OCR Nationals

Sample Schemes of Work and
Lesson Plans
Principal Learning in Information Technology
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G095: Professional development
This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR Level 3 Principal
Learning in Information Technology specification for teaching from September 2008.
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G095: Professional development
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G095: Professional development
Sample Diploma Lesson Plan
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Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology Unit G095:
Professional development
teaching time
8 Hours
Personal Styles and Behaviour
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
To introduce students to differing personal
styles and behaviours and their impact in
team and one-to-one situations
Discuss and define individual characteristics
of individual and group behaviour
Students can take notes and contribute to
the discussion.
Use the specification to introduce students
to the learning outcome, assessment criteria
and exemplification.
Introduce students to Belbin and how it
impacts upon team roles
Include a group activity to explore other
behavioural/group models that could impact
upon one-to-one or team work roles
Students to use internet resources to locate
other models and theories (ICT) and design
a poster that can be displayed and relayed
to the class.
Introduce students to the Belbin site
BELBIN: The home of Belbin Team Roles
Provide an example to start students off
with their own research:
FOGG Behaviour Model
Introduce students to differing
personal styles and
behaviours and their impact in
team and one-to-one
= Innovative teaching idea
Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Points to note
Encourage students to look at at least three
behaviour models to provide a good
coverage (this can include FOGG).
= ICT opportunity
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Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology Unit G095:
Professional development
teaching time
8 Hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
= Innovative teaching idea
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Personal Styles and Behaviour
Introduce the topic of personal behaviours
relevant to group and individual behaviour.
This should include: degree of introversion/
extroversion, motivation levels, conflict
resolution strategies and social networking
Students can address each of these areas
and produce a presentation to identify the
impact on behaviours.
Personality test for introversion/extroversion
BBC Article on The Big Personality Test
Social networking skills
Students should be encouraged to
undertake a personality test to see their
results and how these match up to their own
perception of their personal behaviour
individually and when working in groups.
= ICT opportunity
Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Sample Diploma Lesson Plan
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in
Information Technology Unit G095:
Professional development
Individual and Group Behaviour
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school
and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind, this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach.
It is subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
To introduce students to the concept of differing personal styles and
behaviours, and their impact on others in team and one-to-one situations.
Objective 2
To discuss characteristics of individual and group behaviour.
Objective 3
To support students with their external assessment.
Objective 4
To provide a examples of group behaviour theories such as Bloom’s Taxonomy
on team roles.
Objective 5
To encourage students to investigate personal behaviours relevant to group and
individual behaviour – to include degree of introversion/extroversion, motivation
levels, conflict resolution strategies and social networking skills
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
This lesson will support students in understanding differing personal styles and behaviours,
and their impact on others in team and one-to-one situations. In addition characteristics of
group behaviour will be discussed and supported by examples of group behaviour theories.
Students should have a prior knowledge about different styles of learning and how these
differentiate between individuals. Group behaviour comparisons can also be drawn upon
from G098, where students have worked together in a group environment to work on
projects. Prior learning would include lessons based on how and why differing personal
styles and behaviours exist and how these can impact upon the development of group
culture and behaviour. Knowledge can also be been obtained from unit G098 as students
work together on group projects.
5 minutes
Re-cap of the previous lesson, refer students to personal styles of learning and
styles of behaviour. Use question and answer to check learning.
10-15 minutes
Provide information and discuss the characteristics of individual and group
Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology
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Sample Diploma Lesson Plan
10 minutes
Individual activity: Students to identify things that can impact upon their own
individual behaviour. Students can draw up a list of five influences.
10 minutes
Group activity: undertake a review of a group behaviour theory such as Bloom’s
Taxonomy. Groups to discuss why they think Bloom’s Taxonomy is so important.
5 - 10 minutes
Individuals to provide feedback to the rest of the class.
5 minutes
Provide a summary of each group’s findings by producing a table on the board to
consolidate the information (the table can be updated as each group provides
their feedback).
10 minutes
Provide an overview of the session. Set an activity based on investigating
personal behaviours relevant to group and individual behaviour. Areas could
include: degree of introversion/extroversion, motivation levels, conflict resolution
strategies and/or social networking skills.
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Level 3 Principal Learning in Information Technology