REASONS FOR DECISION TO EXERCISE POWER OF INTERVENTION UNDER SECTION 20(4) OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 GLEN EIRA PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C97 The Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Heritage Act 1995 and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 provide for the intervention of the Minister for Planning in planning and heritage processes. In exercising the Minister’s powers of intervention, including action taken under delegation from the Minister for Planning, the Minister has agreed to: Make publicly available written reasons for each decision; and Provide a report to Parliament at least every twelve months detailing the nature of each intervention. REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 1. On 23 September 2011, the City of Glen Eira requested that the Minister for Planning utilise his powers under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to prepare, adopt and approve Amendment C97 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. WHAT POWER OF INTERVENTION IS BEING USED? 2. Under delegated authority from the Minister for Planning I have decided to exercise the power to exempt the Minister from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the regulations in respect to Amendment C97 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. 3. Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 enables the Minister for Planning to exempt an amendment which the Minister prepares from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act or the regulations. 4. In seeking to exercise this power, section 20(4) of the Act requires that the Minister must consider that compliance with any of those requirements is not warranted or that the interests of Victoria or any part of Victoria make such an exemption appropriate. BACKGROUND 5. On 9 September 2010, the City of Glen Eira requested authorisation to prepare an amendment to the Cardinia Planning Scheme which proposes to remove the Heritage Overlay from properties at 466 Hawthorn Road and 2A and 2B Sea View Street, Caulfield South. 6. The amendment was required to remove the Heritage Overlay HO114 from the properties. The subject site (which is subdivided into 3 dwellings) formed part of Amendment C19, which was approved on 1 May 2003. However, it has recently come to Council’s attention that only the owner/occupier of the front dwelling of the property (466 Hawthorn Road) was notified of the amendment and that the owners of both 2A and 2B Sea View Street were inadvertently left out of the exhibition process for this amendment and were therefore not aware that a Heritage Overlay (map) control applied to their properties until very recently. 7. The entire site is mapped in the Heritage Overlay, however only 466 Hawthorn Road was nominated as the address for HO114 in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay. On 31 August 2010, Council resolved to remove HO114 from the planning scheme in fairness to the two owners who were not involved in the original process and did not have the chance to make a submission or influence the process in any way. 8. Glen Eira Amendment C83 was authorised on 14 February 2011 with a condition requesting further strategic justification for the amendment as evidence provided with the authorisation request indicated the need for heritage protection to the sites. Council’s heritage advisors have indicated that the properties (all three dwellings) are of heritage significance and worthy of heritage protection in the planning scheme. 9. The amendment was exhibited from 17 March to 18 April 2011 and two submissions were received. 10. The amendment was subject to an independent Panel hearing on 16 August 2011. The Panel recommended that Amendment C83 be abandoned and that Council request the Minister for Planning to undertake an amendment without further notice, pursuant to section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to revise the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay to include 2A and 2B Sea View Street, Caulfield South in the description of the land to which HO114 applies. 11. Council have resolved to abandon Amendment C83 and requested that an amendment be prepared under section 20(4) to include the properties in the Heritage Overlay. 12. Amendment C97 revises the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay to include 2A and 2B Sea View Street, Caulfield South in the description of the land to which HO114 applies. BENEFITS OF EXEMPTION 13. It is beneficial to update the planning scheme to ensure that the intent of the Glen Eira Planning Scheme is accurate and up to date. 14. The amendment will rectify an anomaly in the Heritage Overlay, ensuring heritage protection to sites that have been identified as being of heritage significance. 15. The amendment aims to conserve and enhance those buildings, areas or other places which are of scientific, aesthetic, architectural or historical interest in accordance with section 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. EFFECTS OF EXEMPTION ON THIRD PARTIES 16. Consultation was undertaken as part of the exhibition and independent Panel process for Amendment C83 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. 17. Exemptions from the notification requirements of the Act will have a negligible effect on third parties, as the amendment seeks to correct 18. The amendment has been requested by the City of Glen Eira and recommended by the independent Panel for Amendment C83. ASSESSMENT AS TO WHETHER BENEFITS OF EXEMPTIONS OUTWEIGH EFFECTS ON THIRD PARTIES 19. The amendment rectifies an anomaly in the Heritage Overlay to ensure that heritage protection applies to sites that have been identified of having heritage significance. 20. Accordingly I, acting under delegation from the Minister, consider that the benefits of exemption from sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act outweigh any effects of the exemption on third parties. DECISION 13. Under delegated authority from the Minister for Planning I have decided to exercise the power to exempt the Minister from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the regulations in respect of Amendment C97 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. REASONS FOR INTERVENTION 14. I provide the following reasons for my decision under delegated authority to exercise the power under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. 15. I, acting under delegation from the Minister, am satisfied that Compliance with any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations is not warranted because: The amendment will give effect to an outcome where the issues have been reasonably considered and the views of the affected parties are known. The matter has been through an extensive consultation process as part of Amendment C83 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. Signed by the Delegate Jane Monk Acting Executive Director State Planning Services and Urban Development Date: 5 January 2012