadow prices are determined for given initial 206 stock numbers of all six fisheries, we determine the total allowable catches by numerically 14 207 solving equation (8) for all stocks. The next year’s initial stock numbers are derived from the 208 age-cohort model (3) with stochastic stock-recruitment functions; aggregate expenditures, 209 fishing costs and supply of the two farmed fish species are updated according to the stochastic 210 processes governing the dynamics of the respective variable. We newly compute the shadow 211 prices of the different stocks and repeat the simulation for each year between 2008 and 2048. 212 Figures 1 (for the likely growth rate of aggregate fish demand) of in the main text, S1 for 213 constant economic parameters at 2008 levels, and S2 for a low growth rate of aggregate fish 214 demand, show the results. 215 Figure S1 shows that current management effectiveness would perform reasonably well if 216 economic drivers would stay constant at present-day levels: All stocks, perhaps except 217 Bluefin tuna, would tend to increase in the next decades compared to 2008 levels. 218 While the model has not been calibrated to fit past development of spawning stock biomasses, 219 it is useful to compare the model projection starting at some point in the past with the 220 development of stock estimates obtained from stock assessments. Figure S3 shows the stock 221 sizes from assessments and the model output starting at 1988 stock sizes for the 20-year 222 period from 1988 to 2008; using the baseline scenario (likely demand growth) and assumed 223 management effectiveness. The figure shows a sample of stochastic development (empty 224 circles), and most likely development for the baseline scenario (solid line). Red shaded areas 225 show the most likely development +/- one standard deviation; green shaded areas the 95% 226 confidence interval. It is evident that our model overestimates the past sock sizes. This shows 227 that we use an optimistic scenario with respect to management effectiveness. For most of the 228 stocks a simulation with zero management effectiveness would fit the stock assessment data 229 much better (results not shown). Yet, the trends of stock size development are reproduced 230 well for the majority of stocks, in particular for North Sea cod, Baltic cod, Bigeye tuna and 231 Yellowfin tuna. The model performs somewhat worse for Northeast Arctic cod, in particular 15 232 for the last years in the observations, and Bluefin tuna. For Bluefin tuna this is due to the bad 233 quality of the estimated stock-recruitment function, which results in a high variability and 234 uncertainty of model output (cf. Figure 2). For Northeast Arctic cod, the actual recruitment 235 has recently been much higher than predicted by the Ricker stock-recruitment function 236 assumed here. This is due to strongly improved environmental conditions, which have 237 reduced the density-dependence of recruitment (Kjesbu et al. 2014) and led to a strong 238 increase in spawning stock biomass, which significantly exceeds the stock sizes projected by 239 our model. Such a strong increase of stock sizes of Northeast Arctic cod has been simulated 240 before in single-species bio-economic models using a Beverton-Holt type of stock recruitment 241 function and a constant economy (Diekert et al. 2010), which leads to the conjecture that the 242 smaller stock sizes from our model are due to the assumed stock-recruitment function. Even 243 with our more conservative assumption of a Ricker stock-recruitment function, however, the 244 Northeast Arctic cod stock is projected to stay at relatively healthy sizes in the next decades. 16 245 246 Figure S1. Past development (according to ICES/ICCAT stock assessments) in filled circles, sample of 247 stochastic future development (empty circles), and most likely future development for a scenario with economic 248 parameters set constant at 2008 levels, under present day management effectiveness. Shaded areas show the most 249 likely development +/- one standard deviation. Stock dynamics are interlinked by market interactions. 17 250 251 Figure S2. Past development (according to ICES/ICCAT stock assessments) in filled circles, sample of 252 stochastic future development (empty circles), and most likely future development for the baseline scenario of 253 future spawning stock sizes, as in Figure 1 in the main text, except for a low growth rate of aggregate fish 254 demand (2.56 %/y), under present day management effectiveness. Shaded areas show the most likely 255 development +/- one standard deviation. Stock dynamics are interlinked by market interactions. 256 18 257 258 259 260 261 Figure S3. Past development (according to ICES/ICCAT stock assessments) in filled circles, and model runs starting in 1988 with sample of stochastic development (empty circles), and most likely development for the baseline scenario. Red shaded areas show the most likely development +/- one standard deviation; green shaded areas the 95% confidence interval. 262 19 263 264 Programming code: AMPL run file 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 reset; # load model description model 2048.mod; # load parameter values data 2048.dat; option solver "/home/martin/Ziena/knitro-9.1.0-z/knitroampl/knitroampl"; option knitro_options "maxit=3000 opttol=1.0e-7"; #option knitro_options "maxit=3000 opttol=1.0e-7 multistart=1 ms_maxsolves=5"; # base scenario let gY:=0.0576; # growth rate of expenditures for fish let varlnY:=0.0295; # variance of log expenditures # let gY:=0.0259; # growth rate of expenditures for fish # let varlnY:=0.0285; # variance of log expenditures let let let let gF[1]:=0.0795; # growth rate of farmed salmon supply varlnF[1]:=0.0125; # variance in log supply farmed salmon gF[2]:=0.0933; # growth rate of farmed sea bass supply varlnF[2]:=0.0540; # variance in log supply farmed sea bass let gC:=0.02; # rate of technical progress in fishing # write parameter values to file Out.csv printf "\n\n">Out.csv; printf "#management effectiveness Northeast Arctic cod=\t%f \n",feefactor[1]>Out.csv; printf "#management effectiveness North Sea cod=\t%f \n",feefactor[2]>Out.csv; printf "#management effectiveness Baltic cod=\t%f \n",feefactor[3]>Out.csv; printf "#management effectiveness Bigeye tuna=\t%f \n",feefactor[4]>Out.csv; printf "#management effectiveness Yellowfin tuna=\t%f \n",feefactor[5]>Out.csv; printf "#management effectiveness Bluefin tuna=\t%f \n\n",feefactor[6]>Out.csv; printf "#growth rate expenditures:gY=\t%f \n", gY>Out.csv; printf "#growth rate salmon supply: gF(salmon)=\t%f \n", gF[1]>Out.csv; printf "#growth rate sea bass supply: gF(sea bass)=\t%f \n\n", gF[2]>Out.csv; printf "#growth rate technical progress: gC=\t%f \n", gC>Out.csv; printf "#year\tssb_neac\tssb_nscod\tssb_baltic_cod\tssb_bet\tssb_yft\tssb_bft\n">O ut.csv; for {run in 1..1000} { printf "# run\t%f\n",run>Out.csv; # assign values to parameters that exogenously change over time let Y[0] := 10.15; let c0[0]:=1; let farmsupply[1,0]:= 900; let farmsupply[2,0]:=50; 20 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 let {i in 1..6} epsilon[i]:=0; for {t in 1..T-1} { let Y[t] :=(1+gY)*Y[t-1]; # growing expenditures for fish let c0[t]:=c0[t-1]/(1+gC); # decreasing harvesting cost let farmsupply[1,t]:=(1+gF[1])*farmsupply[1,t-1]; # growing salmon farming let farmsupply[2,t]:=(1+gF[2])*farmsupply[2,t-1]; # growing sea bass farming } # initial stock numbers let {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]} x0[i,s]:=x2008[i,s]; # determine optimal fishing first # hence keep fixed all variables relevant only in market equilibrium fix H0TAC; drop zeroprofit_1; drop zeroprofit_2; drop zeroprofit_3; drop zeroprofit_4; drop zeroprofit_5; drop zeroprofit_6; # hence allow to vary - and optimize over - variables relevant for optimization unfix E; unfix x; restore population_dynamics_1; restore population_dynamics_2; restore population_dynamics_3; restore initial_condition; # optimize objective pvprofit; solve; # now determine development of fishery under imperfect management. # this requires to determine shadow prices of the fish stocks in each time step, which requires to solve the optimization problem # then compute the market equilibrium in that time step given that not the full shadow price is taken into account # loop over time for {years in 0..41} { # store initial starting values for stock numbers let {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]} xstart[i,s] := x0[i,s]; for {t in 1..T-1} { let Y[t] :=(1+gY)*Y[t-1]; # growing expenditures for fish let c0[t]:=c0[t-1]/(1+gC); # decreasing harvesting cost let farmsupply[1,t]:=(1+gF[1])*farmsupply[1,t-1]; # growing salmon farming let farmsupply[2,t]:=(1+gF[2])*farmsupply[2,t-1]; # growing sea bass farming } # determine optimal fishing first # hence keep fixed all variables relevant only in market equilibrium fix H0TAC; drop zeroprofit_1; drop zeroprofit_2; drop zeroprofit_3; drop zeroprofit_4; drop zeroprofit_5; drop zeroprofit_6; # hence allow to vary - and optimize over - variables relevant for optimization unfix E; unfix x; restore population_dynamics_1; restore population_dynamics_2; restore population_dynamics_3; restore initial_condition; # optimize objective pvprofit; solve; # now determine market equilibrium for limited management effectiveness # hence allow to vary all variables relevant for market equilibrium 21 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 unfix H0TAC; restore zeroprofit_1; restore zeroprofit_2; restore zeroprofit_3; restore zeroprofit_4; restore zeroprofit_5; restore zeroprofit_6; # hence keep fixed all variables relevant for optimization problem fix E; fix x; drop population_dynamics_1; drop population_dynamics_2; drop population_dynamics_3; drop initial_condition; # determine equilibrium solution satisfying the market clearing / zero profit conditions objective no_objective; solve; 430 Programming code: AMPL mod file 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 param T; #time horizon (years) param r; #annual interest rate param n {i in 1..6}; #number of age classes param w {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]}; #weight; unit kg per individual in age class param g {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]}; #maturity param q {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]}; #catchability coefficents param a {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]}; #survivability param x0 {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]}; # initial state, number of individuals; unit 10^6 # compute resulting stock dynamics from current to next time step # to obtain the next period's starting values let {i in 1..6} epsilon[i]:=nu[i]*epsilon[i]+sqrt(varrecruitment[i])*Normal(0,1); let {i in 1..6} x0[i,1]:=(phi[i,1]*SSB[i,0]*exp(-phi[i,2]*SSB[i,0]))*exp(epsilon[i]-varrecr uitment[i]/2); # stochastic growth of fish stock i; let {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]-2} x0[i,s+1]:=a[i,s]*(1-q[i,s]*H0TAC[i]/B[i,0])*xstart[i,s]; let {i in 1..6} x0[i,n[i]]:=a[i,n[i]-1]*(1-q[i,n[i]-1]*H0TAC[i]/B[i,0])*xstart[i,n[i]-1]+a[ i,n[i]]*(1-q[i,n[i]]*H0TAC[i]/B[i,0])*xstart[i,n[i]]; let Y[0] :=Y[1]*exp(sqrt(varlnY)*Normal(0,1)-varlnY/2); # stochastic expenditure growth let c0[0]:=c0[1]; let farmsupply[1,0]:=farmsupply[1,1]*exp(sqrt(varlnF[1])*Normal(0,1)-varlnF[1]/ 2); # stochastic growth of famed salmon supply; let farmsupply[2,0]:=farmsupply[2,1]*exp(sqrt(varlnF[2])*Normal(0,1)-varlnF[2]/ 2); # stochastic growth of famed sea bass supply; # write output to file Out.csv printf "%f\t", years > Out.csv; for {i in 1..6}{ printf "%f\t", SSB[i,0] > Out.csv; } printf "\n">Out.csv; } # end loop over time } # end loop over scenarios 22 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 param xstart {i in 1..6,s in 1..n[i]}; param x2008 {i in 1..6,s in 1..n[i]}; param phi {i in 1..6,j in 1..2}; #parameters of Ricker stock-recruitment function param epsilon {i in 1..6}; # autocorrelation recruitment param nu {i in 1..6}; # autocorrelation recruitment param varrecruitment {i in 1..6}; # variance in log recruitment # elasticities of substitution param sigma; param psi; param xi; # parameters for demand function param etastop {i in 1..4}; param etastuna {i in 1..3}; param etascod {i in 1..3}; param Y {t in 0..T-1}; param gY; param varlnY; param c {i in 1..6}; param c0 {t in 0..T-1}; param gC; fishing # expenditures for fish # growth rate of expenditures # variance in log expenditures # parameter of fishing cost function # parameter of fishing cost function # rate of technical progress in param farmsupply {i in 1..2, t in 0..T-1}; # supply of 2 farmed fish species param gF {i in 1..2}; # growth rate of farm supply param varlnF {i in 1..2}; # variance in log farm supply param feefactor {i in 1..6}; # management effectiveness # variables for dynamic optimization problem var E {i in 1..6, t in 0..T-1} >=0; #fishing effort var x {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i], t in 0..T} >= 0;#number of individuals [millions] var B {i in 1..6, t in 0..T-1}=sum{s in 1..n[i]} q[i,s]*w[i,s]*x[i,s,t]; #biomass [1000 tons] var SSB{i in 1..6, t in 0..T-1}=sum{s in 1..n[i]} w[i,s]*g[i,s]*x[i,s,t]; #spawning stock [1000 tons] var H {i in 1..6, t in 0..T-1} = (1-exp(-E[i,t]))*B[i,t]; #total harvest [1000 tons] # # equations for computing optimal fishing and shadow prices of fish stocks # # utility from fishing var v {t in 0..T-1} = etastop[1]*farmsupply[1,t]^((sigma-1)/sigma)+etastop[2]*(etastuna[1]*H[4,t] ^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H[5,t]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[3]*H[6,t]^((psi-1) /psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma))+etastop[3]*farmsupply[2,t]^((sigma-1 )/sigma)+etastop[4]*(etascod[1]*H[1,t]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H[2,t]^((xi-1 )/xi)+etascod[3]*H[3,t]^((xi-1)/xi))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)); # objective to maximize present value of net revenues / profit maximize pvprofit: sum{t in 0..T-1} (1/(1+r))^t*(-c0[t]*(c[1]*E[1,t]+c[2]*E[2,t]+c[3]*E[3,t]+c[4]*E[4,t]+c[5]*E [5,t]+c[6]*E[6,t])+(Y[t]*sigma/(sigma-1))*log(v[t])); # age-structured population dynamics for 6 stocks of wild fish subject to population_dynamics_1 {i in 1..6, t in 0..T-1}: x[i,1,t+1]=(phi[i,1]*SSB[i,t]*exp(-phi[i,2]*SSB[i,t])); # Ricker stock-recruitment function 23 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 subject to population_dynamics_2 {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]-2, t in 0..T-1}: x[i,s+1,t+1]=a[i,s]*(1-q[i,s]*(1-exp(-E[i,t])))*x[i,s,t]; subject to population_dynamics_3 {i in 1..6, t in 0..T-1}: x[i,n[i],t+1]=a[i,n[i]-1]*(1-q[i,n[i]-1]*(1-exp(-E[i,t])))*x[i,n[i]-1,t]+a[ i,n[i]]*(1-q[i,n[i]]*(1-exp(-E[i,t])))*x[i,n[i],t]; subject to initial_condition {i in 1..6, s in 1..n[i]}: x[i,s,0] = x0[i,s]; # # market equilibrium for limited management effectiveness # # variables for management in current year var H0TAC {i in 1..6}; # harvest minimize no_objective: 0; # market equilibrium / zero profit conditions subject to zeroprofit_1: B[1,0]-H0TAC[1]-c0[0]*c[1]/(etastop[4]*etascod[1]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H0TAC[1]^(-1/ xi)*((etascod[1]*H0TAC[1]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H0TAC[2]^((xi-1)/xi)+etasc od[3]*H0TAC[3]^((xi-1)/xi)))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)-1)*(1-feefactor[1 ]*(1-c0[0]*c[1]/(etastop[4]*etascod[1]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H[1,0]^(-1/xi)*((etascod [1]*H[1,0]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H[2,0]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[3]*H[3,0]^((xi -1)/xi)))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)-1)*(B[1,0]-H[1,0])))))=0; subject to zeroprofit_2: B[2,0]-H0TAC[2]-c0[0]*c[2]/(etastop[4]*etascod[2]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H0TAC[2]^(-1/ xi)*((etascod[1]*H0TAC[1]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H0TAC[2]^((xi-1)/xi)+etasc od[3]*H0TAC[3]^((xi-1)/xi)))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)-1)*(1-feefactor[2 ]*(1-c0[0]*c[2]/(etastop[4]*etascod[2]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H[2,0]^(-1/xi)*((etascod [1]*H[1,0]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H[2,0]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[3]*H[3,0]^((xi -1)/xi)))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)-1)*(B[2,0]-H[2,0])))))=0; subject to zeroprofit_3: B[3,0]-H0TAC[3]-c0[0]*c[3]/(etastop[4]*etascod[3]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H0TAC[3]^(-1/ xi)*((etascod[1]*H0TAC[1]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H0TAC[2]^((xi-1)/xi)+etasc od[3]*H0TAC[3]^((xi-1)/xi)))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)-1)*(1-feefactor[3 ]*(1-c0[0]*c[3]/(etastop[4]*etascod[3]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H[3,0]^(-1/xi)*((etascod [1]*H[1,0]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[2]*H[2,0]^((xi-1)/xi)+etascod[3]*H[3,0]^((xi -1)/xi)))^(xi*(sigma-1)/((xi-1)*sigma)-1)*(B[3,0]-H[3,0])))))=0; subject to zeroprofit_4: B[4,0]-H0TAC[4]-c0[0]*c[4]/(etastop[2]*etastuna[1]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H0TAC[4]^(-1 /psi)*(etastuna[1]*H0TAC[4]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H0TAC[5]^((psi-1)/psi )+etastuna[3]*H0TAC[6]^((psi-1)/psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma)-1)*(1feefactor[4]*(1-c0[0]*c[4]/(etastop[2]*etastuna[1]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H[4,0]^(-1/p si)*(etastuna[1]*H[4,0]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H[5,0]^((psi-1)/psi)+etas tuna[3]*H[6,0]^((psi-1)/psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma)-1)*(B[4,0]-H[4 ,0])))))=0; subject to zeroprofit_5: B[5,0]-H0TAC[5]-c0[0]*c[5]/(etastop[2]*etastuna[2]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H0TAC[5]^(-1 /psi)*(etastuna[1]*H0TAC[4]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H0TAC[5]^((psi-1)/psi )+etastuna[3]*H0TAC[6]^((psi-1)/psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma)-1)*(1feefactor[5]*(1-c0[0]*c[5]/(etastop[2]*etastuna[2]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H[5,0]^(-1/p si)*(etastuna[1]*H[4,0]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H[5,0]^((psi-1)/psi)+etas tuna[3]*H[6,0]^((psi-1)/psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma)-1)*(B[5,0]-H[5 ,0])))))=0; subject to zeroprofit_6: B[6,0]-H0TAC[6]-c0[0]*c[6]/(etastop[2]*etastuna[3]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H0TAC[6]^(-1 /psi)*(etastuna[1]*H0TAC[4]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H0TAC[5]^((psi-1)/psi )+etastuna[3]*H0TAC[6]^((psi-1)/psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma)-1)*(1feefactor[6]*(1-c0[0]*c[6]/(etastop[2]*etastuna[3]*(Y[0]/v[0])*H[6,0]^(-1/p si)*(etastuna[1]*H[4,0]^((psi-1)/psi)+etastuna[2]*H[5,0]^((psi-1)/psi)+etas tuna[3]*H[6,0]^((psi-1)/psi))^(psi*(sigma-1)/((psi-1)*sigma)-1)*(B[6,0]-H[6 ,0])))))=0; 24 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 Programming code: AMPL dat file param T := 59; param n := 1 12 2 7 3 8 4 8 5 6 6 10; param gY := 0.056; # growth of expenditures for wild fish param gC := 0.02; param r := 0.05; param feefactor := 1 0.7 2 0.7 3 0.7 4 0.4 5 0.4 6 0.4; param sigma := 1.7; param psi := 2.5; param xi := 4.3; param etastop := 1 0.2525 # salmon 2 0.3756 # tuna 3 0.0751 # sea bass 4 0.2969; # cod param etastuna := 1 0.2991 # bet 2 0.2724 # yft 3 0.4285; # bft param etascod := 1 0.4519 # neac 2 0.2692 # nsc 3 0.2789; # ebc param phi 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 5 1 5 2 6 1 6 2 := 1.98 0.0011 5.468 0.0039 1.6989 0.00182 0.1764 0.0011 0.627 0.0039 0.0112 0.0041; # data from 1975-2012 param nu := 25 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.370 0.759 0.189 0.672 0.629 0.931; param varrecruitment := 1 0.191 2 0.108 3 0.322 4 0.029 5 0.026 6 0.147; param c 1 2 3 4 5 6 := 1.564 # neac: Arnason et al. 2004 0.155 # nsc: Froese/Quaas 2012 0.135 # ebc: Froese/Quaas 2011 3.024 0.775 1.669; param w:= 1 1 0 # Northeast Arctic cod 1 2 0 1 3 0.2590 1 4 0.6600 1 5 1.2746 1 6 2.1578 1 7 3.2760 1 8 4.5906 1 9 6.2876 1 10 8.6060 1 11 10.6964 1 12 12.7310 2 1 0.3122 # North Sea cod 2 2 0.8924 2 3 2.0820 2 4 3.8350 2 5 5.5970 2 6 7.5272 2 7 10.0000 3 1 0 # Eastern Baltic cod 3 2 0.173 3 3 0.493 3 4 0.818 3 5 1.183 3 6 1.742 3 7 2.613 3 8 4.306 4 1 0 # Bigeye tuna 4 2 4 4 3 13 4 4 26 4 5 41 4 6 58 4 7 76 4 8 101 5 1 1 # Yellowfin tuna 5 2 2 5 3 11 26 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 35 5 62 6 87 1 5.6000 # Bluefin tuna 2 11.0000 3 20.2000 4 33.6000 5 52.0000 6 73.6000 7 95.4000 8 119.8000 9 146.6000 10 215.4000; param q:= 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0.0260 1 4 0.1960 1 5 0.4960 1 6 0.7250 1 7 0.8840 1 8 0.9820 1 9 0.9930 1 10 0.9930 1 11 0.9480 1 12 1.0000 2 1 0.4200 2 2 0.9570 2 3 0.9540 2 4 1.0000 2 5 0.9560 2 6 0.9290 2 7 0.9810 3 1 0.000 3 2 0.166 3 3 0.548 3 4 0.842 3 5 1.000 3 6 0.904 3 7 0.891 3 8 0.907 4 1 0 4 2 1.0000 4 3 0.5070 4 4 0.6750 4 5 0.8460 4 6 0.8630 4 7 0.7550 4 8 0.3580 5 1 0.2020 5 2 0.4600 5 3 0.2960 5 4 0.4800 5 5 0.8950 5 6 1.0000 6 1 0.4220 6 2 1.0000 6 3 0.7800 6 4 0.5670 6 5 0.4010 6 6 0.3950 27 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 6 6 6 6 7 0.3590 8 0.4030 9 0.6500 10 0.7110; param g:= 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 0.0026 1 5 0.0676 1 6 0.3526 1 7 0.6758 1 8 0.8770 1 9 0.9626 1 10 0.9964 1 11 1.0000 1 12 1.0000 2 1 0.0100 2 2 0.0500 2 3 0.2300 2 4 0.6200 2 5 0.8600 2 6 1.0000 2 7 1.0000 3 1 0.000 3 2 0.130 3 3 0.360 3 4 0.830 3 5 0.940 3 6 0.960 3 7 0.960 3 8 0.980 4 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 4 5 1 4 6 1 4 7 1 4 8 1 5 1 0 5 2 0 5 3 0 5 4 1 5 5 1 5 6 1 6 1 0 6 2 0 6 3 0 6 4 0 6 5 1 6 6 1 6 7 1 6 8 1 6 9 1 6 10 1; param a:= 1 1 1.0000 # Northeast Arctic cod 1 2 1.0000 1 3 0.7261 28 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0.7945 5 0.8106 6 0.8187 7 0.8187 8 0.8187 9 0.8187 10 0.8187 11 0.8187 12 0.8187 1 0.6263 # North Sea cod 2 0.7680 3 0.6798 4 0.7711 5 0.7711 6 0.7175 7 0.82 1 1 # Eastern Baltic cod 2 0.82 3 0.82 4 0.82 5 0.82 6 0.82 7 0.82 8 0.82 1 0.4493 # Bigeye tuna 2 0.4493 3 0.6703 4 0.6703 5 0.6703 6 0.6703 7 0.6703 8 0.6703 1 0.4493 # Yellowfin tuna 2 0.4493 3 0.5488 4 0.5488 5 0.5488 6 0.5488 1 0.8694 # Bluefin tuna 2 0.8694 3 0.8694 4 0.8694 5 0.8694 6 0.8694 7 0.8694 8 0.8694 9 0.8694 10 0.8694; param x2008:= 1 1 357.9040 1 2 583.9500 1 3 851.3280 1 4 650.7090 1 5 325.2560 1 6 162.2830 1 7 64.9200 1 8 60.6140 1 9 18.3970 1 10 6.9940 1 11 0.8270 1 12 0.2930 29 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 87.7280 2 33.3230 3 31.9480 4 3.8800 5 2.0170 6 0.4990 7 0.3310 1 198.143 2 204.938 3 124.999 4 58.493 5 23.986 6 8.579 7 2.325 8 1.018 1 59.8342 2 9.0535 3 4.8768 4 3.1898 5 2.2556 6 1.8093 7 0.4586 8 0.7592 1 48.0540 2 12.4777 3 4.8269 4 2.6958 5 0.9605 6 0.1914 1 0.1421 2 0.2420 3 0.2735 4 0.2672 5 0.3362 6 0.2808 7 0.1756 8 0.1721 9 0.1387 10 0.3174; 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