Geography of Canada
Endangered Species Performance Task
DUE DATE:________________________
October, 2009
In this performance task, you will create a children’s storybook on one endangered species
in Canada. You should select your endangered species from the list provided with this
assignment. Only two (or three) people in the classroom may focus on the same endangered
This performance task will provide you with opportunities to meet the following
 analyse the ways in which natural systems interact with human systems and make
predictions about the outcomes of these interactions
 evaluate various ways of ensuring resource sustainability in Canada
 explain how natural and human systems change over time and from place to place
 use the methods and tools of geographic inquiry to locate, gather, evaluate and
organize information about Canada’s natural and human systems
 analyse and interpret data gathered in inquiries into the geography of Canada,
using a variety of methods and geotechnologies
 communicate the results of geographic inquiries, using appropriate terms and
concepts and a variety of forms and techniques
 explain how human activities affect, or are, affected by, the environment
 identify the role of government in managing resources and protecting the
 assess the value of Canada’s key natural resources
 present findings from research on ways of improving the balance between human
and natural systems
 evaluate solutions to environmental problems proposed by various groups
 explain how selected factors cause change in human and natural systems
 predict the consequences of human activities on natural systems
 distinguish among opinion, argument and fact in research sources
 analyze a regional or national geographic issue on the basis of information gathered
through research
 use appropriate terminology to communicate results of geographic inquiries
The story about your chosen endangered species can be written either (1) as a narrative – a
story where the writer (you) are telling the story as you observe it; or (2) as a story told in
the first person – a story where the writer (you) are telling the story from the point of view
of your endangered species. These approaches may be combined (in some cases) in order to
meet the requirements of this project. Talk to your teacher for further clarification. The
audience for this project are students in grade 2 or 3. PLEASE NOTE – we are hoping that
several of the stories will be read to students in our local elementary schools and you would
be the reader!!!
The follow table outlines the components of the performance task. Most students’
storybooks will be between 16 and 20 pages in length. Of course, there will be many
illustrations (pictures) and you may use a larger font size than usual – up to size
Introduction You must have an introduction to your endangered species. This overview
should include the following information:
(a) a general description of the species;
(b) a description of where the species is normally found in Canada – its range;
(c) the mating or breeding habits of the species; and
(d) the feeding habits of the species.
Other additional information should be included in this introduction. DO NOT
include information that is required in other components.
Causes of You need to research the reasons why your species is endangered and you must
discuss the two or three main factors that put the species at risk.
You should research what the government and other organizations are doing to
protect or save your endangered species. The solutions that you identify should
match (where possible) the reasons you identified for being at risk.
Pictures or You must include a number of different pictures in your storybook – remember
Illustrations the story is being written for a grade 2 or grade 3 students and pictures and
illustrations play a large role in the story. Usually the pictures or illustrations
are developed after the story line has been written and for this project we are
requiring 10 – 12 pictures that add to the story.
Use of
Your story must include a number of elements of a children’s picture storybook.
There should be some characterization (of the endangered species), evidence of
plot development, and conflict and resolution. The text of the children’s story
should be organized into simple sentences and short paragraphs. Literary tools
such as rhythm, alliteration, repetition, personification and imagery can be used
to good effect in this project. This is neither an English assignment nor an
English class. Some leeway will be allowed here
Vocabulary You must include definitions of the following FOUR terms - related to
endangered species and their protection: extinct, endangered, extirpated, and
threatened. However, the dictionary/textbook definitions are NOT to be used in
the body of the story – they would be too difficult for the audience (Grade 2 and
3 students). The dictionary/textbook definitions will appear in an appendix at
the end of the book BUT their meanings – in simple terms- must appear in the
Government Write a brief summary about ONE of the government programs to protect
endangered species - SARA (the Species at Risk Act) or COSEWIC (the
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada). This summary
will also appear as an appendix to the story. It should NOT be written at the
Grade 2 or 3 level.
This performance task will be marked out of 80. Each of the four achievement chart
categories will be marked out of 20.
Knowledge and
Introduction to your species
Government Action (SARA/COSEWIC)
15 marks
5 marks
Causes of Risk
Saving Your Species
10 marks
10 marks
12 marks
8 marks
Use of Literary Devises
20 marks
Choose one of the following species for your performance task.
Grizzly Bear (Prairie population)
Black-footed Ferret
Swift Fox
Eastern Cougar
Marmot (Vancouver Island)
Wolverine (Eastern population)
Woodland Caribou (Gaspe)
Wood Buffalo
Marten (Newfoundland)
Whooping Crane
Peregrine Falcon
Burrowing Owl
Piping Plover
Gray Whale (Atlantic population)
Blue Whale (Atlantic population)
Blue Whale (Pacific population)
Beluga Whale (Ungava Bay population)
Beluga Whale (Eastern Hudson Bay population)
Atlantic Walrus (Northwest Atlantic population)
Sea Otter
Spotted Bat
Endangered Species Performance Task
Evaluation Check List
Name: _____________________________________ Species:______________________
Knowledge and Understanding
Introduction to Your Endangered Species
_____ description
_____ range
_____ feeding
Government Action (SARA or COSEWIC)
Knowledge and Understanding
_____ breeding
Mark: __________/20
Causes of Risk
Saving Your Species
Mark: __________/20
Use of Literary Devices
Mark: __________/20
_____ extinction _____ endangered _____ extirpated _____ threatened
Mark: __________/20
Performance Task total
Mark: __________/80