
Supplement Table 1
Site B
Soil Profiles of four Field Sites
Redoxic Hydrosol situated immediately adjacent to a creek at the end of a roadside
earthen drain. Thin peaty layer overlying loams and other buried horizons, moderately acid
pH, underlain by weathered siltstone. Significant disturbance due to drain construction.
Distinct earthy hardpan at depth.
Site E
Anthroposol (in a Redoxic Hydrosol environment) situated immediately adjacent to a
creek at the end of a roadside earthen drain. Thick deposited layer of eroded soil from
upland soil over a black peaty layer (former A1) overlying sandy clay loams and other
buried horizons, strongly acid, underlain by ferricrete. Significant disturbance due to drain
construction and accelerated erosion upslope.
Site P
Redoxic Hydrosol situated on a minor creek levee at the end of a roadside earthen drain.
Sandy loams over buried horizons with variable soil textures, moderately acid pH, no
substrate encountered to 1.5m. Significant disturbance due to drain construction.
Site S
Redoxic Hydrosol situated on a minor creek levee. Relatively uniform sandy clay loam
profile over sandy loam at depth, moderately acid pH, underlain by weathered siltstone.