Using Discourse Analysis

Discourse: What is it?
Bloome, D, Carter, S.P., Christian, B.M., Otto, S.,Shuart-Faris, N. (2005). Discourse
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Gee, James P. & Green, Judith L. (1998). Discourse analysis, learning, and social
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Review of Research in Education, 23, American Educational Research
Hicks, D. (1995). Discourse, learning, and teaching. In M. Apple (Ed.) Review of
Research in Education. Washington, D. C.: AERA, 49-95.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1985). Introduction: Discourse analysis as a new cross-discipline.
Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 2: Dimensions of discourse. New York:
Academic Press, 1-11.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1985). Introduction: Dialogue as discourse and interaction. Handbook
of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Dimensions of discourse. New York: Academic
Press, 1-11.
Schiffrin, D. (1994). Conclusion: Language as Social Interaction. Approach to
Discourse. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers. 406-419.
Transcription: Theory and Practice
Green, J., Franquiz, M. & Dixon, C. (1997). The myth of the objective transcript:
Transcribing as a situated act. TESOL Quarterly, 31(1), 172-176.
Gumperz, J.J. & Berenz, N. (1993). Transcribing conversational exchanges. In J. A.
Edwards and M. D. Lampert (Eds.). Talking data: Transcription and coding in
discourse research. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 91-121.
Ochs, E. (1979). Transcription as theory. In E. Ochs & B. B. Schefflin (Eds.).
Developmental pragmatics. New York: Academic Press, 43-72.
Using Discourse Analysis
Christie, F. (1995). Pedagogic discourse in the primary school. Linguistics and
Education, 7, 221-242.
Green, J. et al. (1993). Talking knowledge into being: Discursive and social practices
in classrooms. Linguistics and Education, 5, 231-39.
Egan-Robertson, A. & Bloome, D. (1998). Students as researchers of culture and
language in their own communities. Cresskill, N. J. :Hampton Press, Inc.
Floriani, Ana (1993). Negotiating what counts: roles and relationships, texts and
contexts, content and meaning. Linguistics and education 5, 241-274.
Hera, A. I. (1993).The construction of understanding in a sixth grade bilingual
classroom. Linguistics and Education, 5 (3& 4), 275-299.
Ivanic, R. (1994). I is for interpersonal: Discoursal construction of writer identities
and the teaching of writing. Linguistics and Education, 6, 3-15.
Kantor, R., Green, J, Bradley, M, & Lin, L. (1992). The construction of schooled
discourse repertoires: An Interactional Sociolinguistic perspective on learning to
talk in preschool, Linguistics and Education, 4, 131-172.
Lin, L. (1994). Language of and in the classroom: constructing the patterns of social
life. Linguistics and Education, 5, 367-409.
Prentiss, T. (1995). Constructing literacy practices: An analysis of student lived and
perceived experience in high school English. Journal of Classroom Interaction,
30(2), 27-39.
Putney, L. G. (1996). You are it! Meaning making as a collective and historical
process. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 19(2), 129-143.
Putney, L. G., Green, J., Dixon, C., Duran, R., & Yeager, B. (2000). Consequential
progressions: Exploring collective-individual development in a bilingual
classroom. In C.D. Lee & P. Smagorinsky (Eds.), Constructing meaning through
collaborative inquiry: Vygotskian perspectives on literacy research. NY:
Cambridge University Press, 86-126
Rex, L., Green, L., & Dixon, C. (1997). Making a case from evidence: Constructing
opportunities for learning academic literacy practices. Interpretations: Journal of
the English Teachers Association of Western Australia, 30 (2), 78-104.
Santa Barbara Classroom Discourse Group (Green, Dixon, Floriani & Bradley).
(1992). Constructing literacy in classrooms: Literate action as social
accomplishment. In H. Marshall (Ed.). Redefining Student Learning: Roots of
Educational Change. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex. 119-150.
Santa Barbara Classroom Discourse Group (Dixon, de la Cruz, Green, Lin & Brandts).
(1992). Do you see what we see? The referential and intertexual nature of
classroom life. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 27 (2). 29-36.
Tuyay, S., & Dixon, Carol (1995). Classroom discourse and opportunities to learn: An
ethnographic study of knowledge construction in a bilingual third-grade
classroom. Discourse Processes, 19, 75-110.
Tuyay, S., Floriani, A., Yeager, B., Dixon, C. & Green, J. (1995). Constructing an
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social, literate and academic practices. Journal of Classroom Interactions, 30 (2).
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Cochran, J. P. (1997). What’s ‘common’ in a common core: How course structure
shapes disciplinary knowledge. Journal of Classroom Interactions, 32 (2), 45-55.
Crawford, T., Chen, C. & Kelley, G. J. (1997). Creating authentic opportunities for
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Cunningham, C. M. (1997). Who knows? The influence of teachers’ sociological
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Green, J. & Kelly, G. (1998). The social nature of knowing: Toward a sociocultural
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Education, 28(1)
Kelley, G. & Chen, C. (in press). The sound of music: Constructing science as
sociocultural practices through oral and written discourse.
Kelley, G. J., Crawford, T.. & Green, J. (in press). Common task and uncommon
knowledge: Dissenting voices in the discursive construction of physics across
small laboratory groups. Linguistics and Education.
Kelly, G., Green, J., Crawford, T. (1997). An ethnographic investigation of the
discourse processes of school science. Science Education, 81 (5), 533-559.
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discipline:Writing science in university oceanography, Journal of Research In
Science Teaching, 37, 7, 691-718.
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teaching Mathmatics. In Marshall, H. H. (ed.), Redefining student learning:
Roots of educational change, Norwood, N. J. : Ablex 177-206.
Dissertations of SBCDG:
Green, J. L. (1977). Pedagogical style differences as related to comprehension:
Grades 1 through 3. Unpublished dissertation, university of California, Berkeley,
Jennings, L. B. (1996). Multiple contexts for learning social justice: An Ethnographic
and Sociolinguistic study of a fifth grade bilingual class. Unpublished
dissertation, University of California at Santa Barbara.
Floriani, Ana (1997). Creating a community of learners: Constructing opportunities
for learning and negotiating meaning in a bilingual classroom. Unpublished
dissertation, University of California at Santa Barbara.
*Putney, L. G. (1997). Collective-Individual Development in a Fifth Grade Bilingual
Class: An Interactional Ethnography Analysis of Historicity and
Consequentiality. Unpublished dissertation, University of California at Santa
Crawford, T. (1999). Scientist in the Making: An Ethnographic Investigation of
Scientific Processes as Literate Practices in an Elementary Classroom.
Unpublished Dissertation, University of California at Santa Barbara..
*Castanheira, M. L. (2000). Situating Learning within Collective Possibilities:
Examining the Discursive Construction of Opportunities for Learning in the
Classroom. Unpublished Dissertation, University of California at Santa Barbara..
*Wang, F. (2000) Constructing and taking up communicative
repertoires in order to learn language: An interactional Ethnographic study of
opportunities for learning language in a second-grade classroom, Unpublished
dissertation, University of California at Santa Barbara.
Griffin, Mary L. (2001). Social contexts of beginning reading. Language Arts, 78(4),
Key Words: peer relationships & their role in young children’s reading
development, oral language, constructivism & sociocultural perspectives on
Meyer, L. M. (2000). Barriers to meaningful instruction for English learners. Theory
into Practice, 39 (4), 228-236.
Key words: social interactionist theories