Date compiled – 08/02/11 Guidance to develop a Transitions Policy Within the guidance below are headings which you need to be aware of when developing/reviewing your Transitions Policy. Please be aware that each setting is unique and that policies and procedures need to reflect this, and headings need to be specific to your organisation. Please note headings may need to change in relation to legislation and therefore be reviewed on a regular basis. It is good practice that all the settings policies and procedures link with each other. (Wording is for guidance only, wording in italics are ideas on what to include within the headings, underlined statements are for information only and should be removed from final Transitions Policy) Statement “Children may move between several different settings in the course of a day, a week , a month or a year… Children’s social, emotional and educational needs are central to any transition between one setting and another or within one setting… Some children and their parents will find transition times stressful while others will enjoy the experience …Effective communication between settings is key to ensuring that children’s needs are met and there is continuity in their learning” DFES – Early Years Foundation Stage Aim [Name of provider] is committed to ensure a smooth transition between settings and key workers for parents, children and practitioners. Transition into Pre-school/Nursery Enquiries [name of provider] - (Invite for a visit/use website (if appropriate) speak to supervisor/manager/leaflet or prospectus) Starting Nursery - (Date agreed with parent/introductory visits/welcome pack including relevant documentation concerning the child i.e. registration form/ medical form/permission forms etc/Home visit (if applicable)) Note – child will not be able to start without completed documentation – safeguarding Settling In – (Phone calls/parent stays/process when parent leaves i.e. encouraged to say goodbye, visual timetable is used in the setting, include flexibility) Sharing of information - (How - parents evening, daily diary, verbally etc Who – parents/carers etc (If child attending from another setting requesting information – by whom – how) EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS 1 Date compiled – 08/02/11 Transition from Pre-school/Nursery into school Teacher visits – (How often, when, which schools) School visits -– (When, which schools, staff) Discussions – (Half Term before children due to start, discuss positively, read starting school stories, listen to the children, encourage to talk about their school visits, school uniform etc) Practitioners Links to School – (Transfer forms, discussions re child’s interests) Leaving Ceremony/Party – (How is this celebrated, who is encouraged to attend) Children’s paperwork – (learning journeys/personal pathways) Transitions to childminders Supervisor/Keyworker Links – (Sharing information verbally, daily diaries etc) to be included in learning journey/personal pathways etc) Note – need parents permission to share information Informing parents of changes to policy (How do you inform parents of any changes made to policy? Notice period for change i.e. 1 month. How do you record parents are made aware and agree to the changes? I.e. returns slip on information letter/invoice detailing the changes). Note If changes are made to any policies which impact on parents, then notice needs to be given for example a month. All parents need to sign to agree the changes (Parents could be made aware of the changes with a returns slip on the bottom of an invoice, or a separate letter with returns slip) By keeping the returns slip and original amended/updated documentation, this safeguards the setting. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS 2 Date compiled – 08/02/11 Links to other policies and legislation Legislation – Children Act 2004, Childcare Act 2006 etc Nurseries policy, Admissions policy, parent partnership policy, inclusion policy and complaints policy and procedure. Every Child Matters Outcome: Enjoy and Achieve, Make a positive contribution General Welfare Requirement: Documentation, Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare, Organisation A unique Child 1.1 Child Development 1.2 Inclusive Practice 1.4 Health and Well being Positive Relationships 2.1 Respecting each other 2.2 Parents as partners 2.3 Supporting learning 2.4 Key person Enabling environments 3.1 Observation Assessment Planning 3.2 Supporting every child 3.3 The Learning Environment 3.4 The Wider Context Learning and development 4.1 Play and exploration 4.2 Areas of Learning Note – Information below only needs to be included on the main policy which has been adopted and not on parents copy, This policy was adopted at a meeting of [ ] Held on ____________ Signed on behalf of management committee _____________________________ Name of signatory___________________ Role of signatory ___________________ Date to be reviewed _________________________________________________ EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS 3