CONTACTS OF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE REGISTRATION FORM The chief of the Mathematical Stimulation and Social Informatics department, Oleg Iemets, (+38) 0532-509-204 e-mail: Web-site: First Name ____________________________ Name _________________________________ Name of the Organization _________________ Position ___________________________ Academic Degree______________________ Academic Title ________________________ Country_____________________________ Address (with zip)_______________________ Phone _____________________________ E-mail _______________________________ Number and title of the subject area __________________________ Title of the Report/ Paper ______________________ Necessity of an official invitation yes ___, no___ Necessity of the multimedia projector yes ___, no___ Submissions may offer any of the following (underline the necessary) - Presentation of the report at a plenary meeting - Presentation of the report at a workshop - Participation in the discussion - Participation in the publication (without arrival) Note: Talks are scheduled in: 25 minutes slots for plenary presentation and 10 minutes slots for workshops presentations. The necessity of the accommodation (booking) yes __, no__ Point the price of the selected accommodation (within the limits) ___________________ UAH Participation in the Conference Dinner (20.03, pay in cash on arrival – UAH 150) yes__, no__ Data Signature Oleksandra Yemets`, associate professor of the Mathematical Stimulation and Social Informatics department of PUET (conference secretary) Accommodation of the participants Participants could be accommodated at the “Tourist” hotel (the price on 20.12.2014: single room from UAH 200; 1 bed in a twin room from UAH 100-160; 1 bed in 3-bed dormitory room from UAH 90) and in the other (more expansive) hotels of our town. The address of the “Tourist” hotel: Mira Str. 12, Poltava tel./fax (+38) 0532-57-25-77. The accommodation in the PUET hostel is also available (UAH 85 per day on 20.12.2014 – 1 bed in 4-bed dormitory rooms, the quantity of rooms is limited) Fare, accommodation and meals – at the expense of the participants of the conference. ADDRESS OF THE ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE 36014, Ukraine, Poltava, Kovalya Street 3, Poltava University of Economics and Trade; Organization committee of All-Ukrainian ScientificPractical Conference "Informatics and Systems Sciences", e-mail: Additional information will be sent to the mentioned in a registration form e-mail. We ask to share the information among the colleagues. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Central Society of Consumer Cooperatives in Ukraine Ukrainian Federation of Informatics V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University Poltava University of Economics and Trade Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics Mathematical Stimulation and Social Informatics Department of PUET VI ALL-UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "INFORMATICS AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES" ISS - 2015 19-21 March 2015 Poltava INFORMATION MESSAGE Poltava University of Economics and Trade informs about VI All-Ukrainian scientific-Practical Conference "Informatics and Systems sciences" 19-21 March 2015 The scientists, professors, teachers, graduate students and students of the higher educational establishments and research organizations as well as specialists of enterprises, organizations are invited to participate in conference. Topics of the Conference: 1. Theoretical bases of Informatics and Cybernetics. 2. Mathematical stimulation and computational approaches. 3. Mathematical support and software of computers and computer systems. 4. System analysis and the theory of optimal solutions. 5. Informatization and co-operation. 6. Modern problems of preparation of specialists on an informatics, applied mathematics, the analysis of the systems and computer information technologies. PROGRAM OF CONFERENCE 1 day 8-00-13-30 – arrival of the participants 13-30-14-30 – registration of the participants 14-30-16-00 – the plenary meeting 16-30-18-00 – workshops 2 day 9-30-13-00 – workshops 13-00-14-00 – break 14-00-16-00 – workshops 16-00-17-00 – summing up the results conference 3 day Cultural program (till the afternoon). Departure of participants of the conference Working languages are: Ukrainian, English (without simultaneous translation). of the Russian, PUBLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS Theses of conference will be published as an electronic publication and places in the Internet. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Co-chairmen: Ivan Sergienko, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Cybernetic center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the director of V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Oleksij Nestulya, the rector of Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Doctor of historical sciences, Professor. Members of programme committee: Valery Zadiraka, the chief of the Department of Optimization of Numerical Methods of V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Heorhij Donec', the chief of Economic Cybernetics Department of V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Senior research worker, Oleg Iemets, the chief of the Mathematical Stimulation and Social Informatics Department of PUET, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Volodymyr Zaslavskiy, Professor of the department of Mathematical Informatics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor of engineering sciences, Professor, Oleksandr Kucenko, the chief of the Department of System Analysis and Management of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Doctor of engineering sciences, Professor, Oleh Litvin, the chief of the Higher and Applied Mathematics Department of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Oleksandr Mel'nichenko, Professor of the Calculus and Informatics department of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Petro Stetsyuk, the chief of Department of Nonsmooth Optimization Methods of V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Senior research worker, Andrey Tevyashev, the chief of Applied Mathematics department of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Doctor of engineering sciences, Professor, Tetyana Barbolina, the chief of the Calculus and Informatics department of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor. CONDITIONS OF PUBLICATIONS Conference fee is USD 25 (account will be provided in the second information list) You can pay on arrival (but in this case you will not have the document that the money was transferred as the conference fee). To submit the theses in the Conference you need to submit to the registration form (electronic format) before February 1, 2015, abstracts (electronic format), copy of the money transfer – conference fee (scanned format), before March 1, 2015. FORMAT OF THESES Abstracts need conform to the following specifications: – no longer than 3 A5 page in length as a file .rtf for Word for Windows, – Font: Times New Roman Cyr, 11 size, interval – 1,0; all fields are 20 mm; – Format: on the left in the overhead corner of page to point out UDK; below in the middle are the Title of report (all letters are capital, bold type); below in the left corner – Surname and initials, Academic degree, Academic Title; below – place of work/institute, below – e-mail, below through one line – text of the report. Tables in text are executed in Excel or Word without an inundation. Pictures, executed in Word, must be grouped and must be presented as one graphic object. Formulas are created in MS Equaition 3.0 or Mathtype. In the end of the report as a conclusion scientific novelty, expounded in a report, is formulated.