1 A Dynamic, Context-Aware Security Infrastructure for Distributed Healthcare Applications Junzhe Hu and Alfred C. Weaver Department of Computer Science University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22904 Abstract The rapid worldwide deployment of the Internet and Web is the enabler of a new generation of ehealthcare applications, but the provision of a security architecture that can ensure the privacy and security of sensitive healthcare data is still an open question. Mostly built on basic static RBAC model, current solutions to this problem are application dependent and not sufficient to address all those intricate security requirements of healthcare applications. Ideally, healthcare industry requires flexible on-demand authentication, extensible context-aware access control, and dynamic authorization enforcement. With on-demand authentication, users only need to get authenticated according to task-specific situation. And extensible context-aware access control can enable administrators to specify more precise and fine-grain authorization polices for any kinds of applications. At last, dynamic authorization enforcement can make authorization decision dynamically based on runtime parameters rather than only roles which users are playing. Motivated by above points, in this paper we describe a dynamic, context-aware security infrastructure that can fulfill those security requirements of healthcare applications and can also be easily adapted to offer security supports to other similar enterprise applications. 1. Introduction Many industries are extending their business operations to operate over the Web, and healthcare is no exception. Although most healthcare participants (e.g., hospitals, private physicians, insurance companies, pharmacies) already implement some type of computerized system to manage their business data, their implementations tend to be proprietary and interact loosely or not at all. A more integrated system that crosses the various healthcare boundaries would clearly be an advantage to the patient; imagine the economy of effort for the patient if he or she could schedule an appointment, retrieve the results of a diagnostic test, refill a prescription, and file an insurance claim from a single, integrated portal, rather than making four separate logins on four separate websites to conduct four separate transactions with four different entities. A web services approach has the potential to enable this single-portal scenario, but only if we can assure the privacy and security of patient data throughout the medical enterprise. To do that, we must first understand the security requirements of modern healthcare. First, given the privacy and security requirements of the recent Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [21], healthcare services are turning to stronger authentication methods. Biometric methods (e.g., fingerprints, iris scans, signature and voice recognition) and non-biometric digital techniques (e.g., e-tokens, RFID, key fobs) are rapidly replacing passwords for authentication purposes. A practical and usable system must accommodate a range of identification technologies and their associated trust levels; see section 3 for details. For instance, hospital administration should be able to create access policies such as these: access to purely public data requires no authentication at all (e.g., browsing the hospital’s website); patients may access their own records using a password; physicians may access their own patient data with a password but a fingerprint is required to append new data; medical records employees are required to authenticate with an iris scan to delete any items from a patient record. In our system, it is also reasonable to let user perform an operation with the minimum permission. For example, an administrator can login with the password to view some security data at the beginning. And our system will ask for some higher level authentication when later he/she wants to execute some more restricted operations, such as delete medical record. Otherwise, this administrator may make some dangerous actions without intention. In addition, from a generic view, user’s fingerprint, iris and etc are also personal privacies that need to be protected, just like credit card numbers. Users want to get granted permissions with providing credential information as least as they can. Therefore, above authentication style, which we call on-demand authentication, will benefit both sides (users and system) of an application. Our security framework 2 can support multiple authentication technologies and on-demand authentication based on trust-level. Second, even within a single medical enterprise there can be an enormous variety of applications that require making complex access control decisions. For example, in our medical center, a medical student can not view a patient’s data unless that access is authorized by the patient’s attending physician. In the pre-computer era, access control was simple and binary – either the physician did or did not give the paper records to the student for review. In today’s computerized environment, such access is typically controlled by some form of role-based access control (RBAC), whose main idea is to characterize users (e.g., John Smith) by their roles (e.g., doctor), and then assign permissions to roles rather than to individuals as shown in figure 1. Assigned Users Granted Roles Permissions Figure 1. Role-Based Access Control . However, even in our simple example above, RBAC is not sufficiently powerful to enforce the concept of a context-dependent constraint—namely that a particular individual, acting in his/her role as a medical student, is to be given access permission if and only if the patient’s attending physician approves. This extension to RBAC is known as context-based access control (CBAC), whose core idea is to associate context-related constraints with every component of the RBAC model (see figure 2 [2]) Figure 2.Context-Based RBAC Model Although CBAC helps the security infrastructure to be aware of contextual information, there are still two defections need to be eliminated. For the first, current CBAC implementation is application dependent, which means it only addresses the specific context parameters related to a particular application. For example, some application may only focus on environment contexts, such as time and location, while another application may rely on contextual information like bank balance and credit history. So, it is very hard to extend existing CBAC model to apply arbitrary context related constraints in an application. But our proposed extensible context aware access control schema is available for any kind of application to use. For the second, there is no common specification to express context aware access control polices, which means CBAC in different applications is speaking different languages. While nowadays healthcare providers prefer a federated and trust distributed environment to help their systems interacting seamless together, which requires security framework in every party can talk to each other. So, we propose our context aware access control schema upon XML based WS-Policy specification, which could give CBAC another powerful support to be extended to any applications. Third, the security requirements in our healthcare systems require very dynamic and flexible policy enforcement. Not only are there many intricate userdata relationship we could define when we design the security framework, there are also many unexpected emergency cases that are impossible to be predicated. It is worthless to protect one patient’s medical data very securely while he is going to die if the physician can’t access those crucial data in an emergency. In current CBAC models, policy enforcement part is totally statically hard-coded within the application implementation, and thus is not easy to change. But in our proposed security infrastructure, the policy enforcement mechanism is constructed in web service mode, which is easy to be deployed and separated from policy definition. So the application designer need not know what access policies will be used at application coding time; our infrastructure will simply enforce at run-time whatever policies are currently specified by administrators without any extra cost. Motivated by the above requirements, this paper proposes a dynamic, context-aware security infrastructure for distributed healthcare applications. It offers system administrators the ability to specify context-aware policies, enforce arbitrary policies dynamically, and secure the target systems in an ondemand mode. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 examines the previously published work related to RBAC and CBAC. The overall architecture and components of our security infrastructure are presented in section 3. Section 4 provides implementation details. A description of how this model has been applied to our prototype distributed healthcare system is given in section 5. Finally, section 6 reviews our conclusions. 2. Related Work Role-based access control is presented in Sandhu et al.’s seminal paper [15] where the main RBAC components (users, roles, permissions, sessions) are 3 systematically addressed. Using this model, efficiency is gained by associating permissions with roles rather than users. This model greatly simplifies security management for administrators, and many complex security policies can be applied easily. Bertino et al. [16] presents Temporal-RBAC which supports periodic role enabling and disabling and temporal dependencies among permissions by introducing time into the access control infrastructure. Covington et al. [3] extends the model beyond time by introducing location and system status as constraints. Moyer and Ahamad propose generalized RBAC in [17]; GRBAC leverages and extends the power of traditional RBAC by incorporating subject roles, object roles, and environment roles into access control decisions. Georgiadis and Mavridis [4] and Wang [5] both present a team-based access control model that is aware of contextual information associated with activities in applications. Kumar et al. [2] summarizes previous work and formally proposes a context-sensitive RBAC model. Their model enables traditional RBAC to enforce more complicated security policies that are dependent on the context of an attempted operation; however, this model does not provide a mechanism for automatically merging new context types into existing access policies, which limits its application in distributed scenarios. McDaniel [1] gives a more generic view of contexts, suggesting that a context should be defined by its implementation. Neumann and Strembeck [6] and Lei et al. [7] also discuss some research issues in contextrelated security applications. Meanwhile, approaches to applying the RBAC model to applications distributed over the Internet have also been proposed. Taylor and Murty [12] and Joshi et al. [14] describe a security model for authentication and access in distributed systems, while Kang et al. [11] addresses how to separate inter-organizational workflow from concrete organizational-level security enforcement; however, none of these give much consideration to integrating context data with their models. Bonatti and Samarati [13] propose an approach for regulating service access and information disclosure on the Web, which can be adopted in our system when equivalent organizations all have independent access control infrastructures. There are also some papers on security issues in distributed healthcare systems. Weaver et al. [8,22] propose a federated, secure trust network for distributed healthcare systems, which is the motivation for this paper. Zhang et al. [10] presents a delegation framework that can be used within the security framework of healthcare applications. Wilikens et al. [9] discusses how to apply CBAC to healthcare, but the model is static and not able to handle arbitrary context-dependent authorization policies. 3. Dynamic, Context-Aware Security Framework 3.1 On-demand Authentication The protection of medical records is motivated in part by the new HIPAA [21] regulations that provide for fines as high as $250,000 for the unauthorized release of protected medical data. Authentication is the first step to restrict access to sensitive patients’ medical records. Our university hospital intends to incorporate some more secure biometric technologies into the healthcare system to improve its security strength, for the reason that biometric credential is hard to be stolen, faked and forgotten. These biometric technologies include fingerprints, iris scans, signature and voice recognition. Usually, iris is regarded as the most secure authentication method among all above four options, so it’s natural for system administrators to specify that most restricted operations, such as delete patients’ medical records, require most secure authentication technology, i.e. iris scan. But a user can still login with password at first to do ordinary work, and later in case he wants to perform some highly restricted operations that require more secure authentication, he will be demanded to provide that kind of credential information by our system. Without on-demand authentication, users will get full permissions even they don’t actually need them at all, which may cause unintended destruction to the whole system. According to above on-demand authentication idea, in our system, each authentication technology is assigned a trust level T() based upon its perceived reliability. In the abstract, these trust levels are ordered based upon the number of degrees of freedom inherent to the underlying identification technology. For example, there is general agreement [23] that T(retina) > T(iris) > T(fingerprint) > T(password). However, in practice, the trust level of any particular product must be determined by experimentation to quantify its false acceptance and false rejection rates (the false acceptance rate is the percentage of authentication attempts by a person other than the enrolled individual which are nevertheless successful; the false rejection rate is the percentage of authentication attempts by the enrolled individual which are nevertheless rejected). In our system, hospital administration defines the trust level of each identification technology based upon its 4 general perception of reliability, its manufacturer’s data on false acceptance and false rejection rates, and our own experimental evidence from testing the devices in our lab. The numerical values assigned to the trust levels T() are arbitrary; it is their relative ordering that is important because administrators want to issue a rule such as “access requires authentication at the level of T(fingerprint) or higher.” In this section, we introduce the formal definition of our context aware access control schema. At first, here are several terms that are used to describe the concepts proposed in our schema: 3.2 Context-Aware Access Control Data Type: A data type is a group of data objects with the same attributes. For instance, all patients’ prescriptions in a hospital compose a data type of “Prescription”. More general, a couple of data types can combined together to define a complex data type, such as patient medical record is composed of “Diagnosis”, “Prescription”, “Clinical Note”, “Demographic” and etc. Healthcare systems have complex access rules because of the many actors in the system and their interlocking access privileges. And most of these rules have to be context aware. A practical healthcare IT system must support hundreds or thousands of users, roles, objects, and permissions. A system must be capable of representing a wide variety of access rules. Some examples: An attending physician may view and append data to any record. A medical fellow, resident, or student may view a given patient’s record only if the patient’s attending physician has given permission to do so. A patient may see all of his own medical record, except his psychological profile. Technologists can view and input data related to their own specialty, but not to other specialties. For instance, an ultrasound technologist in cardiology has access to cardiology data but not to ultrasound examinations originating from internal medicine. Any M.D. may write a prescription for a patient, but it must first be approved by the patient’s attending physician. Dr. Smith is the attending physician for Mr. Jones, but while Dr. Smith is on vacation his permissions are temporarily exported to his oncall replacement, whoever that might be at the time of the call. Ms. Knight’s mammogram can be interpreted by any radiologist who is a board-certified mammographer. To further complicate matters, we must also allow for exceptions during times of crisis such as public health emergencies; HIPAA permits access to patient data if the patient’s life is in jeopardy. 3.2.1 Context-Aware Access Control Schema Data Object: A data object is the smallest unit to be accessed and protected in an application. For example, one prescription, diagnosis and clinical note are all typical data object in healthcare applications. Data Set: Data set is the set of all data object of an application. User Set: User set the set of potential entities that will access the data objects in the data set of an application. Definition 1 (Context Type): A context type is defined as a property related to every participant in an application when it is running. In simple cases, context type may be a concrete property familiar in everyday life, such as time or location. In a more complex scenario, context type can also be used to describe an abstract concept such as authentication trust level that we discussed in previous section. Based on context type, every application has its own Context Set, which is defined as a set of context type: CS = {CT1, CT2 … CTn}, 1in, By analyzing the system security requirements, application designers determine which context types will be used to specify access. For example, suppose we have a security requirement saying attending physician can only access data of patients who are currently under his/her attendance. From this requirement, we need a concept to describe if there is an attending relation between physician A and patient B, so we define a context type “Attending Relation”. Although context set is made up before the application implementation, system administrator is still able to define new ones into context set. In order to make abstract concept context type usable when authorization decision needs to be made, it is necessary to have context type evaluated by some Context Implementation. A context implementation 5 of context type CT is defined as a function with n inputs and gets value of CT. CI: CT1 CT2 … CTn CT, where n 0 From above definition, we know there are some context types could be evaluated without any inputs, such as time and location. While the “Attending Relation” context type needs to be evaluated by two other context type, “Physician” and “Patient”. framework is now aware of context information to make authorization decision. The format for this type of policy is shown in figure 3. Definition 2 (Context Constraint): we define a context constraint as a regular expression. Based on this format, our access control schema is capable of specifying any complex context related constraint to describe all kinds of security requirements. Context Constraint:=Clause1Clause2 …Clausei Clause:= Condition1Condition2 … Conditionj Condition:= <CT> <OP> <VALUE>, where CT CS; OP is a logical operator in set {>, ,,,,=} and this set can be extended to accommodate user-defined operators as well; VALUE is a specific value of CT. Suppose we have a context set CS = {Time, Location, Authentication Level}, and we have a security rule like “physician can access patients’ medical data before 5:00pm and in the hospital or he always gets access if login with any authentication method higher than password”. Then we can define such kind context constraint like following. (In this constraint, “in” is a user-defined logical operator and “hospital” is a valid value of context type Location.) Context Constraint: = (Time < 5:00pm Location in hospital) (Authentication Level > T(password)) Definition 3 (Authorization Policy): We define an authorization policy as a triple, AP = (S, P, C) where S: is the subject in this policy, which could be a user or a role. P: is the permission in this policy, which is defined as a pair <M, O>, where M is operation mode defined in {READ, APPEND, DELETE, UPDATE} and O is a data object or data type. C: is a context constraint in this policy. In our schema, C could be empty in which case our access control goes back to traditional RBAC. In the conventional RBAC model, a typical authorization policy only specifies the relationship between subject S and permission P, like “role R has permission P.” By attaching a context constraint to original RBAC authorization policy, as “role R has permission P given constraint C”, our security Figure 3. RBAC with Constraints Definition 4 (Data Access): We define data access as a triple, DA = (U, P, RC) where U: is a user in User Set who issues this data access. P: is the permission this user wants to acquire. RC: is a set of values for every context type in Context Set. That is RC = {v1 of CT1, v2 of CT2, … vn of CTn}, where {CT1, CT2, … CTn} is context set CS of the application. A data access DA (U, P, RC) gets granted only if there exists an authorization policy AP (S, P, C), such that U S and P = P and C is evaluated as true under RC Based upon the context type and its implementation, the process to determine whether a data access is authorized is: 1) Retrieve all authorization policies that should be applied to the current data access, based on U and P. 2) For each policy, extract the context constraint associated with it. 3) For each clause in the constraint, first evaluate each context type via its implementation, then return that value to the predicate, and finally evaluate the context condition (Boolean). 4) Compute the Boolean result of all context conditions to determine whether the access policy is satisfied. 5) If all the access policies are satisfied, data access is authorized, otherwise it is denied.