HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Immunizations In accordance with State Health Laws, all students are required to be fully immunized or to annually provide a medical or religious exemption letter to the Health Office. Students entering Preschool are required to have the following immunizations: 3 doses of Hepatitis B > 4 doses of DTap/DTP > 3 doses of Polio 1 – 4 doses of Hib 1 dose of MMR 1 dose of Varicella or proof of chickenpox Additionally, Preschool students must present documentation of lead testing. Students entering Kindergarten are required to have the following immunizations: 3 doses of Hepatitis B > 5 doses of DTaP/DTP > 4 doses of Polio 2 doses of MMR 1 dose of Varicella or proof of chickenpox Additionally, Kindergarten students must present documentation of lead testing (if not previously provided in Preschool) and vision screening. Students in grades 1 – 6 are required to have the following immunizations: 3 doses of Hepatitis B > 4 doses of DTap/DTP or > 3 doses Td > 3 doses of Polio 2 doses MMR 1 dose of Varicella or proof of chickenpox Students in grades 7– 12 are required to have the following immunizations: 3 doses of Hepatitis B DTaP/DTP series (4 doses) or > 3 doses Td and a Td or Tdap Booster Polio Series (> 3 doses) MMR – 2 doses Varicella or proof of Chicken Pox Disease Mandated Screenings Grades 5 – 9 Postural Screening for scoliosis Preschool – 12 Vision, Hearing, Height & Weight Measurement Physical Examinations All physical examinations are to be performed at the child's primary care provider’s office. Kindergarten, Grade 3, Grade 11 students and any students new to the district must present documentation of a current physical examination. Student athletes are required to provide documentation of an annual physical before being allowed to practice sports (one required per calendar year) Illness/Injury in School A registered nurse is available at SMK Elementary, Ware Middle and High Schools on a daily basis. If students become ill or injured during the school day, they should notify the teacher and be sent to the Health Office for assessment and treatment. All minor illnesses and injuries will be treated as necessary and parents/guardians will be notified when warranted. In the event of serious illness/injury requiring emergency treatment, the nurse or designee will attempt to contact the parents/guardians. If the parents/guardians are unavailable, school staff will attempt to notify emergency contacts listed on the student’s emergency card. Students requiring urgent medical treatment will be transported via ambulance to the nearest hospital whenever necessary. The cost of emergency transport is the responsibility of the student’s parents/guardians. PLEASE NOTIFY THE SCHOOL OF ANY CHANGES IN HOME OR WORK TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND OR EMERGENCY CONTACTS. Medications The school nurse should be notified whenever a student is required to take prescription medication at school. The school nurse can administer prescription medications in school with a written licensed prescriber’s order and written parent/guardian consent. Medication should be in the original prescription container with the student’s name, drug name, dose and dosage interval written on the bottle. Prescription medication should be brought to school by the parent/guardian or responsible adult. The school nurse may administer over-the-counter (OTC) medications in school such as analgesics, antihistamines and antacids with written parent/guardian consent. The annual student emergency health form provides a section for OTC medication consent. Students should not carry prescription or OTC medications on their person or store them in their lockers. The two exceptions to this are asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors. The school nurse in conjunction with the school physician and parents/guardians will determine whether a student is permitted to self-administer medications in school. The parent/guardians should provide a medication order from their child’s doctor and a signed consent form to self administer medication in school. SHARING INHALERS WITH CLASSMATES IS PROHIBITED. ABSOLUTELY NO NARCOTIC MEDICATIONS WILL BE ADMINISTERRED AT SCHOOL. Students requiring the use of narcotics for pain relief (i.e. Percocet, Vicodan, Tylenol # 3, Codeine, etc.) should not take the medication before coming to school or during the school day.