THE USE OF HANDS-ON LEARNING TECHNIQUES TO PROMOTE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT IN SECONDARY MATHEMATICS CLASSROOMS Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisor. This thesis does not include proprietary or classified information. Samantha A. Bullard Certificate of Approval _____________________________ Donald R. Livingston, Ed.D. Thesis Co-Chair Education Department ______________________________ Sharon M. Livingston, Ph.D. Thesis Co-Chair Education Department THE USE OF HANDS-ON LEARNING TECHNIQUES TO PROMOTE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT IN SECONDARY MATHEMATICS CLASSROOMS A thesis submitted by Samantha A. Bullard to LaGrange College in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF EDUCATION In Curriculum and Instruction LaGrange, Georgia May 10, 2011 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques iii Abstract This study aimed to determine whether the use of hands-on learning increased achievement in secondary math classrooms. This study was completed using an action research design in a suburban Georgia high school. A treatment and control group comprised of Math 2 students was studied to determine differences in student attitudes and test scores. Several different hands-on learning techniques were researched and implemented in the treatment group. Pre and post test scores were analyzed quantitatively while the lesson plan, student and teacher surveys, focus group and reflective journal were coded for themes. The post-test scores from the treatment and control groups failed to show significant gains in the treatment group over the control group. However, student attitudes were more positive and several students expressed more motivation in the treatment group. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques iv Table of Contents Abstract…………………………………………………………..……………………….iii Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………iv List of Tables …………..…………………………………………………………………v Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………………………………1 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….1 Significance of the Problem……………………………………………………….1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework…………………………………………..3 Focus Questions……………………………………………………………...……5 Overview of Methodology………………………………………………………...5 Human as Researcher……………………………………………………………...6 Chapter 2: Review of the Literature………………………………………………………7 Types of Hands-on Learning……………………………………………………...7 Computer Manipulatives………………………………………………………….8 Virtual Manipulatives……………………………………………………………..9 Direct Instruction………………………………………………………………...11 Student Attitudes…………………………………………………………………13 Negative Impact of Manipulatives……………………………………………….14 Summary...………………………………………………………………...……..15 Chapter 3: Methodology…………………………………………………………………16 Research Design…………………………………………………………………16 Setting……………………………………………………………………………16 Sample and Participants…….……………………………………………………17 Procedures and Data Collection Methods…………………………….………….18 Validity, Reliability, Dependability and Bias…………...……………………….20 Analysis of Data………………………………………………………………….22 Chapter 4: Results……………………………………………………………………..…26 Chapter 5: Analysis and Discussion of Results……………………………………….…37 Analysis………………………………………………………………………..…37 Discussion…………………………………………………………………….….41 Implications………………………………………………………………………43 Impact on Student Learning……………………………………………………...44 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques v Recommendations for Future Research………………………………………….45 References………………………………………………………………………………..46 Appendices……………………………………………………………………………….48 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques List of Tables Tables Table 3.1 Data Shell………………………………………………….18 Table 4.1 Treatment and Control Group Prior to Treatment…………27 Table 4.2 Pre-Test/Post-Test Data Control Group…………….……..28 Table 4.3 Pre-Test/Post-Test Data Treatment Group………………...29 Table 4.4 Post-Test Scores-Treatment and Control Group…………..30 vi Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Discipline issues are becoming more prevalent in secondary mathematics classrooms. Students can be rude, defiant and disobedient. The number of students displaying chronic behavior issues is growing. Students in the classroom who do not exhibit these behavior problems are displaying frustration in the lack of time they are being served in the classroom while teachers are occupied with disciplinary action. The Georgia Performance Standards outline a performance task driven curriculum for high school math students that is very difficult to implement while dealing with discipline problems within the classroom. In conjunction with discipline problems, the amount of time that students are off-task is also rising. Students are spending less time engaged in instructional activities and are found to be unmotivated to attempt new assignments. Deshler states, “It soon became clear that many classrooms were out of control: large numbers of students were tardy for class, student behavior during class was inappropriate, and the amount of time spent teaching the targeted interventions was limited” as cited in Sprick, (2006). These discipline issues are often the result of students being off task and not engaged in the current activity or instruction. This thesis will investigate the effects incorporating more interactive teaching techniques has on the behavior, achievement, and attitude of students in secondary mathematics classrooms. Significance of the Problem With the implementation of the state of Georgia’s staunch standards in secondary mathematics classes, it is critical for disciplinary distractions to be limited. Teachers are required to teach in-depth concepts to students that require attention and participation. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 2 With the implementation of these new standards comes rigorous standardized testing. Struggling students are becoming frustrated, resulting in off task behaviors and negative attitudes. These off task behaviors result in lower test scores and poorer performance in subsequent classes. With the implementation of spiraling curriculum, success in following classes is critical to the understanding of concepts in previous classes. Many students are also becoming frustrated with constant classroom interruptions. Teachers are exhausting efforts to correct behavior problems rather than devoting needed time to answering questions and providing intervention methods aimed to help struggling students. Deshler also states, “When instruction did take place, it didn’t reach all of the students and was often compromised because of the poor work environment; teachers were frequently interrupting their lesson to regain control of their class.” (as cited in Sprick, 2006, p.xv) Students who are disengaged, off task and often engage in inappropriate behaviors, distract other students who were previously on-task and require disciplinary action. This results in lower grades for many students. In particular, the grading rubric for math support classes is largely based on the participation of students during class. Their behavior and ability to remain engaged is used to determine their grade for these classes. Students with chronic behavior issues are compromising not only their grade but the grades of those that they are distracting. Students are frustrated and are losing interest in the study of mathematics. With dropping scores on the End of Course Tests in Georgia, along with the rising drop out rates in our school, many students are failing to meet the math requirements for a high Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 3 school diploma and are becoming more likely to drop out of high school (Georgia Department of Education, 2010). Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks When examining the underlying theories related to this thesis, one will find that it is heavily influenced by constructivist thought. In 2001, Tomlinson asserts that constructivist classrooms require teachers to be learning facilitators, rather than lecturers (as cited by LaGrange College of Education, 2008). This thesis will investigate the association of hands-on discovery tasks to enhance student learning and decrease student behavior problems. When implementing hands-on activities, teachers play a facilitator role, aiding students in their discovery of new knowledge. This thesis aligns with the first tenet of the LaGrange College of Education’s Conceptual Framework, enthusiastic engagement in learning, since it promotes a constructivist approach to teaching students using hands-on discovery. This thesis demonstrates a deep knowledge of curriculum as outlined by the first tenet of the Conceptual Framework, as well as the first and second domains of the Georgia Framework for teaching and the second Core Proposition for Experienced Teachers (LaGrange College of Education, 2008). Teachers must use a wide variety of methods and resources in order to implement the activities, techniques and behavior plans. Teachers will also follow all national and state standards in the construction and implementation of these lesson plans. Teachers must demonstrate knowledge of learners as they implement these strategies. Educators must understand how to provide diverse learning instruction to support different learning styles of students and promote active engagement in these lessons. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 4 On a national level, the second proposition of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards states, “Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students” (as cited by the Lagrange College Education Department, 2008, p.12). To implement hands-on activities educators, must have a deep understanding of their content in order to adapt it to different activities and modes of instruction. The idea of hands on instruction also aligns with the second tenet in the Conceptual Framework. The first competency cluster of this tenet outlines the planning skills needed adequately facilitate a constructivist learning environment. The hands-on activities outlined in this thesis require educators to plan appropriate lessons and prepare accordingly. This planning and preparation also reinforces the third domain in the Georgia Framework and the second and third Core Propositions for Experienced Teachers. Teachers will support the personal development of all students by learning their individual needs and learning styles. A great deal of reflection and subsequent action is required when implementing behavior plans and hands-on activities. The third tenet in the Conceptual Framework describes how teachers must reflect on the effects of actions on students and others and should seek to grow professionally based on these reflections to improve their own practice. On a state level, the fifth and sixth domains of the Georgia Framework for Teaching require educators to implement instructional experiences based on their knowledge of students, and contribute to teaching as a profession. Nationally, the fourth domain of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards states, “Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience” (as cited by the LaGrange College Education Department, 2008, p.12). Educators must constantly be Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 5 learning from experiences and adapting to better serve students. Focusing on behavior plans and hands-on activities, teachers must constantly be reflecting in order to continually be implementing plans and activities that work for a specific group of students. Educators must also remember that plans that work with a specific group of students must sometimes be altered to serve the needs of a different group of students. Focus Questions The main research question of this study was analyzed by investigating three direct focus areas. The first focus question centers on the pedagogy of the problem. The second aims to answer questions directed at student outcomes and the third focus question aims to reflect holistically on the implementation of the study. 1.) What is the process of implementing hands-on learning techniques? 2.) How do math grades differ in classrooms utilizing hands-on learning techniques versus traditional, direct instruction? 3.) What are the attitudes of teachers and students about hands-on learning techniques? Overview of Methodology This study was modeled using a classroom action research design with both quantitative and qualitative components. The study was conducted using two Math II classes in a suburban area high school. Two samples of students were chosen based on pre-test scores, one sample from a treatment class that will employ hands-on learning techniques and another sample from a control class that will continue to utilize direct instruction. An instructional coach also critiqued the unit lesson plan of the treatment group, and several teachers took surveys regarding their opinions on the implementation Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 6 of hand-on learning techniques. In addition to the qualitative data gathered with the lesson plan rubric, interviews and a reflective journal kept by the researcher, quantitative data was gathered in the form of pre and post test scores of both the treatment and control group. Issues of validity, reliability and bias were considered and addressed to ensure that the study was valid, reliable, and free of bias. All data gathered in this study was organized and analyzed by focus question as well as holistically. Human as Researcher With less than three full years of experience, I am fairly new to the classroom. However, I have studied both mathematics and education extensively. I teach at a Title One low income high school with more than 2,400 students. I have also interacted with students outside of the classroom by coaching Junior Varsity Volleyball. I have previously taught sections of Algebra 2, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, as well Mathematics II Support classes. I believe that by utilizing more hands-on activities, disciplinary issues in classrooms will decrease, thus strengthening students’ scores and understanding in mathematics. I believe that these plans will increase student engagement and will encourage them to behave in order to maximize time in the classroom. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 7 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Hands-on learning techniques are slowly becoming more and more prevalent in secondary mathematics classrooms. Teachers are finding the students need to become more engaged in the material to stay focused and gain an interest in the field. The goal of mathematics teachers is to help all students understand math in a dynamic and coherent way. While most people view mathematics as a collection of unrelated ideas, it is the responsibility of the teacher to show these as interconnected concepts. It is very important for students to create and understand their own visual representations of mathematical concepts. These goals are achieved through the use of five critical best practice strategies. Small group discussion, the use of manipulatives, physical representations, visual representations, and symbolic representations are used to promote student achievement (Zemelman, Daniels, & Hyde, 2005). Types of Hands-on Learning There are several different types of hands-on techniques that are being utilized in math classrooms today. The most prevalent, especially in geometry classrooms, is the use of physical manipulatives. James Heddens (1997) defines manipulatives as concrete models that involve mathematics concepts, appealing to several senses that can be touched, and moved around by the students. He also goes on to state that the manipulative can be any material or object from the real world that children can move around to show a mathematics concept (Heddens, 1997). These physical objects can range from 3-dimensional shapes such as spheres and cylinders to tiles used to demonstrate fractional pieces in terms of a whole unit. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 8 Cooperative learning is also a technique that can be utilized in many of today’s classrooms. Cooperative learning involves students working in groups to collaborate to solve a problem. Groups are given a task in which the input of all members is essential to completing the task (Schul, 2011). Manipulatives and cooperative learning are also often intertwined in lesson plans together. With the use of graphing calculator software students can now use programs geared toward the discovery of new concepts in math. Students can cooperatively use these programs to answer specific questions in the hopes that they will discover overarching mathematical concepts. While the technology has changed drastically in the past decade, Ernest (1994) found that after a review of the manipulatives, calculators were identified as one of the most useful items. In 1994, Ernest observed teachers using TI-81 graphing calculators with fewer capabilities of the TI-84 and TI-89 graphing calculators we have teachers have today. Also, for manipulatives to be effective tools Heddens (1997) suggests that each student have materials to manipulate independently; with students actively involved with manipulatives, interest in the content will be aroused. Good mathematics manipulatives are durable, simple, attractive and manageable (Heddens, 1997). With small budgets, some teachers may have trouble finding appropriate math manipulatives for each student in her class. Computer Manipulatives Concrete manipulatives can no longer only be equated with physical manipulatives. Today, computers can supply representations that can be just as meaningful as physical manipulatives. Computers also have several key attributes that Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 9 can make them quite attractive to educators. They offer manageable and clean manipulatives. They can limit distractions that are often present when physical manipulatives are used, and can mirror desired mental actions closer than some physical manipulatives (Clements & McMillen, 1996). Computers also offer flexibility and allow for changing the arrangement of a representation. For example, most database software will sort and arrange data in different ways just with the push of a few buttons. Computers can also store and retrieve configurations from previous work. Students and teachers can save and retrieve work to review, grade, or finish. Computers can also dynamically link multiple representations, such as pictures, tables, graphs, and equations (Clements & McMillen, 1996). The use of computer manipulatives can also encourage students to pose new questions and make conjectures. This kind of digital manipulative also allows students to explore their own conjectures while decreasing psychological cost of making wrong conjectures. Students also move easily from naïve to empirical and ultimately to logical, problem solving thinking as they test and study their conjectures. Computers also allow for scaffolding of problem solving. These scaffolding techniques allow students to build on their initial ideas and construct more analytical approaches (Clements & McMillen, 1996). Virtual Manipulatives In 2002, Moyer, Bolyard and Spikell defined virtual manipulatives as “an interactive, web-based visual representation of a dynamic object that presents opportunities for constructing mathematical knowledge” (Moyer et al., 2002, p.373). These virtual manipulatives provide students an interactive environment to seek answers Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 10 to their questions and can pose and solve their own problems. Students can gain immediate feedback about their actions and can reflect and conceptualize their results (Moyer et al., 2002). The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Principles and Standards of School Mathematics states that visualization is an important tool in problem solving (cited by Niess & Walker, 2009). The NCTM also states that students need multiple visualization opportunities to fully develop this skill. Technology is becoming a key tool in classrooms as we try to convey meaning to abstract mathematical concepts. The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics states, “Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances student learning.” (Niess & Walker, 2009, p.37) Niess and Walker (2009) state “Analysis is at the heart of reasoning in mathematics. Students need experiences that guide them as they learn to reason mathematically”(p.37). Virtual manipulatives can also be classified as static or dynamic visual representations. Static representations are essentially pictures. They can be used to visualize concrete manipulatives, but cannot be manipulated in the ways that dynamic representations can (Moyer et al., 2002). Dynamic visual representations are objects. They can be manipulated much in the same way that concrete manipulatives can be. Just as a student could slide, flip or rotate on object, dynamic representations allow students to slide, flip, and rotate objects on a computer using the touch of their mouse (Moyer et al., 2002). It is important to realize that these virtual manipulatives are not really hands-on activities. They are more abstract than many of the touchable manipulatives that can be Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 11 utilized. However, in some situations these virtual manipulatives may be found more useful. According to Clements and McMillen (1996), teachers should consider the following when choosing computer manipulatives: Guide students to alter and reflect on their actions, always predicting and explaining. Have students work cooperatively in pairs. If possible, use one computer and a large-screen display to focus and extend follow-up discussions with the class. Recognize that information may need to be introduced before working on computers, such as the purpose of the software and how to use the software and the hardware (p.279). These are a few of the suggestions that can aid teachers in choosing the best computer manipulatives for their use. Another form of a virtual manipulative is the video clip. Video clips can be short clips from movies, television shows, or professionally prepared educational videos. The clips can be used to introduce new concepts and engage students in a real-world application or use of what they are learning. These video explore mathematics in nature, art, and other real-world contexts (Niess & Walker, 2009). Direct Instruction Direct instruction is known to many educators as the more traditional teaching technique. Direct instruction is an alternative to more hands-on teaching techniques. Years of advocacy of hands-on discovery techniques have tarnished the reputation of Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 12 direct, teacher-driven forms of instruction (Silver, Strong, & Perini, 2008). However, teachers do not necessarily only utilize one teaching technique. Silver et al. (2009) states, “Just as certain topics lend themselves to inquiry-based learning, so do particular skills need to be mastered and used on command by students” (p. 35). While direct instruction can differ from teacher to teacher, many direct instruction techniques utilize a simple, four phase process. The first step in direct instruction is modeling. During this stage, the skill is modeled by the teacher who thinks aloud while performing the skill or working through the problem (Silver, et al., 2009). Next, directed practice allows the teacher to use questions to lead students through the steps. The next step, guided practice, allows students to generate their own leading questions while working through the problem. The teacher observes and coaches while providing feedback as students work. Finally, students are prepared to practice more examples independently. Silver (2009) found that teachers who spent more time demonstrating and explaining procedures and skills are more effective than teachers who spend less time explaining procedures and skills (as cited by Silver et al., 2009). Similarly, Silver states, “A large body of research supports the effectiveness of Direct Instruction as an ideal technique for teaching new skills to both general-education and learning-disabled students” (Silver et al, 2009, p.38). Direct instruction lessons are founded on four basic principles (Silver et al, 2009). The first principle is effective modeling. An ideal direct instruction lesson begins with an effective modeling session. This session demonstrates every step in the concept and demonstrates how each step is performed. Another important principle is emerging independence. The ultimate goal in direct instruction is to move students from Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 13 dependence on the teacher to self-directed application of the skill. Questioning is another integral skill to direct instruction. Questions force students to analyze steps to solve a problem or master a skill. Finally, ongoing assessment is crucial to effective direct instruction. Direct instruction should incorporate multiple practice opportunities to provide feedback to students (Silver et al, 2009). Student Attitudes Patricia Ernest (1994), a researcher with the University of Montevallo, conducted a three year study in which she studied the use of manipulatives in the classroom. She reported, “students seemed to comprehend tasks with accuracy, employed discovery and problem solving strategies, were anxious to share their discoveries and solutions, engaged in lively student/student interaction related to the content, and exhibited an excitement about learning” (Ernest, 1994, p.8). Ernest also reports that students are more willing to participate in math projects when manipulatives are used. Observers found that students enjoyed working with the manipulatives as expressed through their verbal and nonverbal actions. Observers also noted a very high “on-task” involvement rate of 100% in most cases. Students were also more willing to respond to questions and several students extended their discovery learning beyond the assignment. Observers also noted students were anxious to share their discoveries with their classmates and were engaged in lively peer conversations related to the content. Overall, students exhibited excitement about their learning (Ernest, 1994). A study by Sowell, (as cited by Ernest, 1994), concluded that mathematics achievement is increased by the long term use of manipulatives and that students’ Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 14 attitudes toward mathematics are improved when they are instructed with manipulatives (Ernest, 1994). Computer manipulatives have been found to increase student motivation and focus their attention. These manipulatives have also been found to be especially motivating to students who have previously been unsuccessful in mathematics (Clements & McMillen, 1996). Hoyles, Healy and Sutherland, studied pairs of students as they worked with computer manipulatives. They found that the computer can draw the attention of pupils and become a focus for discussion, thus resulting in very little off-task talk (as cited by Clements & McMillen, 1996). Negative Impact of Manipulatives It is important to note that with any teaching technique there are also downfalls. Heddens (1997) believes “Manipulatives that are improperly used will convince students that two mathematical worlds exist-manipulative and symbolic. All mathematics comes from the real world. Then the real situation must be translated into the symbolism of mathematics for calculating.” (p.2) Heddens gives the following example, if you put three goats with five goats, and you get eight goats is a real world situation. On the mathematical level, we would say 3+5=8. While these are not two different worlds, they are in the same world expressing the concept in two different ways (Heddens, 1997). The use of manipulatives do not guarantee student achievement. Fennema (as cited by Clements & McMillen, 1996) found that classes not using manipulatives outperformed other classes that were utilizing manipulatives. Using manipulatives can also lead students to begin working and solving problems systematically without understanding. For example, many students learn counting, adding, and subtracting Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 15 using base-ten blocks or beans and bean sticks. However, Thompson discovered students often fail to properly relate their manipulations of the base-ten blocks with the notations system we use today to represent their actions (as cited by Clements & McMillen, 1996). Students may also derive mental conceptions different from the intended lesson (Clements & McMillen, 1996). Summary There are many different types of hands-on learning including manipulatives and cooperative learning techniques. Manipulatives can be classified as concrete or computer based, virtual manipulatives (Clements & McMillen, 1996). Direct instruction is the more traditional teaching method in secondary mathematics classrooms. A common misconception is that educators must follow one method or the other. However, while some concepts lend themselves easily to use of manipulatives, many lend themselves to direct instruction techniques (Silver et al, 2009). As with all teaching strategies there are downfalls to each one. While the use of manipulatives seem to excite students and promote achievement, they can sometimes lead to misunderstanding of concepts or the misconception that two different worlds exist- the manipulative and the symbolic. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 16 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Research Design This study was conducted using action research, using both qualitative and quantitative components. According to Hendricks (2009), “The purpose of action research is for practitioners to investigate and improve their practices.” This is especially important for educators seeking to improve their teaching techniques (p.3). In action research, practitioners, focus systematically on different ways to deal with issues that they face. These issues may range from instructional practices, social issues of schooling, collaboration with colleagues, or supervision of staff (Hendricks, 2009). More specifically, this study was modeled using a classroom action research design. Classroom action research is conducted by teachers in their classroom. While this is normally a solo research study, collaboration among classroom teachers can occur. The primary goal of researchers using classroom action research is to improve their practices. This type of research values interpretations made by teachers based on the data they collected from their students (Hendricks, 2009). According to Johnson (2009), “action research as the potential to change education; to keep our teaching practices evolving” (p.29). Setting This study took place in a high school math classroom. The school is located in a suburban area in mid-west Georgia. The high school has grades 9 through 12 and is a federal Title I school, based on the percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch. The school is widely supported by many local businesses and the community Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 17 throughout the year. This setting was chosen because the researcher is employed by the school and gained access to conduct the study there. Permission to conduct the study was received from the high school principal and from the county in which the school is located. The Institutional Review Board also approved the study. Sample and Participants The study utilized a sample of students taken from two different rosters. Samples of 15 to 17 students were chosen from the treatment class and control class rosters. Samples were chosen to form comparable groups to study. Samples were chosen based on scores on a pre-test administered before the study started. Grades were ordered and the sample was chosen that the control and treatment groups would not exhibit significant difference before treatment. The sample was largely made of fifteen to sixteen year old 10th graders. The samples were comprised of a majority of white and African American students, while very few students were of Hispanic origin. Boys and girls were also equally represented in the sample. While SES level was not a factor in choosing samples, the sample was drawn from a Title I school, indicating a high population of low socioeconomic students. An instructional coach was also utilized to gain feedback. She was a willing participant who knew the purpose of the study. She has been a teacher for more than twenty years at several different schools and has been serving as an instructional coach at the school of the study for two years. She was chosen based on her knowledge of the material and of the sample. Several teachers were also interviewed using a survey. They were all willing participants in the study. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 18 Procedures and Data Collection Methods When conducting this study, both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered. Table 3.1 shows how these data relate to each of the outlined focus questions of this study. Table 3.1 Data Shell Focus Question Literature sources Type: Method, Data , Validity How are data analyzed Rationale FQ1 What is the process of implementing hands-on learning techniques? Clements & McMillen (1996) Type of Method: Instructional Plan, rubric and interview Type of Data: Qualitative Type of Validity: Content Coded for themes Recurring Dominant Emerging Looking for categorical and repeating data that form patterns of behaviors FQ 2 How do math scores differ in classrooms using handson learning techniques and classrooms using a more traditional teaching technique? Silver et al (2008) Dependent T Independent T Effect size -To determine significant difference between same group tested twice. -To determine if significant differences between two groups exist. -Measure the magnitude of the treatment effect Heddens, J. (1997) Ernest, P. (1994) Type of Method: Teacher made Tests, quizzes and essays Type of data: Interval Type of Validity: Content Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques FQ 3 What are the attitudes of teachers and students on hands-on learning techniques? Clements & McMillen (1996) Ernest, P. (1994) Zemelman et al (2005) Type of Method:Reflective Journal Surveys, focus groups, interviews etc. Type of Data: Qualitative Type of Validity: Construct Coded for themes Recurring Dominant Emerging 19 Looking for categorical and repeating data that form patterns of behaviors This study employed a classroom action research design and collected and analyzed multiple forms of data. This form of research is conducted with the purpose of improving ones practice (Hendricks, 2009). A lesson plan and rubric for treatment was developed and graded by a curriculum specialist to address the pedagogical content of the unit being studied. The lesson plan encompassed a two week circle geometry unit. It outlined several hands-on learning activities that should be implemented. The plan was evaluated by a mathematics instructional coach using the rubric, then amended to utilize the most appropriate forms of hands-on learning for each concept. The lesson plan and scoring rubric are available in Appendix A. A pre and post test was used to collect data on both the treatment and the control group. The pre test was given to students before any material was addressed and the post test was given as a summative evaluation. The pre/post test is available in Appendix B. Student and teacher attitudes were chronicled and analyzed using a reflective journal kept by the teacher using daily prompts, see Appendix C. An open ended survey given to a math curriculum specialist and several teachers of varying experience was also used. This survey is located in Appendix D. Student attitudes are evidenced by surveys given to the students in both the treatment and Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 20 control group before the treatment was employed (see Appendix E). The survey was given to students in the treatment group at the end of the unit to note any changes that were evidenced after the treatment. Finally, a focus group of students in an independent class was created to gain an understanding of their thoughts. The focus group prompts are located in Appendix F. Validity, Reliability, Dependability and Bias The first focus question outlined in this study seeks to discover how hands-on lessons are implemented in the secondary classroom. Qualitative data were gathered. Content validity is defined as “The extent to which an assessment procedure adequately represents the content of the curricular aim being measured” (Popham, 2008, p.53). To ensure content validity, a detailed lesson plan was followed throughout the implementation. This lesson plan was formulated by the researcher, but to ensure construct validity, it was critiqued by an instructional coach that is well versed in the use of hands-on learning in the classroom. To ensure dependability, the data collection and treatment were kept consistent. The lesson plan was followed as written. Any changes to the original plan were documented and accounted for. The length of time for the study was also adequate. It encompassed several days and allowed for many uses of hands-on learning to be implemented. The researcher kept control of the study setting to ensure dependability of the research. Bias is also an important factor in ensuring an accurate study. Bias is present when elements of the assessment distort a student’s performance merely based on the student’s gender, ethnicity, etc. (Popham, 2008). The lesson plan was actively reviewed Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 21 by both the researcher and the instructional coach to ensure that activities would not give a group of students an unfair advantage over another group. Disparate impact was also considered when reviewing test items. Disparate impact is evident when a subgroup performs lower than the population (Popham, 2008). Since some activities involved the use of a computer, instructions and teacher guided instruction were utilized to ensure that students who are more familiar with computers would not have an unfair advantage over students who are not familiar with common computer functions. The second focus question aims to discover any differences in the achievement of the treatment and control group. Interval data were collected and analyzed. Pre and post test scores were collected before and following the study. To ensure content validity, the pre and post test were assessed by a colleague teaching the same standards to ensure that the questions were adequately assessing the standards that were to be addressed and covered through the unit. A test/retest correlation will also be utilized to ensure that the assessment was reliable. The pre and post test were identical to prevent any irregularities in reliability. The test was also reviewed by a fellow teacher and checked for several different forms of bias before the assessment was given. Offensiveness, unfair penalization and disparate impact are all forms of bias that can be present in assessment (Popham, 2008). Data collection was also conducted only by the researcher to reduce the risk of incompetent “helpers” sabotaging the data collection (Salkind, 2010). The third focus question seeks to understand the attitudes of both students and teachers concerning the use of hands-on learning in the classroom. Qualitative data were gathered in the form of a reflective journal and interviews with students and fellow Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 22 teachers. To ensure construct validity, questions asked to teachers were kept constant from one teacher to another. The interviews conducted with teachers of different experience levels. Questions were formulated to accurately assess the teacher’s attitudes. Students were interviewed in a focus group type setting. Talking points were formulated before the meeting and were read by a fellow teacher for construct validity. To ensure dependability, data were accurately recorded by the researcher during interviews and by a note taker during focus groups sessions to ensure that accurate, unbiased notes were kept. An adequate number of participants were also chosen to participate in the interview and focus group. Questions and focus group prompts were also checked for bias before being asked. The questions were not unfair to one group of another and did not elicit a particular response. Bias was also strongly considered throughout the development of this study. According to Popham (2008), “assessment bias applies to all forms of testing, not merely paper and pencil tests” (p. 83). Therefore, all lessons and activities were reviewed to ensure that they did not provide advantage or appeal to one subgroup more than others. The pre and post test were also reviewed by the researcher and another teacher on an item by item basis to ensure that the questions were absent of bias. Analysis of Data Data collection for this study were collected and analyzed specifically by focus question and also holistically. Qualitative data were gathered to answer focus question one, “How are hands-on lesson plans implemented in the classroom?” A lesson plan was developed and drafted by the researcher to cover an entire unit in a secondary math 2 classroom. This lesson plan included specific instructions on how to implement several Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 23 hands-on lessons throughout the unit, along with resources that would be needed. This lesson plan was analyzed using a rubric by an instructional mathematics coach at the researcher’s school. The rubric graded the standards and learning objectives, technology use, cognitive tasks, assessment and preparation. Comments were given by the coach to address all of these important topics. These comments were coded for themes. Themes were organized by recurring themes, dominant themes, and emerging themes-themes that were not previously thought of by the researcher. The comments and suggestions of the instructional coach were recorded to ensure that accurate detail was kept. The third focus question focused on the student and teacher attitudes towards the implementation of hands-on learning techniques. Interviews with several teachers were conducted to gain insight into their experiences. Interviews with both new teachers to the field and experienced teachers were conducted. An interview with a mathematics instructional coach, who is in charge of mathematics technology at our school, was also conducted. A survey was given to Math 2 students in both the treatment and control group. This was a quantitative survey using a Likert-type scale for responses . The survey was given before treatment and post treatment to the treatment group to examine any significant changes in responses. A focus group discussion of Accelerated Math 2 students was also held to gain insight into their attitudes towards the use of hands-on learning. The focus group was transcribed with the aid of another teacher to ensure that accurate notes were kept. Students were asked open ended questions and their thoughts were transcribed. Student names were not used in the transcript. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 24 The interviews and focus group transcripts were also coded for themes. Recurring and dominant themes were noted as well emerging themes that came to light in the sessions. Focus question two aimed to assess whether hands-on learning promoted achievement in secondary math classrooms. Pre and post tests were conducted in both a treatment and a control group of Math 2 classes. The treatment group utilized hands-on learning throughout a math unit, while the control group continued to use a direct instruction technique. Both groups took the same test and the pre and post test were identical. An independent t test was run using pre test scores to show that the groups had no significant difference before treatment was given. The decision to reject the null statement, there is no significant difference in the beginning groups, has been set at p< .05. Then, a dependent t test was used on each class to show that significant gains were made by both groups. Finally, another independent t test was run on both classes post treatment. The decision to reject the null statement, there is no significant difference in the two groups post treatment, has been set at p< .05. An effect size calculation was also utilized to measure the magnitude of the treatment effect. Unlike the t tests, the effect size will calculate the magnitude of the effect regardless of the sample size. The data of this study were also studied holistically. Emerging and recurrent themes were analyzed using all data collection methods. Great care was taken to ensure that the study was valid. Consensual validation was achieved by study approval attained not only by the faculty at the research institution of the researcher, but also at the school where the researcher teaches. Results of this study were also compared to the results of similar studies to ensure epistemological validity. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 25 Credibility of the study was also achieved. Multiple data sources were used structurally corroborate the study. Both qualitative and quantitative data sources were gathered and analyzed. Throughout the study, opposing points of view were also researched and discussed to guarantee fairness. Throughout this study, great care was taken to be precise and accurate. The researcher worked to present a tight argument and a coherent case to exhibit rightness of fit. Transferability of the study was also considered. Great care was taken to allow for the replication of the study by others for future research. This study was transformational for several parties involved. Catalytic validity was attained as the study caused a positive change for participants of the study. The results of this study prompted positive change within the researcher and others involved. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 26 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS Focus question one aimed to answer the methods of implementing hands-on learning activities in secondary math classrooms. A detailed lesson plan was constructed by the researcher (see Appendix A) and was critiqued using a rubric by a mathematics content specialist at the school of the researcher. The content specialist is also in charge of technology use in the mathematics department. The first objective of the lesson plan was to clarify the learning objectives of the unit. The specialist agreed that the standards and learning objectives were “very specific and focused.” The lesson plan also aimed to implement adequate technology. According to the rubric, the lesson plan linked the curriculum to technology use and content learning is extended. The specialist asserted, “The technology activities accelerate the learning by removing the tedious calculations that tend to bog the students down-while still effectively demonstrating the content.” The rubric also considered the cognitive tasks outlined in the lesson plan. The lesson plan requires synthesis and evaluation of the information. The tasks go beyond existing understanding to create own original position or product. The specialist stated, “The tasks provide experience with the theorems. The content becomes dynamic and personal through student involvement.” According to the rubric, the lesson plan failed to allow students to design their own assessment tools. The lesson plan merely informed students of an assessment tool created by the teacher. The content specialist suggested having small groups of students devise their own review materials prior to the test. However, due to time constraints during the study, this suggestion was not implemented. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 27 The preparation for learning tasks was also considered when evaluating the lesson plan. The specialist determined that adequate preparation would be expected and that multiple resources would be organized for student use. The specialist asserted that the variety of the tasks, “provide opportunities for engagement of body and mind.” Finally, the overall focus of technology use was considered. The technology use was determined to be primarily transforming. The specialist was confident in the problem solving activities. The specialist stated, “Students must use tools to apply learning and create solutions to real-world dilemmas…authentic learning.” The second focus question aimed to determine whether test scores differed in classrooms that used hands-on learning techniques as opposed to a more traditional, direct instruction approach. An independent t-test was conducted on both the treatment and control group prior to any treatment to ensure that both groups showed no significant difference at the α=.05 significance level. Table 4.1 displays the data on the groups prior to any treatment. Table 4.1-Independent t-test for Treatment and Control Group Prior to Treatment t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variance Observations Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail Treatment Control 38.23529412 46.26667 247.3161765 196.4952 17 15 0 30 -1.527426508 0.068565376 1.697260359 0.137130751 2.042270353 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 28 The null statement is there is no significant difference in both groups prior to treatment. According to Table 4.1, t(30) 1.5274, p .05 , therefore, since the obtained value fails to exceed the critical value, the null hypothesis fails to be rejected. The two groups did not have any significant differences before treatment. After treatment, two dependent t-tests were conducted on each groups’ pre-test and corresponding post-test. The null hypothesis, there is no significant difference in the pre-test scores and post-test scores was rejected if p< .05. Table 4.2 displays the data on the pre-test/post-test for both the control group. Table 4.2 Dependent t-test of Pre-Test/Post-Test Data Control Group t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means Pre-Test Post-Test Mean 46.266667 69.46666667 Variance 196.49524 653.552381 15 15 Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference Df 0.4502955 0 14 t Stat -3.9129009 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0007808 t Critical one-tail 1.7613092 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0015616 t Critical two-tail 2.1447886 As evidenced by table 4.2 the obtained t-value exceeded the corresponding critical value at the α=.05 confidence level for both groups. For the control group: t(14) 3.9129, p .05 , therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, meaning significant differences were present from the scores of the pre-test and corresponding post-test. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 29 In table 4.3, the results show the treatment group performed similarly. For the treatment group: t(16) 8.0829, p .05 , thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, meaning there is significant difference in the pre-treatment and post-treatment scores. Table 4.3 Pre-Test/Post-Test Data Treatment Group t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail Pre-Test 38.23529 247.3162 17 0.130097 0 16 -8.08287 2.43E-07 1.745884 P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail 4.85E-07 2.119905 Post-Test 79.4706 261.265 17 The reliability coefficient of the treatment group was r(16) 0.45, p .05 , correlating the pre-test and post-test scores. The reliability coefficient of the control group was r(14) 0.13, p .05 . An effect size calculation was also calculated on both groups. The effect size of the treatment group was calculated at r .79 , representing a high effect size while the effect size of the control group was r .490 representing a more moderate effect size. Finally, an independent t-test was conducted to compare the post-test scores of the treatment and control groups. This test was conducted at α=.05 confidence level. The null statement, there is no significant differences in the control group post-test scores and the treatment group post-test scores was rejected if p<.05. Table 4.3 displays the results of this independent t-test. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 30 Table 4.4 Independent t-test for Post-test scores for Treatment and Control Group t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Mean Variance Observations Hypothesized Mean Difference Df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail Treatment Control 79.47058824 69.46667 261.2647059 653.5524 17 15 0 23 1.30307709 0.10272186 1.713870006 0.205443719 t Critical two-tail 2.068654794 According to Table 4.3, t(23) 1.3031, p .05 , therefore, since the obtained tvalue fails to exceed the corresponding critical value, the null hypothesis fails to be rejected. Thus, there is no significant difference in the post-treatment scores of the control group and the treatment group. Using the means and standard deviations of each of the groups post-treatment the Cohen’s d value was calculated at d .4677 . The calculated percent of non-overlap was about 33% . The third focus question aimed to explore teacher and student attitudes regarding the use of hands-on learning in the classroom. A survey was given to students in the treatment and control group to access their attitudes towards hands-on learning. However, after noting that the students did not take the survey seriously and that several students did not answer the survey, the researcher chose to disregard the results. Survey type interviews were also conducted with several teachers at the school of the researcher. Teachers interviewed were asked their initial feelings towards the implementation of hands-on learning activities. Teacher 1, with 32 years of teaching experience, responded that she hates them, while several other teachers with varying Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 31 levels of experience responded with similar responses. Teacher 2, a math specialist with 18 years of experience, stated that she loved to implement these activities and it is what she has always tried to do in her classroom. Teacher 3, a special education teacher that is in the math collaborative setting, responded that her initial feeling when considering these activities is the sizes of her collaborative classes. She hopes that she has a very small class when trying to implement these activities. Teachers were also asked about their current use of hands-on learning activities. The math content teachers all responded that they occasionally implement these activities with two stating that they typically implement them 2-3 times per semester. Teacher 3 responded that since she is collaborative teacher in the classroom she only conducts these activities when they are planned by the content teacher. Teacher 2 responded that she tries to implement these activities as often as possible. She stated, “But not for every lesson, some concepts lend themselves more naturally to hands-on learning.” Teacher 4, with seven years teaching experience, stated that while she has tried implementing Versatiles in her lower level math classes, she typically does more hands-on activities in higher level math classes, such as trigonometry. Versatiles are tiled flip boards that follow twelve questions on a given topic. If students answer all questions correctly, when their boards are flipped they display a specific pattern. If students answer a question incorrectly, they have immediate feedback on which question was incorrect and they have the opportunity to correct those problems. All teachers agreed that these activities did require extra planning and preparation. Teacher 4 also noted that it required more time to gather and organize materials and that she typically make changes to an activity based on past experience. Teachers were also Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 32 asked about difficulties when implementing these activities. Three teachers, including the math specialist, expressed concern for the cost of materials. They stated that purchasing some needed materials are often paid for with their personal investment. An emerging idea in the survey interviews were the destruction of some of the materials and students becoming easily off task. Teacher 3 stated that in her past experience, she has found that high school students will complain that they are being treated like elementary children. Several teachers noted that hands-on activities take up too much instructional time. Another recurring idea was the amount of understanding gained from these activities. Several teachers worried that they did not learn the intended concepts properly using the activity and questioned if the goals of the activities were achieved. Gains of using hands-on activities were also discussed. The Teacher 2 stated that students exhibit a better understanding of concepts after completing these activities. She also finds that students tend to like math more and exhibit higher engagement. She also finds that hands-on activities provide teachers the opportunity to get to know their students better. Teacher 1 found that students can exhibit better recall of information if they have done a hands-on activity with the information, while Teacher 5, with five years of experience, found that students sometimes enjoy doing something different from the normal routine. Teacher 4 stated, “Students pay more attention when we do hands-on activities. They want to know what to do and are pleased with a final product.” However, she also stated, “It is hard to gauge how much time an activity will take.” Teacher 2 has found very few gains in implementing hands-on activities. Student attitudes in class during hands-on activities were also surveyed. One teacher replied that a few students will have a better understanding due to the activity. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 33 Teacher 4 stated, “I think that students enjoy the activity while they are doing it. For some students, the hands-on activity is what is needed to make a concept click. I’ve seen the light bulb shine bright after an activity for some students and that makes the work to prepare the activity worth it.” Finally, teachers were surveyed regarding their use of technology. Most teachers responded that they typically use calculators, both scientific and graphing, in their classrooms. Teacher 5 added that he also uses an overhead projector and an LCD projector for lesson presentations and video clips. Teacher 4 summed up her push to implement technology in the last year, “I have made a great effort this year to implement technology in the classroom. I have a SmartBoard this year and I have used it almost every day to deliver notes to students. I have also used answer responders on many occasions to take quizzes. I have also used graphing calculators in the past.” She further states, “Students like the technology. They are more engaged and willing to participate in class when technology is used. I have found that some students do not like the answer responders, but I’m not sure that I’ve implemented them in the best way possible.” She also finds that students seem to be more engaged when technology is used. They especially enjoy interacting with the technology individually. Teacher 1 stated that she does not use technology as “she is old and decrepit.” A focus group with 22 Accelerated Math 2 students was also conducted. This group was separate from the control and treatment group. A recurring theme throughout the session was that they enjoyed doing activities that involves building or producing a product. An emergent idea from the focus group session was the use of food in activities. Several students in the focus group all mentioned that they enjoyed activities that Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 34 involved candy or food. Several students also mentioned that they did not usually enjoy hands-on type activities. They stated that they would rather be given instruction and then practice problems rather than attempting to discover a concept. Students in the focus group were also polled about the types of technology that they use in their other classes, and what types of technology they enjoy. They stated that in other classes, including previous math classes, they have used calculators, laptops, SmartBoards, and hand held responders. Students stated that they enjoyed using the graphing calculators in their math classes. Laptops were also mentioned several times by several different students. Laptops are currently being used in various classes such as history and English, and the students enjoy completing projects on them. They do varied activities utilizing the laptops such as research and creating PowerPoint presentations. Students are also currently using hand held responder devices in chemistry and history classes. While some students asserted that they enjoy using the hand held responders, about one-third of the students stated that they did not have preference of the responders over paper and pencil tests. Finally, a detailed journal was kept by the researcher outlining the thoughts of each activity implemented and any student responses that were exhibited. The first day of the study, students created flip charts out of construction paper to record thoughts of each concept we studied throughout the unit. After we created these charts, we labeled each page with an important concept that would be studied. The students seemed to really enjoy these flip charts. They mentioned that it was something different, rather than constantly taking lecture notes in their notebooks. Students also seemed to take ownership of the charts. They were very consistent about recording information they had Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 35 learned in these charts and many students personalized them to reflect their personality. Overall, students seemed to enjoy this idea and all of the students in the treatment group, except one, kept their chart throughout the end of the unit. The next day, after learning new vocabulary and a few new concepts, students were given VersaTiles to supplement their assigned problems. While students worked problems, they would match their answer to an answer located in an answer box and move a corresponding tile to a matching letter. After, each set of twelve problems were completed, the tiles would be turned over to reveal whether the students matched all of their answers correctly. Students really seemed to enjoy this activity as well. It was also very quick and easy to assess which students had correctly mastered the concepts and which students were still struggling. The visual and kinesthetic learners seemed to achieve the most out of this activity. One student refused to participate in any of the activities and therefore was not included in the data collection sample. Students enjoyed the human circle activity. Students commented on how they enjoyed the room being arranged in a different configuration. Desks were placed around the outside walls and students faced the middle of the room. Students asked if the desks could stay in this configuration. Students stayed attentive and followed along using a worksheet provided by the researcher. There was slight trouble getting students to volunteer to participate in the activity. However, many students who are normally off task during instructional time were attentive and volunteered to participate. Closer to the end of the unit, students used graphing calculators to discover several theorems related to angles and arcs. The software was pre-loaded onto the calculator and students followed an instructional worksheet that would lead them through Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 36 the activity. This hands-on learning technique was much more difficult to monitor in the classroom setting. Most students were not familiar with the graphing calculators and took the majority of the allotted time trying to figure out how to operate them. It was also difficult to monitor their progress while navigating the room and focusing on individual calculator screens. The students commented several times how they enjoyed using the calculators and would love to use them more often. The final activity utilized a mobile laptop lab. Students were all assigned a laptop and given instructions to a particular website. The website allowed them to move points around a circle and automatically displayed segment lengths. Students made conjectures using simple calculations relating the segment lengths to known theorems. This activity was very hard to manage due to the technology involved. Students liked using the computers and appreciated having their own individual computer rather than sharing computers in a group. However, the battery life of the laptops used was not sufficient to last an entire class. Laptops were constantly being shuffled to allow for chargers to reach electrical outlets. Although, the expected battery life of the laptops was supposed to be longer, they did not prove to be long enough. Some students also had trouble logging on to the network and with a class set of laptops all using wireless internet, the internet capabilities would sometimes be very slow. However, students did seem to be rather attentive and concerned about their work. Even with technological frustration levels high, the students seemed to enjoy the activity. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 37 CHAPTER FIVE: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Analysis For focus question one, how are hands-on activities implemented in the secondary classroom, data were collected using a unit lesson plan and a scoring rubric. The lesson plan, outlining all hands-on activities to be implemented, was scored using a rubric by a mathematics instructional specialist. The rubric focused on several areas including technology, content knowledge, and assessment. The rubric was analyzed qualitatively using comments and suggestions of the specialist. The data collected from the instructional specialist accurately measured the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan and its components. Direct quotes from the specialist were reported whenever possible. The lesson plan and rubric comments produced significant results. The researcher considered suggestions mentioned by Clements and McMillen (1996) and Ernest (1994) when formulating the unit lesson plan. Clements and McMillen suggested several key ideas, mentioned previously in Chapter 2, that were followed, such as the idea students working cooperatively in pairs as well as the teacher guidance throughout each hands-on activity. Throughout the study, teacher guidance during each activity was required for the students to produce the intended results. Ernest (1994) also found that calculators can be the most useful manipulative in the mathematics classroom. Throughout the study, the use of graphing and scientific calculators seemed to be essential to understanding the material, and allowed the students to complete the designed activities in the amount of time needed. Many of the activities in the lesson plan would not have been possible without the aid of calculators. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 38 Focus question two, how do math grades differ in classrooms using hands-on activities, was analyzed using pre and post test scores obtained from both a treatment and a control group. Data were coded and analyzed using several statistical tests including independent and dependent t tests, reliability correlation coefficients, and an effect size calculation. Pre-test scores from both groups were analyzed using an independent t test with the following null statement: there is no significant difference between groups pretreatment. The pre-test data produced an obtained value that failed to exceed the critical value. Therefore, at the .05 confidence level, the null statement fails to be rejected. Students who had previously taken the class were not used in the sample since their pretest scores proved to be outliers in the data set. Since both the treatment and control group exhibited no significant differences, the use of hands-on learning activities were utilized in the treatment group over the next two weeks. The control group continued to follow a more traditional, direct instruction approach. At the end of two weeks, a post test was given. To ensure dependability, the same test was used for both the pre-test and post-test. Post-test scores were analyzed using a dependent t-test to ensure that both groups showed significant gains using either instructional technique. The null statement was rejected at the .05 confidence level, using the null statement: there is no significant difference in the group from pre-test to post-test. Therefore, both the treatment and control group showed significant gains throughout the unit. The means for both groups were much higher on the post-test than on the pre-test showing great gains throughout the unit. Finally, another independent ttest was conducted on the post-test scores of the treatment and control group using the null statement: there is no significant difference in the groups post-treatment. At the Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 39 .05 confidence level, the obtained value failed to exceed the obtained value. Therefore, the null statement fails to be rejected. Even though the t-test failed to show significant difference in the treatment and control group post-treatment, it is important to mention that the mean test score for the treatment group was much higher than the mean of the control group. The mean of the treatment group was 79.47 while the mean of the control group was 69.47. The treatment group’s post-test scores also exhibited a much lower standard deviation than the control group. An effect size calculation was also conducted on both groups using correlating pre and post-test data. The effect size of the treatment group was also much higher than the effect size of the control group. The calculated effect size asserts that the treatment group did show more gains in the post-test scores than that of the control group. Although the effect size calculation cannot be used to generalize to a larger population, the reported effect size of this study had a significant magnitude. These results confirmed what was previously stated in the literature. According to some sources, student achievement would be improved with the use of hands-on learning techniques (Zemelman et al., 2005). Focus question three “What are student and teacher attitudes about the use of hands-on learning” was answered using qualitative data. Teacher surveys, a student focus group and a reflective journal were all recorded and analyzed. The teacher surveys produced valuable insight into teacher’s thoughts and experiences with the implementation of more hands-on learning techniques. A majority of teacher expressed frustration with the implementation of hands-on activities. Many have had poor past Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 40 experiences with students vandalizing manipulatives and materials as well as an exhausting number of hours preparing such activities. The gains of use of hands-on learning were also discussed. While about half of the teachers interviewed expressed that they had seen great gains with the use of such learning, the other half expressed frustration seeing very little gains in this instruction technique compared to direct instruction. A special education teacher even noted that students sometimes felt babied when asked to complete activities rather than taking notes. Overall, the idea of using technology in the classroom was a little more positive. Teachers mentioned that they were already using calculators, overheads and other forms of technology. Many expressed openness to implementing new forms of technology when it becomes available. Some mentioned the amount of time needed to incorporate more technology, but felt that gains in student achievement would be evident. The math curriculum coach was a huge supporter of hands-on learning and technology in the classroom. She expressed that that she has seen significant gains in student achievement and student attitudes throughout her teaching years of teaching when implementing technology and hands-on learning. She mentioned how much more time was required when planning of these activities, but felt that the students were more motivated to learn the material when they played an active role in their learning. A focus group of Accelerated Math 2 students was conducted to gain insight into their thoughts and experiences of hands-on learning in their high school classes. Many of the students expressed how they enjoyed hands-on activities that allowed them to build or make a final project. The students seemed to feel ownership and pride from putting together something that showcased their work. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 41 Finally, a reflective journal was kept by the researcher throughout the study and recorded in after each hands-on activity. The reflective journal provided qualitative data that was coded for themes. Overall, the researcher found positive reaction from students when implementing the hands-on learning activities. Many students commented on how much they enjoyed doing something different. However, some students did have some complaints about doing different activities, some of which required them to leave the classroom. Surprisingly, many of the complaints were made by lower achieving students. Many of the higher achieving students, who normally do not seem to mind taking notes and listening to direct instruction, seemed to really enjoy doing the hands-on lessons. The qualitative data collected from both students and teachers also modified current research. Ernest (1994) found that student attitudes improved and that students seemed more motivated when using hands-on learning. A study by Sowell, (as cited by Ernest, 1994), also found that student attitudes improved when manipulatives were used in the classroom. However, this study found that while some attitudes improved and some students seemed more motivated, other students did not exhibit these behaviors. Some students showed the same attitudes and motivation during and after treatment as they had before treatment started. Discussion Overall, this study found that while hands-on activities can sometimes motivate students and increase their achievement, some students seem to resist the change and prefer direct instruction. This study also found that while student achievement can be slightly higher in classroom using hands-on learning, the gains were not significant Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 42 enough to draw precise conclusions about one method producing higher achievement than the other. It is also important to realize that this study was conducted using a Mathematics II Geometry unit, which lends itself towards hands-on learning. Other topics in high school math courses may not lend themselves so well with the use of hands-on learning methods. This study also found that students may or may not prefer this type of learning. An emerging theme that was found when conducting this study was the lower achieving students resisting the change to try hands-on learning activities. Many of them complained when the class left the room to complete activities in another room. Some of the also did not want to work through frustrations with new technology to complete an activity. Many of the lower achieving students in the class would become frustrated or irritated in the process of the activity and would want to go back to a more traditional, direct instruction technique. Teachers typically try to implement many hands-on learning activities in classrooms with low achieving students under the impression that it will increase their achievement. However, this study was inconclusive in proving higher achievement for a diverse group of students. This study focused primarily on the practice of teaching mathematics in the high school setting. This study found that while hands-on learning can have positive results for learners, it may not be the best method for all topics. It also may not be the best method for teaching every student. With the influx of new technology in high school, this study was relevant in determining if the mere implementation of hands-on learning would necessarily guarantee increased achievement. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 43 Throughout this study many steps were taken to ensure that the study remained credible. Structural corroboration was achieved by gathering data from several different sources focused on three specific focus questions. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered and recorded as accurately as possible. The review of literature also presented opposing views to ensure fairness. Research was presented in an unbiased fashion and all opposing views were adequately researched and considered. Efforts were taken to ensure that this study was conducted methodically in order to produce a coherent, tight case. Validity and reliability were considered when determining data collection methods for each focus question. While the case and data collection methods were strong, the sample size for this study was very small. The evidence of this study are not strong enough to assert judgments concerning a large population. Implications This study found that while the use of hands-on learning can be used to motivate students and increase their achievement, it is not going to produce significantly different results than students in a traditional, direct instruction setting. The quantitative results of this study showed that both the treatment and the control groups made significant gains throughout the unit, but in the end, one failed to produce significantly higher results than the other. This study was conducted using a small sample, therefore, it would be hard to generalize these results for a much larger population. The qualitative data gathered throughout this study proved to be very valuable. Student opinions were uncovered that were previously not considered. While most teachers believe that students like doing hands-on activities, this did not prove to be true Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 44 for all students. As with all concepts, there were different opinions and complaints from each student. This study shaped all participants in a positive way. Whether they preferred it or not, the students experienced a new method of learning that they may or may not have been exposed to be before. The researcher was positively impacted by learning new methods of teaching and learned new ways to try to motivate students. The other teachers who volunteered to be surveyed also were impacted by the study. Many neighboring teachers expressed interest in the activities being conducted and tried several of them in their classrooms as well. This study can easily be replicated by any teacher in a high school math classroom. The lesson plan used is referenced in appendix A and can be altered to fit any unit or concept being taught. Impact on Student Learning This learning positively impacted student learning. Students were given the opportunity to expand their ideas by trying new ways of learning that they previously may not have used in a mathematics classroom. Students explored new technology that they may use to expand their mathematical background. While some students did not enjoy the hands-on learning activities, all students were given the opportunity to try new ways of learning that may benefit them at some time in their educational career. Most students also appreciated that their teacher was investing interest in their learning and that new activities were being considered. This improved the classroom atmosphere not only from student to teacher but also from peer to peer. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 45 Most teachers involved in this study also mentioned that they would try some of the new ideas in their classrooms to expose their students to the different hands-on learning techniques as well as new technology that are available. Recommendations for Future Research This study had positive impacts on all participants involved. However, there were several key components of this study that can be strengthened when considering future research. First, this study took place over the course of one unit, which elapsed two weeks. In the future, a longer study that encompassed an entire course would produce much tighter argument. Also, the sample size used in this study was relatively small. Two classes of fewer than 20 students each were used. The results would be better generalized if a much larger sample was used. Since this study, many teachers at the school of the researcher have expressed positive interest in the idea of incorporating hands-on learning and technology in the classroom. Therefore, with the support of other teachers, it may be possible to conduct a much larger study encompassing more students, and even different levels of mathematics courses. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 46 References Clements, D, & McMillen, S. (1996). Rethinking concrete manipulatives. Teaching Children Mathematics, 2, 270-279. Ernest, P. (1994). Evaluation of the effectiveness and implementation of a math manipulatives project.Proceedings (Report No. SE-057 682). Nashville, TN: Annual Meeting Mid-South Educational Research Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED391 675). Georgia Department of Education (2010). EOCT Statewide Scores. Retrieved from: T%20Statewide%20Scores Heddens, J.W. (1997). Improving Mathematics Teaching by Using Manipulatives. Retrieved October 3, 2010, from Kent State University website: Hendricks, C. (2009). Improving schools through action research: a comprehensive guide for educators. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon. Johnson, A. (2009). What every teacher should know about action research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Moyer, P, Bolyard, J, & Spikell, M. (2002). What are virtual manipulatives?. Teaching Children Mathematics, 8(6), 372. Niess, M, & Walker, J. (2009). This rock 'n' roll video teaches math. Learning and Leading with Technology, June/July 2009 Popham, W. (2008). Classroom assessment: what teachers need to know. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 47 Salkind, N. (2010). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics: excel 2007 edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Schul, J. E.(2011) Revisiting an old Friend: the practice and promise of cooperative learning for the twenty-first century. Social Studies, 102( 2), 88 - 93 Silver, F, Strong, R, & Perini, M. (2008). The strategic teacher: selecting the right research-based strategy for every lesson. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Sprick, R.S. (2006). Discipline in the secondary classroom. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. Zemelman, S, Daniels, H, & Hyde, A. (2005). Best practice: today's standards for teaching and learning in america's schools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 48 Appendix A Lesson Plan: Math 2 Circle Geometry Unit Stage 1 – Desired Results GPS and/or Elements (use only the elements that you teach in THIS lesson!): MM2G3. Students will understand the properties of circles. a. Understand and use properties of chords, tangents, and secants as an application of triangle similarity. b. Understand and use properties of central, inscribed, and related angles. c. Use the properties of circles to solve problems involving the length of an arc and the area of a sector. d. Justify measurements and relationships in circles using geometric and algebraic properties. MM2G4. Students will find and compare the measures of spheres. a. Use and apply surface area and volume of a sphere. b. Determine the effect on surface area and volume of changing the radius or diameter of a sphere. Enduring Understandings: Essential Question(s): Students will understand that… Circles have many properties and will be able to answer questions concerning arcs, angles, tangents, secants and chords. Real World Understandings (What might transfer to their world?): Students will answer real world questions concerning circles, such as pizzas. They will use formulas to answer questions about surface area and arc sectors. What are the properties of tangents? How do you use angle measures to find arc measures? How do you use the relationships of arcs and chords in a circle? How do you find the measure of angles inside, outside and on a circle? How do you find segment lengths in a circle? How do you find circumference, arc length, and areas of sectors and circles? How do you find surface area and volume of a sphere? Knowledge (NOUNS for the GPS): Skills (VERBS from the GPS): Students will know… Students will be able to… Properties of chords, tangents and secants Properties of central, inscribed, and related angles Arc length of an arc and Area of a sector Surface area and volume of a sphere Understand Solve Justify Apply Determine Real World knowledge (Where do they use this KNOWLEDGE in their real world): Students will solve problems involving circles in many different career areas, including construction. Real World Applications (Where do they use these SKILLS in their real world): Use of these skills is evidenced by students’ ability to Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 49 solve problems and work through tasks effectively. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) and Product(s) to be assessed (What will they put in my hand to be assessed that they created individually): Formal Assessment Grading Format(s) (How will I grade it, letting them know in advance how to receive every point in my grading scale): Vocabulary flip charts Versatiles completion (graded on successful completion) Human Circle participation TI-84 Activity Worksheets Dig This! Activity group answer Surface area and volume worksheet for spheres 2-3 Quizzes covering individual lessons 1 unit post test Stage 3 – Learning Plan Procedures/Sequence: Day 1: * Students will complete the pre-test before beginning the Circle unit *Students will construct tangible flip charts to be used throughout the unit. *Students will define terms theorems from 6.1 and make concentration cards using words or pictures, depending on the preference of the students. Day 2-3: * Students will learn theorems associated with finding arc measures in a circle using central angles and the properties of chords in a circle. After a brief lessons, students will use VersaTiles to complete 12 problems. Answers will be checked by comparing the resulting picture to the key picture. Students will correct missed problems until they have successful mastery. Day 4: Human Circle *Students will use rope and elastic in a life size circle to compare central and inscribed angles. Students will answer questions throughout the activity to aid them in discovering properties of these angles. Students will also have the opportunity to use rope to demonstrate properties studied during day 2 and 3. Day 5: Students will use TI-84 graphing calculators and Cabri software to complete the Angles and Arcs Activity. This will help solidify theorems regarding angle measures inside and outside of a circle. Students will visualize the concepts with the use of individual graphing calculators. Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 50 Day 6: Students will use laptops and Illuminations software to complete an activity regarding segment lengths in circles. Day 7: Post-test Enrichment, Hands-On, Student–Centered Activity: (outlined above) Materials: Flip charts, index cards, versatiles, Human Circle materials (rope, tape and elastic), TI-84 calculators with Cabri software (class set), laptops with internet capability (class set), pizza pan manipulatives, sports balls and seamstress tape. 1. Student LD: (i.e. Process, Product, Content) Students may come in before or after school or during their study hall to receive more individual help from the teacher. Collaborative classes will utilize the collab teacher to assist in all activities, instruction and smaller group activities. 2. Student ESL: (Process, Product, Content) Students will receive an outline of the project in their native language. Closure : What did we learn today about tangents…secants…etc.? …….Sue………Joey… Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques Appendix B Pre-test/Post-test 51 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 52 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques Appendix C Reflective Journal Prompts What did we do today to incorporate manipulatives or a hands-on activity? What part of today’s activity went well? What could have gone better? How did the student’s react? How do I feel? 53 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 54 Appendix D Hands-on Learning Teacher Survey How many years of teaching experience do you have? What are your primary classes taught? What are your initial feelings regarding the implementation of hands-on learning activities in the classroom? Do you try to implement hands-on learning activities? If yes, what kinds of activities and how often do you implement them? Do these activities require extra planning? What are some of the difficulties you have found with implementing these activities? What are some of the gains that you have found in using these activities? Do you feel that these activities influence a student’s attitude toward the concept? Do you try to implement technology in your classroom? What technology items have you tried in your classroom? What works? What doesn’t? Have you noticed a change in students’ attitudes when implementing technology? Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 55 Appendix E Student Likert-type Attitude Survey 5 Very Much I like math. I think math is often hard to understand. I think it’s important for me to study math. I feel that math is useful for me right now. I am looking forward to studying Geometry. I think Geometry is going to be hard. I have trouble visualizing three dimensional objects. I like to do hands-on work. I like to work with a partner. I like to work in cooperative groups. My math homework is usually interesting. I generally get good grades in math. I have been introduced to geometry in the past. 4 3 Indifferent 2 1 Not at all Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques Appendix F Student Focus Group Prompts What do you think of when your teacher says “hands-on” activity? What are some of the hands-on activities you do in your other classes? What kind of technology do you normally use? Do you enjoy these activities? Do you think you understand better after doing these activities? Do these activities sometimes confuse you? Would you prefer to do more hands-on learning activities in class? 56 Mathematical Hands-on Learning Techniques 1