COMP100 Computer Applications
Koç University
1) Open the file quiz3-2007fall.xls and immediately “Save As” with the name
quiz3-firstname-lastname.xls .
2) Delete Sheet 2. [1 point]
3) Rename Sheet1 as Salaries with red color tab color; rename Sheet3 as Feasibility with
blue tab color; rename Sheet4 as Earnings with green tab color. [2 point]
4) Feasibility worksheet: [15 point]
Merge and center the title “Economic Feasibility for a project” across A2:E2.
Formatting for the title: Arial, 12 pt, bold, Turquoise fill color.
Write a formula in cell E16 that will calculate the “Total Cost of the Project”.
The format of cell E16 will be such that, the numeric value and “YTL” will be
located together in the cell, with thousands separator and two digits after the
decimal point. (TOTAL COST = Monthly salaries for all engineers and
technicians for the time frame of the project + Cost of Instrumentation + monthly
rental fee of the buildings for the time fram of the project + Training Costs +
Other Costs )
Format the label “Total Cost of the Project” in A16. 10 pt, Arial, bold.
Place a thick box border around cells A16:E16, with yellow fill color.
Format cells A18:E18 and A20:E20 same as A16:E16.
Write a conditional formula using IF statement, that will write “OVER
BUDGET” if the project cost exceeds the budget and “INSIDE BUDGET” if the
project cost is equal to or less than the budget. Control the formula by changing
the value in cell E18 from 100000 to 140000.
5) Salaries Worksheet: [35 point]
Center “Year 2005 Budget Review – Salaries” across selection A2:G2 .
Formatting: Arial, 12 pt, Bold, Gray 25% fill color.
Formatting for “Employee List”: Arial , 10 pt, Bold.
Add another column(H) with column heading “Time since hire date (years)” and
write a formula that will automatically calculate the time in years, that has passed
beginning from the hire date up to now for all employees.
A7:H7 Column Headings: Bold, Center, Draw All Borders around cells A7:H7.
Draw thick box border around cells A7:H118.
Write a formula that will “Concatenate” the First and Last Names of the
employee and the department name (e.g. “Sales Department”) starting from cell
I8 and J8, to I118 and J118 respectively. Adjust the column widths so that
everything can be seen properly.
Instructor: Türker Cambazoğlu
COMP100 Computer Applications
Koç University
Write a formula in cell F120 that will calculate the total salaries. Format the
result as follows: $ in front of the numeric value and no decimal point. Place a
label in cell D120 (“Total Salaries”). Make Bold the label and the formula cell.
Write formulas in the following cells: F121 (Maximum Salary), F122 (Minimum
Salary), F123 (Most occurring salary), F124 (Average Salary), F125 (Number of
nonempty salaries), F126 (Number of empty salaries), F12 (Number of
Employees). Make the labels and the formula cells Bold.
6) Earnings Worksheet [15 point]
Formatting for “Sales Force Monthly Earnings Report”: Center and Merge across
A3:G3. Arial, 12 pt, Bold, light yellow fill color.
Enter Current Month’s commission rate as 10 percent (A7), the Bonus Rate 3
percent (A9) and the Sales Target for the month 30000 USD (A8).
Formatting for the column headings: Center, Arial 10 pt, Bold.
Write formulas that will calculate the Commission, Bonus and Monthly Earnings
for the Sales Person given in the table. The formula for the Bonus column will be
a conditional one using the IF statement.
7) Rename Sheet5 as “Loan” with violet tab color. In this worksheet calculate how much
payments should be done periodically to a bank, if one barrows money (loan) from a
bank with an annual interest rate 12 percent, for the project given in the “Feasibility
Worksheet”. The number of periodic payments in a year will be four. Enter the values
in cells D1, D3, D5, D7, D9, D11 and the formula in cell D13. Format the values and
the result properly. [10 point]
8) Rename Sheet6 as “Salary-Graph”, with Turquoise tab color. In this worksheet, first
draw a pie chart corresponding to the salary values of various departments (with no
legend, category names and percentage; title “Percentage of Salaries in Various
Departments”). Than draw a column chart for the same date (Title: Total Salaries in
Various Departments; chart area color: light yellow; Max scale: 1,300,000; Major
unit: 100,000; Minor unit: 20,000). [22 point]
9) Once you are finished make sure that your finished work looks exactly the same as
given in the quiz3-2007fall-formatted.pdf file and save your completed work as
quiz3-firstname-lastname.xls .
Instructor: Türker Cambazoğlu