Stanta, G. Supplemental Table 1: Methods and Results of the used protocols for DNA extraction from FFPE samples Protocol, digestiona,b Lab DNAYield (g) (A260/280 nm ) Protocol Type 1 [1, 4], 55°C 72 h, 1.0 µg/µl Protocol Type 1, 55°C 2h or 37°C 16 h, 1.0 µg/µl Protocol Type 1, 55°C 16h, 4.2 µg/µl Protocol Type 1, 37°C 16h, 0.2 µg/µl Protocol Type 1 [3], 55°C, 48 h, 1.0 µg/µl Protocol Type 1, 56°C 16h, 1.8 µg/µl, followed 1 2 3 4 5 11 by Qiagen micro spin columns (protocol Type 3) Protocol Type 2, 55°C 17h, 1.8 µg/µl Protocol Type 2 [2], 56°C 16h, 3.3 µg/µl Protocol Type 2, 37°C 48h, 0.95 µg/µl (only 6 7 8 colon sample) and Protocol type 3 QIAamp DNA colon ovary lung 1 lung 2 87.0 25.6 50.8 26.0 (1.79) (1.79) (1.80) (1.71) 80.5 37.4 92.5 52.3 (1.80) (1.56) (1.72) (1.64) 72.8 16.4 27.4 15.6 (1.77) (1.73) (1.68) (1.70) ---- 33.0 33.0 13.0 ---- (1.83) (2.09) (2.07) 51.4 18.5 26.7 25.7 (1.87) (1.89) (1.74) (1.86) 49.1 8.1 15.6 16.9 (1.87) (1.78 ) (1.88) (1.89) 237.2 70.0 124.9 133.8 (1.41) (1.09) (1.20) (1.20) 145.5 101.5 163.1 185.7 (1.10) (0.83) (1.05) (1.08) 274.4 3.0 19.4 20.6 (1.35) (1.73) (1.88) (1.85) 33.4 4.0 11.2 13.6 (1.99) (1.75) (1.97) (1.91) 103.4 12.7 19.7 20.6 (2.00) (2.01) (2.03) (2.03) 44.0 8.8 15.6 18.6 ---- (1.77) (1.74) (1.74) 69.6 10.6 42.8 36.9 (1.43) (1.29) (1.42) (1.42) Mini Kit Protocol type 3, Kit-Qiagen QIAamp DNA Mini 9 Kit3 Protocol type 3, Kit-Qiagen QIAamp DNA Mini 10 Kit Protocol Type 3, Kit-Qiagen DNeasy tissue3 Protocol Type 3, Kit-Macherey Nagel NucleoSpin Tissuec 12 13 1 Stanta, G. a Protocols: type 1, DNA extraction with precipitation of the DNA; type 2, DNA extraction without further precipitation or purification; type 3, DNA extraction using silica based absorption columns. Citations in brackets. b Time, temperature and final concentration of Proteinase K in the digestion step. c Proteinase K treatment according to manufactures instructions For participants 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 there are no references reporting the protocols used for DNA extractions. Later on are reported the digestion buffer composition for the previously reported participants. 2 Stanta, G. Supplemental Table 2: protocol type, digestion buffer composition for DNA and RNA extraction from FFPE samples for protocols not previously published. DNA Protocola, digestionb Protocol Type 1, 55°C 2h or 37°C 16 h, 1.0 µg/µl Participant 2 Digestion buffer: 1X PCR buffer II (without MgCl2) Applied Biosystems (Cat N° F06312 for 10X stock solution) Protocol Type 1, 55°C 16h, 4.2 µg/µl 3 Digestion buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 1 mM EDTA, 0.2% Tween 20. Protocol Type 1, 56°C 16h, 1.8 µg/µl, followed by Qiagen micro spin columns 11 Digestion Buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.5% Tween 20, 0.5% NP-40, 20 mM DTT. Enzyme inactivation: 5 min @95°C Protocol Type 1, 37°C 16h, 0.2 µg/µl 4 Digestion buffer 100 mM EDTA, 2.5% sarkosyl (Na salt of N-lauroylsarcosine. Protocol Type 2, 55°C 17h, 1.8 µg/µl 6 Digestion buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 1 mM EDTA, 0.5% Tween 20. Protocol Type 2, 37°C 48h, 0.95 µg/µl (only colon sample) 8 Digestion buffer: 1X PCR buffer II (without MgCl2) Applied Biosystems (Cat N° F06312 for 10X stock solution). Enzyme inactivation: 10 min @94°C. RNA Protocola, digestionb Protocol Type 4, ON 56°C, 0.42 µg/µl Participant 4 Buffer composition: 10 Mm Tris-HCl pH8, 1 mM EDTA, 2% SDS. Protocol Type 5, digestion homemade ON 55°C, 0.95 µg/µl 8 Buffer composition: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH8, 20 mM EDTA, 2% SDS a Protocols: type 1, DNA extraction with precipitation of the DNA; type 2, DNA extraction without further precipitation or purification; type 4, homemade protocol for RNA extraction followed by precipitation of the RNA; type 5, RNA extraction with monophasic commercial solutions and isopropanol precipitation b Temperature, time, and final concentration of Proteinase K in the digestion step 3 Stanta, G. Supplemental Table 3: Methods and Results of the used protocols for RNA extraction from FFPE samples Protocol, digestiona,b Lab DNA Yield (g) (A260/280 nm ) Protocol Type 4 [5, 6], 55°C 45h, 6 µg/µl Protocol Type 4 [5, 6], 55°C ON, 6 µg/µl Protocol Type 5, digestion homemade and Trizol 2 5 8 ON, 0.95 µg/µl Protocol Type 5, Prot K digestion in lysis buffer 11 (Biozym) and RNA-BEE (Bioconnect), 56°C ON, colon ovary lung 1 lung 2 16.7 1.5 8.9 9.2 (2.0) (1.73) (1.92) (1.89) 22.2 1.8 6.1 22.2 (1.86) (1.80) (1.94) (1.99) 46.9 1.6 23.0 44.6 (1.85) (1.62) (1.84) (1.89) 30.0 3.6 18.7 37.5 (1.99) (1.75) (1.85) (1.78) 10.3 0.2 3.1 8.2 (1.7) (1.15) (1.58) (1.61) 11.7 4.9 9.3 4.7 (2.0) (1.85) (1.79) (1.87) 61.0 6.6 19.8 24.7 (1.93) (1.78) (1.90) (1.96) 48.4 2.5 39.9 46.4 (1.90) (1.79) (1.99) (1.98) 33.4 4.5 7.3 7.2 (2.0) (1.79) (1.85) (1.87) 60 9.2 40.0 40.0 (--) (1.89) (1.97) (1.99) 1.5 µg/µl Protocol Type 6, Kit-Gentra Purescript RNA 65°C 3 2h Protocol Type 6, Kit-Qiagen RNeasy FFPE and 4c Protocol Type 4 ON 56°C, 0.42 µg/µl Protocol Type 6, Kit Roche High Pure RNA 55°C 6 17h Protocol Type 6, Kit-Qiagen RNeasy FFPE 55°C 7 15’ Protocol Type 6, Kit-Roche High Pure RNA 55°C 9 ON Protocol Type 6, Kit-Qiagen RNeasy FFPE ON 55°C a 12 Protocols: type 4, RNA extraction with phenol extraction and isopropanol precipitation- homemade protocols; type 5, RNA extraction with mono-phase commercial solutions and isopropanol precipitation; type 6, RNA extraction using silica based columns for purification. Citations in brackets. b Time, temperature and final concentration of Proteinase K in the digestion step. ON, over night c This participant used protocol type 6 only for colon cancer sample, as underlined. 4 Stanta, G. Supplemental Table 4: Dependency of RNA yield on tumor tissue and isolation method. RNA yield > 50 µg colon cancer >= 40 µg Participant 8 (homemade Trizol), participant 7 (Kit-Qiagen RNeasy) >= 30 µg Participant 11 (commercial RNAzol), participant 9 (Kit-Roche High Pure RNA) < 30 µg Participant 5 (homemade), participant 2 (homemade), participant 4 (Kit-Qiagen Participant 12 (Kit-Qiagen RNeasy), participant 6 (Kit Roche High Pure) RNeasy FFPE), participant 3 (Kit-Gentra Purescript RNA) RNA lung cancer yield >= 40 µg both samples: Participant 12 (Kit-Qiagen RNeasy), participant 7 (Kit-Qiagen RNeasy) >= 40 µg one sample: Participant 8 (homemade Trizol) >= 20 µg Participant 11 (commercial RNAzol), participant 5 (homemade protocol), participant 6 (Kit Roche High Pure) < 10 µg Participant 2 (homemade Trieste protocol), participant 4 (homemade), participant 9 (Kit-Roche High Pure RNA), participant 3 (Kit-Gentra Purescript RNA) RNA ovarian cancer yield > 9 µg Participant 12 (Kit-Qiagen RNeasy) > 6 µg Participant 6 (Kit Roche High Pure) > 4 µg Participant 4 (home made), participant 9 (Kit-Roche High Pure RNA) < 4 µg Participant 11 (commercial RNAzol), participant 7 (Kit-Qiagen RNeasy), participant 5 (homemade), participant 8 (homemade, Trizol), participant 2 (homemade), participant 3 (Kit-Gentra Purescript RNA) 5 Stanta, G. 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