Bradley L. Garrett 32 Goldring Street Townsville, QLD, 4812 Australia (011-61-7) 4725-2401 (011-61-4) 3920-5609 (Mobile) Education: James Cook University – Townsville, QLD, Australia 2004-Present Certification in Maritime Archaeology Awarded November 2004 with High Distinction Masters of Arts in Maritime Archaeology Proposed Thesis: Landscape Inundation: The Creation of Archaeology Underwater. University of California Riverside - Riverside, CA 2001-2003 Bachelor of Science in Anthropology emphasis: Archaeology -With Honors- University of California Riverside – Riverside, CA 2001-2003 Bachelor of Arts in History emphasis: United States History -With Honors- Riverside Community College – Riverside, CA 1998-2001 Associate of Arts received in 2000 Field Schools and Archaeological Experience: James Cook University – Underwater archaeology field school. Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia 2004 (September-October) Project Director Yalahau Settlement Pattern Survey Project – Quintana Roo, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico 2004 (May-June) Field Director University of California Lithic Technology Laboratory – Riverside, Ca (September 2003 – May 2004) Lithic technology & advanced flintknapping bi-annual field class. Ceramic Distribution Patterns of Pottery in Yucatan - Quintana Roo, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico 2004 (May-June) Field Technician University of California Riverside – Riverside, CA 2003 (April-June) Field school in Maya archaeology in Quintana Roo, Yucatan peninsula, Mexico Student Volunteer Educational Achievements: Dean’s List at the University of California Riverside: Fall 2002/2003, Winter 2002/2003, Spring 2002/2003, Fall 2003/2004,Winter 2003/2004 Chancellor’s List at the University of California Riverside for the 2002/2003 academic year Honors Societies: Golden Key Honors Society, Phi Theta Sigma National Honors Society Recipient of Spring 2003 Student Research Minigrant for fieldwork in Maya Archaeology Accepted into the prestigious University of California Washington Center Program in Washington D.C. (Winter 2003) Occupational Experience: International Centre for Archaeology Underwater, Director Townsville, Queensland 2004-Present Founded company and built website ( Offer consultation services to developers, contractors, and cultural resource management companies on underwater archaeology and heritage issues. Contribute efforts to the archaeology community to combat the commercial salvage of cultural heritage. L&L Environmental Inc., Archaeologist Corona, CA 2003-2004 Conducted Archaeological site location, survey, monitoring, excavation and analysis while in the field. Assisted with Background research for sites, including analysis of historical documents. Lab work including cleaning, organization, and classification of historic and prehistoric artifacts. Crooks Skateboard Shop, Owner Riverside, CA 2000-2003 Made over $220,000.00 in gross retail sales in two years. Built a solid customer base of thousands of people with hard work and excellent customer service. Built the business from the ground up, including a brick-and-mortar location in downtown Riverside and website. Publications, write-ups, and professional presentations: Submitted for publication: Treasure Hunting in the US: the Consequences of Commercial Salvage for the Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology newsletter. Pending Community Approval for publication: Magnetic Island: The Shell Middens of Florence Bay co-authored with Erika Stein. Submitted for publication: Shared Landscapes: Archaeologies of Attachment and the Pastoral Industry in New South Wales book review in Historical Archaeology. Accepted for presentation: Archaeological Evidence for Earlobe Stretching in Ancient Ohio: Bodily Plasticity in the Hopewell at MacQuire University In Sydney – April 2004 National Geographic Magazine forum – Treasure Ship published in January 2005 issue of National Geographic. National Geographic Magazine forum – Watery Graves of the Maya published in February 2004 National Geographic. Article: “Racism at UCR Not Just in Cartoons” published in Volume 50, Issue 8 of UC Riverside Highlander newspaper. Article published in the Riverside Business Journal regarding the opening of Crooks Skateboard Shop in Riverside, California. Regular Contributor to the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Newsletter. Additional Skills: CPR and First Aid certified. DAN O2 Certified Oxygen Administrator SCUBA certifications: basic open-water, advanced open-water, rescue diver, and master SCUBA diver. SCUBA Specialty certifications: night diver, equipment specialist, peak performance buoyancy, shipwreck diver, and underwater naturalist. Certified NOAA scientific diver (James Cook University) Nautical Archaeological Society (NAS) level 1 training as an underwater archeologist. International Powerboat Boat License: Australian Boating College in Queensland, Australia. Personal References: Dr. Scott Fedick, University of California Riverside, Department of Anthropology, 900 University Avenue - Riverside, CA, 92521 phone: (909) 787-3915 email: Dr. Richard Godbeer, University of Miami, College of Arts and Sciences University of Miami, P.O. Box 248004, Coral Gables, Florida 33124-4620 phone: (305) 284-4117 email: Adam Richard Fish, Small Projects Archaeologist, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, History/Archaeology Program, PO Box 150, Nespelem, WA 99144 phone: (509) 634-2646 email: William Jeffery School of Anthropology and Archaeology, James Cook University, Queensland, 4811, Australia. phone: (07) 4781-5858 email: