Practice Charter - Patient Leaflet

Patient’s Responsibilities
 If you are unable to attend for an appointment
please let us know so that we can offer it to
someone else.
 If you are late for your appointment you may
be asked to rebook at another time. Try to let
us know in advance if you are going to be
unavoidably delayed, so that we can make
alternative arrangements to help you.
 If you are unable to attend an appointment
them please let us know, if we have enough
notice we can offer this appointment to
another patient.
 A home visit should only be requested for
those who are unable to come to the surgery
because of serious illness or infirmity. Please
ring the surgery before 12 noon if at all
 We would ask you to be patient if the Doctor is
running late. This is often due to
unforeseeable emergencies but please ask for
an explanation from the Receptionist.
 Please act in a responsible and courteous
manner whilst on the Practice premises for the
safety and comfort of others.
 Please treat all surgery staff, fellow patients,
carers and visitors politely and with respect.
Violence or verbal harassment will not be
tolerated or accepted, you may be asked to
register at another surgery if this behaviour
St Catherine's Surgery, St Paul's
Medical Centre, 121 Swindon Road,
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50
08.15 - 18.30
08.15 - 18.30
08.15 - 18.30
08.15 - 18.30
08.15 - 18.30
St Catherine's Surgery
Information for
Patients with
Long Term Conditions
Emergencies, Visits and Out of Hours
01242 21500505
01242 215005
01242 21500601242 215006
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Patients Charter for the management of
Patients with
Vascular Disease
(Heart Disease, Stroke, Circulatory
problems with Legs).
Please take a copy
Patients with Diabetes
 As a patient of St Catherine’s Surgery with
Diabetes. We will undertake to provide you with
accessible high quality care.
 To achieve this, we will aim to advise you when
you routine checks are due. These are an Annual
Check and a 6 monthly review
 At these appointments we will aim to provide you
with information on your condition with written
updates. We will offer you regular checks of
Patient’s with Vascular
 As a patient of St Catherine’s Surgery with Vascular
disease*. We will undertake to provide you with
accessible high quality care. (*Heart Disease,
Stroke, Circulatory problems in legs).
 To achieve this, we will aim to advise you when
you routine checks are due. These are an Annual
 Blood Pressure
 At these appointments we will aim to provide you
with information on your condition with written
 Weight
 We will offer you regular checks of
 Eye Screening
 Lifestyle
 Blood Sugar (glycaemic control)
 Blood Pressure, & Pulse & heart.
 Cholesterol
 Weight
 Kidney Function.
 Cholesterol
 Feet check
 Kidney Function.
 Offer advice and support for lifestyle changes
including improving healthy eating and stopping
 Offer advice and support for lifestyle changes
including improving healthy eating and stopping
 Treatment of: Blood Pressure and Cholesterol &
Blood Sugar.
 Treatment of: Blood pressure and cholesterol.
 Lifestyle
 Referral to specialist services where this necessary.
 We ask you to:
 Book appointments, have blood & urine tests
when advised.
 Let us know of any concerns you have about your
diabetes or our service.
 We recommend you consider joining diabetes UK
0845 1220 2960
 Referral to specialist services where this necessary.
 We ask you to:
 Book appointments, have blood & urine tests
when advised.
 Let us know of any concerns you have about your
vascular disease or our service.
 We recommend you consider joining the British
Heart Foundation 0300 330
3322, Stroke Association 0303
3033 100.
St Catherine's Surgery Philosophy:
 Our aims are to offer the highest standard of
health care and advice to our patients, with the
resources available to us.
 We have a team approach to patient care and
endeavour to monitor the service provided to
patients, to ensure that it meets current standards
of excellence.
 We are dedicated to ensuring that Practice staff
and Doctors are trained to the highest level and to
provide stimulating and rewarding environment in
which to work.
Useful Reminders:
You will need to remember to make your own
Your annual review will take place every year in the
month of your birthday.
If you have a 6 monthly check this will be 6 months
after your annual review.
Appointment books will be made available up to 8
weeks in advance.
You will be able to make your own appointment
either on a Thursday or Friday afternoons.
At you appointment you will be given your blood test
form for your next appointment.
Next Appointment will be:
Blood Test Appointment:
01242 215005