
(213) 891-2434
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Curriculum Committee
Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, DCC Chair (City), David Beaulieu, President, DAS, Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor
Educational Services, Dr. Kim Perry, VP Academic Affairs Liaison (City)
Friday, April 8, 2011
1:00 to 3:30 pm LACC CD 212
1. Attendance: Elizabeth Atondo; PIERCE, Jing. Babb, TRADE; D. Beaulieu, DAS President, Sheri
Berger, VALLEY; Kathleen Bimber, DAS VP and DCC Chair, Judy Chow, WEST; Bobbi Kimble,
Dean Educational Support Services; Lauren McKenzie, HARBOR; Said Pazirandeh, MISSION;
Allison Moore, LASC; Kim Perry, VP Academic Affairs-CIO Liaison; Maria Reisch, CITY; Steve
Wardinski, EAST. Guests: Karen Daar, Dean Academic Affairs-ELAC, Kindra Kinyon, LATTC.
2. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda-DCC Chair, K. Bimber began the meeting at 1:05 PM with a call to
approve the agenda. The agenda was approved as presented.
3. Approval March 11, 2011 Minutes-The minutes were reviewed by the committee and MSP with one
4. DCC 2010-2011 dates- May 6, June. 10.
Old Business:
1. BR 6201.00-draft-Final changes to BR 6201.00 were reviewed, moved, seconded and approved
unanimously. This will be an action item for the May 12 DAS meeting.
2. E-103 draft changes were for committee review. The following changes were suggested: First bulletLegally mandated training requirements: remove the first part of the sentence, “Using the petitions
process at each college,” and change the last of the sentence to read: “Students must document that
course repetition is necessary to complete legally mandated training and provide such documentation
prior to enrollment. Move “Content changes each time,” at the bottom of the document to the second
bullet and remove the sentence, “Courses where the content differs each time it is offered.” Remove
the heading, “Non-Activity Courses,” and add the sentence below the title to the end of the third bullet
under “Activity Courses.” At the end of the document, remove the last section,” Petitions.” K. Bimber
will send the revised document to DCC Chairs by the following week. E-103 will be an action item for
the May 6th DCC meeting.
3. 6701.20 final draft-was presented to the committee and the following changes were suggested: Add
the sentence; “Grades awarded for courses repeated for legally mandated training shall be counted in
calculating a student’s grade point average,” at the end of items number 1,2,4,5, and 6. Under Item
number 2 A, remove the sentence entirely and add “Locally.” Item number 5. Change the first sentence
to read-“A student may repeat a course where the course content differs each time it is offered. (Please
see Administrative Regulation E-103).” K. Bimber will send the revised documents to DCC Chairs by
early next week.
4. Update on TMCs and Regional Degree-Bimber/Atondo/Beaulieu-updated chairs on the regional
degrees proposed by the Articulation Officers for region 7. The three feeder CSUs have agreed to
accept the regional degrees for Psychology and Sociology in the same manner as the TMC degrees. E.
Atondo said she will be happy to send the letter from the CSU’s willing to adopt these degrees if any
campus chooses to pursue these degrees. E. Atondo mentioned that man colleges feel pressure to adopt
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the TMC degrees. D. Beaulieu said this was a discussion at the Academic Senate Area C meeting and it
was stressed that colleges do not have to adopt the Transfer Model Curriculum if you feel it is not in
the best interest of your students.
5. ECD Update-S. Berger updated the committee on ECD. The noncredit course outline sub-committee
is working on the revisions of this form in ECD. The committee needs the chair of the Noncredit
District Discipline Committee, Allison Tom-Miura to attend to assess what needs to be fixed in the
system or to decide whether to just scrap it and start over. District IT does not want to turn on separate
SLOs for each campus as was done for the credit course outline. Another problem needing addressing
is the fraction of time needed in both credit and noncredit courses. It doesn’t seem that it can be
resolved if Protocol can’t support it. This creates problems for some disciplines that need to have a
particular number of hours such as Administration of Justice or Nursing. E. Atondo replaced M. Reisch
on the ECD Steering Committee since Maria is teaching at the time the meetings take place. The next
meeting is May 19th.
New Business:
1. Standard Protocol Start Semester Dates-S. Berger asked Bobbi Kimble to clarify the start dates for
semesters. Kimble stated that a district-wide change cannot take place in spring because Spring 2012 had
already rolled at some colleges. Kimble also said changes to courses contained in degrees and certificates
can affect student catalog rights. The committee felt there was nothing that says the schedule must match
the catalog and that district attributes for course changes should take place in the next available semester
as stated in E-65. Kimble stated that once the first college rolls over the schedule to begin working on it
for the next year, no district-wide changes may be effective even if your campus has not begun working
on the schedule. The committee felt it needs to be clarified as to which attributes are subject to this
decision. The committee felt it would be more efficient for curriculum planning if the district rolled over
the schedule at the same time. In addition, the DCC Chairs felt strongly this policy violates E-65 by not
allowing changes in the next available semester as stated. Additionally, the committee felt the policy will
delay curriculum further, which is a major complaint from faculty, administrators and the Board of
Trustees. Since B. Kimble had to leave before the end of the discussion, K. Daar offered to bring DCC
concerns to the Curriculum Deans for further dialogue.
2. Cross-Listing Update-K. Bimber provided an update to the committee on the effectiveness of the process
for obtaining approval for Cross-listing courses. Bimber said that the burden to arrange review of Crosslisting requests has fallen to the DAS and is very time consuming. She suggests the committee review the
procedure outlined in E-65 to revise it for efficiency. The committee suggested Bimber create a draft with
revisions to bring to the committee for discussion.
3. ESL DDC Memo-Kindra Kinyon presented a memo from Nancy Sander, Chair of the ESL District
Discipline Committee outlining work in progress by the committee to standardize the ESL course
sequence. The committee is concerned that ARCC data does not show ESL student progress in the district
due to widely variant course coding on nine campuses, as well as in course content prerequisites, degree
applicability, transferability and other curricular aspects. Standardization will allow ESL students to
freely transfer between campuses as well as facilitate data for research. The ESL DDC asked the
Curriculum Chairs for their support as they work to complete these changes that will benefit students
4. Sustainability and the COR-George Leddy, Chair, Sustainability Institute Advisory Committee (SIAC)
asked the committee to consider adding a section in the Course Outline of Record or an Addendum to
identify courses with green, sustainable content. A check box with an explanation line might work better
for faculty and could be tracked in order to identify courses with green content. The committee felt a
description of what makes a courses green would provide some guideline to faculty and campus
curriculum committees. Leddy will work on this with the SIAC committee. S. Berger thought using a
percentage might be one way to identify how much green content is in a course. S. Wardinski felt that the
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use of a percentage would be too difficult to judge. He felt that as with the diversity question in the COR,
you may get boiler point language instead of appropriate content information.
5. State Prerequisite decision and the District Policy-K. Bimber will convene the committee in the summer
to work on the district policy.
6. Course Substitutions and Residency concerns-S. Berger felt that it needs to be clarified as to who makes
the determination for course substitution for a discipline and what does this mean for the student. The
committee tabled this discussion to the next DCC meeting May 6 where 6201.13 Residency
Requirements will be reviewed.
7. Adjourn-the meeting adjourned at 4 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kathleen Bimber, VP DAS
Chair, DCC