Item 10(4) Report to the Executive for Decision 4 April 2011 Portfolio: Subject: Report of: Strategy/Policy: Corporate Objective: Strategic Planning and Environment River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy Director of Planning and Environment Protecting and enhancing our environment Purpose: To seek adoption of the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy Study. Executive summary: Coastal Defence Strategy studies (CDS) are an important component of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (Defra) strategic framework for the future management of coastal erosion and coastal flood risk to people, the developed and natural environments. They require economic, environmental and technical assessments to demonstrate the viability of any proposed schemes. Coastal local authorities that have developed and adopted a CDS are eligible to apply for flood and coastal defence grant in aid funding from Defra. The CDS follows on from the North Solent Shoreline Management Plan, providing greater detail on sustainable schemes in the coastal zone. Recommendations That:(a) the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble CDS be adopted; (b) the Executive endorse the Action Plan (Appendix 1); and (c) the Executive agree that the relevant authorities continue to work in partnership to ensure the actions in the action plan are monitored and delivered. Reason: To provide detail on the most sustainable management practice on the Fareham coastline. The information will assist in securing central government funding for future coastal defence schemes. Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -2- Item 10(4) Cost of proposals: None arising directly from this report. Appendices A: B: Action plan Map of strategy study area showing policy units Background papers: None Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -3- Item 10(4) Executive Briefing Paper Date: 4 April 2011 Subject: River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy Briefing by: Director of Planning and Environment Portfolio: Strategic Planning and Environment PURPOSE OF THE REPORT 1. To inform members of the policies contained in the final version of the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy. 2. To recommend that the Executive approve the final policies and action plan. WHY DO WE NEED A COASTAL DEFENCE STRATEGY (CDS)? 3. A Coastal Defence strategy offers greater detail on specific schemes within coastal zones rather than taking the broad strategic overview dealt with in the North Solent Shoreline Management Plan. 4. It is necessary to plan and justify coastal flood and erosion risk management works as public money is used to fund certain schemes. Strategies guide decisions which are long term and are undertaken to ensure that the future implications works on the coast are understood. The strategy has also to ensure that the environmental implications of any works carried out on the coast are considered. 5. The primary objective of the CDS is the protection of people, assets and property from coastal erosion and flooding, through the development and implementation of a sustainable strategy for coastal defence. This must be compatible with natural processes, environmentally acceptable, economically and technically viable and also with preferred management strategies in neighbouring areas and with the higher level North Solent Shoreline Management Plan covering the study area. STRATEGY AIMS: To provide an appropriate level of coastal and flood defence to prevent coastal erosion and flooding of properties and the low lying hinterland; To provide sustainable defences, which utilise natural defence mechanisms wherever possible. Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -4- Item 10(4) To enhance the natural environment and to increase the potential for recreation and tourism. To provide a blueprint for future monitoring and programming of maintenance works. To increase the understanding of the shoreline and to focus consultations in a strategic manner. To aid co-ordination and to consolidate information gathered within higher level plans. THE COASTAL DEFENCE STRATEGY 6. Work on the strategy began before 2005 meaning that much of the background data was collected in 2005-6. The draft strategy was near to completion in 2007 but was significantly delayed by the emergence of new requirements under the Habitats Regulations in 2007. 7. The CDS outlines management policies over 3 time periods or epochs: present day (0-20 years); medium term (20-50 years); and long term (50-100 years). Development of the CDS was led by Southampton City Council in partnership with Eastleigh Borough Council, Fareham Borough Council and Hampshire County Council. THE CDS STUDY AREA 8. The CDS study area lies along the north eastern shores of Southampton Water which connects via the Solent to the English Channel. The study area comprises the River Itchen, Weston, Netley and River Hamble frontages. The CDS covers part of the area dealt with by the North Solent SMP2 which is now complete. The SMP2 has taken into account the findings of this CDS. 9. The frontages of this strategy relevant to Fareham are found on the East bank of the River Hamble extending from Swanwick Shore Road to Hook Park (HAM 4 HAM 8). (See Table 1) CDS POLICY UNITS 10. The CDS study area is divided according to the original 'policy units' and 'management units' outlined in the former Western Solent to Southampton Water SMP 1998, which has now been superceded by the North Solent Shoreline Management plan (SMP2). Each policy unit represents a section of coastline that demonstrates similar coastal process characteristics and is sufficiently independent of adjacent stretches of shoreline. Each policy unit is then subdivided into smaller management units which enable identification of different defence options and consideration of their impact on features within that management unit. To view the policy units on a map please refer to Appendix B. Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -5- Item 10(4) TABLE 1 Policy Name Unit Policy Unit Description Woodmill Lane to Cobden Bridge ITCH3 ITCH4 Cobden Bridge to Weston Point NET1 Weston Point to Netley Castle NET2 Netley Castle to Netley Hard NET3 Netley Hard to Cliff House NET4 Cliff House to Ensign Industrial Park NET5 Ensign Industrial Park to Hamble Oil Terminal NET6 Hamble Oil Terminal to Hamble Common Point HAM1 Hamble Common Point to Satchell Marshes HAM2 Satchell Marshes to Badnam Creek HAM3 Badnam Creek to Lands End Lane HAM4 Lands' End Lane to Swanwick shore road HAM5 Swanwick Shore Road to Universal Marina HAM6 Universal Marina HAM7 Universal Marina to Warsash North HAM8 Warsash North To Hook park DEFENCE POLICIES 11. Policy options are derived from analysis of a number of policy drivers and their susceptibility to tidal flooding and coastal erosion hazards at present and in the future in light of predictions of climate change and sea level rise. The Policies are then scrutinised by economic and environmental assessments to determine the most sustainable approach to the future management of the policy unit. Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -6- Item 10(4) TABLE 2 Policy Comment No Active Intervention (NAI) Make no changes to the existing defence (Except to comply with Health and safety legislation) and allow natural processes to take place. Active Intervention Maintain (AIM) Actively maintain the existing defence which can include improvement works to extend its life and increase its potential for future defence. Active Intervention Sustain (AIS) Actively sustain the existing defence to ensure it delivers the same benefits as present. Any works to increase the effectiveness of the defence will not be permitted. Managed Realignment (MR) Actively retreat the line of defence landward to a predefined distance. CONSULTATION 12. Throughout its preparation the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble CDS has been subject to consultation, both internal and external. Involvement from officer representatives from all contributing local authorities has been an ongoing process throughout development of the plan. An initial round of written consultation was completed in May 2006. The primary purpose of this stage was to obtain available information on issues relevant to the study area prior to developing the options within the CDS. A formal period of public consultation was held between 16 August and 5 November 2010. 13. Officers were involved in the review of the comments received and subsequent responses, which had the potential for significant revisions or changes to the plan and/or policy options. Through this approach the final policy options and revisions arising from the consultation process were agreed. Fareham Borough Council did not receive any consultation responses but Southampton City received several responses which have been fed into the strategy. Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -7- Item 10(4) FINAL CDS POLICIES - RELEVANT TO FAREHAM Policy Unit Reference Start of Unit End of Unit Epoch 1 Epoch 2 Epoch 3 0-20yrs 20-50yrs 50-100yrs Active Intervention (Maintain) No Active Intervention (NAI) No Active Intervention Active Intervention (Maintain) No Active Intervention Active Intervention (Maintain) No Active Intervention No Active Intervention Managed Realignment Warsash North No Active Intervention No Active Intervention No Active Intervention Hook Park No Active Intervention Managed Realignment Managed Realignment HAM4 Lands' End Lane Swanwick Shore Road HAM5 Swanwick Shore Road Universal Marina HAM6 Universal Marina HAM7 Universal Marina HAM8 Warsash North 14. The No Active Intervention policies in the 3 epochs do not prevent private landowners from maintaining their existing defences but it will preclude the expenditure of national funding on this frontage. Any new defences proposed by private landowners would require planning and other relevant consents. Coastal Defence strategies are usually reviewed every 5-7 years (funding dependent) to update the policies in light of new data and knowledge that becomes available in the interim. ACTION PLAN 15. The actions identified in the action plan (Appendix A) are necessary to enable the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble CDS policy options to be implemented. 16. The River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble CDS is a non- statutory document which does not commit the Council to any capital expenditure. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 17. Delivery of the activities of relevance to Fareham within the action plan are likely to fall within existing budgets. Any additional resources required for project activities will be sought through flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) funding recovered from the EA within project costs. RECREATION IMPLICATIONS 18. Although the strategy identifies a NO ACTIVE INTERVENTION policy for HAM 7 it has flagged up the recreational importance of the coastal pathway at 'Bunny Meadows'. The strategy concludes that further investigation is required by Hampshire County Council and an adaptation strategy for the future is needed. Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -8- Item 10(4) LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 19. The statutory power to undertake proposals to manage coastal flood and erosion risks are held by Fareham Borough Council under the Coast Protection Act 1949 and the Land Drainage Act 1991, although these are permissive powers only. 20. There are no other identified legal implications. POLICY FRAMEWORK IMPLICATIONS 21. The policies within the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble CDS will inform the flood risk management elements/policies within the series of documents comprising the Local Development Framework and they will be a material consideration in determining relevant planning applications along this section of coastal frontage in Fareham. RISK ASSESSMENT 22. There are no significant risks associated with the adoption of this document. CONCLUSION 23. The Executive is asked to: (a) adopt the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy Study; (b) endorse the action plan that will need to be taken forward over the duration of the plan period; and (c) agree that the relevant authorities continue to work in partnership to ensure the actions in the Action Plan are monitored and delivered in a costeffective and timely manner and inform emerging and future studies and schemes. Reference Papers: None Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi -9- Item 10(4) APPENDIX A Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi - 10 - Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi Item 10(4) - 11 - Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi Item 10(4) - 12 - Contact: Scott Mills, Coastal and Land Drainage Officer E-mail – (Tel: 01329 824479) xpt-110404-r19-smi Item 10(4) APPENDIX B