Elise`s Travelling Back In Time - GlaitnessClass7

Travelling Back in Time
The summer holidays had just started and I was going to meet
my friend at The Grain Earth House out at Hatston at 12:00.
Then once we had explored under ground we were going down
the street for lunch since it was such a nice day. I thought that I
should give her a text, just to make sure it was still all good to go.
She replied saying, “Yeah (: See you later!”
I got dressed and brushed my hair and my teeth. I said to my
mum that I was going, so she put a £10 note in my bag for me.
I walked to The Grain Earth House and texted her saying that I
was here and I will be waiting at the gate. I sent it and then
about 10 seconds later, she came around the corner! She asked
me how I was, and we had a little chat before we went into it.
She had her brand new top on, so I was wondering if she should
have worn it because we might get a little bit dirty while we are
in there. When we were finished our chat, we went into it. It was
quite awkward going into the underground tomb because we
had to go down some very steep steps and then duck down with
our backs crouched right down to be able to fit into the small
tunnel. When we got to the end of the tunnel, we could finally
stand up. We stretched our backs and gave a sigh of relief! There
were a lot of markings on the walls, such as TS and dates. There
were a few little drawings of things, but not many. Inside the
tomb, it was very dark and without a torch, we would very, very
disorientated and probably a bit scared! On the ground, it was a
bit muddy and wet. It didn’t feel very nice on your feet of you
stood on it, plus- your shoes got muddy. The walls were damp
and it had quite a light way to them. We looked around into the
corners to try and find archaeological objects they would have
used from thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, we could not
find anything, so we went back into the tunnel, towards the way
out. I seemed to have stumbled a bit as I made my way out
again, but I didn’t know what it was, so I went back to see what
it was and it looked a bit like a yoyo. On the one side of it, it had
a funny symbol on it, like a dogs face. On the other side of it, it
had about 8 little circular holes and in between each hole, there
were 3 spiky lines going towards the edge of it. Then in between
the gap of the 3 spiky lines and the circular holes, there were 5
tiny holes. In the middle of the strange object, there was a thick
line carved into it. On each side of that, there were tiny symbols,
which looked as if they were telling a story. I looked at it in
amazement and so did my friend Leah. We quickly put it in my
bag and were going to run home with it to show my family what
I have discovered.
As I was in such a rush, when I ran up the steep steps I bumped
with head on the roof and fell backwards and landed
unconscious. The stone seemed to have fallen out of my bag, hit
my head and landed back on the ground again.
I think the stone may have had something to do with this
because when I woke up, I was back in time. I looked around me
and there were funny stone houses and weird looking men. I
thought to myself, am I dreaming or is this really for real! I
crouched down behind a massive big stone boulder and made
sure that no one could see me. I wondered what on earth I was
doing here. I still had my fancy clothes on and my bag. I searched
about my bag for my phone. I found it, but unfortunately there
was no signal. There was also the mystery object and I wondered
how I had it still. I looked at people and they were very scruffy so
I took my hair and raffled it about, ripped my cropped trousers
and ripped my tiger patterned jumper and left my bag with my
phone and the mystery object in my pockets. I walked on,
towards a house, giving people a wave as I passed by. I smelt the
air and I could smell the sea, fish and smoke. It was very weird. As
I was walking, I heard some people shouting at each other… But
in a different language that I had never heard of before. I
realised that I was scared, uncomfortable, nervous and anxious. I
started to walk slower and tears came out of my eyes. I fell and
lay on the ground shivering with water sprouting out of my blue
eyes. A little small lady came over to me, put her arm around me
and seemed to have led me to her home. We went in, and again,
we both had to crouch down and walk through a tiny length less
tunnel. When we got in, I looked around and there were 2
children and a man. I thought that he must have been her
husband. I looked at the children and noticed that they were
playing a game like mancala, made out of stones. The beds were
made out of stones too. And there was a massive stone chest,
shaped as a big dresser without drawers. There were special
looking items. I went to sit down next to the fire, and dried up
my tears. I showed the women the mysterious object I found in
the tunnel.
She looked at it and got a bit of material that looked like string
and tied it round and started using it like a yoyo and gave it to
her children to play with. We had a game of mancala and she
looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and said to her that my
name is Elise. She replied back saying Eels. I gave her a big grin
and she returned a bigger one. The fire was very warm, warmer
than the one I had at home, and that was hard to beat! I realised
to myself that I hadn’t properly spoken to her yet so I decided to
tell her some stuff about me. I said my name, age, family
members, pets, anything I could think of that would be
interesting for her to know so we could have a little conversation
to pass the time. When I had finished, she just looked at me in a
puzzled way. I asked her what was wrong, but she just didn’t
reply. She mumbled in a different language to her husband and
they kept looking at me and pointing. I was frightened because I
didn’t know what they were saying and they might do
something horrible to me.
They stopped talking and parted back to where they were
before. I gave a quick glimpse at the man and he seemed to
have noticed. He put his fist up in the air and he pushed it out
sharply. I didn’t know what he was doing, but he stared at me
for a few minutes. He glanced away and started playing with his
I went back to playing the game of mancala with the kind lady.
She took hold of my small pale hand and stared into my eyes. I
wondered what on earth she was doing to me. I pulled away
from her. I wondered over to one of the children and he was
playing with the strange mysterious object I had found in the
underground tomb. He handed it to me, as if he was giving me a
shot of it. I started pulling it up and down, using it as a yoyo. The
ones at home I had were plastic so they were quite light to pull
up and down, but this particular one was stone, so it was quite
hard because it was so heavy.
I stayed at there home for the night, because I didn’t know what
to do. I slept in one of the stone beds with the girl. It was
incredibly uncomfortable and I don’t think I slept much in the
night. It also got quite a lot colder, because the fire was dying
down and in the morning, it was completely out.
There was no one else awake when I finally decided to get up. I
wasn’t sure what time it was, it wasn’t even that light outside yet.
I crept out of the main area and out through the tunnel. I
hesitated before I made my first step outside into the weird land.
Not a foot step was seen. Not a shout could be heard. Not a
sound was about. This was excellent I thought to myself as I
started taking little steps out into the peculiar strange little
world. I never took my eye off any house in case someone came
out of there little stone home. I remember where I left my bag so
I went over to it. I checked my phone and hid behind the very
same boulder. It said that there was one new message from
mum, asking where I was. I didn’t bother to reply to her because
there was absolutely no signal at all and she would never believe
me. I put my bag over my shoulder and started walking. I just
remember when I started walking that I had forgotten my
mysterious object in there home. I walked back and left my bag
at the same boulder again. Instead of walking, I ran, in fact, I
I crawled into the home I stayed in. I went in quietly and the lady
was awake and up. I looked at her and waved. She waved back,
but she also gave me a funny look. I pretended to look at what
she was doing, but I quickly grabbed the mystery object and
stuffed it in my pocket. I waved again to her and ran out. She
noticed I had stolen the yoyo object and chased after me. I was
quite far ahead, so I noticed I had the chance to grab my bag
and keep on running. I looked back at her and I could just faintly
see her. She must have stopped and turned back because I could
no longer see her. I stopped as well and walked. I had been
running so far and I felt a bit dizzy. I put the object back in my
bag so it would not fall out of my pocket. I found my mind
spinning and things were starting to go black. I stopped and I was
swaying back and forwards. I suddenly gasped and fainted…
I could see funny things… The 4 people in the home… Leah in the
tomb, falling down the steps, finding the mystery object…….
I was back in the tomb with Leah. We were running out of it.. I
was so confused. I stopped when I was out of the tomb
completely. I said to her that I was in a mystery place, like the
Bronze Age. She stopped and we sat down. We lay down on the
grass and fell asleep one after the other.