HPLC results for microbial activity analysis Sodium lactate and sodium acetate can be used as favorable carbon source during microbial incubations. On the other hand, the change of their concentration can be monitored to analyze microcosm activity in the liquid medium. The first part of the experiment to study on pharmaceutical degradation kinetics lasted for 17 days . From Fig 1 and 2, concentration levels of sodium lactate and sodium acetate in the abiotic setup remained constantly at the initial value, approximately 1.7 mM. This demonstrated that no microbial activity, which can consume the two salts as carbon sources were undergoing in the abiotic control (containing no sediment) during the entire experimental process. Figure 1. Concentration of Sodium Acetate over time. Figure 2. Concentration of Sodium Lactate over time. In two microbial active controls, the depletions of the two salts were undergoing expeditiously with similar rates. By calculation, the time of 50% disappearance (DT50) and 90% disappearance (DT90) of sodium acetate were 1.1 days and 2.0 days. The DT50 and DT90 of sodium lactate were 1.1 days and 1.9 days. 4 days later, the carbon source concentration in the two active controls was out of analytical detection limit. The rapid salts consumption indicated that the microcosms from the sediment had a high activity. Carbon source decrease also happened in sorptive controls, however, in lower rates compared to the microbial active control samples. In sorptive control 1, the DT50 and DT90 of sodium acetate were 4.9 days and 8.9 days; the DT50 and DT90 of sodium lactate were 3.3 days and 5.8 days. It took 8 - 10 days to use up all the additional carbon sources, whereas in sorptive control 2, the DT50 and DT90 of sodium acetate were 5.2 days and 14.2 days; the DT50 and DT90 of sodium lactate were 4.3 days and 16.0 days. The probable reason caused the carbon sources depletion would be the sediment existence in the sorptive control bottles. Autoclave procedures could not sterilize the sediment completely, residual microorganisms consumed the lactate and acetate over the experiment. Monovalent organic acids, including lactate acid and acetate acid, are weakly adsorbed to soil or sediment. Hence, sorptive depletion from the two salts can be neglected. In spite of the sorption behavior, another possible reason caused the decreases of lactate and acetate may be the complex formation between the two anions and mineral cations in sediments, such as iron (Fe). However, previous expermental results exhibited the iron amount from Steinlach sediment was below 1µmol/g soil. Therefore, the complex formation did not play a significant role for the salts decrease as well. On the other hand, during the successive sampling procedure, alien microbial pollution could also be led into the setup bottles. Thus, residual microactivities in the Schott bottles may be the major reason caused the carbon source depletion. IC results 1 Chloride In the experimental duration, chloride concentration was monitored as a conservative tracer. Over the incubation period of 17 days, in all the microbial and sterilized setups, chloride concentration stayed consistent as expected (Fig 3). Figure 1. Concentration of Chloride over time. The slight increase happened at the third data point appeared in all the setup results. It was probably due to the inaccuracy caused by the dilution in the individual measurement, or instrumental differences after maintenance. 2 Nitrate From Fig 4, no conspicuous addition or depletion on nitrate concentration was observed in abiotic control curve. This result corresponds to its sodium lactate and acetate results very well. It confirmed that no potential microbial activities were involved in the abiotic control setup. For the two sorptive controls, sorptive control 2 kept a constant nitrate decrease rate, whereas sorptive control 1 consumed over 75% nitrate within first two days. However, they both achieved complete nitrate depletion on the 6th day. A possible hypothesis toward this phenomenon is the existence of microbial groups in setup bottles. They could either be the residual microorganisms from Steinlach sediment, or accidentally introduced during the sampling processes in experiment. While with the lack of oxygen, denitrification predominated and thus the nitrate concentration went down. No evidence showed the increase of nitrate concentration level in sorptive control setups after the 6th day. It cannot be concluded as the microbial residues were cleaned up in sterilizing procedure. Figure 2. Concentration of Nitrate over time. Nitrate in microbial setups and active control setups were used up in the 1st day. A possible explanation is the inadequate contact among sediment, medium and oxygen at the experimental beginning. In this depletion, nitrate was reduced into nitrite and further possibly nitrogen with the effect of denitrifying bacteria in sediment. Denitrification occurred when the oxygen level was lower than needed, or even more, under anoxic condition. Afterwards, five setups without autoclaving experienced nitrate accumulations. It was slow in first 7 days. As long as the microbial communities obtained plenty oxygen, the nitrate amount grew more rapid, especially in active controls. In the nitrate boost, with the appearance of oxygen, nitrifying bacteria went more active. Ammonium in the sedimental biomass could be offered as nitrogen source. Nitrate was produced eventually via the nitrification process. Another nitrate concentration depletion happened in both active controls on 8 th day measurement. This may also caused by the lack of oxygen in the Schott bottles. Generally, nitrate concentration level in active control setups was higher than the microbial samples except for microbial setup 3. This may due to the adverse effects of pharmaceutical compounds towards the microcosms. 4.2.3 Nitrite The initial nitrite concentration for the mimic Steinlach river medium was zero. From Fig 5, all respective curves showed no concentration increase happened excluding the two sorptive controls, which implied the aerobic circumstance was constantly maintained in microbial setups over the experiment duration. Slight nitrite increases were observed in both sorptive controls. However, it was gone in the next measurement. As the product of denitrification in anaerobic respiration, the occurrence of nitrite could be considered as a proof of the microorganisms’ existence in autoclaved sorptive controls. It also indicated that within the first day, denitrification process played a crucial role in sorptive controls. Noticeably, from the result displayed in Fig 5, the microbial activity in the sorptive controls should be less than other five active samples. In these five samples, corresponding to the nitrate decrease, no nitrite accumulation was exhibited, which means further nitrification reactions happened more rapidly than in the two sorptive controls. Figure 3. Concentration of Nitrite over time. 4 Sulfate Fig 6 presents all respective curves of sulfate concentration change over time. A trifling diminution of sulfate concentration happened to every setup in the first two sampling time points. This change was mainly caused by the fluctuation between two measurement batches. Over the experiment duration, sulfate level in abiotic control persisted at the original value. Slight sulfate concentration increases happened in both sorptive controls. Compared to them, the sulfate accumulation in all microbial setups and active control setups was more distinct. The sulfate rise in non-autoclaved samples can be considered as an indication of the aerobic condition maintenance. Within the natural sulfur cycle, the transformation between sulfide and sulfate depends on the participation of oxygen. Under anoxic circumstance, anaerobic respiration plays a major role in the microcosms, and sulfate in the medium could be reduced to sulfide. On the contrast, with adequate oxygen, sulfide from the sedimental mineral could be oxidized into sulfate by lithotrophic bacteria. Therefore, the sulfate increase displayed in sorptive controls indicated the existence of microbial residue as well. On the other hand, considering the additional carbon source load and pharmaceutical load contained no sulfur element, the eventual sulfate increase could be from the contamination over the experiment process. In the experiment, to maintain the aerobic condition and air exchange in the non-autoclaved bottles, the screwing lids were not tightened. Thus, there could be contaminations which introduced sulfate into samples and caused the sulfate increase. Figure 4. Concentration of Sulfate over time.