Martin Site Provenience Sheets

Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Burial 1
Mortine and Randles 1978:8
Feature Description:
- Circular pit, three feet wide
- One foot and 11 inches below mound floor
- Cobbles as floor prep
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- two femora, two fibulae, two humeri, several bones of the hands and feet, two
vertebrae, nine teeth, one scapula, sternum, one skull fragment
- signs of burning on skull only
2. McGraw cord marked sherd (1)
- unknown position
Note: Possible bundle burial
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Burial 2
Mortine and Randles 1978:8
Feature Description:
- Circular, approximate width three feet
- Two feet and one inch below mound floor
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- skull, six cervical vertebrae, rib fragments, two phalanges, cervical vertebrae in
anatomical order
- chin points west
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Relevant Figures & Plates:
Martin Mound
Burial 3
Mortine and Randles 1978:9-11
Figures 10, 15
Feature Description:
- Inside posthole delimited structure
- Clay burial basin three feet two inches by six feet
- Basin extended 24 inches below floor of charnel house
- Long axis of basin was oriented east-west
- Floor of structure above burial marked with ring of river cobbles (9 feet east-west, 6
feet north-south.
- Inside cobbles was a 14 inch thick lens of dark earth that had been subjected to heat
- The center of the burnt area had been removed and replaced with 2 inch layer of
pebbles, and then a 12 inch layer of river cobbles.
- Two large stones placed above pelvic bones and lumbar vertebrae of skeleton
- large stone (granitic glacial erratic): 76 pounds, 9 x 10 x 14 inches
- small stone (dense sandstone): nine pounds
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- extended
- head east
2. Copper fishhook-shaped item (1)
- against left side of skull, above external auditory meatus
3. Points (2)
- one at left knee
- one in soil above burial
4. Sherds (74)
- one sherd, rocker stamped
- unknown position
5. Two-hole copper gorget (1) – (figure 10)
- on forehead
- shaped just like a copper breastplate, but much smaller
6. Platform pipe – (figure 10)
- plain
- three inches left of forehead, same level as middle of skull, several inches above
basin bottom
7. Two-hole slate gorget (1)
- black
- in right hand
8. Beaver maxilla
- near right wrist
9. Drilled bear canines (7) – (figure 15)
- with associated cache
- ten inches from right knee at north edge of basin
10. Bear canine with copper hemisphere insert (1)
- with associated cache
- ten inches from right knee at north edge of basin
11. Split bird bone awls (42)
- associated cache
- ten inches from right knee at north edge of basin
- laid out fan-like with tips all in same direction
12. Sandstone abrading stones (6)
- five rectangular, one with rounded corners
- perhaps used to sharpen the awls
- with associated cache
- ten inches from right knee at north edge of basin
13. Prismatic blades (26)
- associated cache
- ten inches from right knee at north edge of basin
- 19 are from multicolored Flint Ridge material
- 7 are from Upper Mercer gray flint
- show little evidence of use, and probably struck from just 3 – 4 cores
14. Freshwater mussel shell (1)
- with associated cache
- ten inches from right knee at north edge of basin
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- possibly used as a spoon
15. Copper beads (30)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- many fused together
16. Turtle shell (fragments)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- 1 piece perforated
17. Drilled small animal canines (22)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- evidence of burning
18. Bird bones (2)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- probably intended for making bone beads
19. Tubular bone beads (6)
20. Imitation bear canines in bone (4)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- incised and drilled
- made from split bones
21. Freshwater mussel shells (6)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- stacked atop one another
22. Antler tine flint working tool (1)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
23. Bone pin or skewer (1)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
- incised
24. Deer bone awl (1)
- associated cache above burial in fired area
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Burial 4
Mortine and Randles 1978:12-13
Feature Description:
- Interruption of a ring of cobbles above Burial 3
- Inside charnel house structure
- Small, shallow, ovate basin
- 36 inches east-west, 18 inches north-south, six inches deep
1. Trophy skull
- two cervical vertebrae associated
- on left side, face east
2. Pottery vessel (1)
- grit tempered and cord marked with tetrapodal supports
- just north of skull
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Burial 5
Mortine and Randles 1978:12-13
Feature Description:
- Circular, 12 to 14 inch deep by four feet diameter, sub-floor pit
- Inside charnel house structure
1. Cremated human remains (1)
- two to three inches of soil above cremation
- five to six inches of river cobbles above soil
- cremated elsewhere and redeposited
2. Flint bifaces or blanks (3)
- two found in fill above burial
- one broken found on top of cremation
3. Freshwater mussel shells
- fragmentary
- unknown position
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Burial 6
Mortine and Randles 1978:13
Feature Description:
- Shallow basin extending slightly below the floor
- In southwest corner of charnel house
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- extended
- head points east, legs point west
- “body was encased in a layer of clay”
- badly deteriorated skeleton
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Burial 7
Mortine and Randles 1978:14
Feature Description:
- Sub-floor feature
- Rectangular, four feet north-south by three feet east-west
- 1.5 feet deep
- Just inside west wall of charnel house
- Small mound of river cobbles was erected over the feature
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- flexed
- mound of river cobbles, eight feet north-south by six feet east-west, above burial
2. Mica fragments
- in two burnt areas just south of burial
3. Copper bead (1)
- found in cobbles above burial
4. Prismatic blades (10)
- in soil at south edge of cobbles above burial
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Ferdon Burial 1
Coshocton Tribune, July 26, 1931
Feature Description:
- Near the mound center
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- inhumation
- head to south
- extended skeleton
Note: Either Burial 1 or Burial 2 is female. The other is male. The female was wrapped
in bark.
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Ferdon Burial 2
Coshocton Tribune, July 26, 1931
Feature Description:
- Just north of Burial 1
1. Human skeleton remains (1)
- inhumation
- head to south
- slightly twisted
Note: Either Burial 1 or Burial 2 is female. The other is male. The female was wrapped
in bark.
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Ferdon Burial 3
Coshocton Tribune, Aug 2, 1931
Feature Description: No information given.
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
2. Pearl necklace
- about neck
Provenience Type:
Burials in Same Grave:
Primary Source:
Martin Mound
Ferdon Burial 4
Coshocton Tribune, August 21, 1931
Feature Description: No information given.
1. Human skeletal remains (1)
- bundle burial
2. Copper earspools
- unknown position
3. Other copper artifacts
- unknown position
4. Small piece of mica (1)
- unknown position