Syllabus Course Name Course Prefix & Number (PHC 6xxx) Sections: 3__ (ref# _____), 3__ (ref# _____), 3__ (ref# _____) Semester: Dates: Include beginning and ending dates Location: Blackboard: > PHC6___.allF05 Credit Hours: 3 Pre-Requisites: Example: College Algebra or CI Delivery Format: Identify if web-based, computer-aided instruction, face-to-face classroom/seminar, field study, video-conferencing, satellite, audio-conferencing, Synchronous/Asynchronous Required Materials: Specify what students need to purchase or have to pass the class. Does not include basic technology requirements. Examples: Textbook (link to order form from HSC Bookstore: Order textbooks: Supplemental Reading Packet (link to COPH Copy Center order form:), DSL/Cable internet connection, calculators, microphone and headset. Course Content and Delivery: Purpose: (optional) Example: To meet the core course requirements of the MPH program Course Description : Use the description in the USF catalogue. Example: Concepts, principles, and methods of statistics applied to public health issues. Objectives: Objectives are broad statements which are measurable and overt behaviors. Additional performance objectives can be included for each module or topic. Format: Format includes delivery format, physical structure (modular, weekly), pacing, instructor vs. student centered. Instructiona l Strategies: Types of activities, types of media used, group vs. individual work, synchronous/asynchronous, types of assessments (graded and non-graded). Faculty, TA/GA and Technical Assistance Contact Information: Instructor Information: Instructor Name: Office/ mailing address: Office Hours: Phone: Fax: Email address: Preferred method of contact: Reply policy: TA information: 1. TA Name Office address: Office Hours: Email address: Preferred method of contact: Reply policy: 2. TA Name Office address: Office Hours: Email address: Preferred method of contact: Reply policy: 3. TA Name Office address: Office Hours: Email address: Preferred method of contact: Reply policy: Physical Office: , Link to Virtual office: Include both virtual and face-to-face office hours. Indicate if by appointment, walk-in. Provide the link to the virtual office if applicable. Identify the preferred method of contact for instructor. Select from email, BB messaging, telephone, fax. Include instructions if applicable. Indicate when students can expect a reply from the instructor. Suggest Sun-Thu.( 2448 hrs) Fri-Sat (48-72 hrs) Physical Office: , Link to Virtual office: Include both virtual and face-to-face office hours if applicable. Indicate if by appointment, walk-in, group or individual. Provide the link to the virtual office if applicable. Identify the preferred method of contact for TA/GA’s. Select from Blackboard email (select user or all TA/GA’s), BB messaging, telephone, fax. Provide specific directions. Indicate when students can expect a reply from the TA. Suggest Sun-Thu.( 24-48 hrs) Fri-Sat (48-72 hrs) Physical Office: , Link to Virtual office: Include both virtual and face-to-face office hours if applicable. Indicate if by appointment, walk-in, group or individual. Provide the link to the virtual office if applicable. Identify the preferred method of contact for TA/GA’s. Select from Blackboard email (select user or all TA/GA’s), BB messaging, telephone, fax. Provide specific directions. Indicate when students can expect a reply from the TA. Suggest Sun-Thu.( 24-48 hrs) Fri-Sat (48-72 hrs) Physical Office: , Link to Virtual office: Include both virtual and face-to-face office hours if applicable. Indicate if by appointment, walk-in, group or individual. Provide the link to the virtual office if applicable. Identify the preferred method of contact for TA/GA’s. Select from Blackboard email (select user or all TA/GA’s), BB messaging, telephone, fax. Provide specific directions. Indicate when students can expect a reply from the TA. Suggest Sun-Thu.( 24-48 hrs) Fri-Sat (48-72 hrs) Assistance: Technical problems: (accessing course, course materials, links, videos, presentations, documents, assignment submission) Use the ‘Technical Problem Report Form’ located under the ‘Tech Assistance’ button on the course website. Select any of the available options. Students will receive a reply WITHIN 24 hours via phone or email based on student preference. During exams: Call technical support during exams supported by ETA. The phone number will be posted on the course website with the exam. Otherwise indicate who to contact, method and expected reply time. Course Content questions: Indicate who to contact, method, and expected reply time Synchronous sessions: Indicate who to contact, method, and expected reply time Request Make-up exams: Indicate who to contact, method, and expected reply time Confidential problems: Preferred method to contact Instructor. During normal business days (M-F 8:30am-5:00pm) students can contact the Office of Educational Technology and Assessment at 1-888-USF-COPH (option #3) Grading/Assessment/Criteria: Grading System: Indicate the grading system used. Example: total score/points, weighted, adjusted/curved Grading Scale: Indicate if + and – grades will be given. Suggest using a table format. Official USF Grading Scale: Types of assessments: Describe the types of assessments, value, whether or not they are submitted for review, who will provide feedback, when students can expect feedback and method of feedback. Indicate if individual or group grades. For subjective assessments identify how the evaluation criteria will be presented to the student. Note- specific instructions for completing assessments, exams etc can be provided in the syllabus or on the course websites. ‘Incomplete’ policy: Indicate Instructor’s policy and procedure for incomplete. COPH policy: Assessment Schedule: Refer to last section entitled Course Schedule. Instructor Policies: Grading Policies: Describe your policies for assigning grades, excessive time on exams, feedback on assignments and exams, review of exam questions. Make-up Policy: Describe your policies for making up exams or assignments. Provide instructions for the process to request a make-up and whom to submit their request. Late Assignments/ Incorrect method of submission: Describe your policy and consequences for late assignments. Specify time of day/night for deadlines. Indicate if students will be penalized if they do not follow directions for submission of assignments. Include policy for students exceeding time limit on exams. Extra Credit Policy: If applicable, provide details to receive extra credit and the value. Plagiarism: Identify if you will be using the ‘Safe Assignment’ plagiarism tool, and consequences if plagiarism is detected. Dishonesty/Cheating/ Disruption of Academic process: Identify your policy for consequences if students are found violating the USF policies for dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism and disruption of academic process. Schedule change policy: Indicate how you will communicate changes to the course schedule, content. Field Trip Policy: If applicable Use of Public Computers: Indicate your policy for problems accessing the course or taking and exam resulting from use of public computers. Netiquette: Provide netiquette guidelines Student Expectations: (optional) Identify behaviors expected from students related to attendance, participation, accessing course. What to expect of the Instructor: (optional) Include philosophy of teaching, accessibility during the course, methods and format for feedback. Permission to use lecture: (optional) State your policy about the distribution and use of any materials in your course including audio, video, and documents. Institutional Policies: Link to Student Handbook Student Conduct: USF Student Rights/Responsibilities: USF Student Code of Conduct: Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: Graduate courses 6.pdf Undergraduate courses Special Accommodations: Holidays and Religious Observances: Technology Requirements and Tools Technology Checklist: Link to basic technology requirements includes list of hardware and link to download required software: Special Technology Requirements for this course: Describe if applicable. Provide link if applicable for specifications and any tutorials Pre-requisite skills: Describe any technology skills required before taking this course. Resources for online learners USF ID, NetID, Emails: yUSF.pdf Library Resources: ‘How to Find a Journal Article’: USF Library Resources and services: How to Navigate in Blackboard: Plagiarism: Tutorial on Plagiarism for Students: Instructions to submit an assignment using safe assignment: How to Use the Assignment Submission Tool: How to use the Journal Tool: How to Use the Teams Site Tool: How to Create a Citation: APA Style: Using APA style to cite internet sources: Course Schedule 1or 2 pages with topics, dates, assignments