Chih-Wei PAI

Wen-Chih HUANG (2011-8)
Name--Wu-Chih Huang
Contact number/office number--Ext. 6085/A709
Education--Ph.D. Built environment and urban city, Kyushu University, Japan
Research interests--supply chain management, logistics, transportation planning and
management, land planning and urban design, plan/efficiency evaluation, system analysis
Referred Papers
1. Wen-Chih Huang, Tu-Cheng Kuo, Ching-Tsyr Wu and Cheng-Chen Kou (2011),
Port Management Improvement Strategies Based on Simulation Model, Journal of
Marine Science and Technology, (SCIE) (In press).
2. Wen-Chih Huang , Chien-Hua Chen , Sung-Ken Kao , Kuang-Yu Chen, “The
Concept of Diverse Developments in Port Cities”, Ocean & Coastal
Management,Vol.54,No5, pp381-390,2011.(SCI)
3. Maw-Cherng Lin, Edward Ming-Yang Wu, Junn-Yuan Teng, Wen-Chih Huang,
“Co-opetition Model of Transportation Construction Project - From the Viewpoint of
Budget Allocation”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology,Vol.18,No6, pp915923,2010.(SCIE)
4. Wen-Chih Huang, Junn-Yuan Teng, and Maw-Cherng Lin, ” The Budget
Allocation Model of Public Infrastructure Projects” , Journal of Marine Science and
Technology,Vol.18,No5, pp697-708,2010 (SCIE).
5. Junn-Yuan Teng , Wen-Chih Huang , Maw-Cherng Lin,” Systematic Budget
Allocation for Transportation Construction Projects: A Case in Taiwan”, Journal of
Transportation,Vol.37,No2, pp331-361, 2009(Impact Factor: 1.767 (2008))( SSCI,
6. Wen-Chih Huang, Tu-Cheng Kuo, Jian Wang and Ching-Tsyr Wu , “A Research
on the Improvement Strategy on the Operation Performance of Container Terminal”,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, 2009.
7. Kuo-Liang Lee, Wen-Chih Huang, Shu-Chen Lin, ” Identifying the strategies of
role transformation for location developing global logistics-hub in Pacific Asia
region”, Int. J. Logistics Economics and Globalization,Vol.2,No1, pp51-66,2009 .
8. Lee, Kuo-Liang, Huang, Wen-Chih and Teng, Junn-Yuan, “Locating the
Competitive Relation of Global Logistics Hub Using Quantitative SWOT Analytical
Method”, Journal of Quality & Quantity ,Vol.16,No1, pp87-107,2009. (SSCI)
9. Wen-Chih Huang, Hsu-Hsi Chang and Ching-Tsyr Wu, "”A Model of Container
Transhipment Port Competition: An Empirical Study of International Ports in
TAIWAN”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology,Vol.16,No1, pp19-
10. Teng, Junn-Yuan, Lee, Kuo-Liang and Huang, Wen-Chih, ”A Fuzzy Multicriterion Q-Analysis Model for International Logistic-Park Location Selection” ,
Journal of Marine Science and Technology,Vol.15,No2, pp89-103,2007. (SCIE)
11. HUANG, Wen-Chih; Kuang Yu CHEN ; Song-Ken KAO and Takeshi
CHISHAKI ; “Redeveloping Port City Waterfronts: A Qualitative Framework”,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2007.
12. HUANG, Wen-Chih; Tu-Cheng KUO ; Ching-Tsyr WU and Li Guoquan;
“Evaluation of Operation Performance for Container Terminal from Micro Point
View”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2007.
13. Teng, J. Y., R. C. YEH, M. C. Lin and W. C. Hung,” The Budget Allocation of
Transportation Construction Projects by Fuzzy Multicriteria Grade Classification
Model,” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, 2007.
14. Ming-Shin Kuo, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Wen-Chih Huang,” Group decision
making based on concepts of ideal and anti-ideal points in fuzzy environment”,
Mathematical and Computer Modeling ,Vol.45,No3-4, pp324-339,2007.(SCI)
15. Huang, Wen-Chih; Kuo, Tu-Cheng; Wu, Sheng-Chieh, “A Comparison of
Analytical Methods and Simulation for Container Terminal Planning,” Journal of the
Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.24. No3. pp200-209, May 2007.
16. Ming-Shin Kuo; Gin-Shuh Liang and Wen-Chih Huang; “Extensions of the
multi-criteria analysis with pair-wise comparison under a fuzzy environment”,
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Vol. 43, No3, 2006, Pages 268-285.
17. Kuo, Tu-Cheng; Huang, Wen-Chih; Wu, Sheng-Chieh and Cheng, Pei-Lun ; “A
Case Study of Inter-arrival Time Distributions of Container Ships”, Journal of Marine
Science and Technology,Vol.14. No3. 2006. pp155-164, (EI)
18. TENG, Junn-Yuan ; Huang, Wen-Chih and Huang, Miin-Jye, “ Multi-Objective
Strategic Evaluation for Urban Development- Kaohsiung :Case Study ”, Journal of
American Society of Civil Engineers-Urban Planning and Development(ASCE),
Vol.132. No3.2006. pp160-165. (SCI)
19. Chang, Hsu-Hsi and HUANG, Wen-Chih, “Application of a Quantification
SWOT Analytical Method”, Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
No43.2006. pp158-169, (SCI).
20. SHAU, Hong-Min; Lin, Bi-Liang and Huang, Wen-Chih, ” Genetic Algorithms
for Practical Design of Pipe Network System ” , Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, Vol.13. No2.2005. pp116-124. (EI)
21. SHAU Hong-Min, Huang Wen-Chih, Lin Bi-Liang and Hsiao Jui-Min,” A Water
Station Model with Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm to Promote the Ability of Water
Distribution Systems” , Journal of Marine Science and Technology , Vol.13.
No1.2005. pp28-34. (EI)
22. HUANG, Wen-Chih and Wu, Sheng-Chieh, “The Estimation of the Initial
Number of Berths in a Port System Base on Cost Function”, Journal of Marine
Science and Technology, Vol.13. No1.2005. pp35-45, (EI)
23. CHU Chin -Yuan and Wen - Chih Huang, ” Determining container terminal
capacity on the basis of adopted yard handling system”, Transport Reviews , Vol.25.
No2.2005. pp 181-199, (SSCI)
24. HUANG, Wen-Chih , “Evaluation of the Development Strategies for
KAOHSIUNG Port Using a Goals Achievement Method”, Journal of Marine Science
and Technology, Vol.12. No4. 2004. pp 334-342. (EI)
25. TENG, Junn-Yuan
; Huang, Wen-Chih and
Huang, Miin-Jye, “Multi-criteria Evaluation for Port Competitiveness of Eight EAST
ASIAN Container Ports”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.12. No4.
2004. pp 256-264. (EI)
26. HUANG Wen-Chih: and Chin-Yuan Chu , “A Selection Model for In-Terminal
Container Handling Systems ”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.12.
No3. 2004.pp159 -170. (EI)
27. HUANG, Wen-Chih; Ming-Shin Kou; Kuo-Liang Lee and Zen-Hung YU,
“Application of GM(1,1│τ,γ) to Analyze the Ports for Putting Resources”,
Journal of Grey System, Vol.16. No.3, 2004.pp.211-220.
28. HUANG, Wen-Chih; and Hsu-Hsi Chang, “Application of Grey Situation
Decision to Port Engineering Alternatives Selection”, Journal of Grey System,
Vol.16.No.1,. 2004.pp83-88.
29. Wen-Chih Huang: Chin-Yuan Chu, “Cost Comparison of Straddle Carrier Direct
and Relay System in Container Terminals ”, Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, Vol.11. No4. 2003.pp197-204. (EI)
30. Hsu-Hsi CHANG; HUANG, Wen-Chih and Wu-Hsun CHANG; “The Study of
Grey Clustering(GCU) Method Applied in Port Engineering Alternatives Selection”,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.5, 2003.pp755764.
31. HUANG, Wen-Chih ; TENG, Junn-Yuan ; HUANG, Miin-Jye and Ming-Shin
Kou; “Port Competitiveness Evaluation by Fuzzy Multi-criteria Grade Classification
Model”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.11. No1. 2003.pp53-60. (EI)
32. CHU, Chin-Yuan; and HUANG, Wen-Chih, “Aggregates Cranes Handling
Capacity on Container Terminal: the Port of Kaohsiung”, Journal of Maritime Policy
& Management, Vol.29.No.4.2002. pp341-350.
33. HUANG, Miin-Jye; HUANG, Wen-Chih; TENG, Junn-Yuan; and WU, ShengChieh, “Competitiveness Evaluation—for Eastern asian Container Ports by Using
Grey Relational Analysis Method”, Journal of Grey System, Vol.14. No.3,
34. LEE, Kuo-Liang; HUANG, Wen-Chih; KUO, Ming-Shin; and LIN, Shu-Chen,
“Competitiveness modal of international Distri-Park using the virtual value chain
analysis”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.4, No.1,
Oct. 2001.
35. WU, Sheng-Chieh; HUANG, Wen-Chih; TENG Junn-Yuan; and CHU, ChinYuan, “Determination of initial number of facility in a M/M/N(∞) port service
queuing system”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,
Vol.4, No.1, Oct. 2001.
36. HUANG, Wen-Chih; CHISHAKI, Takeshi; SHIH, Wen-Hsioung; HUANG,
Miin-Jye; and WU, Sheng-Chieh, “Optimal Determination of Berths and Cranes in
Container Ports”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,
Vol.2, No.1, Oct. 1997.
37. HUANG, Wen-Chih; JUANG, Yih-Ching; CHEN, Kuo-Quan; LIN, Tung-Jung;
and CHEN, Kuan-Liang, “The Experience of Intercontainerport Competition in
Taiwan”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.2, No.1,
Oct. 1997.
38. HUANG, Wen-Chih; LIU, Cheng-Yi; CHEN, Kuo-Quan; CHISHAKI, Takeshi;
and YEH, Chi-Fang, “The Comparison of Port Demand Forecast Methodology”,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.2, No.1, Oct. 1997.
39. LI, Guoquan; CHISHAKI, Takeshi; and HUANG, Wen-Chih, “A Study on the
Characteristics of Station with Intermodalization of Coal Railway Transport and
Unloading based on Coal Port System”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, Vol.l, No.1, Oct. 1995.
40. HUANG, Wen-Chih; CHISHAKI, Takeshi; and LI, Guopuan, “A Study on the
Container Port Planning by Using Cost Function with IND based on M/Ek/N System”,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.l, No.1, Oct. 1995.
41. CHISHAKI, Takeshi; LI, Guoquan; HUANG, Wen-Chih; and TATSUMI,
Hiroshi,“A Systematic Approach for the Design of Railway Station Based on Coal
Port System”, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Vol.54
N0.4, 1994.
Chapters in books
1.HUANG, Wen-Chih, “Urban Development System and Urban Planning in Taiwan”,
City Planning in Asia, Kyushu University Press,2001.
Conference papers
1. Wen-Chih Huang, ”The Doubts of Defyling National Security and Shifting
Responsibilities to Others—Evaluation and Analysis of TAIWAN HARBOR
AFFAIR CO.,LTD Draft Regulations”, Coast Guard Bulletin bi-monthly, Executive
Yuan Coast Guard Administration,No.52,PP45-53,Aug.2011.
2. Wen-Chih Huang, Tu-Cheng Kuo, Jian Wang and Ching-Tsyr Wu ; “A Research
on the Improvement Strategy on the Operation Performance of Container Terminal”,
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, Nov. 2009.
3. Wen-Chih Huang, Junn-Yuan Teng, Maw-Cherng Lin, “Application of Fuzzy
Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the Selection of Infrastructure Projects”,
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge
Discovery (FSKD'08), Shandong University, Jinan, China, Oct.2008.( EI, ISTP ).
4. Huang W. C. , KaoS. K. & Chen, K. Y., “A Research on Risk Management of
Public-Private Partnership Mechanism: Case Study with Port-City Waterfront
Development”, The First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis
Response ,China, Sept. 2007.
5. HUANG Wen-chih , Chian-hua Chen ; Kuang Yu CHEN and Song-Ken KAO ;
“Analysis of the Correlation Between Waterfront Development Model and Urban
Development Strategy-A Case Study of KEELUNG City”, Proceedings of the Eastern
Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.7, Sept. 2007.
6. Huang, W. C., Kao, S. K., & Chen, K. Y., “Systematic approach to the planning
of port-city waterfront”, The Second International Conference on Estuaries & Coasts,
pp.829-836, 2006.
7. Kuo-Liang Lee , Wen-Chih Huang and Edward Ming-Yang Wu;” Analyzing the
Strategies for Location Developing Global Logistics-hub in Pacific Asia Region”,
11th International Symposium on Logistics ,July 2006, Beijing, China.
8. Shu-chen Lin, Ron Chuen Yeh and Wen-Chih Huang;” Analyzing the
Competitive Position for Manufacturing Global Logistics Hub”, 11th International
Symposium on Logistics , July 2006, Beijing, China.
9. HUANG Wen-chih, Chian-hua Chen; “Analysis of Land Redevelopment
Strategy for Harbor Zones via ELECTRE II Evaluation Method along with Fuzzy
Concept—with Reference to Land Redevelopment in Heping Harbor Zone”,
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, No.1, Sept.
10. Wen-Chih Huang, Ron-Chuen Yeh, Junn-Yuan Teng, and Miin-Jye Huang;”
Developmental Strategy Evaluation for the Port of KAOSHIUNG by Considering
Dependent Criteria”, International Logistics Congress (Developing Value Networks
Through Logistics and Transport) Dec. 2-3 2004 IZMIR / TURKEY.
11. Huang, Wen-Chih , Lee, Kuo-Liang, Li, Guoquan,”The location competitive
modes of global logistics from the viewpoint of the third wave”,2004 International
E-Logistics Technology Conference,CHENGDU-China,Sep. 2004.
12. CHU, Chin-Yuan; and HUANG, Wen-Chih, “Container Ground Slot Land
Planning on the Container Yards in Taiwan Ports”, Proceedings of 91st Annual
Conference Association of Pacific Ports (Orient Express-Rapidly Booming Asian
Market), Aug. 2004.pp111-127.
13. Hong-Min Shau, Bi-Liang Lin, Wen-Chih Huang and Chuan-Meng Wen ,”
Promote the Reliability of Water Distribution Systems with in Time Management
Model of Monitoring Systems”, IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok,
Thailand, October 19-23, 2003.
14. Shu-Chen Lin ; Gin-Shuh Liang ; Kung-Don Ye and Wen-Chih HUANG;
“Optimal Location Type of international Logistics on Airport from the Concept of
Value-Added”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,
Vol.5, 2003.
15. Shau, Hong-Min; Lin, Bi-Liang; Huang, Wen-Chih, “Multi-target Rationalized
Research for Local Area Water Distribution”, International Association for Hydraulic
Engineering and Research (IAHR) , Singapore. Aug.2002.
16. Shau, Hong-Min; Lin, Bi-Liang; Huang, Wen-Chih; Wu, Ray-Shyan; and Liaw,
Shu-Liang, “The Optimized Design and Expansion Analysis of Local Area Water
Distribution Network”, International Association for Hydraulic Engineering and
Research (IAHR), Singapore. Aug.2002.
17. HUANG, Miin-Jye; HUANG, Wen-Chih; TENG, Junn-Yuan; and CHANG,
Hsu-Hsi, “Ports competitiveness evaluation—Case study of eastern asian container
ports”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.4,
No.1, Oct. 2001.
18. CHU, Chin-Yuan; HUANG, Wen-Chih; WU, Sheng-Chieh; and CHENG, PeiLun, “Cranes allocation and integrated effectiveness study in a container terminal”,
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.4, No.1, Oct.
19. HUANG, Wen-Chih; WU, Sheng-Chieh; HUANG, Wen-Guu; and LEE, KuoLiang, “Modelling the optimal mode split for freight transportation in Taiwan area-from the viewpoint of modal shift”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, Vol.4, No.1, Oct. 2001.
20. HUANG, Wen-Chih; TENG, Junn-Yuan; CHEN, Mei-Fen; and CHISHAKI,
Takeshi, “Modeling the Inland Container Transport System in Taiwan-From the
Viewpoint of Local Port Internationalization”, International Symposium on City
Planning , 1999.
21. HUANG, Miin-Jye; HUANG, Wen-Chih, TENG, Junn-Yuan; and WU, ShengChieh, “Multi-criteria Evaluation of Regional Roads Investment Planning”,
International Symposium on City Planning , 1999.
22. 28. HUANG, Wen-Chih; TENG, Junn-Yuan; HUANG, Miin-Jye; and WU,
Sheng-Chieh, “Integration of the AHP and SWOT Analysis for Port Competition
Evaluation in the Eastern Asian Region”, ISAHP 1999, Kobe, Japan, August , 1999.
23. TENG, Junn-Yuan; HUANG, Wen-Chih; CHEN, Mei-Fen; and Chang, Hsu-His,
“Multi-criteria Evaluation of Harbor Marketing Strategies Using Analytic Hierarchy
Process : An Example of the Keelung Port in Taiwan”, ISAHP 1999, Kobe, Japan,
August, 1999.
24. HUANG, Wen-Chih; CHEN, Kuo-Quan; CHEN, Kuan-Liang; and WU, SnengChieh; “The Feasibility Study of Modal Shift on the Inland Container Transport in
Taiwan”, INCOPORTS/IAME YOKOHAMA Port and Environmental Issues
Conference, Nov.1998.