Appendix U Pastor Emerita/Emeritus Policy Existing Relevant Documents and Definitions Pertaining to Pastors Emeritus/Emerita I. Excerpts from the Policy for Pastors and Churches Concluding a Pastoral Relationship (PPCCPR) I It shall be the policy of Hudson River Presbytery, consistent with the Book of Order G-2.0905, to require the following statement to be placed in the newsletter and/or bulletin when the pastor announces his/her plan to retire or move: “When a pastor resigns from a pastorate, retires from service, or becomes Pastor Emerita/us, that minister shall no longer perform pastoral functions such as weddings, baptisms, funerals, hospital visitation or counseling. Active or inactive church members should not request a former pastor to perform pastoral duties. If requested, the pastor shall tactfully decline. On occasion, the pastor or moderator may, with the approval of session/council, invite the former pastor to perform such duties. While avoiding participation in any funerals, weddings, baptisms, etc., of former parishioners is difficult, it should be remembered that if the first invitation is accepted, reasons to refuse other requests will be very difficult to substantiate. 9. Pastor Emeritus/Emerita We acknowledge there are some double messages to a congregation and a minister when the church and Presbytery name that person pastor emeritus/emerita and then the Presbytery asks the pastor emeritus/emerita not to be involved in pastoral functions. It is expected that the retired/ resigning minister will actively discourage former parishioners if they issue invitations for his/her service. The church needs his/her help to exercise restraint to establish a healthy nurturing relationship with its new leader(s). II. Pastor Emeritus, Emerita When any pastor or associate pastor retires, and the congregation is moved by affection and gratitude to continue an association in an honorary relationship, it may, at a regularly called congregational meeting, elect him or her as pastor emeritus or emerita, with or without honorarium, but with no pastoral authority or duty. This action shall be taken only after consultation with the commission on ministry of the presbytery concerning the wisdom of this relationship for the peace of the church. This action shall be subject to the approval of presbytery, and may take effect one year after the formal dissolution of the pastoral or associate pastoral relationship or anytime thereafter. III. Definitions Emerita/us: (New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary) “Honorably discharged from service; retired but allowed to retain his or her title as an honor.” Honorary relationship – A relationship in name only. The title, Emerita/Emeritus is conferred for past services and does not include any ongoing or active involvement with the church, church staff or church members. Pastoral authority and duty – any influence or responsibility that is held by virtue of being ordained and called as a Teaching Elder. This includes Appendix U - page 2 “pastoral functions” as noted in the P.P.C.C.P.R. #1 (weddings funerals, baptisms, hospital visitation or counseling), worship leadership, worship attendance, teaching in the church, etc. Just as important are the more subtle powers and influences that a pastor exercises in the course of serving a faith community and developing or maintaining relationships. Considerations that might bolster an argument for Emerita/us status: Personal attributes Faithfulness to the Lord, the Word, the tradition Faithfulness to the work at hand and to the members of the congregation served Christian traits: compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience Focus on pastoral responsibilities (as opposed to managerial, intellectual) A creative approach to conflicts Ability to convey the word in an informed, articulate and intelligent way Being a living model of the living Word Ability to be both leader and follower Transformational leadership: the ability to discern or encourage new directions for ministry Contributions to the church served Creating leadership within the church Building up the church: promoting bonds within the congregation or between congregation and community Creating programs that encourage participation (of the congregational as a whole and various groups within it) Creating and nurturing positive change Leading special campaigns or providing guidance and leadership during times of transition or challenge Length of service Contributions to the Presbytery and the larger community Participation on committees and in the governance of the Presbytery and Synod and/or GA Participation in ecumenical groups and efforts Outreach and ministry to the community; open door Achievements Authorship; awards; length of service; miscellaneous; this could be anything that the pastor and/or congregation feels is meaningful and adds merit to his service. Appendix U - page 3 The Process: The Commission on Ministry (COM) takes seriously its responsibility to ascertain, in consultation with the congregation, whether a proposed designation is appropriate. This determination requires: substantive evidence that the honor is merited for the retired pastor being considered; and 2) consideration of whether the designation could adversely affect the ongoing life of the congregation. Application can be submitted to COM as early as one year after the date of the former Pastor’s departure. A determination will be made, if possible, within 6 months. However COM may defer a decision if it is of the opinion that the decision could adversely affect the congregation during the transitional period. A determination will be made by Presbytery no later than 6 months after the installation of a new Pastor. Responses to the application questions may be considered and answered by an individual or group designated by the Session/Council. The resulting document will be approved, at a congregational meeting, by at least 2/3 of the membership, and forwarded to the Presbytery. Responses will subsequently be reviewed and discussed in a meeting scheduled for that purpose that will include up to 3 representatives of the applicant church and one or more members of COM. Appendix U - page 4 Application for Designation of the Title Pastor Emerita/us Name of former Pastor_________________________________ Years served ________ Name of Church 1. 2. What are some of the personal attributes that your former pastor brought to his/her call at your church that distinguish his/her service and support a designation of Pastor Emerita/us? Discuss some of the lasting contributions that the pastor has made to your church. 3. Have there been any particular stages of the churches life, including times of transition or challenge, when your pastor provided exemplary leadership or other important pastoral skills? 4. In what ways was your pastor involved in the larger church (including Presbytery, Synod, GA and ecumenical activities) during his/her years with you? Appendix U - page 5 5. 6. What is your former pastor’s relationship with the larger community and how have his/her ties to or activities within the community helped to strengthen the church in the world. Are there any other attributes or achievements that should be taken into consideration? Prepared by (name, position, signature) The above-named representatives were designated by the Session/Council on ______________ (date) 11/03