AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY/MELLOR ETHNIC CONFLICT NAME___________________________________ ETHNIC CONFLICT SINCE 1947 With one exception Prepare for duplication to your classmates a report on religious and/or ethnic conflict. TOPICS Rwanda: Tutsis v Hutus _____________________ Cyprus: Turks v Greeks, 1974 _____________________ Sudan: Moslem v Christian _____________________ Malaysia: Malay v Chinese _____________________ Nigeria: North v South _____________________ Sri Lanka: Tamil v Sinhalese _____________________ Kenya: Mau Mau uprising _____________________ Turkey: Kurds v Turks _____________________ Lebanon: Christian v Moslem, 1980’s _____________________ Northern Ireland: Catholic v Protestant _____________________ Kashmir: Moslem v Hindu _____________________ Kosovo: Serb v Moslem _____________________ Bosnia: Serb v Moslem _____________________ Chechnya _____________________ Mindanao: Moslem Insurgency _____________________ East Timor Secession, 1999 _____________________ Fiji Islands _____________________ Ethiopia-Eritrea: secession _____________________ Algeria overthrow of French _____________________ Kurdistan _____________________ Ivory Coast _____________________ Mongols v Han Chinese 2010- _____________________ Hindu v Muslim, Indian sub-continent 1948 ___________________ Armenians v Turks 1917 - _____________________ If you are making a presentation you do not write a paper. You will write a paper in the Politics unit If you are NOT making a presentation you must prepare a paper. You will do a presentation in the Politics unit. PRESENTATION You should cover the following: Location of conflict Reason for conflict The parties/groups/involved Geographic factors involved (resources, barriers, demography, etc) Numbers involved (killed, size of groups) Current status and/or resolution Your maps should: Locate the conflict on a world map Locate the conflict on country/region map Provide relevant information to crisis e.g. size of Kurdistan, the split in Nigeria Any other relevant map Requirements: No more than 12 slides No more than 10 words per slide (except cartoons, maps, statistical tables) Presentations should be ten minutes in length – be sure to practice to get in under time limit. On the day following your presentation: Submit notes and other materials. Rubric: There will be a rubric for evaluating the presentations. This will be distributed ahead of the presentations. PAPERS Your written report should run no more than 3pp, before maps. Typed. Papers are due Dec 20th 2011 SOME SOURCES: Alertnet Al Jazeera AI - Amnesty International BBCnews CNN GEES - Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos Global Security HIIK - Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research HRW - Human Rights Watch ICG - International Crisis Group ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross IISS - The International Institute for Strategic Studies IRIN - Integrated Regional Information Networks Le Monde Diplomatique NYTimes Peacereporter Project Ploughshares Reuters SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute USIP united States Institute of Peacee UNPO Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization