REFERENCES is the official repository of standards involving the web. Of material in this talk, the following items are based on standards there: ▪ ▪ HTTP: this is the protocol for making GET and POST requests HTML: this is the standard describing the way web pages are formatted. The various tags used to define forms are described in this standard. Anyone who is doing serious work with the web needs to have a copy of the HTML specification. The form application is documented in a man page which you should be able to get by typing “man form” on any system that has it. The counter application described is documented at More details are available from a reference at the bottom of that page. For CGI programming in general, the O’Reilly book is an excellent reference. You’ll also need a reference to whatever language you use. O’Reilly has excellent books on Perl and Javascript. Netscape and Microsoft both maintain extensive information in their web pages. Since Javascript is a Netscape invention, their web area is a particularly good source for information about it. It is See particularly their “library”, which has their documentation, examples, etc. A good site for PHP is for version 2 and for version 3. The official location for Minisql is BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM To handle a form: run make_html_data to create ~/html_data. In html_data you need a file XXX.form-spec, where XXX is the same name you supply in the form. The formspec file specifies the format of the lines that go into the corresponding XXX.form-data. XXX.form-mail, XXX.form-ok, and XXX.form-error are optional templates to use for mail, and the two possible responses pages. foo.form-spec filelimit=20000 replace=*/"/""/ test=*// fileline="<$var1>","<$var2>" mailline="<$var1>","<$var2>" mailto=hedrick@geneva foo.form-mail From: hedrick@geneva To: hedrick@geneva Subject: form output var1: <$var1> var2: <$var2> foo.form-ok <html> var1: <$var1><br> var2: <$var2><br> </html> foo.form-error <html> Here is the error: <$ERROR> </html> JAVASCRIPT EXAMPLE <html> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- The text starting here is for Javascript only function checknumeric(thing) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(thing.value))) { alert('Value must be numeric'); thing.value = ''; } } function comptotal() { var f = document.mainform; = parseFloat(f.first.value) + parseFloat(f.second.value); } function checkform(f) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(f.first.value))) {alert('first must be numeric'); return false;} if (isNaN(parseFloat(f.second.value))) {alert('second must be numeric'); return false;} if (isNaN(parseFloat( {alert('total must be numeric'); return false;} return true; } // end hiding --> </script> <h1>Hello <script language="Javascript"> <!-- start hiding now = new Date(); document.write("on " + now.toLocaleString()); // end hiding --> </script> </h1> <form name="mainform" action="" onSubmit="return checkform(this)"> First: <input type="text" name="first" onChange="checknumeric(this)"><br> Second: <input type="text" name="second" onChange="comptotal()"><br> Total: <input type="text" name="total"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> PHP EXAMPLE MAI N FORM <html> <h1>Demo of SGI serial number database</h1> <h2>Display/Update Existing Contact</h2> <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/php.cgi/~hedrick/updatecontact.php3" METHOD=POST> Unix username: <INPUT TYPE="text" name="uname"><br> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM> </html> UPDATECONTACT.PHP3 <html> <h1>Demo of SGI serial number database</h1> <h2>Display/Update Existing Contact</h2> <? $result = msql("sgidemo", "select * from contacts where uname = '$uname'"); if (msql_num_rows($result) <= 0) { echo "<p>Sorry, we couldn't find $uname"; } else { $uname = msql_result($result, 0, "uname"); $first = msql_result($result, 0, "first"); $last = msql_result($result, 0, "last"); $email = msql_result($result, 0, "email"); ?> <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/php.cgi/~hedrick/updatecontact2.php3" METHOD=POST> Unix username: <INPUT TYPE="text" name="uname" value="<?echo "$uname"?>"><br> First name: <INPUT TYPE="text" name="first" value="<?echo "$first"?>"><br> Last name: <INPUT TYPE="text" name="last" value="<?echo "$last"?>"><br> Email address: <INPUT TYPE="text" name="email" value="<?echo "$email"?>"><br> New password: <INPUT TYPE="password" name="npwd" value="<?echo "$npwd"?>"><br> <p> To make any change you must supply your existing password. If you want to change your password, put the new password in the New Password field. <p> Old password: <INPUT TYPE="password" name="opwd"><br> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM> <p> <hr> <h2>Administrator Only</h2> <? $result = msql_result($result, 0, "paid"); if ($result == "y" || $result == "Y") { $pv = "on"; $ch = "checked"; } else { $pv = ""; } ?> <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/php.cgi/~hedrick/contactdel.php3" METHOD=POST> Delete: <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" name="delete"><br> Paid: <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" name="paid" <? echo "$ch" ?> ><br> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name=opaid value=<? echo "$pv" ?> > Admin: <INPUT TYPE="text" name="admin"><br> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name=uname value="<? echo "$uname" ?>"> Password: <INPUT TYPE="password" name="pwd"><br> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM> <? } ?> </html> CONTACTDEL.PHP3 <html> <h1>Demo of SGI serial number database</h1> <h2>Admin change</h2> <? if ("$admin" != "hedrick") { echo "<p>Sorry, you're not an admin"; } else { $result = msql("sgidemo", "select * from contacts where uname = '$admin'"); $num = msql_numrows($result); if ($num < 1) { echo "<p>Sorry, can't find $admin"; } else if ($pwd != msql_result($result, 0, "pwd")) { echo "<p>Sorry, wrong password"; } else if ($delete) { $result = msql("sgidemo", "delete from contacts where uname = '$uname'"); if ($result > 0) { echo "<p>Deleted $uname"; } else { echo "<p>Couldn't delete $uname"; } } else if ($paid != $opaid) { if ($paid) { $pv = "y"; $p = "paid"; } else { $pv = ""; $p = "unpaid"; } $result = msql("sgidemo", "update contacts set paid = '$pv' where uname = '$uname'"); if ($result > 0) { echo "<p>Updated $uname $p"; } else { echo "<p>Couldn't update $uname"; } } } ?> </html>