No major changes in research directions have occurred and we continue to address the original objective of characterizing, quantifying and modeling nutrient-foodweb dynamics of Hg concentrations in sport fish communities of coastal BC lakes and reservoirs. However, we have started to use two of our study lakes to link our results more directly to sport fishing communities. In the original COMERN proposal to NSERC, we proposed to address the following objectives: Nutrient-foodweb processes determining Hg bioaccumulation in plankton and fish. Under this objective we have been addressing the relative importance of energy content and sizes of zooplankton;trophic status and community structure of zooplankton; and feeding and growth characteristics of fish in determining the concentration MeHg and THg in major freshwater sport fish species. However, our first task was to evaluate the level of Hg in fish of BC. We have shown that Hg in fish (50-760 ng/g WW) is as much a health issue in BC as it has been shown for central and eastern provinces. We have created a GIS based map for Hg concentrations in major freshwater sport fish species from 63 lakes in BC and are currently working to develop a fish consumption advisory for BC, which is currently not available. We are quantifying the relative importance of ecosystem productivity, food web structure and feeding niches of different trophic levels and along with the processes of loading, transformation and availability, it will enhance the predictability of Hg levels in fish under variable physical, chemical, biological and climatic conditions of lake ecosystems. Our project has been gathering data from 12 biogeochemically different coastal BC lakes including MeHg concentrations in rainbow, cutthroat, dolly varden and small mouth bass. The following sections describe our progress to date: A. Relationship between MeHg dynamics and energy transfer efficiency in planktonic foodwebs:. As MeHg in zooplankton is mainly derived from diet, it is likely that MeHg accumulation is associated with seasonal dynamics of growth-enhancing energy transfer processes in the planktonic food web. Therefore, identifying the role of the biochemical composition of planktonic diet including diet specific lipid biomarkers is essential to our knowledge about the energetic status of food webs. We examined the relationship between MeHg concentrations and (1) plankton-size dependent dynamics of total lipid and fatty acid concentrations ranging from seston (10-64 µm), micro- (100-200 µm), meso- (200-500 µm), to macro- (>500 µm) zooplankton, and (2) the energetic role of sestonic total lipid and EFA quantity for the energy composition within different zooplankton sizes on a seasonal basis of pristine and used natural lakes as well as of drinking-water reservoirs and collaborate with Mike Paterson’s ELA lakes. Eventually, we hypothesize that the seasonal development of the energetic status and MeHg dynamics in planktonic food webs may predict the rate of MeHg accumulation in fish. On a biomolecular level, we observed significant positive relationships between the growthenhancing fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and MeHg in zooplankton as well as between arachidonic acid (AA) and MeHg (Figures below). This is the first time such relationships have been observed, the implications of which for Hg in fish and consequently humans are not yet clearly understood. The amount of MeHg indicates that somatic growth within the planktonic food web is not restricted by the quantity of MeHg. Another finding that may link effects of MeHg to physiological processes is that MeHg concentrations in the planktonic food web relate significantly to the amount of AA, the precursor of eicosanoid synthesis. Eicosanoids regulate many cell functions and play a crucial role in a variety of physiological processes including regulation of various immune and inflammatory functions. The present dataset derived from field analysis cannot undoubtedly identify the mechanisms or processes associated with higher concentrations of MeHg on AA. More information on such dynamics are needed because (1) the occurrence of AA concentrations is symptomatic of stress induced by levels of MeHg and that (2) sufficient AA uptake may be suppressed at a certain, yet unknown, amount of MeHg in zooplankton and consequently in fish. It should also be noted that EPA and AA also increases significantly with zooplankton body size. Laboratory experiments with cultured zooplankton (likely Daphnia) fed naturally containing AA algae with different levels of MeHg might provide critical insight into MeHg dynamics and concentrations within the planktonic food web, the most important link to Hg in fish. In addition, results of such experiment may also show relationship between MeHg, somatic growth and on the frequency of reproduction. Because we principally measure the effects of MeHg on the occurrence of fatty acids that are essential for good physiological performance in zooplankton and fish, our research will be highly beneficial to the overall COMERN objectives. However, these unique relationships have been observed only for coastal BC lakes with warm monomictic conditions, which should be validated for cold dimictic lakes in other Canadian regions. B. Mercury in sport fish species under variable trophic status and food web structure: Based on our last two years of total Hg analyses sport fish from 65 BC lakes, we found that the concentrations of Hg in sport fish in BC lakes are highly variable among lakes (50-760 ng/gww). These first ever systematic indication that Hg in sport fish species (mostly rainbow, cutthroat, dolly varden and kokanee) show that Hg is as much variable among BC lakes as it has been observed for other regions of Canada and that Hg should also be a concern for BC sport fishers. We have been characterizing, quantifying and modeling the relative importance of 1) the energy content and sizes of zooplankton; 2) the trophic status and community structure of zooplankton; and 3) the feeding and growth characteristics of fish; in determining the high variability of Hg concentrations in selected sport fish species. We are also testing how the patterns observed from non-freezing and monomictic BC lakes compare to that from cold temperate dimictic lakes through collaboration with other COMERN researchers at ELA and NB. Our research focus on the role of nutrient-food web dynamics in determining Hg levels zooplankton and fish stemmed from existing observation of higher MeHg in fish from oligotrophic lakes than in eutrophic lakes may be due to a dilution effect of the algal blooms in eutrophic lakes. MeHg levels in toppredator fish are higher when the food chain is longer. It was showed that the presence of Mysis or forage fish adds a trophic level that increases the MeHg accumulation in the top predators. However, a significant amount of variability in MeHg in fish could not be explained with food web length alone. Existing studies linking zooplankton to Hg in fish have used bulk zooplankton communities as single trophic level, while research by our group has shown that composition of zooplankton can vary substantially among lakes and there are at least two trophic levels within zooplankton communities. More specifically, Daphnia and copepods are often considered to be in the same trophic level; while the copepods are omnivorous, and Daphnia are herbivorous. We have been using stable isotopes of N and C to develop a baseline correction model for temporal and spatial variation in trophic positions among various zooplankton species and to demonstrate show that copepods are almost one trophic level higher than Daphnia. Without this baseline isotope corrections for trophic positions of zooplankton, it very likely to introduce errors in predicting Hg in fish using stable isotope signatures as a surrogate for trophic level. Different feeding regimes may affect the concentration of methylmercury in these groups and fish may accumulate different concentrations of methylmercury depending on the dominance of cladocerans versus copepods in the zooplankton community structure. In communities with smaller bodied zooplankton, the food web is longer and less efficient, which may have significant implications for Hg accumulation in fish. We have been quantifying the role of copepod versus cladoceran dominance in determining the level of Hg in fish of given size, age and trophic position. We will be collecting comparable samples from ELA and NB to test if the patterns observed from warm monomictic lakes in BC are comparable to that observed from cold dimictic lakes. C. MeHg concentrations in fish as a function of growth and trophic position: Using new data from otolith and scale samples of fish from 10 BC lakes and stable N isotopes we have been testing how much of the variability in MeHg in fish is due to i) growth rate alone (in collaboration with Reed Harris); ii) variability in diet composition and growth; and iii) trophic or ontogenetic niche shift and growth. D. Transfer of knowledge to fish-eating communities: We sampled sport-fishing lakes and have access to fishing clubs and its registered members. We will develop a comprehensive database on sport fishing, catch, fish consumption patterns from Shawnigan and Elk, the two of our most popular sport fishing lakes. E. Sediment biogeochemistry of Hg in coastal BC lakes. Our other collaborative research and development with Dr. Kevin Telmer, included the setting up of analytical capabilities, interlaboratory calibration and sediment biogeochemistry of Hg in our study lakes: 1) Determination of the concentrations and masses of mercury being transported by major rivers in the dissolved, particulate and adsorbed phases. 2) Determination of the concentrations of Hg in west coast lake sediments through the Holocene (12,000 year record). Total and labile Hg have been determined for the entire record. Total, labile, pore-water, as well as MeHg concentrations have been determined for the upper 50 cm. 3) Determination of the total volume and mass of lake sediment and Hg contained in the sediment package by sub-bottom seismic profiling. This work also maps the distribution of methane in lake sediments – of probable importance for the remobilization of Hg to the SWI. 4) Determination of lake sediment physical properties important for the potential remobilization of Hg. Permeability and diffusion rate constants are being determined by in-situ experiments using dialysis samplers and fluorescent tracers. 5) Initial lab set-up and method development for the detection of Hg and MeHg by CVAFS-gold trap and ICP-MS in several media including fish, zooplankton, sediments, and waters. 6) Initial lab setup and method development for the detection of DOC, organic carbon, and inorganic carbon inn waters and sediments. 7) Initial lab setup and method development for characterizing DOC species and their associated Hg contents through a combination of HPLC, fraction collection, stable isotope spiking, and ICPMS.