PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 CALLED TO ORDER: 2:17 p.m. CHAIRPERSON: Matthew Jordan The following Curriculum and Instruction Committee members were present: FACULTY CHAIRPERSON Matthew Jordan INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Earlie Douglas, Business & Computer Technology Blanca Hernandez Henderson, CEC Jacqueline Smith, E&T Tim Melnarik, English Armando Duran, Counseling/Student Success Services Barbara Kissel, Health Sciences Judy Ohye, Library Lyman Chaffee, Mathematics Russ Di Fiori, Natural Sciences Rita Gonzales, Performing & Communication Arts Julie Kiotas, Social Sciences I. DIVISION DEANS James Arnwine, Fine Arts Michael Finkenbinder, Humanities David Douglass, Natural Sciences MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO Robert Miller, Vice President, Educational Services Jacqueline Jacobs, Vice President, Instruction Cheryl Storms, Classified Senate Ana Ogaz, Articulation Officer STUDENTS Chris Fennessy, ASB Vice President, Academic Affairs GUESTS Lori Gagliardi, Health Sciences Emma Sanchez, CTE Barbara Freund, Health Sciences WELCOME Self introductions were made. Dr. Jacobs announced to the committee that Ellen Ligons will be coming back to campus to help with CTE issues. II. CURRICULUM CONSIDERATIONS WITH ACTION TO FOLLOW The Curriculum and Instruction Committee has recommended to the Office of Instructional Administration that the following course changes and additions be approved. Changes will not become effective until after administrative and Board of Trustees approval. A. HEALTH SCIENCES: Barbara Freund and Lori Gagliardi presented the following credit curricula for consideration: CHANGE — TITLE, DESCRIPTION, OUTLINE — Effective Summer 2012 AT 110 INTRODUCTION TO ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 2 units Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Anesthesia Technology program. Co-requisite: AT 111. Introduction to Anesthesiology's contribution to quality patient care and the relationship of the Anesthesia Technologist to other Healthcare professionals. Focus is on patient safety, universal precautions, and student safety in the Healthcare environment. Total of 36 hours lecture. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting September 15, 2011 Page 1 CHANGE – TITLE, OUTLINE – Effective Summer 2012 AT 111 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 3 units Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Anesthesia Technology program. Co-requisite: AT 110. Introduction to the theory and concepts of functioning in a surgical environment including a fundamental understanding of a variety of anesthesia equipment and basic case set-up utilizing anesthesia supplies and equipment. Total of 54 hours lecture. AT 112 ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 3 units Prerequisite: AT 111. Co-requisites: AT 113, 114, 116. Introduction to the theory and concepts of the use and function of anesthesia supplies and equipment used for various surgical procedures to include cases in: General, regional, and conscious sedation. Total of 54 hours lecture. CHANGE – OUTLINE – Effective Summer 2012 AT 113 ANESTHESIA PHARMACOLOGY 3 units Prerequisites: AT 110, 111. Co-requisites: AT 112, 114, 116. Introduction to the theory and concepts in the proper use and safe practice of delivery and storage of anesthesia medications which includes: Stocking of the drug cart and assisting anesthesia care provider in the preparation of medications. Total of 54 hours lecture. CHANGE — TITLE, DESCRIPTION, OUTLINE — Effective Summer 2012: AT 114 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTATION I 3 units Prerequisite: AT 111. Co-requisites: AT 112, 113, 116. Introduction to the theories and concepts in the adequate function of anesthesia equipment to include, maintaining equipment, repairing defects and trouble-shooting complications. Total of 54 hours lecture. CHANGE – TITLE – Effective Summer 2012 AT 115 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTATION II 3 units Prerequisite: AT 114. Co-requisites: AT 117, 118. Introduction to the theory and concepts of advanced anesthesia equipment used in cardiac, neurological, and trauma anesthesia. Total of 54 hours lecture. AT 116 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY CLINICAL EXPERIENCE I 5 units Prerequisite: AT 111. Co-requisites: AT 112, 113, 114. Introduction to the theory and concepts of clinical practice in Obstetrical, Pediatric, and Outpatient anesthesia to include: General, regional and conscious sedation techniques. Total of 270 hours laboratory. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting September 15, 2011 Page 2 CHANGE — TITLE, DESCRIPTION, OUTLINE — Effective Summer 2012 AT 117 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY CLINICAL EXPERIENCE II 5 units Prerequisite: AT 116. Co-requisites: AT 115, 118. Introduction to the theory and concepts of advanced clinical practice skills. Students operate independently as anesthesia technologists in all aspects of patient care including: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative surgical phases. Total of 270 hours laboratory. CHANGE — TITLE — Effective Summer 2012 AT 118 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY CLINICAL SEMINAR 3 units Prerequisite: AT 116. Co-requisites: AT 115 and 117. Capstone course utilizing theory and concepts of the clinical practicum for demonstrating safe and effective anesthesia care for all surgical patients to include: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative management. Total of 54 hours lecture. MSC DOUGLASS/DURAN to approve the changes to the above credit curricula (AT 110, AT 111, AT 112, AT 113, AT 114, AT 115, AT 116, AT 117, and AT 118). CHANGE – TITLE, DESCRIPTION, CONTENT – Effective Summer 2012 MA 109 HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 unit Introduction to computer literacy and information technology in health care delivery. Hardware and software, communications and networking, ethical issues, and HIPAA privacy concerns. Topics covered include administrative applications (such as electronic medical recordkeeping), clinical systems involved in direct patient care, and special-purpose applications (such as simulation software used in the education of health care professionals). Recommended working knowledge of a computer. Short term class. Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. CHANGE – CONTENT – Effective Summer 2012 MA 124 MEDICAL OFFICE LABORATORY PROCEDURES 3 units Prerequisites: MA 122B, Physo 100. Co-requisite: MA 122C. Methods of specimen collection. Principles of assisting the physician with routine office laboratory tests. Techniques for blood tests and urinalysis. Microbiology pertaining to medical office procedures. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. CHANGE – HOURS – Effective Summer 2012 MA 128 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE 4 units Prerequisites: MA 122, 124, and 127. Supervised clinical experience in a medical office or clinic. Analysis of medical assisting clinical experience. Applied psychology in the medical office or clinic. Total of 18 hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. MSC FINKENBINDER/OGAZ to approve the changes to the above credit curricula. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting September 15, 2011 Page 3 CHANGE – PREREQ (delete prereq), DESCRIPTION, HOURS (add lab hours), CONTENT – Effective Summer 2012 DA 108 INFECTION CONTROL IN DENTISTRY 2 units Introduction to microbiology, infectious diseases, immunity, infection control in the dental office, agencies concerned with disease control, OSHA standards and guidelines and hazard communication management. Review of current rules and regulations as outlined by the Dental Practice Act. This course meets the eligibility requirements for the certificate in Infection Control and the California Dental Practice Act required by the state for unlicensed Dental Assistants. Recommended DA 110. Total of 36 hours lecture and 9 hours laboratory. MSC CHAFFEE/OGAZ to approve the changes to the prerequisites to the above credit curriculum. CHANGE – HOURS (increase lab hours), CONTENT – Effective Summer 2012 DA 110 INTRODUCTION TO DENTAL ESSENTIALS 3 units Introduction to dental essentials, to include the oral cavity, bones of the face, fundamentals of preventive dentistry, vital signs, principles of professionalism, the dental health team and selected dental office lab procedures. Total of 54 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. MSC OGAZ/MILLER to approve the changes to the above credit curricula (DA 108 and DA 110). DELETION – Effective Summer 2012 NURS 136 DIRECTED LEADERSHIP IN NURSING 3 units NURS 214 BASIC CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT ½ unit NURS 215 ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT ½ unit MSC MILLER/DI FIORI to approve the deletion of the above credit curricula. B. ENGLISH: Tim Melnarik presented the following credit curriculum for consideration: CHANGE – DESCRIPTION, OUTLINE – Effective SUMMER 2012 ENGL 82A INTRODUCTION TO MYTHOLOGY 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for Engl 1B. Fertile Crescent (Egyptian, Hebrew, Mesopotamian), Classical (Greek and Roman), and Old European mythologies. Emphasis on literary texts and creative expressions, such as art, music, and artifacts. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. MSC CHAFFEE/OGAZ to approve the changes to the above credit curriculum. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS The chair has emailed to the deans the new proposed TMCs with information the faculty needs to provide for state approval. October 14 is the deadline for approval of these TMCs this C&I cycle. IV. ADJOURNMENT MSC FENNESSY/GAGLIARDI to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 3:02 p.m. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting September 15, 2011 Page 4