January 2011 - UNC Chapel Hill Libraries

University History Council (UHC) Minutes, January 10, 2011
Present: Jay Gaidmore (chair), Bob Anthony, Susan Ballinger, John Blythe, David Brown, Kat Butler, Abir
Chatterjee, Jill Coleman, Stephen Fletcher, Missy Julian-Fox, Speed Hallman, Elizabeth Hull, Linda
Jacobson, Eileen McGrath, Tim McMillan, Cecelia Moore, Peggy Myers, Jason Tomberlin. Not present:
Anne Douglas, Wendy Hillis, Judy Panitch, Natasha Smith, Rich Szary, Tim West.
Speaker Ban Plaque: Cecelia reported on the status of this, also called the “free speech marker.”
Background—this idea came about at the request of the Dickson family, who wanted to see the
event marked on campus. The Chancellor’s group proposed a marker along the stone wall on
Franklin, in front of McCorkle Place, right above another marker for the cherry tree class gift.
Cecelia showed the group the proposed text, which is currently a brief sentence about the event and
a list of students involved. David Brown suggested that perhaps the list of students could be placed
on the back of the marker so that more explanation of the event could be put on the marker. Final
text and design has to be approved by the naming and buildings and grounds committees. It will
then go to the Trustees and the town’s historic district commission for approval. The UHC will be
asked to review the text. Jill pointed out that we need to know how much text to determine the
size, and that you can fit more text on a bronze plaque than one fabricated in limestone. Concerns
were raised about placing something on the historic rock walls, as well as the fact that children
sometimes run on these walls. The installation date for this is not yet determined. Action—Cecelia
will send UHC members revised text and designs for review.
ll. Digitization of University history-related materials: Bob reported about the recent work of the
North Carolina Digital Heritage Center. 82 published speeches and lectures through 1923 have been
digitized and are available through the internet archive. They are not yet grouped but are linked to
the catalog record. If anyone has ideas to propose for possible digitization projects for the NCDHC,
let Bob know. Elizabeth reported that more University photos from the P0004 collection are now
digitized and available through the NCCPA homepage.
lll. University History Portal: Elizabeth presented the portal that she created as a course assignment.
The next step is to present a proposal to the Library Technology Council using this sample portal to
show what is possible, and to get their approval and help in moving forward. Other UNC
department sites can be linked from this site. We may ask Jen Riley of CDLA if that department can
provide help with the work.
IV. Historic Sites Taskforce, Geo-coding: This group (Tim M., Anne, Jill, Jay, Wendy) met in November
to look at the map included in the Virtual Museum. (Wendy was going to report today but was not
able to make it to the meeting.) Jill mentioned that she had had some problems getting data from
Facilities. Once the geo-coding process is complete, visitors will be able to pull up information about
longitude and latitude and specifics about the building, including photos, using their smart phone or
computer. Elizabeth added that her students are adding geographical coordinates to metadata on
UNC images for this type of use in the future. Faculty adjunct Becky Dobbs is working on a student
class project about UNC/CH buildings that no longer exist. Ernie Dollar of the Chapel Hill
Preservation Society would provide a list of buildings to start. Jay reported that a small group is
working on a proposal for a Library innovation award-- an online/smart phone tour of Wilson Library
using QR codes.
V. UHC Student Assistant (funding, discussion of potential projects): Jay reported that Bob and Tim W.
agreed to fund a portion of a 10-hour a week student assistant position for the UHC. Please send
project ideas to Jay. Some ideas: finding aids and guides to UNC resources in Wilson Special
Collections, additions to the Virtual Museum, and research in preparation for the anniversary of
WWI on campus.
VI. UNC Buildings Exhibit: Proposed for spring 2012 in Saltarelli and the Gallery. Peggy reported about
a similar exhibit at the University of Chicago. She is excited about this as a development
opportunity. Jay will lead the Saltarelli component, Linda will handle the Gallery. This exhibit could
be broken down into two areas: architecture and the people the buildings are named for.
Tim M. suggested including Town buildings that no longer exist as a way to reach out to Chapel
Hillians. Bob inquired as to the whereabouts of campus building models. Jill suggested contacting
Anna Wu in Facilities. Facilities has drawings of all the buildings and has been scanning them. They
may consider loaning them for the exhibit. John Alcott’s book has sketches. The campus model may
be in Morehead but it isn’t in good condition. It was most likely used during the last master plan
process in the late 1990s.
VII. Jefferson Davis Highway Plaque: Wendy Hillis received a question about this marker. The plaque
was not sponsored by the University, it was most likely installed by the State in the 1940s, so we are
unlikely to have the information as to when it was erected.
VIII. Next Meetings: We will meet four times a year in 2011. The next three will be held in April, July,
and October.
IX. Other business: Susan Ballinger reminded everyone that the Civil War exhibit would open on
February 1. The program in conjunction with the exhibition would be held on March 30. LeeAnn
Whites will be the speaker.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Linda Jacobson, January 11, 2011