Nyhetsbrev fra Kvinnforsk 07

Nyhetsbrev fra KVINNFORSK 03.07.12
Vacant position
The University of Tromsø has a vacant position for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. The position is
attached to the Centre for Women and Gender Research (KVINNFORSK).
The frame of reference for the position is anchored in the project: Mobile lifestyles: Perspectives on
Work Mobilities and Gender in the High North financed by the Norwegian Research Council
(project description can be forwarded upon request). This implies a gendered perspective in
research and the utilization of a broad spectre of methodological approaches, entailing among
others discursive analysis and statistical processing of register data in studying a broad spectre of
mobility practices.
Application deadline: August 15th 2012
Please read here for more information
Metodologi og kjønn seminarrekka fortsetter i høst 2012
Seminarrekken berører problemstillinger og metodologiske utfordringer i studier av bl.a. kjønn og
språk, kjønn og interseksjonalitet, kjønn og materialitet, kjønn i et nord-sør perspektiv, kjønn i
historisk forskning, kjønn og kildekritikk i samisk forskning samt kjønn og fortolkninger i dagens,
gårsdagens og oldtidens litteratur og dramaer. For mer informasjon om høstens seminarrekke se
denne nettsiden
Arrangementer rundt omkring
5th Christina Conference of Gender Studies: Feminist Thought and the Politics of Concepts,
in May 23–25, 2013, University of Helsinki. The 5th Christina Conference on Gender Studies
focuses on the role of concepts in feminist thought. Concepts are crucial in all research, and also
often deeply political, as feminist scholarship creates and circulates conceptual innovations which
transform social realities transnationally. We invite feminist scholars of all disciplines to present
papers in which they discuss conceptual choices and the role of concepts in their work. Papers can
be theoretical studies or studies which highlight the role of concepts in empirical work, as well as
case studies of particular concepts.
The deadline for paper submissions is 31 December 2012
More information: http://www.helsinki.fi/genderstudies/conference/
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Gender and Health will host the
conference Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research in October 29-31,
2012, Montréal, Canada. The conference will explore advances in our understandings of how sex
and gender influence the health of women, men, and people of diverse gender identities over the
lifespan. It will showcase excellence across the full scope of health research, from cell to society,
offering a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary learning and exchange.
More information: http://www.genderandhealthconference.com/
The 5th International Conference on Women`s Issues in Transportation – Bridging the Gap is being organized in April 14-21, 2014, Paris, France. The conference focuses around the general
idea of “bridging the gap” in an effort to identify and address issues specific to women’s use and
involvement in the transportation system and to ensure that transportation systems meet women’s
The deadline for paper submissions is June 27, 2012
More information: http://wiit-paris2014.sciencesconf.org/?lang=en
5th Nordic Geographers’ Meeting Reykjavík Iceland, 11 – 14 June 2013. The organizers of
NGM 2013 invite members of the geographic community, as well as others dealing with
geographical issues, to propose sessions for the conference. We welcome proposals that relate to
the full range of geographic inquiry; human or physical geography, geographic methodologies etc.
The theme of the conference is Responsible Geographies.
More information: http://conference.hi.is/ngm2013/conference-theme/
Nyheter fra andre:
Nytt fra Kjønnsbalanse i forskning
Mange dør av realfag
Da Solveig ønsket å skifte fra engelsklinjen til reallinjen, ble lektoren som skulle ha klassen så
fortvilet over å få enda en jente at han forsøkte å skremme henne. «Det er jo så tungt. Det er
mange som dør», sa han.
Nytt fra KILDEN:
Barnebøker som motmakt
Mange bildebøker ser uskyldige og tilforlatelige ut. Men ser man bedre etter, speiler bøkene ofte
alvorlige sider ved virkeligheten.
Høyreekstremisme på frammarsj
Høyreekstremistene er på frammarsj over hele Europa. I Ungarn er 40 prosent av dem kvinner,
forteller historiker Andrea Petö.
Heklande gutar og jenter på elgjakt
Det svenske barnebladet Kamratposten (KP) snur kjønna framferd på hovudet utan å gjere noko
nummer av det. Å snakke likeverdig til jenter og gutar kan bidra til auka likestilling, hevdar
English newsletter from KILDEN:
This newsletter brings updates from three web portals on gender research, gender equality and
gender politics in Norway. Click here for the English newsletter.
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