American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

International NetCord Foundation
Board of Directors and Members Meeting
Vienna, Austria – March 20, 2010
President Etienne Baudoux (M) and Eliane Gluckman (M), Arnon Nagler (M) and
Cristina Navarrete (M)
Other Member
Yves Beguin (M), Amir Ali Hamidieh (AM), Matti Korhonen (M), Andrea Meyer
(FM), Zuzana Ondrusova (AM), Andreas Papassavas (AM), Fabienne Pouthier (M),
Marina Polonska (AM), Paola Rebulla (M), Catherine Stavropoulos-Giokas (AM),
Berit Waldner (AM) and Peter Wernet (M)
Michael Boo, Tilmann Burr and Andrée-Laure Herr
Holger Gressmann, Thomas Joseph and Marmie Kiva
The meeting was called to order by President Etienne Baudoux at 1:00 p.m.
of Minutes
MOTION: (Gluckman - Nagler) Approve the minutes of the following meetings:
 Board of Directors – December 4, 2009
 Executive Committee – January 10, 2010 – CARRIED
CONSENSUS: Approve the 2010 NetCord Annual Budget.
World Cord Blood
CONSENSUS: Approve sponsoring the 2010 World Cord Blood Congress for 5,000
CONSENSUS: Request staff to obtain more information from the Clinical Center of
Cellular Technology, located in Russia, regarding allogeneic units and collection
Hybrid Banks
CONSENSUS: Request that hybrid banks have active allogeneic inventory, along with
autologous inventory. Specifically, allogeneic inventory size must be greater than 500
units listed in a registry; must have growth of greater than or equal to 100 units a year;
there will be a yearly review of banking activity through WMDA or another source;
and must remain a Provisional Member as long as autologous inventory is greater than
allogeneic inventory.
CONSENSUS: Amend the Bylaws for Provisional Member qualifications to include
the Hybrid Banks language stated above.
CONSENSUS: Amend the Bylaws for Member and Associate Members qualifications
to include the following language: must have growth of greater than or equal to 100
allogeneic units a year.
CONSENSUS: Require all Officers be from allogeneic public cord blood banks.
NetCord Board of Directors and Member Meeting
March 20, 2010
Page Two
MOTION: (Navarrete - Nagler) Request each committee to begin work on its
objectives and report back to the Executive Committee in June and December.
WBMT Standing
Task Force
MOTION: (Navarrete - Nagler) Request Dr. Baudoux to represent NetCord on the
WBMT Standing Committees.
CONSENSUS: Request Drs. Baudoux, Gluckman, Rebulla and Mr. Gressmann to
work with staff to complete the review and approval of the new NetCord website by
April 30, 2010.
The following informational reports were received:
• 2009 Year-End Financial Statements – Mr. Joseph
• Virtual Office – Mr. Gressmann
• Eurocord Activities and Billing – Mrs. Herr
• 2010 World Congress – November 4-7 in Marseille – Dr. Gluckman
• ASH Symposium – Dr. Wernet
• Cord Blood Collection by Placental Perfusion – Dr. Korhonen
The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
Submitted by
Eliane Gluckman
By Thomas L. Joseph
M – Member
AM – Associate Member
Restated and Adopted on December 8, 2006
Last amended on March 20, 2010
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP
Section 1. Membership Categories
Membership in the Foundation primarily shall consist of umbilical cord blood banks. Each umbilical cord
blood bank (hereinafter “Bank”) shall be in one of three categories: Member, Associate Member and
Provisional Member. There also shall be a Corporate Member category for entities that are not Banks.
Section 2. Membership Qualifications
Member. To qualify as a Member, a Bank must meet the requirements of the NETCORD-FACT
International Standards for Cord Blood Collection, Processing, Testing, Banking, Selection and Release, as
documented by attaining FACT/NetCord accreditation, or an equivalent standard and accreditation as
determined by the Board of Directors and must have growth of greater than or equal to 100 allogeneic
units a year.
Associate Member. To qualify as an Associate Member, a Bank must be actively engaged in the
processing, testing, banking, selection and release of umbilical cord blood for allogeneic transplantation,
and have applied for and be in active pursuit of FACT/NetCord accreditation, or an equivalent accreditation
as determined by the Board of Directors and must have growth of greater than or equal to 100
allogeneic units a year.
Provisional Member. To qualify as a Provision Member:
a) a Bank may be in its formative stages but not yet actively engaged in collection, processing, testing,
banking, selection and release of umbilical cord blood for allogeneic transplantation;
b) a Hybrid Bank with active allogeneic inventory, along with autologous inventory. Specifically,
allogeneic inventory size must be greater than 500 units listed in a registry; must have growth of
greater than or equal to 100 units a year; there will be a yearly review of banking activity through
WMDA or another source; and must remain provisional members as long as autologous inventory is
greater than allogeneic inventory; c) a Bank with higher level membership that temporarily suspends
banking activities and whose accreditation is therefore suspended may, at the sole discretion of the Board
of Directors, be moved back to the Provisional Member category.
Corporate Member. Any individual, organization or company that supports the purpose of the
Foundation may apply for and, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be admitted as a Corporate
Member. This category of membership is especially appropriate for companies that provide grant support
to the Foundation.
Section 1. Elected Offices
The officers of the Foundation and its Board of Directors shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer and Immediate-Past President.
Section 2. Qualification
Only members of the Board of Directors that are from allogeneic public cord blood banks are eligible
for election to office in the Foundation. An officer’s voluntary or involuntary termination of membership
on the Board of Directors will cause an immediate vacancy in the office. No two offices maybe held by the
same person.