Supporting online materials for “An experimental demonstration of ecological character displacement using diversified Escherichia coli” by Tyerman et al. Methods & Methods Strain evolution and description Ten replicate populations of E. coli B initiated from two isogenic lines (alternately) kindly provided by R. Lenski, were evolved for 1000 generations in batch culture. One isogenic line was ara- while the other was ara+, allowing us to plate on Tetrazolium arabinose agar plates with an indicator dye to check for cross contamination between lines(1). Test tubes were filled with 10 mL fresh media that consisted of Davis Minimal Salts media (DM) supplemented with 250 g/mL glucose and 575 g/mL acetate as the sole carbon sources. These resources were selected as diversification in the presence of these resources has previously occurred (2, 3). We selected these concentrations of glucose and acetate to balance yields obtained by the ancestor. Cultures were incubated at 37˚ and vigorously shaken (250 rpm) for 24 h. At the end of each 24 h “season,” 100 L of culture was transferred to 10 mL of fresh media (~1/100 dilution) and thus the seasonal cycle was reset. Each season yielded log2100 = 6.7 generations. By generation 1000, two discernable E. coli ecotypes, Fast switching (FS) and Slow-switching (SS) were identified in all ten replicate populations. 1 Growth parameter extraction Growth curves were obtained by inoculating 1.5 L of cell culture into 150 L of fresh media in individual wells of a 96-well microplate. Microplates were grown in a Biotek 808UI Optical Density reader, under similar conditions to the original evolutionary environment (37˚, well shaken). Measurements consisted of optical densities (OD, 600 nm) obtained every 10 min over the course of 24 h. Data files were converted to a usable format using Microsoft Excel, and growth curve parameters were extracted with a program written in object oriented C++. Table S1 summarizes the parameters extracted from growth curves (in addition to the parameters mentioned in the main text). rmaxace was found by calculating the slope of the growth curve, for all points between the Switching Point, SP, and the final measurement, using a sliding window algorithm, that calculated the linear slope over 9 data points (modified from 2). The switching lag, lagace was calculated as the total time from the SP to the time point that corresponded to rmaxace. The ODmax was simply the highest OD obtained in a run. Character Displacement experiment i. Competitive Release Fifteen samples were inoculated into 3 mL fresh media for 24 h (37˚, 250 rpm) from frozen stock of population 18, isolated at the 1000-generation mark in our evolution experiment. From each sample, we isolated a large and small 2 colony by plating the sample on Tetrazolium agar plates. We treated each sample as an independent replicate of Population 18. We felt this was appropriate because, in the past, initiating cultures from frozen stock has resulted in variable ratios of SS and FS ecotypes. Further, this allows us to conduct paired statistical analyses (see below). Each large and small colony selected above, was individually used to inoculate 3 mL of Davis Minimal media enriched with glucose and acetate (DMGA) as the only carbon sources. After 24 hours, ~1.5 L of each culture was inoculated into a single well containing 150 L evolutionary media of a 96-well microplate (~1/100 dilution), and was grown up in a microplate optical density reader (Biotek 808UI) for 24 h at 37˚ and high shaking. The growth profiles from all cultures confirmed that thirteen of fifteen pairs of colony-size variants (i.e., large and small) reflected the correct SS/FS ecotype (the remaining two pairs had small colony variants that corresponded to the SS ecotype, and were thus discarded). Even though growth curves were measured on ecotypes grown in isolation (i.e., no competition), we took the initial growth parameter values as those reflecting the sympatric condition of the ecotype. Because the comparison will be made to the allopatric values (see below) this is a conservative estimate). All cultures were propagated in isolation (allopatry) for about 50 generations by transferring 1/100 of the culture to fresh media every 24 hours for 7 days, using a 96-well microplate and the microplate reader. After 7 days, the values obtained from growth curves were taken to reflect the allopatric condition (for ~50 generations) facing the ecotypes. Figure S2a illustrates this protocol. 3 We plated all cultures on Tetrazolium agar plates every other day to ascertain if contamination (indicated by the presence of the opposite colony size variant) between wells occurred (none was detected). ii.) Character divergence From the final time-point in (i), which is recently allopatric, a single genotype (FS or SS) was isolated and selected from Tetrazolium agar plates. These were inoculated into 3 mL of fresh media, and grown for 24 h (37˚, 250 rpm), to give the growth parameter values for that genotype. In addition to initiating pure cultures of each ecotype, pairs of ecotypes were mixed to create a sympatric treatment. The FS and SS were selected from cultures that were initially paired at the outset of the first phase of the experiment. The mixture was initiated by mixing 50% of each ecotype (by volume) for each replicate pair into a single source culture. This source culture was used to inoculate a single well of a 96well microplate. The mixed cultures were serially propagated for 7 days (as above). At the final time period, mixed cultures were plated out, so individual FS and SS ecotypes could be isolated and their growth parameters determined. Figure S2b illustrates this protocol. Statistical analysis Paired t-tests were conducted for all three traits, for both ecotypes (FS and SS) for both phases of the experiment. The paired difference for each trait was calculated, and the distributions were tested for normality. If normal, then a parametric t-test was conducted to test for departures from zero (i.e., no difference). If the distribution of paired 4 differences was not normal, then signed rank tests were employed. Because character displacement usually makes the prediction of less extreme values in allopatry (i.e., less trait exaggeration) and more extreme values in sympatry (but see 4), we’ve employed one tailed tests throughout. All statistics were done with SAS JMP 4.0. Results During phase (i), competitive release, the distributions of the paired trait differences were found to differ from normality for the lagace difference (ShapiroWilk test, W=0.503237, p<0.0001), but not for rmaxace (Shapiro-Wilk test, W=0.877849, p<0.0650) and ODmax (Shapiro Wilk test, W=0.900246, p<0.1314). Accordingly, we conducted a one-tailed non-parametric signed-rank test on lagace (p<0.005), and one-tailed parametric t-tests on rmaxace (t=-2.8010, df=12, p=0.0160) and maxOD (t=-1.6585, df=12, p=0.1231). Figure S3 is raw data for lagace and Figure S4 is the raw data for ODmax. 5 Table S1 Parameters extracted from growth curves. Parameter lagglu rmaxglu SP Explanation Initial lag, until until rmaxglu Maximum growth rate during “glucose phase” of diauxie. Switching Point (time) from glucose to acetate phase. ODSP Optical Density of switching point. Lagace Switching lag from glucose to acetate growth rmaxace Maximum growth rate during “acetate phase” of diauxie. ODmax Yield, or maximum OD 6 Supplemental Online Material - Figure captions Figure S1. Illustration of batch culture evolution experiment, consisting of serial transfers for 150 days. Figure S2. Protocols for Competitive release. See text for further explanation. Figure S3. Protocols for Character divergence. See text for further explanation. Figure S4. Character displacement for lagace (a) when competitors were removed (sympatry to allopatry) and (b) when competitors were added (allopatry to sympatry). Filled triangles are SS ecotype, open triangles are FS ecotypes. Figure S5. Character displacement for ODmax (a) when competitors were removed (sympatry to allopatry) and (b) when competitors were added (allopatry to sympatry). Filled triangles are SS ecotype, open triangles are FS ecotypes. Figure S6. The proportion of Slow-switching (SS) during competition phase of character displacement. 7 References and notes 1. 2. 3. 4. R. Lenski, M. Rose, S. Simpson, S. Tadler, Am Nat 138, 1315-41 (1991). M. L. Friesen, G. Saxer, M. Travisano, M. Doebeli, Evolution 58, 245-60. (2004). J. G. Tyerman, N. Havard, G. Saxer, M. Travisano, M. Doebeli, Proc R Soc Lond. B 272, 1393-8 (2005). P. A. Abrams, Theor Pop Biol 29, 107-60 (1986). 8 Figure S1 9 Figure S2 10 Figure S3 11 a ALLO SYM 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 80 100 120 lagace b ALLO SYM 0 20 40 60 lagace Figure S4 12 a ALLO SYM 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.30 0.35 0.40 ODmax b ALLO SYM 0.15 0.20 0.25 ODmax Figure S5 13 0 1 2 3 Time (days) 4 5 6 7 Figure S6 14 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Proportion SS 0.8 1.0