Experiencing Medieval Art & Architecture

Experiencing Medieval Art & Architecture
50 Points
Part One: Experiencing The Cloisters (20 Points)
Attend the 1 hour lecture on Medieval Art & Architecture at the Cloisters and
complete the response sheet once we return to the bus (10 points)
Ask a question, answer a question, or make a comment on your tour. Turn in
your “blue ticket” to the chaperone on your tour at an inconspicuous time: earn 10
points and be entered into a drawing for a fabulous prize.
Part Two: Experiencing The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine (20 Points)
Attend the 1 hour tour of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine and complete the
response sheet (10 points)
Ask a question, answer a question, or make a comment on your tour. Turn in
your “blue ticket” to the chaperone on your tour at an inconspicuous time: earn 10
points and be entered into a drawing for a fabulous prize.
Part Three: Experiencing Egypt, Greece, & Rome at the Met (10 Points)
In your 2 hours at the Met, visit the Egyptian Gallery and the Greek/Roman
Gallery—and then select any other gallery or galleries you would like to explore.
Remember to give yourself time to digest the work you are looking at—take a
seat and look at one work in detail. Complete the response sheet once we return
to the bus.
Researching Medieval Art & Architecture
50 Points
Part One: Researching The Cloisters (20 Points)
 Read the Introduction from The Cloisters : Medieval Art & Architecture and
write a 1 page response. Tell me 5 things that you learned: What surprised
you? What did you find interesting? How does this further your understanding
of Medieval Art? (10 Points)
 Read the Article on The Unicorn Tapestries from The New Yorker (10 Points).
Highlight/annotate as you go indicating the important points. (Link posted on
webpage under The Middle Ages.)
Part Two: Researching Gothic Architecture (30 Points)
 Take the virtual tour of Chartres Cathedral. Spend time exploring each of the
virtual areas listed below. Then, write a very specific response about what you
notice and/or what you learn from each section. Be thoughtful, specific, and
reflective. Please write at least 1 paragraph for each section (7 total paragraphs).
Title of Website: The Virtual Chartres Cathedral
Web Address: =http://www.ithaca.edu/chartres/explore/explore_new.html
Areas in which you need to visit & reflect:
Inside the Cathedral
Outside the Cathedral
The Town
Learn and Reconstruct
Structure and construction
The Town